भाजपा ने वरुण गांधी को सुधार गृह में भेज दिया है #EP1767 #apkaakhbar #varungandhi

Apka Akhbar
26 Mar 202413:38

TLDRThe transcript discusses the political career of Varun Gandhi, a prominent figure in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India. It highlights his past actions, the party's stance towards him, and his potential future within the political landscape. The narrative touches upon his exclusion from the party's parliamentary group, his disagreements with the party's policies, and the speculation around his possible shift to another political party. The script emphasizes the importance of introspection and change for Varun Gandhi to revive his political prospects, especially in light of the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections.


  • 📢 The discussion revolves around Varun Gandhi, a prominent Indian politician and his political journey within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
  • 🎥 The speaker mentions a video they made about Varun Gandhi, predicting he would not be given a ticket to contest in the upcoming elections due to his critical stance against the party.
  • 📞 Varun Gandhi reportedly called the speaker after the video, using strong language to deny any misunderstanding and asserting that he would receive a ticket.
  • 🚀 The conversation highlights Varun Gandhi's past as the National General Secretary of the BJP and his subsequent fall from grace within the party hierarchy.
  • 🤝 The speaker discusses the support Varun Gandhi received from his mother, Menaka Gandhi, in his political endeavors, including her statement endorsing his capability to be the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.
  • 🔄 The script touches on the BJP's internal politics, including how the party has dealt with dissent and the treatment of Varun Gandhi as an example of this.
  • 🤔 The speaker speculates on Varun Gandhi's political future, suggesting that the doors of politics may be closing for him, especially with the 2024 Lok Sabha elections approaching.
  • 🌟 The speaker notes the challenges faced by political dynasts like Varun Gandhi, who may not be as effective as other politicians due to their lineage and the expectations that come with it.
  • 📉 The script also mentions Varun Gandhi's critical stance on various government policies and his public disagreements with the BJP, which may have contributed to his current situation within the party.
  • 🔄 The speaker reflects on the possibility of Varun Gandhi's rehabilitation within the BJP, contingent on his willingness to change his stance and behavior.
  • 🌐 The discussion ends with the speaker encouraging viewers to watch the channel, share it, like it, and subscribe, indicating the end of the conversation.

Q & A

  • Who is the main subject of the discussed video?

    -The main subject of the discussed video is Varun Gandhi, a politician from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

  • What was the initial expectation regarding Varun Gandhi's ticket for the elections?

    -The initial expectation was that Varun Gandhi would not be given a ticket for the elections by his party due to his recent statements and actions against the party's stance.

  • What was Varun Gandhi's reaction to the speculation about his ticket?

    -Varun Gandhi called the person who made the video and expressed his anger, stating that the speculation about him not getting a ticket was a misunderstanding and that he would get the ticket as it usually happens.

  • What does the term 'tactical entitalment' refer to in the context of the script?

    -In the context of the script, 'tactical entitalment' refers to the typical reaction of a political party when a member speaks against the party line or criticizes its policies and decisions.

  • What happened to Varun Gandhi after his disagreement with the party?

    -After his disagreement with the party, Varun Gandhi was removed from the National Executive of the BJP and was not officially reprimanded but was given a clear signal that he was not welcome in the parliamentary party meetings.

  • What was Varun Gandhi's political role before the events discussed in the script?

    -Before the events discussed in the script, Varun Gandhi served as the National General Secretary of the BJP.

  • What was Varun Gandhi's mother's stance on his political prospects?

    -Varun Gandhi's mother, Menaka Gandhi, expressed her belief in her son's capabilities and potential to become the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, showing her support for his political ambitions.

  • What is the significance of Varun Gandhi's actions and statements against the government and party policies?

    -Varun Gandhi's actions and statements against the government and party policies showed his disagreement with the direction the party was taking, which led to his estrangement from the party's mainstream.

  • What is the implication of Varun Gandhi's potential lack of a political future?

    -The implication of Varun Gandhi's potential lack of a political future is that he may not have the opportunity to continue his political career or make a comeback in the BJP or any other major political party.

  • What is the advice given to Varun Gandhi for his political rehabilitation?

    -The advice given to Varun Gandhi for his political rehabilitation is to reflect on his actions, improve his behavior, and align his views and actions with the party's stance to potentially regain its trust and support.



📢 Political Dynamics within BJP: Varun Gandhi's Struggles

This paragraph discusses the political struggles of Varun Gandhi within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). It highlights his initial confidence of receiving a ticket to contest in the elections, based on his contributions and efforts for the party. However, his expectations were met with disappointment as the party chose not to field him, leading to a confrontational phone call with the speaker. The paragraph also touches upon Varun Gandhi's past attempts to establish himself politically, including his efforts to become the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and his subsequent marginalization within the party. It mentions the party's internal dynamics, including the support Varun received from his mother, Menaka Gandhi, and the BJP's stance on his political future. The narrative concludes with Varun Gandhi's continued hope for a political comeback, despite the odds.


🎭 The Political Future of Varun Gandhi: Challenges and Prospects

This paragraph delves into the political future of Varun Gandhi, emphasizing the challenges he faces within the BJP and the prospects of his political rehabilitation. It discusses the party's decision to send him to the improvement cell, indicating a potential for change and a second chance, contingent on his willingness to alter his stance and behavior. The summary also explores the impact of Varun Gandhi's political lineage and his mother's influence on his career. It contrasts his situation with other political dynasties and the treatment of independent politicians within the party. Furthermore, the paragraph speculates on the possibility of Varun Gandhi joining the Indian National Congress, considering the differences in political ideologies and the potential challenges he would face in doing so. The narrative concludes by highlighting the uncertainty of Varun Gandhi's political future, especially in the context of the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. It suggests that his prospects are largely dependent on his ability to adapt and the opportunities that may arise from the BJP's internal politics and the broader political landscape.


🌟 Varun Gandhi's Legacy and the Search for Political Relevance

This paragraph reflects on Varun Gandhi's political legacy and his quest for relevance within the BJP and Indian politics at large. It acknowledges the contributions he has made over the years, including his election victories in the Lok Sabha, and the support he has garnered from his family and political lineage. The summary also addresses the limitations of Varun Gandhi's political appeal, noting that his lack of a strong independent identity and controversial statements have hindered his progress. It contrasts his situation with other politicians who have managed to rehabilitate themselves within the party and suggests that Varun Gandhi's future may depend on his ability to demonstrate introspection and reform. The paragraph concludes by emphasizing the importance of self-improvement and adaptability in politics. It suggests that Varun Gandhi's political future will ultimately be determined by his willingness to embrace change and the opportunities that present themselves in the coming years, particularly in the context of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and beyond.



💡Varun Gandhi

Varun Gandhi is a central figure in the script, mentioned as a politician from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He is discussed in the context of his political career, his relationship with the party, and the challenges he faces in maintaining his position and influence within the party. The script discusses his potential exclusion from receiving a ticket to contest in the upcoming elections and his mother's support for his political aspirations.

💡Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

The BJP is the political party to which Varun Gandhi belongs. It is portrayed as a party with a structured hierarchy and decision-making process, especially regarding the selection of candidates for elections. The script highlights the internal dynamics of the party and how it manages dissent and discipline among its members.


Elections are a recurring theme in the script, referring to the political process through which political candidates, including Varun Gandhi, seek to secure a position in the Lok Sabha or other legislative bodies. The script discusses the challenges faced by candidates in obtaining tickets to contest and the strategies they employ to maintain their political careers.

💡Political Ticket

A political ticket refers to the official authorization given by a political party to a candidate, allowing them to run for office in an election. In the context of the script, Varun Gandhi's potential exclusion from receiving a ticket signifies a setback in his political career and reflects the internal politics and decision-making within the BJP.

💡Internal Politics

Internal politics refers to the dynamics, power struggles, and decision-making processes within a political party. The script highlights the complexities of the BJP's internal politics, including how dissent is managed and how party discipline is maintained, especially in relation to Varun Gandhi's situation.


Dissent refers to the expression of disagreement or opposition within a group, often in a political context. In the script, Varun Gandhi's dissent is characterized by his public criticism of the BJP and its policies, which leads to tensions within the party and impacts his political standing.

💡Political Career

A political career refers to the professional life of an individual within the realm of politics, including their positions, achievements, and challenges. The script explores Varun Gandhi's political career, focusing on his role in the BJP, his contributions, and the obstacles he faces in maintaining his position within the party.

💡Party Discipline

Party discipline refers to the adherence of party members to the rules, policies, and decisions set by their political party. It is a crucial aspect of political parties' functioning and is often enforced to maintain unity and prevent public dissent. In the script, Varun Gandhi's actions are contrasted with the expected party discipline, leading to consequences within the BJP.


Rehabilitation in a political context refers to the process of restoring a politician's reputation, influence, or position within their party after a period of disfavor or controversy. The script suggests that Varun Gandhi may have an opportunity for rehabilitation within the BJP if he makes certain changes in his behavior and aligns with the party's expectations.

💡Political Dynasties

Political dynasties refer to families that have a significant and often hereditary presence in politics. The script touches on the influence of political dynasties, particularly the Gandhi family, in Indian politics and the challenges faced by individuals like Varun Gandhi in establishing their own political identity and success.

💡Public Criticism

Public criticism involves expressing disapproval or dissent towards a person, policy, or institution in an open and accessible manner. In the script, Varun Gandhi's public criticism of the BJP and its government is highlighted as a significant factor that impacts his relationship with the party and his political future.


Pratibha Singh, a Member of Parliament from the Bharatiya Janata Party, discusses Varun Gandhi's political situation and his exclusion from the party ticket.

Varun Gandhi's political stance and his speeches have led to a strained relationship with his party, the Bharatiya Janata Party.

The party's decision to not field Varun Gandhi in the elections is seen as a reaction to his critical statements against the party's policies and leadership.

Varun Gandhi's phone call to Pratibha Singh after a video where he criticized the party's decision not to give him a ticket, showing his frustration and the party's firm stance.

The discussion around Varun Gandhi's potential as a Chief Ministerial candidate for Uttar Pradesh and the party's internal dynamics.

The influence of the Gandhi family and their political legacy within the Indian National Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party.

The contrasting political trajectories of Varun Gandhi and his mother, Menaka Gandhi, and how the party has managed their tickets differently.

The impact of Varun Gandhi's public criticism of the government's economic policies and his dissent on various issues.

The political dynamics within the Bharatiya Janata Party, highlighting how the party deals with dissent and the role of loyalty and discipline.

The potential for Varun Gandhi to realign his political ideology and the implications of such a change on his future within the party.

The challenges faced by political dynasts in terms of public perception and expectations versus their actual contributions and capabilities.

The discussion on Varun Gandhi's potential move to the Indian National Congress and the speculation around his political future.

The importance of introspection and the willingness to change in politics, as exemplified by the potential need for Varun Gandhi to reassess his political strategy.

The potential consequences of Varun Gandhi's political actions and the impact on his career, emphasizing the importance of aligning with the party's ideology.

The discussion on the role of political parties in shaping the careers of individuals and the importance of party loyalty in Indian politics.

The potential for Varun Gandhi's rehabilitation within the party and the conditions under which the Bharatiya Janata Party might consider giving him another opportunity.

The conclusion that Varun Gandhi's political future is uncertain and depends on his willingness to adapt and align with the party's expectations.