100% Offline ChatGPT Alternative?

Rob Mulla
30 Jun 202316:01

TLDRDiscover how to run an open-source, offline chatbot using H2O GPT, a powerful and customizable alternative to online models. Learn about its capabilities, such as linking to local files and fine-tuning for specific tasks, and why open-source models are significant for privacy, customization, and transparency.


  • 🌐 The chatbot discussed is fully offline, running on a local machine without internet access.
  • 🔗 It can access and utilize local files to enhance its responses, providing a personalized experience.
  • 📜 The model is open source, meaning its training code, data, and model weights are freely available for use, even for commercial applications.
  • 🎥 The presenter works at H2O and advocates for H2O GPT as one of the best open source chatbot models.
  • 🔍 The video provides a guide on setting up the chatbot locally, emphasizing the importance of open source for large language models.
  • 🔗 Links to test the chatbot online are provided in the video description before downloading and local setup.
  • 📚 The H2O GPT GitHub repository is introduced, highlighting its features like 100% privacy, open source nature, and the link to the H2O GPT paper.
  • 🛠️ The process of selecting and running different GPT models on Hugging Face is discussed, including the naming convention and model information.
  • 💻 Instructions for installing H2O GPT on various operating systems are given, with emphasis on the need for a GPU to run larger models.
  • 📊 The script outlines the steps for installing necessary packages and testing the model, including handling larger models with limited GPU memory.
  • 🎨 The video showcases the chatbot's graphical interface and its ability to load custom data for improved responses.
  • 🔑 Key reasons for using open source large language models include privacy, customization, control, and transparency.

Q & A

  • How is the chatbot running without an internet connection?

    -The chatbot is running 100% offline on the user's local machine, utilizing local files and resources without the need for internet connectivity.

  • What does it mean when the chatbot is open source?

    -Being open source means that the code, training data, and model weights are freely available for anyone to download and use, even for commercial applications.

  • Why is using H2O GPT as the open source Python library significant?

    -H2O GPT is considered one of the best open source chatbot models available. It allows for fine-tuning on specific tasks and provides transparency in the data used for training.

  • What are the benefits of using open source large language models?

    -Open source models offer rapid development, customization, privacy, and transparency. They allow users to keep their data secure, fine-tune the model for specific tasks, and understand the training data and methods used.

  • How can one test the chatbot before downloading and installing it?

    -The video description provides links to interfaces similar to the one used for running the models locally, where users can interact with the chatbot and see its responses.

  • What is the difference between the Falcon 7 billion parameter model and the 40 billion parameter model?

    -The main difference is the number of parameters, with the 40 billion parameter model being larger and requiring more GPU memory. The 7 billion parameter model is more suitable for machines with less GPU capacity.

  • How does one install H2O GPT on different operating systems?

    -The H2O GPT GitHub repository provides instructions for installation on various operating systems, including Mac, Windows, and Ubuntu.

  • Why is a GPU necessary for running larger models?

    -Larger models require more computational power and memory, which a GPU provides. It allows for efficient processing of the complex calculations needed for the model to function.

  • What is the purpose of the 'load 8-bit version' argument in the generate call?

    -This argument allows the model to load into GPU memory more efficiently by using a quantized version of the model, which may reduce the memory footprint but could potentially impact the quality of responses.

  • How does the chatbot integrate local data files to improve responses?

    -The chatbot can use a feature called Lane chain to import and utilize local data sets, which helps it provide more accurate and relevant answers to user queries.

  • What are the potential downsides of using an 8-bit or 4-bit quantization for models?

    -While quantization can reduce the memory usage and allow larger models to fit in smaller GPU memories, it may lead to a decrease in the quality and accuracy of the model's responses.



🌐 Running an Open Source Chatbot Locally

The paragraph discusses the process of running an open source chatbot, specifically H2O GPT, on a local machine without internet connection. It highlights the benefits of open source models, such as the availability of code, training data, and model weights for free use and commercial applications. The speaker shares their experience setting up the chatbot and emphasizes the significance of open source for large language models. They introduce H2O GPT as a top open source chatbot model and provide links for users to test the chatbot online before downloading.


💻 Installation and Requirements for Local Execution

This paragraph details the steps for installing and running the H2O GPT model on a local machine. It covers the need for a GPU to run larger models and suggests using a cloud provider for those without adequate hardware. The speaker provides instructions for cloning the H2O GPT GitHub repository, creating a new Python environment with conda, and installing necessary packages using pip. They also discuss the importance of having CUDA installed for GPU support and demonstrate how to test the model using the command line interface.


🔧 Troubleshooting and Optimizing Model Loading

The speaker encounters an out-of-memory error when attempting to load a large model into their GPU. They explain how to overcome this limitation by using an 8-bit quantization version of the model, which loads more efficiently into GPU memory. The paragraph also includes a demonstration of the model's ability to answer questions effectively, even when running in a less powerful environment. The speaker showcases the model's potential by asking it a question about the purpose of large GPU memory and receives a satisfactory response.


🛠️ Customizing and Utilizing Open Source LLMs

The paragraph emphasizes the advantages of using open source large language models (LLMs), such as privacy, customization, and transparency. The speaker explains that open source models allow users to keep their data private and fine-tune models for specific tasks. They also mention the potential for commercial use and the ability to understand the training data and methods used in the model. The speaker demonstrates the model's capability to integrate new data and provide more accurate answers, using an example of identifying the fastest roller coaster in Pennsylvania. They conclude by reiterating the importance of open source models for future advancements.



💡Open Source

Open source refers to something that is freely available for use, modification, and distribution without the imposition of restrictions on the users. In the context of the video, it highlights the accessibility of the H2O GPT model and its code, allowing users to download, modify, and use it for commercial applications without any licensing fees or restrictions. This is significant as it empowers users to tailor the AI to their specific needs and ensures transparency in how the model operates.

💡Local Machine

A local machine refers to a personal computer or device that is used to run applications and processes without relying on external servers or internet connections. In the video, the chatbot operates on the creator's local machine, which means it functions offline and independently. This is important for privacy and control over data, as it ensures that all information processing occurs on the user's own device and is not transmitted over the internet.


H2O GPT is an open-source Python library for running large language models. It is a fine-tuned version of the Falcon models, which were trained by the Kaggle Grand Masters at H2O. The video emphasizes the benefits of using H2O GPT, such as the ability to run the model locally, customize it, and use it for commercial purposes. The H2O GPT model is highlighted for its effectiveness in handling conversational AI tasks and its adaptability to various use cases.

💡Data Privacy

Data privacy is the practice of protecting personal and sensitive information from unauthorized access and disclosure. The video script underscores the importance of using an open-source, offline chatbot like H2O GPT to ensure that user data remains private and is not transmitted or stored on external servers. This is particularly relevant in an era where data breaches and misuse of personal information are significant concerns.


Customization refers to the process of modifying or adapting a product or service to meet specific needs or preferences. In the context of the video, the open-source nature of H2O GPT allows for customization, where users can fine-tune the model based on their requirements. This is exemplified by the ability to upload local files and datasets to improve the model's responses and make it more relevant to individual use cases.

💡Large Language Models

Large language models (LLMs) are artificial intelligence systems designed to process and generate human-like text based on the input they receive. These models are trained on vast datasets and can perform a variety of language tasks, such as answering questions, writing content, or engaging in conversation. The video discusses the significance of open-source LLMs like H2O GPT, which offer the advantages of privacy, customization, and transparency.

💡Falcon Models

Falcon models are a series of AI models developed by H2O, which are foundational models with either 40 billion or 7 billion parameters. These models are used as a base for H2O GPT, which is then fine-tuned for specific tasks such as conversational AI. The video mentions the use of the 7 billion parameter version of the Falcon model for local machine deployment due to its smaller size compared to the 40 billion parameter version.


A GPU, or Graphics Processing Unit, is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display device. In the context of the video, a GPU is necessary for running large language models like H2O GPT, as it provides the computational power required to process the complex neural networks involved. The video also discusses the challenges of running larger models on machines with limited GPU memory.


Quantization is the process of reducing the precision of a number by discarding its fractional part, or by rounding it to a fixed number of digits. In the context of the video, the creator mentions using an 8-bit quantization version of the model to fit it into the GPU memory more efficiently. This technique, while it may reduce the memory requirements, can potentially impact the quality of the model's responses.


Fine-tuning is the process of further training a machine learning model on a new dataset, which is usually smaller and more specific than the original training dataset. The goal is to adapt the pre-trained model to perform better on a specific task. In the video, it is mentioned that the H2O GPT model is a fine-tuned version of the Falcon models, which means it has been trained on additional data to specialize in conversational AI tasks.

💡Commercial Use

Commercial use refers to the application of a product, service, or technology for monetary gain or profit. The video emphasizes that the H2O GPT model can be used for commercial applications, meaning that businesses and individuals can integrate the model into their products or services and generate revenue from it. This is a significant benefit of open-source models, as it allows for wide-ranging adoption and innovation in various industries.


The chatbot is running 100% offline on a local machine without any internet connection.

The chatbot can access and use local files to help formulate its responses.

The AI model is fully open source, meaning the code, training data, and model weights are freely available for download and commercial use.

The video demonstrates how to set up the chatbot to work locally on one's own machine.

Open source is particularly significant for large language models due to their potential for rapid development and customization.

H2O GPT is an open source Python library used to run these models, with the presenter expressing a bias towards it due to their employment at H2O.

The H2O GPT model is based on the Falcon models, with versions having 40 billion and 7 billion parameters.

The 7 billion parameter model is being run locally due to the presenter's GPU limitations.

The H2O GPT GitHub repository provides installation instructions for different operating systems and discusses the use of GPUs for larger models.

The use of conda for environment management and pip for package installation is recommended for running H2O GPT.

Cuda is required for running the model, and the presenter checks its installation using Nvidia SMI.

The model can be tested by running a python command with specific arguments, and model weights are downloaded upon first use.

A script can be created to run the model with all necessary commands, simplifying the process.

The model can run on a graphical interface, and its offline status can be ensured by adjusting settings.

The model's user interface is undergoing rapid development, offering features like dark mode and integrated Lane chain for data import.

Open source large language models offer advantages such as privacy, customization, control, and transparency.

The ability to fine-tune open source models for specific tasks is a powerful feature, enabling the development of custom models for various industries.

The H2O team is dedicated to testing and fine-tuning new open source models for specific tasks, ensuring the model's relevance and effectiveness.

The video concludes by emphasizing the potential for advancements in large language models through the use of open source models in the coming years.