2024년 인생 자동화 AI 툴 14가지

퓨처플로우 AI
30 Dec 202313:39

TLDRThe video script discusses the impact of AI on the job market, highlighting predictions of significant job displacement due to automation. It emphasizes the importance of adapting to and collaborating with AI, rather than resisting it. The speaker outlines four areas where AI can be leveraged for rapid business success: video editing with AI tools like Heyzen, image generation with AI art tools, website development using no-code tools like Webflow, and coding with AI screenshot tools. The message is clear: embracing AI is key to thriving in the 2024 AI revolution era.


  • 🌐 By 2024, the AI revolution is expected to significantly impact job markets, with estimates suggesting millions of jobs could be automated.
  • 🤖 Major companies like Google and IBM are already restructuring their workforce due to the automation of jobs through AI tools.
  • 🚀 Embracing AI collaboration is crucial for thriving in the new era, rather than just being a spectator of technological advancements.
  • 📹 The video industry is a prime example of where AI can be leveraged quickly for financial gains, particularly through tools like HeyAI's皮卡Art for language translation in videos.
  • 🎨 AI art generation tools like DALL-E and others have opened up new avenues for creative businesses, from selling stickers to designing posters and more.
  • 🖼️ Tools like Prefloor help users find and generate images based on desired styles and prompts, making it easier to create and sell AI-generated art online.
  • 🌐 Building a website has become much simpler with AI tools like Room AI and Webflow, which streamline the design and development process without coding knowledge.
  • 🤖 AI-enhanced customer support teams, such as those provided by tools like Chatfuel, can handle most customer service tasks, reducing the need for a human team.
  • 💡 AI tools for coding, such as Screenshot to Code and Make Real, can greatly increase productivity for developers by converting designs and sketches into functioning code.
  • 📈 The potential for AI to transform various industries is vast, and those who can harness its power effectively will gain a competitive edge in the market.
  • 🔍 The AI revolution is just beginning, and as these tools continue to evolve, they will offer even more opportunities for businesses and individuals to innovate and grow.

Q & A

  • What is the prediction made by McKinsey and Goldman Sachs regarding the impact of AI on jobs?

    -McKinsey and Goldman Sachs have predicted that automation and AI could affect around 300 million regular jobs, with a significant number of these jobs being automated or transformed.

  • What did the World Economic Forum (WEF) forecast about job displacement due to AI by 2027?

    -The World Economic Forum (WEF) has forecasted that by 2027, around 14 million jobs could be displaced due to the impact of AI.

  • How has Google responded to the rise of AI in their operations?

    -Google has introduced new AI tools that have led to the automation of some jobs, resulting in the redeployment or layoff of around 30,000 employees as part of a restructuring effort.

  • What was IBM's response to the advancements in AI in terms of employment?

    -IBM announced that they would pause or discontinue recruitment for many positions that could be performed by AI, leading to a restructuring involving 7,800 employees.

  • What is the recommended approach to dealing with the AI revolution in the job market?

    -The recommended approach is not to avoid AI but to collaborate with it. This involves staying informed about the latest AI developments and utilizing AI tools to enhance productivity and competitiveness.

  • What are some of the significant advancements AI has made in the creative field?

    -AI has made significant advancements in various creative fields, including image and video generation, website coding, music composition, and marketing disruption.

  • How can AI be utilized in the video industry to increase revenue?

    -AI can be used in the video industry to create content in different languages, enhance video editing, and produce high-quality graphics, thereby increasing viewership and potential advertising revenue.

  • What is the role of AI art in business?

    -AI art can be utilized in business for a variety of purposes, such as selling stickers, creating animal portraits, designing graphics for posters, and more. It opens up new revenue streams and enhances brand identity.

  • How has AI development impacted the efficiency of website creation?

    -AI has significantly increased the efficiency of website creation by providing no-code website building tools, AI-powered customer support, and templates that reduce the time and cost required to build a professional website.

  • What are some of the AI tools available for website development?

    -Some AI tools for website development include Room AI for building website structures, Webflow for designing websites without code, and AI tools integrated into platforms like Upwork for easy implementation of AI-powered features.

  • How can AI be used to improve coding efficiency for frontend developers?

    -AI can be used to improve coding efficiency by providing tools that convert screenshots into code, automate the creation of website elements, and offer APIs that facilitate the implementation of complex features without extensive manual coding.

  • What is the potential future impact of AI on the productivity of developers and businesses?

    -The potential future impact of AI on developers and businesses is significant, as it is expected to further close the productivity gap between those who use AI tools and those who do not. Regular updates to AI technologies will likely lead to even greater efficiency and innovation in various industries.



🤖 The Impact of AI on Job Market

This paragraph discusses the significant impact of AI on the job market, highlighting predictions from global consulting firms like McKinsey and investment companies like Goldman Sachs. It mentions the potential automation of 300 million regular jobs due to AI and the World Economic Forum's forecast of 14 million jobs being lost by 2027. The paragraph emphasizes the ongoing changes, such as Google's restructuring of automated sales staff and IBM's recruitment adjustments, and calls for collaboration with AI rather than avoidance. It suggests that embracing AI and utilizing it effectively is the stance we should take in the AI era, as it has already achieved remarkable developments in various fields.


🎨 AI in Art and Business

The second paragraph focuses on the application of AI in art and business, detailing how AI can be utilized in various creative and commercial endeavors. It talks about the use of AI in video editing, particularly with the tool 'Hayzen' for language conversion in videos, and the potential for AI-generated images and videos to revolutionize the industry. The paragraph also introduces 'Pica Art' as a representative example of AI in video creation and mentions other tools like 'Runway AI' for image-to-video conversion. It emphasizes the high profitability of using AI translation tools for content creation and the potential for AI to be a significant innovation in productivity and business.


🌐 AI and Website Development

This paragraph discusses the role of AI in website development, emphasizing the ease and speed with which businesses can now establish an online presence. It mentions the shift from the traditional, time-consuming process of website creation to the use of no-code website building tools and AI-powered customer support teams. The paragraph introduces 'Wix AI' as a comprehensive tool for website structure creation and 'Webflow' as a no-code design tool that allows for high design autonomy. It also suggests 'AI Map 2' as a beginner-friendly no-code site builder and discusses the advantages and limitations of these tools for different levels of users and projects.

💻 AI Tools for Coders

The final paragraph focuses on AI tools designed to enhance the productivity of front-end developers. It introduces 'Screenshot to Code' tools like 'Scribble' and 'GPTs', which can convert screenshots into HTML code, even for users without coding knowledge. The paragraph also mentions 'Make Real tl drone', an AI tool that converts drawings into executable HTML code. It highlights the potential of these AI tools to significantly increase productivity and efficiency in coding, allowing for rapid prototyping and testing of product layouts and designs. The paragraph concludes by encouraging viewers to embrace these AI tools to stay competitive in the evolving landscape of AI technology.



💡AI Revolution

The AI Revolution refers to the transformative impact that artificial intelligence technologies are having on various industries and job markets. In the video, it is mentioned that AI is leading to the automation of jobs and the creation of new opportunities, indicating a significant shift in the way work is conducted and how businesses operate.

💡Job Automation

Job Automation is the process by which jobs or job functions are taken over by machines or artificial intelligence, reducing or eliminating the need for human labor. In the context of the video, this concept is explored through examples of companies like Google and IBM restructuring their workforce due to the introduction of AI tools, highlighting the immediate and potential future impacts on employment.

💡AI Collaboration

AI Collaboration refers to the partnership between humans and artificial intelligence systems to enhance productivity, creativity, and innovation. The video emphasizes that instead of being replaced by AI, individuals and businesses should learn to collaborate with AI to maximize its potential benefits. This involves leveraging AI's capabilities to improve existing processes and create new opportunities.

💡AI Tools

AI Tools are software applications and platforms that utilize artificial intelligence to perform tasks, analyze data, or enhance user experiences. In the video, various AI tools are highlighted for their ability to automate tasks, generate content, and even transform the way businesses operate, such as AI for video translation, image generation, and website building.

💡Video Translation

Video Translation involves the process of converting video content from one language to another, often using AI tools to automate the process and provide subtitles or voiceovers. This technology is significant as it allows content creators to reach wider audiences by overcoming language barriers, thereby potentially increasing viewership and revenue.

💡AI Art

AI Art refers to the creation of visual art or graphics using artificial intelligence. This can include generating images, designing posters, or creating illustrations with the help of AI tools. The video emphasizes the versatility of AI in art creation, from selling stickers to producing high-quality graphics for various commercial uses.

💡Website Building

Website Building is the process of creating and designing a website, which is essential for online businesses and digital presence. The video highlights the use of AI and no-code tools to simplify the website building process, making it faster and more accessible for individuals and businesses to establish an online platform.


Coding refers to the process of writing computer programs and creating software. In the context of the video, AI tools are presented as a means to enhance coding efficiency, allowing developers to convert designs or sketches into functional code with minimal manual effort.

💡No-Code Tools

No-Code Tools are platforms and applications that enable users to build and create without the need for traditional programming or coding skills. These tools are highlighted in the video as a way to democratize technology and make website building, app development, and other digital creations more accessible to a wider range of people.


Productivity refers to the efficiency and output of work, often measured by the amount of work completed in a given time. In the video, AI tools are presented as a means to significantly increase productivity by automating tasks, streamlining processes, and reducing the time and effort required to achieve desired outcomes.

💡Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is the fundamental change in how organizations operate and deliver value to their stakeholders through the use of digital technologies. The video emphasizes the role of AI in driving this transformation, reshaping industries by introducing new ways of working, creating new job opportunities, and changing the competitive landscape.


AI 혁명 시대에서 새로운 일자리와 비즈니스 모델이 등장하고 있습니다. (AI revolution era is bringing new jobs and business models.)

맥켄지와 골드반 삭스에서 3억 개의 정규직 일자리가 AI 영향을 받을 것으로 예측했습니다. (McKinsey and Goldman Sachs predict that 300 million regular jobs will be affected by AI.)

WF 2027년까지 1,400만 개의 일자리가 AI 의해 없어질 것으로 전망합니다. (WF forecasts that by 2027, 14 million jobs will disappear due to AI.)

구글과 IBM이 AI 도구 도입으로 인해 직원 구조조정 및 재배치를 준비하고 있습니다. (Google and IBM are preparing for employee restructuring and redeployment due to the introduction of AI tools.)

AI 시대에서의 협력은 AI 프로그래머가 되는 것이 아니라 최신 정보를 얻고 AI를 최대한 활용하는 것입니다. (Collaboration in the AI era is not about becoming an AI programmer, but about obtaining the latest information and maximizing the use of AI.)

AI가 이미지 및 비디오 생성, 웹사이트 코딩, 음악 및 디자인 제작, 마케팅 시장 교란 등 다양한 분야에서 놀라운 발전을 이루었습니다. (AI has made surprising advancements in various fields such as image and video generation, website coding, music and design production, and marketing market disruption.)

2024년 AI 시대에 수천개의 일자리가 대체되며, 100백만 전자도 탄생할 것으로 예상됩니다. (In the 2024 AI era, thousands of jobs will be replaced, and 10 million new jobs are expected to be created.)

AI를 활용하여 비즈니스를 할 수 있는 네 가지 분야: 영상, AI 아트, 웹사이트, 코딩. (Four areas where businesses can be done using AI: video, AI art, websites, coding.)

헤이젠 qu 피카 아트를 사용하면 비디오를 한 언어에서 다른 언어로 자연스럽게 변환할 수 있습니다. (Using Hey Zen Pic Art, videos can be naturally transformed from one language to another.)

AI 아트를 통해 스티커 판매부터 동물 초상화 클립 아트까지 다양한 비즈니스를 할 수 있습니다. (Various businesses from sticker sales to animal portrait clip art can be done using AI art.)

프리플로 같은 도구를 사용하면 AI 툴을 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다. (Using tools like Preflow makes it easy to use AI tools.)

노코드 웹사이트 빌딩 툴과 템플릿을 사용하여 웹사이트 구축이 훨씬 더 빠르게 이루어질 수 있습니다. (Website construction can be achieved much faster using no-code website building tools and templates.)

AI 탑재된 채보은 고객 지원 팀의 역할 대부분을 대신 수행할 수 있습니다. (AI-equipped chatbots can perform most of the roles of customer support teams.)

스크린샷 두, 코드이 등의 AI 툴을 사용하면 생산성에 엄청난 향상을 줄 수 있습니다. (Using AI tools like Screenshot to Code can greatly improve productivity.)

메이크, 리얼 tl 드론은 그림을 그리고 설명을 적어 코드로 변환할 수 있습니다. (Make, Real tl drone can draw a picture and convert it into code with a description.)

AI 도구들을 활용하여 프로토타입과 MVP 모델을 빠르게 만들어 볼 수 있습니다. (Using AI tools, you can quickly create prototypes and MVP models.)

AI 자동화, 개발자 임승원이 2024년 AI 혁명을 맞이할 때 필요한 기본적인 자세를 갖추도록 돕습니다. (AI automation developer, Lim Seung-won, helps to equip the basic posture needed to meet the 2024 AI revolution.)