AI BrainWave Decoding demo (ChatGPT4 with Muse EEG)

Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych
5 Apr 202413:26

TLDRIn this video, Dr. Cody RW, a US Navy-trained psychiatrist, explores the capabilities of AI in analyzing raw EEG data from a Muse headband. He demonstrates how AI can identify states such as open eyes versus closed eyes and calculate Peak Alpha, a biomarker for brain health. Despite some inaccuracies, Dr. Cody is impressed with AI's potential for at-home neuroscience experiments and plans to experiment with different AI engines to enhance his understanding of brain activity through wearable neurotechnology.


  • 🧠 Chat GPT's ability to analyze raw EEG data from a Muse headband is a significant advancement in AI's application to neuroscience wearable devices.
  • 👀 The AI correctly identified the difference in EEG patterns between eyes open and eyes closed states, demonstrating its understanding of Alpha blocking, a well-known neuroscience phenomenon.
  • 📊 The AI's analysis of EEG data was enhanced by its ability to generate labeled graphs and explain its reasoning, providing both confirmation and education on EEG patterns.
  • 🤔 Despite the AI's impressive capabilities, it made a notable mistake by mixing up the colors of Alpha and Beta waves, highlighting the importance of data accuracy in AI analysis.
  • 🧘 The AI's ability to identify periods of relaxation based on high levels of Alpha and Theta waves showcases its potential in analyzing meditation and relaxation states.
  • 📈 The AI's suggestion to compare individual's EEG data to population datasets for statistical significance and longitudinal changes indicates its potential in personalized neuroscience research.
  • 🌟 The concept of Peak Alpha as a biomarker for brain health and its potential to be calculated by AI at home is revolutionary, offering new possibilities for personal brain training and health monitoring.
  • 🔍 The AI's limitations in pre-processing EEG data were acknowledged, emphasizing the need for clean data and advanced software to improve accuracy in neuroscience applications.
  • 💡 The AI's honesty about its minimal pre-processing and the potential for error in its analysis provides insight into the current state of AI in neuroscience and the importance of human oversight.
  • 🚀 The potential for integrating various AI engines with specialized neuroscience software opens up new avenues for creating advanced, AI-powered companions for exploring the human mind.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the demonstration of how Chat GPT can analyze raw EEG data from a Muse headband to provide insights into brain activity, relaxation, and even potential biomarkers for brain health.

  • What are the two basic EEG recordings that Dr. Cody RW tested?

    -The two basic EEG recordings are one where Dr. Cody RW sits quietly with soft focus for 10 minutes with his eyes open, and another where he does the same with his eyes closed.

  • What is the significance of Alpha blocking in the context of EEG analysis?

    -Alpha blocking is a well-known neuroscience phenomenon where alpha waves are more prominent when a person's eyes are closed compared to when they are open. It is significant because it helps in distinguishing the state of relaxation or focus based on EEG data.

  • How does the third-party app M, monitor contribute to the EEG analysis process?

    -The M, monitor app allows users to collect, store, and upload raw EEG data to be analyzed by Chat GPT, providing a convenient way to handle the data from the Muse headband.

  • What mistake did Chat GPT make while analyzing the more complicated graph?

    -Chat GPT mistakenly identified the colors of Alpha and Beta waves, saying that Alpha was green and Beta was blue, which is the opposite of the actual configuration in the graph.

  • What is Peak Alpha and why is it considered a biomarker for brain health?

    -Peak Alpha is the peak amplitude within the alpha frequency band of 8 to 13 Hertz. It is considered a biomarker for brain health because it tends to decline with age, poor sleep, and stress, but can be increased with practices like meditation and neurofeedback training.

  • What did Dr. K Olson and Dr. Nico regente think about the accuracy of Chat GPT in analyzing neuroscience data?

    -Dr. K Olson estimated the accuracy at about 50% of the time, while Dr. Nico regente noted that Chat GPT initially struggled with writing Python code for analyzing neuroscience data but has become quite proficient recently.

  • What is the importance of pre-processing EEG data according to the video?

    -Pre-processing EEG data is crucial because any contamination from muscle movements or dropped data points can significantly affect the final values. It is currently best done manually by humans to ensure data quality.

  • What is Dr. Cody RW's plan for future videos?

    -Dr. Cody RW plans to analyze a full month's worth of Muse data and have Chat GPT look at Mind Lift quantitative EEG reports. He also intends to test different AI engines and neuroscience software to create a mind-reading AI companion.

  • How does Dr. Cody RW feel about the potential of AI in the field of neuroscience based on his experience?

    -Dr. Cody RW is excited and blown away by the potential of AI in neuroscience. He believes that AI, while not yet ready for prime-time studies, is flexible and powerful enough for personal exploration and experimentation with wearable EEG devices.

  • What advice does the video give to those interested in experimenting with EEG data at home?

    -The video advises to ensure clean data by limiting movement and getting the best signal possible. It also suggests exploring advanced software like EEG Lab to filter and improve the data, as well as considering AI integration services like Eden Ai for more accurate results.



🤖 AI's Role in Neuroscience and EEG Analysis

The speaker, Dr. Cody RW, expresses amazement over the capabilities of AI, specifically chat GPT, in analyzing raw EEG data from a Muse headband. He discusses how AI can discern states such as whether the subject's eyes are open or closed, and even assess brain health metrics like Peak Alpha, which is linked to IQ scores. Dr. Cody emphasizes the potential of AI in neurotechnology, allowing for at-home analysis of neuroscience wearable devices. He shares his experience of testing chat GPT with two different EEG recordings and its successful analysis without prior guidance on EEG patterns. The description of the Muse headband and its functionalities, as well as the third-party app M Monitor, are provided to give context to the audience.


🧠 Challenges and Insights in EEG Data Interpretation

In this paragraph, Dr. Cody shares his experience with chat GPT's analysis of a more complex EEG graph. He notes a mistake made by the AI in identifying the colors of Alpha and Beta waves. Despite the error, chat GPT correctly identifies periods of relaxation based on high Alpha and Theta levels. Dr. Cody corrects the AI's initial misinterpretation, leading to an apology and a revised analysis. The paragraph also introduces the concept of Peak Alpha as a biomarker for brain health and explores the possibility of chat GPT calculating it directly from EEG recordings. Dr. Cody's interactions with chat GPT reveal both the potential and limitations of AI in neuroscience data analysis, highlighting the importance of accurate data processing and the need for human oversight to ensure valid results.


🧬 Advancing Neuroscience with AI: Potential and Limitations

Dr. Cody discusses the implications of using AI for at-home neuroscience analysis, focusing on EEG data. He shares insights from neuroscience professionals, Dr. K Olson and Dr. Nico regente, who provide feedback on the accuracy and reliability of chat GPT's analysis. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of pre-processing EEG data to minimize errors and artifacts. Dr. Cody explores chat GPT's honesty about its minimal pre-processing and the potential for improvement by integrating advanced software. The video concludes with Dr. Cody's plans to test various AI engines and neuroscience software to develop a more accurate AI companion for analyzing brain data, documenting his journey on his YouTube channel.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model that is being used to analyze raw EEG data in the context of the video. It is shown to make educated guesses based on the data, such as determining whether the subject's eyes were open or closed, and even assessing brain health metrics. The video demonstrates the potential of Chat GPT to revolutionize how we interact with and analyze data from neurotechnology devices like the Muse headband.

💡Raw EEG Data

Raw EEG Data refers to the unprocessed electrical signals recorded directly from the brain by an electroencephalogram (EEG) device. In the video, this data is collected from a Muse headband and then analyzed by Chat GPT to infer various aspects of the wearer's brain activity and mental state.

💡Muse Headband

The Muse Headband is a neurofeedback device that uses peer-reviewed and validated EEG signals to monitor brain activity. It is typically used for meditation and relaxation purposes but, as shown in the video, can also be used in conjunction with AI like Chat GPT for more advanced analysis of brain activity.

💡Alpha Blocking

Alpha Blocking is a well-known neuroscience phenomenon where the alpha brain waves become less prominent when a person's eyes are open, as the visual cortex is actively processing visual information. This concept is used by Chat GPT to analyze the EEG data and determine whether the subject's eyes were open or closed during the recording.

💡Peak Alpha

Peak Alpha refers to the highest amplitude within the alpha frequency band (8 to 13 Hertz) and is considered a biomarker for brain health. It tends to decline with age, poor sleep, and stress, but can be increased through practices like meditation and neurofeedback training. The video explores the potential of Chat GPT to calculate Peak Alpha from EEG recordings.

💡Neuroscience Wearable Devices

Neuroscience wearable devices are technologies that can be worn on the body to monitor and collect data on brain activity. These devices, like the Muse Headband, are becoming increasingly popular for personal use in meditation and mental health tracking. The video discusses the integration of such devices with AI to enhance our understanding and analysis of brain data.

💡Pre-processing of EEG Data

Pre-processing of EEG Data involves preparing the raw EEG signals for analysis by removing noise, artifacts, and other factors that could skew the results. This is a crucial step in ensuring the accuracy of EEG analysis, as any contamination can significantly affect the final values.


Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It encompasses understanding the structure, function, development, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system. The video discusses the application of AI in the field of neuroscience, particularly in analyzing EEG data from wearable devices.

💡AI Integration

AI Integration refers to the process of combining different AI systems or models to enhance their capabilities and achieve more accurate and sophisticated results. In the video, Dr. Cody RW plans to test various AI engines and integrate them with neuroscience software for a more comprehensive analysis of EEG data.

💡Brain Health Biometrics

Brain Health Biometrics are measurable indicators that can provide insights into the condition and functioning of the brain. These can include metrics such as Peak Alpha, which is associated with brain health and cognitive abilities. The video discusses the potential of AI to analyze these biometrics from EEG data collected by wearable devices.


Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind and reaching a state of mental clarity and calmness. It is often used for relaxation and stress reduction, but also for enhancing cognitive functions and overall brain health. The video explores how meditation can affect EEG readings and how AI can analyze these changes.


Chat GPT's ability to analyze raw EEG data from the Muse headband is a breakthrough in understanding AI's potential with home-based neuroscience wearable devices.

The demonstration by Dr. Cody RW showcases the power of combining AI with neurotechnology for personal use.

Chat GPT made accurate predictions about the user's eye state (open or closed) based on EEG data, demonstrating its understanding of Alpha blocking, a well-known neuroscience phenomenon.

The AI's capacity to generate new images with labels from raw data signifies its potential in data analysis and visualization.

Chat GPT's explanation of its reasoning behind the analysis not only confirms known EEG patterns but also educates users on new information.

The AI's suggestion for further inquiries into standard waveform analysis, statistical significance, and longitudinal changes indicates its depth in understanding neuroscience data.

Chat GPT's mistake in identifying colors of Alpha and Beta waves highlights the importance of careful data interpretation and the current limitations of AI in such analyses.

The AI's adaptability to user corrections and its apology for the error reflects its learning capability and user interaction design.

The identification of peak Alpha frequency from EEG recordings by Chat GPT is a significant advancement, as it is a biomarker for brain health.

Chat GPT's ability to calculate Peak Alpha values from individual electrode sites and averaging them for a final number introduces a new method for assessing brain health.

The AI's suggestion to use additional EEG software for data pre-processing and filtering to improve accuracy is a practical approach to enhance the quality of EEG analysis.

Dr. K Olson's and Dr. Nico's insights on Chat GPT's accuracy and proficiency in handling neuroscience data provide expert validation for its use in home-based experiments.

The potential of AI engines like Google AI, Microsoft Azure, or TensorFlow in analyzing different neuroscience datasets opens up new avenues for research and personal exploration.

The integration of the best neuroscience software with AI engines through services like Eden AI could lead to the creation of a powerful mind-reading AI companion.

Chat GPT's honest admission of minimal pre-processing and the lack of advanced filtering reflects its transparency and room for improvement.

The importance of clean data for accurate EEG analysis is emphasized, as any contamination can significantly affect the results.

The video's aim to educate and inspire viewers to explore the potential of wearable neuroscience devices and AI in understanding the human mind.

The upcoming plans to analyze a month's worth of Muse data and review quantitative EEG reports with Chat GPT showcase the ongoing commitment to advancing this technology.