AI + Crypto Week | Day 2: Art, Videos and Content Creation | FREE TRAINING

3 Apr 202455:34

TLDRThe video transcript discusses various AI and crypto tools, emphasizing their potential for content creation. The speaker shares their experience with platforms like Chat GPT, Perplexity, and image and video generators, highlighting their ease of use and versatility. They demonstrate creating memes, thumbnails, and even websites, all through simple AI interactions. The focus is on the efficiency and potential of these tools for generating engaging content quickly and with minimal effort.


  • 🤖 The speaker is excited about the potential of AI and crypto technologies and their capabilities.
  • 📈 The discussion includes a comparison between Perplexity and GPT web search, highlighting their features and trade-offs.
  • 🔍 Perplexity is praised for its ability to search the web and provide references, images, and videos in its responses.
  • 💡 The speaker emphasizes the importance of using both Perplexity and GPT for different tasks due to their unique strengths.
  • 🌐 The transcript mentions various AI tools like Chat GPT, image generators, and video makers for content creation.
  • 🎨 The speaker demonstrates how to use AI for creating memes, thumbnails, and videos, showcasing the versatility of these tools.
  • 🚀 The potential of AI in optimizing and accelerating content creation processes is discussed, including generating websites quickly.
  • 📊 Perplexity's ability to create tables and charts from data is highlighted, offering a new way to present information.
  • 💬 The value of fact-checking and refining statements using AI is emphasized for better communication and content accuracy.
  • 🛠️ The speaker encourages experimenting with different AI tools and interfaces to find the best fit for individual needs.
  • 🔥 The session concludes with a teaser for the next day's focus on the world of GPTs and their applications in data analysis and other fields.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video transcript?

    -The main focus of the video transcript is discussing various AI and crypto applications, particularly those related to content creation such as videos, memes, thumbnails, and websites.

  • What are some of the AI tools mentioned in the transcript for content creation?

    -Some of the AI tools mentioned include Chat GPT, Perplexity, Image Generator, Video GPT, and Video Maker.

  • How does the presenter feel about the usefulness of Chat GPT and Perplexity for content creation?

    -The presenter finds both Chat GPT and Perplexity very useful for content creation, but notes that they each have their own strengths and weaknesses, and they are complementary to each other.

  • What is the presenter's opinion on the value of Chat GPT premium?

    -The presenter believes that the Chat GPT premium is worth the $20 monthly fee, comparing it favorably to services like Netflix and emphasizing its wide range of applications.

  • How does the presenter demonstrate the use of AI tools for creating memes?

    -The presenter demonstrates the use of AI tools for creating memes by inputting a concept (e.g., picking up pennies in front of freight trains related to crypto) and letting the AI generate a meme based on that concept.

  • What is the presenter's strategy for dealing with AI-generated content that doesn't meet expectations?

    -The presenter's strategy is to iteratively refine the prompts or to edit the AI-generated content manually to better align with the desired outcome.

  • How does the presenter use AI to assist with website creation?

    -The presenter uses AI to quickly generate a website by providing basic information and a color scheme, and then the AI tool deploys a simple website based on those inputs.

  • What is the presenter's view on the importance of fact-checking AI-generated content?

    -The presenter emphasizes the importance of fact-checking AI-generated content, as AI can sometimes produce inaccurate or incomplete information.

  • How does the presenter utilize AI for creating diagrams and visual content?

    -The presenter uses AI tools like Whimsical Diagrams to create visual representations of complex concepts, such as a comparison between different versions of a financial product or process.

  • What additional applications of AI does the presenter mention for future discussion?

    -The presenter mentions that future discussions will include more exploration of different GPT applications, particularly those related to data analysis and other specialized uses.



🎉 Introduction to AI and Crypto

The speaker warmly welcomes the audience to another day of exploring AI and crypto technologies. They express excitement about the potential of AI and machine learning, and hint at a packed agenda filled with useful information and examples. The speaker also mentions a thread in the chat with resources and emphasizes the value of Chat GPT, a tool they've been using extensively, even comparing its worth to popular streaming services like Netflix.


🤖 Exploring AI Tools: Perplexity vs. GPT

The speaker delves into a discussion about two AI tools, Perplexity and GPT, comparing their features and usability. They appreciate Perplexity's web search capabilities and its interface, which provides references, videos, and images. However, they also highlight the importance of GPT for its comprehensive features and custom versions. The speaker shares their intention to continue using both tools, acknowledging the trade-offs and the unique advantages each offers.


🎨 Content Generation: Memes and Image Generators

The speaker demonstrates the process of generating memes and images using AI tools. They share their experience with creating a meme related to picking up pennies in front of freight trains, with a crypto twist. Despite some challenges with the AI's understanding of their requests, they manage to create a meme that captures the intended message. The speaker also talks about the potential of these tools to improve and the need for iteration to achieve desired results.


🚂 More on Content Creation: Memes and Thumbnails

Continuing on the topic of content creation, the speaker discusses the nuances of meme creation and the use of image generators. They share their strategy of providing minimal information to the AI to see what it comes up with and the process of refining the output. The speaker also touches on the creation of YouTube thumbnails, using a specific color scheme and format, and demonstrates how to generate a thumbnail with an AI tool.


🎥 Video Creation with AI

The speaker shares their experience with creating videos using AI, specifically Video GPT and Video Maker. They describe the ease of generating a video by simply pasting copied text from a website and letting the AI tool craft a narrative and media for the video. The speaker emphasizes the speed and efficiency of this process, as well as the potential for customization and editing within the AI platform.


🌐 Website Creation and Perplexity's Capabilities

The speaker demonstrates the rapid creation of a promotional website for HEX crypto using an AI tool. They discuss the simplicity of deploying a website with a defined color scheme and content. The speaker also highlights Perplexity's ability to create charts and analyze data, such as comparing top DEXes in DeFi. They mention the importance of fact-checking AI-generated data for accuracy.


📊 Diagrams and Visual Content

The speaker talks about using Whimsical diagrams for visual content creation. They share their experience in creating a comparison between Unit Swap V2 and V3, detailing the differences in trade processes, liquidity provisioning, and advantages for price movement. The speaker emphasizes the educational value of such visual content and the potential for customization and iteration within the AI tool.


🎶 Wrapping Up and Final Thoughts

In the concluding part of the script, the speaker wraps up the session by summarizing the various content creation tools and techniques discussed. They encourage the audience to explore the resources and threads shared for further learning. The speaker also addresses a question about the risks of pill farming in crypto, touching on the importance of understanding the mechanisms of different platforms. They sign off with a mention of upcoming sessions focusing on the world of GPTs and data analysis.



💡AI and crypto

AI and crypto refers to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. In the context of the video, this could involve using AI to analyze market trends, create trading algorithms, or generate content related to cryptocurrencies. The video suggests that AI can be a powerful tool in the world of crypto, allowing for more efficient and innovative ways to engage with this emerging financial landscape.

💡Machine learning

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on the development of algorithms and statistical models that allow computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data. In the video, the presenter is excited about the potential of machine learning to enhance the capabilities of AI in the context of cryptocurrencies, suggesting that these technologies can be used to analyze patterns, predict market trends, and automate certain aspects of cryptocurrency trading and promotion.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a language model based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, which is designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. In the video, the presenter mentions using Chat GPT as a primary tool for creating content, such as websites and videos, and suggests that it offers a premium version with additional features. The tool is used to demonstrate the potential of AI in content generation and automation.

💡Content generation

Content generation refers to the process of creating and distributing various forms of content, such as text, images, videos, or audio, to communicate a message or achieve a specific goal. In the context of the video, content generation is a key application of AI and machine learning, where AI tools are used to automate the creation of promotional materials for cryptocurrencies, making it easier and more efficient to produce engaging content.


Perplexity, in the context of AI and language models, is a metric used to measure the performance of a model in predicting the next word in a sequence. However, in the video, it refers to a specific AI tool that the presenter uses alongside Chat GPT for content generation and web searches. Perplexity is highlighted as a useful tool for its web search capabilities and its ability to present information in a user-friendly interface.


Memes are cultural items, such as images, videos, or text, that are copied, often with slight variations, and spread rapidly by individuals on the internet. In the video, memes are discussed as a form of content that can be generated using AI tools to convey messages or ideas related to cryptocurrencies in a humorous or engaging way.


Thumbnails are small visual images that represent larger content, such as videos or websites. They serve as a preview and are often used to attract viewers' attention. In the context of the video, thumbnails are discussed as an important aspect of content creation for online platforms, and AI tools can be used to generate custom thumbnails that are relevant and engaging to the audience interested in cryptocurrencies.


Videos are a form of digital media that include a sequence of images, often combined with sound, to convey information or tell a story. In the video, the creation of videos is discussed as a powerful content generation tool that can be leveraged using AI to produce promotional materials for cryptocurrencies. These videos can be used on social media or other platforms to attract an audience and spread awareness about specific crypto projects.


Websites are collections of web pages that can be accessed on the internet, typically published by an individual, group, or organization. They serve various purposes, such as providing information, facilitating communication, or promoting products or services. In the context of the video, websites are discussed as another form of content that can be rapidly created using AI tools, allowing for the efficient promotion of cryptocurrencies and related projects.

💡 HEX crypto

HEX crypto refers to a specific cryptocurrency called HEX, which is a blockchain-based digital asset. In the video, HEX is used as an example of a cryptocurrency that can be promoted and discussed using AI-generated content, such as memes, videos, and websites. The presenter highlights HEX as a subject of interest and a potential beneficiary of the content generation capabilities of AI tools.

💡PULSE Chain

PULSE Chain is a blockchain-based platform or project mentioned in the video. While the specific details of PULSE Chain are not elaborated upon in the transcript, it is used as an example of a cryptocurrency or blockchain project that could benefit from AI-generated content for promotion and education.


Introduction to AI and crypto applications, showcasing the versatility of AI in various fields.

Discussion on the use of GPT and its premium version, emphasizing the value of premium access for content creation.

Mention of Perplexity as an alternative AI tool, comparing its features with GPT for web search and content generation.

Demonstration of creating memes using AI, highlighting the creative potential of AI in generating engaging content.

Explanation of generating YouTube thumbnails with AI, showing how to customize and optimize for visual appeal.

Showcasing the process of creating promotional videos with AI, emphasizing the efficiency and ease of content production.

Discussion on the use of AI for website creation, demonstrating the quick deployment of a promotional site for Hex crypto.

Mention of creating charts and data visualizations with Perplexity, showcasing its analytical capabilities.

Explanation of using AI for fact-checking and refining statements, highlighting the tool's ability to enhance accuracy and clarity in communication.

Introduction to Whimsical diagrams for creating visual representations of complex concepts, such as the comparison between Unit Swap V2 and V3.

Discussion on the risks involved in yield farming when holding both coins, providing insights into the financial aspects of crypto.

Emphasis on the importance of learning and understanding AI tools for effective content creation and communication.

Highlighting the potential of AI in the future of content creation, suggesting that AI will continue to play a significant role in various industries.

Conclusion of the session with a summary of the key points and a teaser for the next day's focus on the world of GPTs.