AI Images: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

28 Aug 202210:41

TLDRThe video script discusses the growing trend of AI-generated images, highlighting the tool Dolly from OpenAI that creates realistic images based on textual descriptions. It humorously explores the variety of results, from roast beef superheroes to bizarre scenarios involving late-night hosts, emphasizing the creativity and occasional limitations of AI interpretation. The narrative culminates in a fictional tale of a man's love for a cabbage, illustrating the potential for AI to weave intricate stories.


  • 🤖 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that, despite potential risks, is currently managed under human control.
  • 🖼️ AI image generation platforms like Dolly from OpenAI are gaining popularity, creating realistic images based on textual descriptions.
  • 📈 The system behind Dolly was trained with 650 million pictures, leading to high-quality image outputs.
  • 🌐 Other AI image generators include Dali, Crayon, and Mid Journey, which also operate based on text prompts.
  • 🕒 AI can produce images within a minute, offering a quick turnaround from concept to visual representation.
  • 🎨 The creativity of AI in interpreting prompts is showcased by various unique and imaginative images it generates.
  • 🌟 AI's interpretation of complex scenarios, like a 'roast beef superhero,' is both fascinating and amusing.
  • 🔍 Users can explore a vast array of images created by others, leading to entertaining and surprising discoveries.
  • 👤 The script humorously highlights the large number of AI-generated images featuring a specific late-night host.
  • 🎭 The narrative of 'John Oliver and the Cabbage' saga is used to illustrate the creative storytelling capabilities of AI, including its occasional limitations.
  • 💡 The script concludes with a comedic take on AI's current limitations, emphasizing the importance of continued human oversight and creativity.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the transcript is artificial intelligence (AI), specifically AI image generators such as Dolly from OpenAI and others like Dali, Crayon, and Mid Journey.

  • How does the AI image generator tool Dolly work?

    -Dolly, an AI image generator tool from OpenAI, works by taking a textual description of what the user wants to see and then creating realistic images to match that description. It was trained with 650 million pictures to produce high-quality results.

  • What are some examples of AI image generators mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions Dolly, Dali, Crayon, and Mid Journey as examples of AI image generators.

  • How does the AI image generator interpret the text prompt provided by the user?

    -The AI image generator interprets the text prompt by creating images that it believes correspond to the description given by the user. It uses its training data to generate images that are relevant and creative based on the prompt.

  • What is the significance of the 'roast beef superhero' example in the transcript?

    -The 'roast beef superhero' example illustrates the creativity and versatility of AI image generators. It shows how the AI can interpret a complex and unusual prompt to create a variety of unique and imaginative images.

  • How did the staff member Julia interact with the AI image generator?

    -Julia used the AI image generator by inputting the names of various late-night hosts, including the speaker of the transcript, to see what kind of images would be generated. She discovered a wide range of humorous and bizarre images.

  • What is the 'cabbage saga' mentioned in the transcript?

    -The 'cabbage saga' is a series of images created by a Mid-Journey user, post poop zoomies, and another account, Margaret. It tells a story of John Oliver's complex relationship with a cabbage, including growing it, falling in love with it, marrying it, and ultimately eating it in his sleep.

  • What issue did the AI struggle with in the 'cabbage saga'?

    -The AI struggled with generating an accurate image for the wedding scene between John Oliver and the cabbage. Despite its other successful images, this key moment in the saga was not depicted as expected.

  • How does the speaker react to the AI-generated images of himself?

    -The speaker finds the AI-generated images both amusing and unsettling. He appreciates the creativity and specificity of the images but is also taken aback by the volume and the detailed props used in the images.

  • What is the final message conveyed by the speaker about AI image generators?

    -The speaker conveys that while AI image generators are fascinating and can produce creative and poetic results, they still have limitations and struggles with understanding complex or abstract concepts, as evidenced by the misinterpretation of the wedding image in the 'cabbage saga'.

  • What does the speaker propose as a solution to the missing wedding image?

    -The speaker humorously proposes to provide the missing wedding image himself, not through graphics, but as a full vibrant tableau, implying a live or theatrical representation of the scene.



🤖 The Emergence of AI Image Generators

This paragraph discusses the growing trend of artificial intelligence (AI) in generating images through websites like OpenAI's Dolly, as well as other platforms such as Dali, Crayon, and Mid Journey. Users input text prompts to receive AI-generated images within minutes, showcasing the creativity and specificity that AI can achieve. The segment humorously highlights the variety of images produced, including unconventional concepts like a 'roast beef superhero' and amusing results involving late-night hosts, with a particular focus on the host's own experiences and the surprising number of AI-generated images featuring his name.


🥬 The Cabbage Saga: A Journey with John Oliver

The second paragraph narrates a fictional and imaginative story titled 'The Cabbage Saga,' created by users on the AI image generation platform Mid-Journey. The story humorously follows John Oliver's various adventures with a cabbage, starting from confusion in a cabbage field to growing cabbages in his apartment, giving a TED talk on cabbage growth, and even marrying a cabbage. The narrative takes a darker turn when Oliver dreams of being hungry and consumes the cabbage in his sleep, leading to a tragic but poetic conclusion where he pours the cabbage ashes into the ocean. The paragraph also critiques the AI's inability to perfectly render the key wedding image, suggesting that humans still have much to offer in terms of creativity and understanding complex concepts.


🎭 The AI-Human Creative Collaboration

Although only briefly mentioned, the third paragraph seems to allude to a transition or a call to action for a more direct involvement or performance, possibly related to the stories and images discussed in the previous paragraphs. The content is minimal, leaving an air of anticipation for what might come next in the narrative or the video script.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to generate images based on text prompts, showcasing its creative and interpretative capabilities. The video discusses AI's potential and its current applications in generating images, highlighting the technology's ability to understand and execute complex prompts, such as creating a roast beef superhero or a series of images involving John Oliver and a cabbage.

💡Image Generation

Image generation is the process of creating visual content using AI algorithms based on textual descriptions or other inputs. In the video, this concept is central as it explores the capabilities of AI in producing images that match the user's prompts, demonstrating the technology's creativity and the sometimes humorous or unexpected results it can produce.

💡Text Prompts

Text prompts are brief descriptions or phrases that guide AI image generation tools to create specific images. They are the input for the AI system, which then interprets and visualizes the prompt into a corresponding image. The video emphasizes the importance of detailed and creative text prompts in eliciting elaborate and accurate outputs from AI image generators.


OpenAI is an AI research lab that develops and releases various AI tools and technologies, including the image generation tool named Dolly mentioned in the video. OpenAI is known for its commitment to ensuring that AI benefits all of humanity and works on projects that push the boundaries of AI's capabilities while maintaining safety and ethical considerations.


Creativity in the context of this video refers to the AI's ability to produce unique and imaginative images based on the text prompts given by users. It showcases the AI's capacity to not only understand the descriptions but also to add its own 'creative twist' to the generated content, often resulting in surprising and entertaining outcomes.


Interpretation in this context refers to how AI systems understand and give meaning to the text prompts provided by users. It involves the AI's process of analyzing the words and phrases and translating them into visual representations. The video highlights the varying degrees of success in interpretation, from accurate depictions to more abstract or unexpected images.

💡John Oliver

John Oliver is a comedian and host of the HBO show 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.' In the video, he is used as a running example to demonstrate the AI's image generation capabilities. Various prompts featuring John Oliver result in a wide array of imaginative and sometimes absurd images, showcasing the AI's ability to create content based on real-life figures.

💡Cabbage Saga

The 'Cabbage Saga' is a humorous and fictional narrative created by the AI through a series of images based on the text prompts provided by users. It follows the story of John Oliver's relationship with a cabbage, from confusion and growth to love, marriage, and ultimately, a tragic end. This saga serves as an example of the AI's ability to generate a coherent and engaging storyline through images.

💡Post Poop Zoomies

Post Poop Zoomies is a user handle mentioned in the video who has created a series of AI-generated images that tell a story. This username represents the creativity and engagement of users who interact with AI image generation tools, contributing their own narratives and ideas to the AI's output.

💡Wedding Image

The 'Wedding Image' refers to a specific AI-generated image in the 'Cabbage Saga' where John Oliver is depicted marrying a cabbage. This image is significant because it represents a point where the AI struggled to accurately interpret the prompt, leading to a humorous and unexpected outcome. It highlights both the capabilities and limitations of AI in understanding and visualizing complex human concepts and emotions.


Introduction to the topic of artificial intelligence as both a technological marvel and an existential threat, humorously underlined by our current ability to control AI with CAPTCHA tests.

Discussion on AI-generated images through platforms like DALL-E, Crayon, and Midjourney, highlighting the capability to create elaborate images from text descriptions.

A humorous exploration of what an AI imagines a 'roast beef superhero' to be, showcasing the creative and unexpected interpretations AI can generate.

Mention of the diverse and sometimes bizarre AI image creations found on Midjourney's Discord, such as 'Judy Dench fighting a centaur on the moon' and 'goose pilates'.

The comedic investigation into AI-generated images of late-night hosts, revealing a surprising number of bizarre and humorous interpretations.

John Oliver's realization of his disproportionate representation in AI-generated images, humorously reflecting on his own physical features.

The whimsical AI creations by a user named 'post poop zoomies', including John Oliver as Mona Lisa and as a 'perfect egg'.

Introduction of the 'cabbage saga', a humorous and surreal story of John Oliver's relationship with a cabbage, as generated by AI.

The dramatic and humorous twists in the 'cabbage saga', including a TED talk on cabbage growth and the eventual marriage to a cabbage.

The AI's struggle with the concept of John Oliver marrying a cabbage, leading to a comedic misunderstanding in the generated images.

The tragicomic ending of the 'cabbage saga' where John Oliver eats the cabbage in his sleep, leading to heartbreak.

The critique of the AI's failure to properly depict the pivotal wedding scene in the 'cabbage saga', humorously deemed a disservice to the story.

John Oliver's humorous decision to 'remedy' the missing wedding scene by staging a real-life marriage to a cabbage.

The actual 'wedding' ceremony between John Oliver and a cabbage, complete with vows and a 'kiss', presented as a live-action resolution to the AI-generated story.

The concluding humor as John Oliver reflects on the absurdity and creativity of AI-generated content, embodied by his 'marriage' to a cabbage.