Audio Editing Works Earn Daily 40$By Ujala Tech || 2021

Ujala Tech
10 Jun 202105:06

TLDRThe script appears to be an informal and possibly humorous radio segment, with the repetition of the word 'foreign' creating a playful tone. The mention of 'Harley Davidson' and '97X' might refer to a radio station or a specific program related to bikes or rock music. The phrase 'hey this is radio j this is my voice, you've probably already decided if you like it or not' suggests the speaker is addressing listener opinions about the radio show or their voice. The script ends with a casual sign-off, leaving the audience with a sense of the host's personality and the show's laid-back vibe.


  • 🎤 The script appears to be from a radio advertisement or station identification, possibly for a radio station called 'Radio J'.
  • 🗣️ The phrase 'foreign' is repeated multiple times, suggesting the station's focus on international music or content.
  • 🏍️ A reference to 'Harley Davidson' might indicate a partnership, event, or themed program related to the motorcycle brand.
  • 🎶 The mention of 'active, rock read' could imply a specific music segment or show that plays active rock music.
  • 📻 The script seems to be targeting an audience that has already formed an opinion about the radio host's voice.
  • 📈 The script may be part of a larger marketing campaign aimed at reaffirming the station's brand identity.
  • 🎧 The use of 'hey' in the opening suggests a casual and friendly tone, aiming to engage listeners in a relaxed manner.
  • 🌐 The repeated use of 'foreign' could also be a hook or slogan to differentiate the station from local or domestic-focused radio stations.
  • 📣 The phrase 'this is my voice' emphasizes the personal touch and identity of the radio host or DJ.
  • 🔊 The script might be part of an on-air promotion to remind or inform listeners about the station's unique content offerings.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the script?

    -The main theme of the script revolves around the concept of 'foreign' and a radio station, possibly discussing cultural differences or international topics.

  • Which radio station is mentioned in the script?

    -The radio station mentioned in the script is 'Radio J'.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'hey this is radio j this is my voice'?

    -This phrase indicates a personal connection or introduction to the radio station, suggesting that the speaker may be a host or personality on 'Radio J'.

  • What does the term 'Harley Davidson active' refer to in this context?

    -The term 'Harley Davidson active' is not explicitly clear from the script, but it could be a reference to an event, program, or activity related to the motorcycle brand Harley Davidson.

  • What is the role of the word 'rock' in the script?

    -The word 'rock' might refer to the genre of music associated with the radio station, indicating that they play rock music.

  • What is the significance of the repeated use of the word 'foreign'?

    -The repeated use of 'foreign' could be emphasizing the international or diverse content discussed on the radio station or the speaker's focus on foreign cultures and issues.

  • What is the possible meaning of '97x' in the script?

    -While not explicitly clear, '97x' could be a reference to a radio frequency, a specific program, or a code word used within the context of the radio station.

  • How does the phrase 'you've probably already decided if you like it or not' relate to the listener?

    -This phrase suggests that the listener has formed an opinion about the radio station or the speaker's voice, indicating that the station values listener feedback and engagement.

  • What can we infer about the target audience of the radio station based on the script?

    -The target audience of the radio station might be interested in topics related to foreign cultures, international issues, and possibly rock music, as indicated by the script.

  • What is the possible purpose of the script?

    -The script could serve as a promotional material, an introduction to a radio program, or a reflection on the station's content and values.

  • How does the script engage the audience?

    -The script engages the audience by directly addressing them, mentioning a well-known brand like Harley Davidson, and discussing topics that may resonate with their interests or curiosity about foreign cultures.



🎤 Introduction to Radio J and Listener's Choice

The paragraph begins with an introduction to Radio J, highlighting the speaker's voice and posing a question to the listener about their initial impressions. It emphasizes the listener's autonomy in deciding whether they like the voice or not. The mention of a Harley Davidson and the call letters 97X suggest a possible radio station format or theme, possibly related to motorcycles or rock music. The repetition of the word 'foreign' indicates a possible theme or emphasis on international or external content, though the exact context remains unclear. The paragraph concludes with a direct address to the listener ('me') but leaves the sentence unfinished, creating a sense of anticipation.




The term 'foreign' is used multiple times in the script, suggesting it may be a central theme or subject. In a general sense, 'foreign' refers to something or someone that is not from the place where the speaker is, or that is outside of one's own country or culture. In the context of the video, it could be indicating a focus on international topics, music, or other content that is not本土 (local). The repetition of the word emphasizes its significance to the video's message or theme.


The word 'category' refers to a division or grouping based on certain characteristics or criteria. In the context of this video, it might relate to the different segments or types of content that the radio station offers, such as music genres, news topics, or discussion themes. Understanding the categories helps listeners to navigate the radio station's programming and find content that aligns with their interests.

💡radio j

Radio J is likely the name of the radio station being discussed in the script. It is important as it is the central medium through which the content is being broadcasted. Radio J could be a station that plays music, discusses news, or hosts various talk shows. The mention of 'my voice' suggests that the speaker may be a host or personality associated with Radio J, which adds a personal touch to the listener's experience.


In this context, 'voice' refers to the sound produced by a person when they speak or sing, and it is a critical aspect of radio broadcasting. The mention of 'my voice' suggests personal connection and identification with the radio station's content. It could also imply that the speaker's voice is distinctive and recognizable, which is often important for radio personalities to engage and maintain the interest of their audience.

💡harley davidson

Harley Davidson is a well-known American motorcycle manufacturer, often associated with a particular lifestyle and brand loyalty. In the script, mentioning Harley Davidson could be a way to connect with listeners who are interested in motorcycles or to indicate a segment of the radio show that might discuss or promote such topics. It could also be used to establish a certain image or vibe for the radio station, appealing to a demographic that values freedom, adventure, and a certain level of rugged individualism.


The term 'active' in this context could refer to an activity, event, or program that involves physical or mental engagement. It might suggest that the radio station is planning to host or promote an event that requires active participation from its listeners, such as a contest, a ride (in the context of Harley Davidson), or an interactive segment. This word choice could also be used to convey a sense of dynamism and energy, which is often associated with radio programming aimed at keeping listeners entertained and engaged.


Rock is a genre of music that originated in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s, and is characterized by a strong back beat and heavy guitar riffs. In the script, 'rock' likely refers to the type of music that the radio station, Radio J, plays or features in its programming. This keyword helps to define the musical taste and preferences of the station's target audience, and it could be used to attract listeners who enjoy this genre.


In the context of the script, 'read' could refer to the act of reading out loud, which is a common practice for radio hosts when sharing news, stories, or other written content with their audience. It might also imply that there is a segment on the radio station dedicated to literature, news updates, or other reading materials. This keyword suggests an interactive element where the host engages with the audience by sharing information through spoken words.


The term '97x' could be a reference to a radio frequency or a specific radio station's branding. In the context of the script, it might indicate another radio station or a particular show or segment on Radio J that is identified by this frequency. This keyword helps to establish the radio landscape in which Radio J operates and could be used to differentiate their programming from other stations.


The word 'okay' is a common expression used to acknowledge information, signal agreement, or indicate that everything is in order. In the script, it might serve as a way for the speaker to confirm something they've mentioned previously or to transition to another topic. It's a conversational keyword that helps to create a sense of casual and relatable communication with the audience.


The pronoun 'me' refers to the speaker or the person introducing themselves in the script. It is a way to express identity and to create a personal connection with the audience. In the context of the video, it reinforces the idea that the speaker is directly addressing the listeners and is part of the radio station's team or programming.


The transcript begins with a repetition of the word 'foreign', indicating a possible theme or emphasis on this term.

The phrase 'category' is mentioned, suggesting a classification or categorization process may be discussed.

The transcript includes the line 'hey this is radio j', which reveals the context as a radio broadcast.

The mention of 'my voice' implies a personal touch or a subjective perspective in the radio content.

The phrase 'you've probably already decided if you, like it or not' suggests an interactive or audience-driven approach in the radio show.

The transcript references 'harley davidson active', possibly indicating a discussion about a specific product or brand.

The repetition of 'foreign' after the mention of a brand name could imply a focus on international or external aspects related to the brand.

The station identification '97x' is mentioned, providing information about the radio station broadcasting the content.

The use of 'okay, foreign, me' might suggest a transition or a shift in the conversation, possibly introducing a new segment or topic.

The transcript's structure, with repeated words and phrases, could be an innovative method of engaging the audience through rhythm and repetition.

The inclusion of a personal pronoun 'me' at the end of the transcript might indicate a shift towards a more personal or intimate discussion.

The transcript's content seems to be a mix of promotional, interactive, and personal elements, which could be a unique approach to radio broadcasting.

The use of brand names and product mentions in the transcript could indicate a practical application of advertising within the radio content.

The transcript's style, with a blend of conversational language and promotional content, might be an innovative method of creating engaging and interactive radio broadcasts.

The transcript could serve as a model for structuring radio content that balances entertainment, audience interaction, and commercial promotion.