Bashar Full Channeling session! Must Listen!! Darryl Anka A glimpse into our true reality. #reality

17 Mar 2024122:41

TLDRIn this insightful channeling session, Bashar, a being from the essence of all that is, shares profound wisdom on the nature of reality, time, and consciousness. He emphasizes that our understanding of past, present, and future is an illusion, as all probable realities coexist. Bashar discusses the importance of recognizing the infinite potential of creation and the role of fear as a limiting factor. He also touches on the concept of Ascension, suggesting that both our civilization and others are ascending in different levels. The session explores the transformative power of love and the impact of collective human consciousness on the planet's energy. Bashar provides guidance on how to use the illusion of time and space to create positive change and how to interact with the world from a place of unconditional love, encouraging individuals to embrace their unique role in shaping the future.


  • 🌟 The concept of time and the idea of past, present, and future are illusions, with all moments coexisting in the now.
  • 🌍 There is no single, set future; instead, multiple probable realities exist simultaneously, and it's up to individuals to choose which path to experience.
  • 🌀 Change is a constant, with the Earth undergoing a time of rapid transformation, including shifts in societal structures and an increased understanding of spirituality and consciousness.
  • 📡 Communication with otherworldly beings has always existed but is now becoming more physicalized as humanity evolves and desires interaction with other dimensions.
  • 👽 Earth is becoming part of a larger neighborhood of civilizations, which requires careful handling to preserve free will and maintain the delicate balance of collective energy.
  • 💪 True power lies in creation, not destruction, and the use of fear can be transformed into a tool for positive change, much like the exhilarating fear experienced on a roller coaster.
  • 🤝 As humanity becomes more spiritually aware, they will increasingly interact with other beings, and this interaction can lead to the adoption of new ideas and technologies beneficial for Earth's transformation.
  • 🌱 The universe is infinite, and thus it contains infinite abundance, meaning there is enough for everyone when people begin to trust in this abundance, they can start to break free from fear-based limitations.
  • ⚖️ Each individual is a facet of the infinite whole, and as such, every person has immense power to shape their reality and contribute to the collective evolution of Earth.
  • 🔋 The evolution of technology on Earth mirrors the growth of consciousness, with the increasing use of crystalline forms in technology reflecting a shift towards simpler, more unified systems.
  • ⏳ By embracing the concept of timelessness and the flexibility it offers, individuals can learn to navigate change more creatively and rapidly, facilitating personal and societal growth.

Q & A

  • What is the main message Bashar wants to convey about the concept of time?

    -Bashar emphasizes that time is an illusion, and there is no such thing as past, present, and future as they all coexist. The idea of time and space being side effects of the mind helps us understand that we can experience change and creation more flexibly and rapidly by perceiving timelessness.

  • How does Bashar describe the future in relation to our current reality?

    -Bashar explains that there is no single set future, but rather many probable future realities that coexist with our present. The future is just a different 'now' seen from a different perspective, and it is up to us to decide which alternate 'now' we wish to experience.

  • What is Bashar's perspective on the role of fear in human transformation?

    -Bashar suggests that while fear can be a limiting factor, it can also be used positively and constructively during change. He uses the example of a roller coaster ride to illustrate how a bit of fear can be fun and thrilling, allowing us to let go and see a new perspective.

  • How does Bashar view the concept of power in relation to creation?

    -According to Bashar, true power lies in creation, not destruction. He states that it takes no power to destroy something, whereas creating requires sensitivity and a delicate touch. The greatest power, which might be referred to as God or the Infinite Creation, has the lightest touch and can barely be felt in everyday life.

  • Bashar posits that conflicts are a way for humanity to work out many issues at once, signifying that society believes it is strong enough to confront and resolve these differences. Conflicts, though seemingly negative, are valid points of view that can be balanced and transformed into positive outcomes.


  • How does Bashar envision the interaction between Earth and other civilizations?

    -Bashar foresees a gradual and careful interaction between Earth and other civilizations, as Earth's energy frequency increases. He suggests that as humanity becomes more spiritually aware, it will be able to interact more openly with other planets, eventually leading to Earth becoming a member of a larger interstellar alliance.

  • What is the significance of the 'eyes of God' metaphor used by Bashar?

    -The 'eyes of God' metaphor is used by Bashar to illustrate that every individual, place, and thing in creation is a different perspective that the infinite creator has of itself. Each person is a unique facet of the multi-dimensional crystal of all that is, highlighting the immense power and importance of each individual.

  • How does Bashar relate the evolution of technology to the evolution of consciousness?

    -Bashar draws a parallel between the evolution of technology and consciousness, suggesting that as consciousness evolves, technology also becomes simpler and more refined. He uses the example of clocks evolving from complex mechanisms to precise crystal-based timekeepers to illustrate this point.

  • What advice does Bashar give regarding the fear of death?

    -Bashar advises that with increased spiritual understanding, the fear of death will diminish as people realize it is not the end but a change. He suggests that in time, more individuals will understand that death is a transition and will cease to fear it.

  • How does Bashar describe the process of spiritual growth on Earth?

    -Bashar describes spiritual growth on Earth as a process of increasing awareness and understanding of one's true power and connection to the infinite. This growth allows individuals to create the world they prefer and to interact more positively with the changes happening on the planet.

  • What is the importance of the concept of 'all that is' in Bashar's teachings?

    -The concept of 'all that is' is central to Bashar's teachings, representing the totality of existence. It suggests that everything imaginable is part of 'all that is' and therefore real. This concept encourages individuals to understand their inherent power and the interconnectedness of all things.



🌟 Introduction and Gratitude for Interaction

The speaker begins by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to connect and share insights. They emphasize the importance of recognizing multiple probable realities coexisting and the illusion of time and space. The future is discussed as a choice that already exists, and it's up to individuals to decide which path to follow. The current spiritual and consciousness shift on Earth is highlighted as a catalyst for communication with other beings.


🌏 Earth's Transformation and Interdimensional Communication

The paragraph discusses how society on Earth is evolving towards more physicalized interactions with other dimensions. It describes the shift from communication through dreams to more overt methods due to a growing understanding of spirituality. Earth is portrayed as becoming part of a larger neighborhood of civilizations, and the importance of handling these changes delicately to preserve free will is underlined.


🌐 The Power of Creation Over Destruction

This section speaks to the ability of humans to decide how they experience change and the unnecessary fear associated with it. It uses the roller coaster analogy to illustrate how fear can be a positive catalyst for change. The discourse then shifts to the concept of power, contrasting the destructive acts of terrorists with the true power of creation, emphasizing that all viewpoints are part of the infinite creation.


🌠 Global Unity and Encounters with Other Civilizations

The focus here is on Earth's journey towards global unity and the resolution of internal conflicts as a prerequisite for interaction with other civilizations. It suggests that the increasing conflicts are indicative of humanity working through various issues. The paragraph also explores the concept of Ascension on both global and cosmic scales and the importance of time as an illusion that can be manipulated for accelerated change.


🤝 Preparing for Positive Interactions

The speaker encourages individuals to focus on self-improvement and community enhancement to hasten positive interactions with extraterrestrial beings. They stress that the key to such encounters lies in internal energy transformation and the reduction of fear. The paragraph also highlights the collective power of positive energy and the potential for a few individuals to counteract the negativity of many.


🌈 The Role of Spiritual Growth

This section underscores the significance of spiritual growth in enabling individuals to create their preferred world. It speaks to the interconnectedness of all things and the concept of the universe as a multi-dimensional crystal. The importance of recognizing the whole within each part and the potential for technology to reflect this understanding is also discussed.


🌟 Energy Frequencies and Civilizational Interaction

The focus is on the differences in energy frequencies between Earth and other civilizations and the gradual acclimation process required for interaction. It outlines the careful approach taken to avoid overwhelming or damaging lower energy bodies. The paragraph also predicts that as Earth's energy frequency rises, interaction with other civilizations will become more feasible.


⏳ The Perception of Time and Change

The speaker discusses the concept of time as an illusion and how the mastery of this perception can lead to rapid and creative change. They provide analogies to help understand the idea of timelessness and its application in space travel and other aspects of life. The paragraph encourages embracing the present moment and the power of 'now'.


💡 The Impact of Individual Actions

This section emphasizes the significant impact of individual actions on the universe. It encourages helping others to heal and know they are loved, as these actions have a positive effect on the world. The speaker also addresses the existence of the Interstellar Alliance and the non-physical nature of their civilization.


🌱 Personal Growth and Empathy

The speaker explores the concept of personal growth through empathy, suggesting that by empathizing with oneself and others, one can create a positive change in the workplace and personal life. They discuss the transformative power of positive energy and the importance of aligning with one's highest excitement.


🔋 Energy Healing and the Power of Triangles

The speaker introduces the idea of using triangular energy formations for healing purposes. They suggest that synchronizing energy frequencies can facilitate healing and that children can provide insight into this process. The paragraph also advises on practical steps to prepare the body for healing, such as cleansing and meditation.


🧘‍♂️ Inner Peace and the Illusion of Reality

The final paragraph guides the listener to a state of relaxation and inner peace, encouraging them to visualize a place of perfect peace. It speaks to the power of paradox and the importance of understanding that the self is the only constant in an illusory universe. The speaker leaves the listener with a reminder of their inherent worth and the unconditional love that exists within and around them.




Channeling refers to the process by which a person, known as a channel, allows another entity or being to communicate through them. In the context of the video, Bashar is channeled to share wisdom and insights. It is a central theme as it is the method through which the information is conveyed to the audience.

💡Multidimensional Reality

This concept suggests that there are multiple dimensions of existence beyond our physical reality. Bashar discusses the coexistence of various probable future realities, indicating that all possible outcomes exist simultaneously. It is integral to understanding the non-linear nature of time and reality as presented.

💡Free Will

Free will is the ability to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or by divine intervention. Bashar emphasizes the importance of free will in shaping one's reality and the future, highlighting the individual's power in deciding their path amidst various possible timelines.


Consciousness is the state of being aware of and able to think and perceive. The video speaks to an evolving understanding of spirituality and consciousness on Earth, suggesting that changes in human consciousness enable new forms of communication and interaction with other beings.

💡Probable Future Realities

This term refers to the idea that there is not a single fixed future, but many potential outcomes that exist in a state of superposition. Bashar explains that it is up to individuals to choose which version of the future they wish to experience, illustrating the concept of multiple coexisting realities.

💡Illusion of Time

The illusion of time is the perception that time is a linear and constant progression, whereas in the video, Bashar suggests that time and space are side effects of consciousness and that the past, present, and future all coexist. This challenges our conventional understanding of time.

💡Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is the process of seeking a higher purpose or greater awareness beyond the physical world. The video emphasizes the importance of spiritual growth for humanity, as it opens up the possibility for new forms of energy, communication, and interaction with other dimensions.


Transformation refers to a profound change in form, nature, or appearance. The script discusses the transformation of Earth's societies, economies, and individual consciousness, indicating that these changes are a reflection of our internal shifts and are part of the planet's evolution.

💡Interstellar Alliance

The Interstellar Alliance is a group of civilizations that Bashar belongs to, which is mentioned to illustrate the concept of interplanetary cooperation and communication. It serves as an example of how Earth might eventually interact with other civilizations as it evolves.

💡Energy Frequencies

Energy frequencies relate to the vibratory rates at which different beings or entities operate. Bashar discusses how the energy frequencies of Earth and its inhabitants are shifting, allowing for new forms of interaction and the potential for membership in the Interstellar Alliance.

💡Fear and Change

Fear is often associated with change, especially in the face of the unknown. The video addresses how individuals can use fear as a catalyst for positive change, comparing the experience to the thrill of a roller coaster ride, where the fear adds to the excitement and potential for new perspectives.


Introduction to the concept of time as an illusion and its implications on our perception of reality.

Discussion on the nature of probable futures and the non-linear structure of time.

Exploration of human consciousness evolution and its impact on societal and planetary changes.

Insights into the increasing pace of societal changes and their relationship with spiritual and consciousness growth.

The connection between individual spiritual growth and global transformational shifts.

Analysis of how earthly changes reflect deeper cosmic interactions and alignments.

Reframing of global challenges as opportunities for collective spiritual awakening and growth.

Discussion on the role of fear in societal change and personal transformation.

Explanation of the interplay between different dimensions of existence and their influence on Earth.

Insights into the dynamics of creation and destruction from a spiritual perspective.

The transformative power of embracing multiple perspectives for a richer understanding of the universe.

Potential future interactions and integrations with other civilizations in the cosmos.

The concept of Earth transitioning into a member of a larger cosmic community.

Bashar's perspective on the integration of spiritual awareness into daily living and its expansive impact.

Detailed discussion on the potential for humanity to join an interstellar alliance by 2037, based on current trajectories.