Billy Coull's Terrible AI Novels

Nick Carlson Press
16 Mar 202426:40

TLDRThe video script discusses the controversy surrounding Billy Coull, a self-published author who allegedly used AI to write and publish 17 novels in a single month. The novels, which are compared to the works of Dan Brown, are criticized for their lack of originality and quality. The video also covers Coull's involvement in an AI-generated event called 'Willy's Chocolate Experience,' which was poorly received and led to significant backlash. The narrator argues that while AI can be useful in certain contexts, it should not replace human creativity and the art of writing, as it lacks the depth and emotional connection that comes from human authors.


  • 😀 Billy Coull, a purported author, self-published 17 novels in a month, suspected to be AI-generated.
  • 😅 The novels received scathing criticism for their poor quality and lack of coherence.
  • 📚 Billy's novels seem to mimic the style of popular authors like Dan Brown, particularly focusing on conspiracy themes.
  • 💰 Despite the criticism, some of Billy's books are available for purchase at a high price.
  • 🤖 The AI-generated novels suffer from various issues, including repetitive phrases, cliched dialogue, and nonsensical plot points.
  • 🖋️ The lack of human touch and creativity in AI-generated writing is evident in Billy's novels.
  • 📖 Billy's novels often lack depth and substance, with shallow characters and poorly developed storylines.
  • 🤔 The script criticizes the use of AI in writing, arguing that it devalues the art of storytelling and creative expression.
  • 🧠 The discussion delves into the distinction between technology and art, emphasizing the importance of preserving human creativity.
  • 📝 The script concludes with a call to maintain the integrity of art and resist reducing it to mere data output.

Q & A

  • What was the main issue with Willy's Chocolate Experience event?

    -The main issue with Willy's Chocolate Experience was that it was an unlicensed event that failed to deliver on its promises, resulting in a nearly empty warehouse with cheap props, downtrodden actors, and unintentional trauma for attendees. It was disbanded within a few hours due to angry parents and police intervention.

  • How many novels did Billy Coull self-publish on Amazon in the summer of 2023?

    -Billy Coull self-published a total of 17 novels on Amazon in the summer of 2023.

  • What is the criticism regarding the use of AI in creating the promotional images for Willy's Chocolate Experience?

    -The criticism is that the AI-generated promotional images were of poor quality, with issues such as incorrect anatomical features and misuse of the English language, reflecting the limitations of AI in these areas.

  • What is the name of the company that organized the Willy's Chocolate Experience event?

    -The company that organized the Willy's Chocolate Experience event is called House of Illuminati.

  • What is the general theme of Billy Coull's novels?

    -The general theme of Billy Coull's novels is modern-day thrillers featuring female protagonists uncovering hidden conspiracies interwoven with history and science.

  • What is the title of one of Billy Coull's novels that deals with a more topical subject?

    -One of Billy Coull's novels that deals with a more topical subject is 'Shadows of Deception: Unveiling the Deep State Conspiracy'.

  • What is the criticism of the author bio for Billy Coull on Amazon?

    -The criticism of the author bio for Billy Coull on Amazon is that it was AI-generated, lacked self-awareness, and came off as redundant, fluffy, and arrogant.

  • What is the main character's name in the novel 'Threads of Enigma'?

    -The main character's name in the novel 'Threads of Enigma' is Evelyn.

  • What is the criticism of the structure and content of Billy Coull's book 'The Biohazard Protocol'?

    -The criticism of 'The Biohazard Protocol' is that it has a poorly structured narrative, with scenes condensed into a few sentences and a lack of scientific rigor. The book also repeats itself and has a lack of depth in character development and dialogue.

  • What is the stance of the reviewer on AI writing and its comparison to human writing?

    -The reviewer believes that AI writing lacks the creative expression and human spirit inherent in human writing. They argue that while AI can be useful in other areas, it should not replace the art of human writing, as it risks devaluing the intangible aspects of creativity that make us human.

  • What is the final recommendation given by the reviewer regarding AI writing?

    -The final recommendation is that AI writing should not be considered as a replacement for human writing in the realm of art and creative expression. The reviewer suggests that those who use AI to create works that mimic human writing should be clear about the nature of their work and not misrepresent it as a human-created art form.



😀 Willy's Chocolate Disaster: AI's Role in a Failed Event

The first paragraph discusses the infamous Willy's chocolate experience, an unlicensed event in Glasgow, Scotland, which failed to meet the expectations set by its promotional materials. The event, which aimed to emulate the charm of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,' was criticized for its lack of substance, poor execution, and the use of AI-generated content, including the script and promotional images. The AI's shortcomings in creating realistic human features and understanding the English language were highlighted. The organizer, House of Illuminati, and the man behind the event, Billy Cole, are introduced, with speculation about the extent of AI's involvement in the event's planning and execution.


📚 Billy Cole's AI-Generated Literary Exploits

The second paragraph delves into Billy Cole's literary endeavors, specifically his self-publication of 17 novels on Amazon within a month, which raises questions about the use of AI in content creation. The paragraph scrutinizes the author profile and book descriptions, which are suspected to be AI-generated, for their lack of self-awareness and redundancy. Cole's fascination with the Illuminati and his propensity for conspiracy-themed novels are also explored. The paragraph ends with a critical view of the value and cost of Cole's work, suggesting that the content may not be worth the investment.


🤔 The Biohazard Protocol: A Critique of AI-Authored Literature

The third paragraph provides a detailed critique of 'The Biohazard Protocol' by Billy Cole, a book that is suspected to be written with AI assistance. The critique focuses on the book's poor structure, lack of character development, and implausible plot progression. The narrative is described as an outline with hastily added elements, and the book is accused of padding its length with repetition. The paragraph also mocks the book's self-referential elements and its portrayal as a source of inspiration and required reading within its own story.


😡 The Ethics of AI in Creative Writing

In the fourth paragraph, the discussion takes a philosophical turn, questioning the ethics and implications of using AI in creative writing. Billy Cole is criticized for his lack of passion and understanding of the creative process, and the paragraph argues that AI writing lacks the human element essential to art. The comparison between AI writing and technological advancements, such as the automobile replacing the horse carriage, is refuted by emphasizing the unique value of human creativity. The paragraph concludes with a warning about the potential loss of humanity if art becomes a mere technology.


🎉 A Call to Preserve Human Artistry

The final paragraph is a call to action, advocating for the preservation of human creativity and the distinction between art and technology. It argues that while technology has its place, it should not replace the irreplaceable value of human artistic expression. The paragraph encourages supporting true artists and creators, and it ends with a trailer for a real book by a real author, emphasizing the importance of original human work over AI-generated content.



💡AI-generated content

AI-generated content refers to material, such as text, images, or scripts, that are created by artificial intelligence algorithms rather than by human authors or artists. In the video, this concept is central as it discusses the use of AI in creating novels and event scripts, highlighting the lack of nuance and emotional depth in AI's output compared to human creativity.

💡Billy Cole

Billy Cole is a character mentioned in the video who is presented as an author of numerous AI-generated novels. The video questions the legitimacy of his work, suggesting that the use of AI to produce books devalues the creative process and the role of human authors.

💡The Biohazard Protocol

The Biohazard Protocol is one of the AI-generated novels authored by Billy Cole, as mentioned in the video. It serves as an example of the poor quality and lack of coherence that can result from AI-generated storytelling, emphasizing the video's critique of AI's ability to replicate the depth of human literature.

💡Human trafficking

Human trafficking is a serious issue that is mentioned in the context of one of Billy Cole's AI-generated novels, 'Selling Innocence Rosie Black's Escape from Hell.' The video uses this as an example to illustrate the insensitivity and inappropriateness of AI in handling complex and sensitive subjects.

💡Deep state

The term 'Deep state' is used in the video to describe a conspiracy theory that is the subject of one of the AI-generated novels, 'Shadows of Deception.' It highlights how AI can generate content based on popular, albeit controversial and complex, topics without the necessary understanding or nuance.

💡Vaccination truths

This phrase refers to another AI-generated novel by Billy Cole, 'Operation in Occulation,' which presumably deals with conspiracy theories related to vaccinations. The video criticizes the notion that AI can delve into and accurately represent intricate and scientifically complex subjects.

💡Anatomical features

The video points out that AI often struggles with accurately depicting basic anatomical features, as evidenced by the promotional images for the AI-generated event. This highlights the limitations of AI in capturing the human form and the subtleties of physical representation.


💡English language

The English language is noted in the video as a challenge for AI, particularly in the context of generating coherent and grammatically correct dialogue for the characters in the AI-scripted event. This underscores the complexity of natural language processing for AI.

💡Ethics in AI

The video discusses the ethical considerations that should guide the pursuit of knowledge and scientific advancement, as mentioned in a disclaimer within the AI-generated book. It reflects on the importance of ethical constraints when using AI to create content, especially in sensitive areas.

💡Creative expression

Creative expression is a central theme in the video, contrasting the human element of art and storytelling with the mechanical process of AI content generation. The video argues that the essence of art cannot be replicated by technology, emphasizing the unique value of human creativity.

💡Data puncher

The term 'data puncher' is used in the video to describe someone who uses AI to generate content without the personal investment and creative effort expected of a true artist or writer. It is a critical term that reflects the video's stance on the distinction between technology and art.


Willy's Chocolate Experience was an unlicensed immersive event in Glasgow, Scotland, which failed due to poor execution and led to international news coverage and online mockery.

The event's script and promotional images were AI-generated, showcasing the limitations of AI in creating anatomically correct and linguistically coherent content.

Billy Cole, the man behind the event, is a real person with a history of prolific self-publishing, releasing 17 novels in a single month on Amazon.

Cole's author profile and book descriptions were also AI-generated, often resulting in redundant, fluffy, and arrogant language.

The books recommended by Cole, such as 'Illumination: Wisdom from this Planet's Greatest Minds,' reflect an obsession with the Illuminati conspiracy.

Cole's novels are modern-day thrillers with female protagonists uncovering hidden conspiracies, showing a clear influence from Dan Brown's works.

The book 'Threads of Enigma' is described as a captivating novel that weaves together art history and mystery, but is criticized for its excessive use of the word 'enigma.'

The Biohazard Protocol, another of Cole's books, is criticized for its poor quality, AI-generated cover, and lack of narrative coherence.

The book's disclaimer about the pursuit of knowledge being guided by ethics is seen as ironic, given the content's quality.

The table of contents and chapter titles in Cole's books are repetitive and bland, indicating a lack of thoughtful structure.

The narrative of The Biohazard Protocol is described as an outline with random scenes tacked on, lacking depth and character development.

The book's dialogue is criticized for being dry and clichéd, lacking the pacing, style, and characterization found in better novels.

The Biohazard Protocol is portrayed as a book within the story itself, suggesting it became required reading in schools, which is seen as absurd.

The book ends abruptly after a lackluster middle and final sections, offering no resolution or satisfying conclusion to the story.

The author argues that AI writing is not true art, as it lacks the human element and creative expression inherent in traditional writing.

The use of AI in writing is compared to the automobile replacing the horse carriage, but the author emphasizes that art and technology are fundamentally different.

The author calls for a distinction between art and technology, warning that devaluing the intangible aspects of art could lead to a society that is materialistic and lacks empathy.

The video concludes with a trailer for a real book by a real author, contrasting the value of human-created literature with the criticized AI-generated works.