Boost Productivity with FREE AI in VSCode (Llama 3 Copilot)

Mervin Praison
25 Apr 202405:39

TLDRDiscover how to enhance your coding experience with the integration of Llama 3 in Visual Studio Code (VSCode). This AI-powered tool offers a range of features to boost productivity, including quick boilerplate code generation, code fixing, and refactoring. By utilizing Llama 3, developers can streamline their coding process, leading to improved code quality and reduced errors. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement Llama 3 in VSCode, starting from downloading the necessary components to writing a Flask API code and connecting it to a SQLite database. It also demonstrates how to fix bugs and document code effortlessly. With Llama 3, coding becomes more efficient, allowing developers to create functional APIs in a fraction of the time.


  • 🚀 Integrating Llama 3 with VS Code can boost productivity by automating code writing, fixing, and refactoring.
  • 💡 Llama 3 is a powerful AI tool that can be downloaded locally to create a private co-pilot for coding without relying on online searches.
  • 📚 VS Code is a popular code editor that becomes even more efficient with the addition of AI assistance like Llama 3.
  • 🔍 Without AI, developers have to manually write and fix code, which can lead to reduced productivity and code quality.
  • 📈 Using AI in VS Code can increase productivity, improve code quality, and reduce errors.
  • 🛠️ To implement AI in VS Code, you need to download and install the Code GPT extension and configure it to work with Llama 3.
  • 🔑 The Llama 3 model can be downloaded from the official website and used to enhance the capabilities of the Code GPT extension.
  • 🔗 Llama 3 can generate boilerplate code, connect to databases, and provide solutions to coding problems quickly.
  • 🛠️ The AI can also fix bugs and refactor code, making it easier for developers to maintain and improve their codebase.
  • 📝 Documentation for code can be generated using the AI, making it easier for others to understand and work with the code.
  • ⏰ With the help of Llama 3, developers can create functional APIs that interact with databases in a short amount of time.
  • 🔄 The process of coding is streamlined, allowing for faster development cycles and more efficient use of developer time.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of integrating Llama 3 with VS Code?

    -The main purpose of integrating Llama 3 with VS Code is to enhance productivity by automating code writing, fixing errors, and refactoring code, which leads to increased code quality and reduced errors.

  • How does Llama 3 help in preventing reduced productivity and code quality issues?

    -Llama 3 acts as a code companion in VS Code, allowing users to quickly generate boilerplate code, fix errors, and refactor code on the fly, thus preventing manual efforts that could lead to reduced productivity and code quality issues.

  • What is the first step to start using Llama 3 with VS Code?

    -The first step is to download and install VS Code if not already installed, and then download Llama from the website.

  • How can you search for and install the Code GPT extension in VS Code?

    -You can search for the Code GPT extension in the Extensions area of VS Code by clicking on the Extensions icon on the left-hand side, typing 'code GPT' into the search bar, and selecting the option with 1 million downloads for installation.

  • What provider and model should be selected in the settings for using Llama 3 with VS Code?

    -In the settings, you should choose 'Olama' as the provider from the drop-down list and select the 'Llama 3' model for auto-complete and code assistance.

  • How do you download and prepare Llama 3 models for use with VS Code?

    -Open the terminal in VS Code, and run the commands 'o Lama P llama 38b' and 'o Lama pull llama 3 instruct' to download and prepare the Llama 3 models for use.

  • What is the process to create a new file and start coding with Llama 3 in VS Code?

    -Create a new file by clicking the new file icon on the left-hand side of VS Code, name it '', and then select the Olama provider and the Llama 38b model from the Code GPT icon's dropdown menu to start coding.

  • How can Llama 3 assist in generating a Flask API code?

    -After setting up Llama 3 in VS Code, you can ask it to write a Flask API code by selecting the appropriate provider and model, and then typing the request and pressing enter. Llama 3 will generate the response, which you can copy or insert directly into your code.

  • What is the process to connect the generated code to a SQLite database?

    -You can ask Llama 3 to connect the data to a SQLite database by selecting the code, going back to the Code GPT icon, and requesting to connect the data to a SQLite database. Llama 3 will provide the necessary code to import the data and establish a connection.

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  • How can Llama 3 help in fixing errors in the code?

    -Llama 3 can identify and suggest fixes for errors in the selected code. You can select the problematic code, click the home button, and choose the 'Fix bug in selected code' option to receive and apply the suggested corrections.

  • How does Llama 3 assist in refactoring and documenting the code?

    -Llama 3 can refactor the selected code by using the shortcut panel's 'Refactor selected code' option. It can also document the selected code by adding relevant comments, making it easier to understand the code's functionality.

  • What are the benefits of using Llama 3 for coding in VS Code?

    -The benefits of using Llama 3 include faster code generation, automated error fixing, code refactoring, and the ability to document code with comments, all of which contribute to increased productivity, improved code quality, and reduced errors.



🚀 Integrating Llama 3 with VS Code for Enhanced Coding Productivity

The video introduces the integration of Llama 3, an AI coding assistant, with Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It emphasizes the benefits of using AI to automate code writing, fixing errors, and refactoring, which leads to increased productivity and improved code quality. The presenter guides viewers through the process of downloading Llama 3, installing the Code GPT extension in VS Code, and configuring it to work with the AI model. The video demonstrates how to generate boilerplate code for a Flask API, connect and modify the code to interact with a SQLite database, and use the extension to fix syntax errors and add comments for better documentation—all within a short timeframe.


🔧 Refactoring and Documenting Code with Llama 3 in VS Code

This paragraph showcases the advanced features of the Llama 3 AI model when used within VS Code. It highlights the ability to refactor selected code easily and efficiently, as well as to document code by adding relevant comments for better understanding. The presenter demonstrates these features by refactoring code on-the-fly and documenting a section of code with explanatory comments. The video concludes with an invitation to viewers to stay tuned for more content on AI in coding and to engage with the video by liking, sharing, and subscribing.



💡Llama 3

Llama 3 is an AI model mentioned in the video that can be integrated into Visual Studio Code (VSCode) to enhance coding productivity. It assists in creating boilerplate code, fixing bugs, and refactoring code on the fly. This integration is significant as it automates many tasks that would otherwise be done manually, leading to increased productivity and improved code quality.

💡Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Visual Studio Code, often abbreviated as VSCode, is a popular code editor tool that developers use for writing and editing code. In the context of the video, VSCode is the platform where the Llama 3 AI is integrated to provide intelligent coding assistance. It is known for its rich ecosystem of extensions that can significantly improve a developer's workflow.

💡AI Companion

In the video, the term 'AI Companion' refers to the role of the Llama 3 AI within VSCode. It acts as a partner to the developer, automating the generation of code, suggesting fixes for errors, and helping in refactoring. This companionship is crucial as it allows for a more efficient and less error-prone coding process.


Productivity in the video refers to the efficiency and effectiveness with which developers can write and maintain code. The integration of Llama 3 in VSCode is aimed at boosting productivity by reducing manual coding tasks, automating error corrections, and streamlining the code refactoring process.

💡Code Quality

Code quality is a measure of how well-written, efficient, and maintainable the code is. The video emphasizes that by using Llama 3, developers can improve code quality through automated assistance in writing, fixing, and refactoring code, which can lead to fewer errors and better overall software design.


Errors in coding are mistakes or faults that can cause a program to behave unexpectedly or fail. The video discusses how the Llama 3 AI can help reduce errors by automatically fixing bugs in the code. This feature is particularly important as it saves developers time and effort in debugging.


Extensions in VSCode are add-ons that extend the functionality of the editor. The video mentions the use of an extension called 'Code GPT' which integrates the Llama 3 AI into VSCode. This extension allows users to leverage AI capabilities directly within the editor, enhancing their coding experience.

💡Flask API

A Flask API is a web application built using the Flask framework, which is a lightweight WSGI web application framework in Python. In the video, the presenter uses Llama 3 to generate a boilerplate Flask API code, demonstrating how quickly and efficiently AI can assist in creating functional code snippets.

💡SQL Lite Database

SQL Lite is a lightweight, file-based database management system that is often used for small-scale applications or for local data storage. The video script includes a demonstration where the Llama 3 AI is used to connect the generated Flask API code to a SQL Lite database, showing how AI can facilitate database integration.


Refactoring in the context of the video refers to the process of restructuring existing computer code without changing its external behavior. The Llama 3 AI assists in this process by providing suggestions for code improvements, making the code more efficient, readable, and maintainable.


Documentation in coding refers to the process of adding comments and explanations to the code to make it easier to understand. The video shows how the Llama 3 AI can automatically generate documentation for selected code, which is essential for maintaining and collaborating on larger projects.


Integrating Llama 3 into VS Code can boost productivity by automating code writing, fixing, and refactoring.

Llama 3 is an AI assistant that can be downloaded locally to create a private copilot for coding.

Without AI, developers manually write and fix code, leading to reduced productivity and code quality.

Using Llama 3 in VS Code provides in-app code explanations, refactoring, and documentation creation.

VS Code is a popular code editor that can be enhanced with AI for improved coding efficiency.

Llama 3 enables quick boilerplate code creation, real-time code fixes, and refactoring.

Productivity and code quality are increased, while errors are reduced with the use of Llama 3 in VS Code.

A step-by-step guide is provided on how to implement AI in VS Code for coding assistance.

The presenter regularly creates videos on Artificial Intelligence and invites viewers to subscribe to their YouTube channel.

Downloading Llama 3 from and integrating it with VS Code is a straightforward process.

Extensions in VS Code can be used to search for and install Code GPT, which interfaces with Llama 3.

Settings in the VS Code extension allow users to choose the provider and enable the copilot feature.

Llama 3's parameter model can be downloaded to ensure compatibility with the VS Code extension.

Creating a file in VS Code and using the Code GPT icon initiates the AI coding assistance.

AI can generate a Flask API code as a starting point for further development.

Llama 3 can connect code to a SQLite database and provide necessary code modifications for this integration.

Errors in code can be fixed using the AI's bug-fixing feature, which identifies and corrects issues.

Code can be refactored and documented directly within VS Code using Llama 3's AI capabilities.

The entire process of creating, fixing, and documenting code can be done within minutes using Llama 3 in VS Code.

The presenter is excited about the potential of AI in coding and plans to create more videos on the topic.