🔶️Boy Pretends To Be Stupid But He is The Most Powerful Student in The Academy | Anime Recap

AniGod Recap
13 Dec 202333:05

TLDRIn a world where a conflict has left the Far East uninhabitable, a teacher named Oro at Nashi Academy devises a training exercise for her students to attack her and skip school. Among them is AI Tori, the protagonist, who pretends to be absent-minded but is secretly the most powerful. As Oro's lesson unfolds, AI Tori and his classmates embark on a series of battles and adventures, uncovering a plot involving the international Testament Union and the eight deadly sins. AI Tori, determined to save his friend Horizon, challenges the status quo and confronts powerful foes, leading to a climactic battle that could alter the fate of the world.


  • 📜 The anime revolves around a powerful student, AI, who pretends to be stupid but is revealed to be the most formidable in the academy.
  • 🎓 The story is set in a world where the Testament Union oversees the history of mankind and the holy book, Testament, foretells the end of the world.
  • 🚢 AI's teacher, Oro, conducts a training exercise where students must try to harm her to earn a reprieve from school, showcasing the diverse abilities of the students.
  • 🤺 AI demonstrates his video game-inspired combat skills by defeating Oro, leading to a humorous misunderstanding when he grabs her breasts.
  • 💔 AI is determined to confess his love to Horizon, a girl who has been dead for 10 years, showing his unwavering commitment despite the impossible odds.
  • 👻 The academy is plagued by ghosts, leading to an exorcism event that turns into a chaotic battle between the students and the supernatural beings.
  • 💥 A major conflict arises when the king of Musashi, Yosa, and the Testament Union plan to destroy Mika, causing a series of battles and strategic moves.
  • 🤝 Through a political debate, AI and his allies argue for Horizon's salvation, emphasizing her innocence and the potential global repercussions of her death.
  • 🏆 The anime concludes with a climactic battle where AI and his friends fight against the Testament Union to save Horizon, showcasing their unity and determination.
  • 🌟 AI's love for Horizon and his willingness to become the world's king to restore her emotions culminates in a heartfelt confession and a decisive victory against their adversaries.
  • 🏴‍☠️ The final scenes hint at ongoing and future conflicts, with Spain invading MHI and the appearance of the Oda nation's ship, suggesting a continuation of the story beyond the anime's conclusion.

Q & A

  • What is the main conflict in the beginning of the anime?

    -The main conflict in the beginning of the anime is the training exercise where the students are trying to hurt their teacher, Oreo, to skip school, but she effortlessly dodges their attacks.

  • What is the significance of the Testament Union in the anime?

    -The Testament Union is an international organization that oversees the history of mankind by protecting the Testament book and has announced that the end of the world is near.

  • How does the protagonist, AI Tori, demonstrate his power and intelligence?

    -AI Tori demonstrates his power and intelligence by defeating a demon while explaining to his classmates and showing them how to do it, despite pretending to be absent-minded and skipping class.

  • What is the significance of the character Horizon in the anime?

    -Horizon is a key character who is revealed to be the ninth sin, capable of absorbing the other weapons, and AI Tori is determined to confess his love to her despite her being dead for 10 years.

  • What is the role of the Musashi ship in the anime?

    -The Musashi ship is the setting for much of the anime, serving as a floating academy where the students train and interact, and it is also involved in the political and military conflicts of the world.

  • What is the significance of the unification war mentioned in the script?

    -The unification war led to the Divine State of the Far East separating from the harmonic States, resulting in the formation of one habitable zone on Earth that is divided into several kingdoms, all under the mediation of The Testament Union.

  • How does AI Tori plan to save Horizon?

    -AI Tori plans to save Horizon by using his abilities and the support of his friends and allies to challenge the Testament Union and the forces that seek to exploit Horizon's powers.

  • What is the significance of the path of remorse in the story?

    -The path of remorse is a significant location where several characters have important encounters and revelations, including AI Tori and Horizon, and it is also where Horizon's mother's grave is located.

  • What is the role of the dolls in the anime?

    -The dolls in the anime serve various roles, including being companions, warriors, and even possessing the spirits of the deceased. They are intricately connected to the plot and the characters' development.

  • What is the outcome of the debate between Musashi and the Testament Union?

    -The outcome of the debate is that Musashi wins and retains its authority, with AI Tori and Horizon appointed as Viceroys. This allows Musashi to function as an independent state and work towards saving Horizon and preventing the end of the world.



📖 Opening and Training Challenge

The anime begins with a narrative from the Testament, highlighting a past conflict that left the Far East inhabitable. On the ship Nashi, a teacher named Oro starts a training session with her third-year class, consisting of students of diverse races. Oro sets a challenge where students must try to hurt her before she reaches her office, with the reward being a five-day break from school. The students employ various skills such as spells and contracts to attack Oro, but she effortlessly dodges their attacks. A girl named De manages to engage with Oro but is overpowered. The test continues with other students like Tenzo and Nori attempting to ambush Oro, but she counters their strategies. Despite the students' efforts, Oro reaches her target, only to be interrupted by a demon's appearance. Oro then teaches the students how to defeat the demon, transitioning into a subplot involving the student council president, AI, who skips class to buy an erotic game, leading to a humorous misunderstanding with Oro.


🤼‍♀️ Unexpected Intruders and Revelations

The narrative continues with Musashi Yash welcoming a new student, Isuma, the emperor's son of the Far East. Oro inadvertently exposes him to the class, leading to a humorous situation. Sju's subplot involves her visiting a cemetery to see her mother's grave and discussing her past with P1, revealing her family's attempt to change her gender. Meanwhile, the ship approaches Mika, and Saki learns about the development of powerful weapons known as capital sins. The story also introduces a character named Kimmy, AI's sister, who laughs at AI's plan to confess his love to a girl named Horizon, believed to be dead. The narrative then shifts to various student interactions, a test of Ssuz's knowledge, and AI's interruption leading to a comical punishment. The paragraph concludes with a mysterious character, P1, recommending Sju to visit the Path of Remorse, hinting at future events.


💥 Battle of Gods and Secrets Unveiled

The story escalates with the appearance of giant robots called Gods of War, and the characters find themselves in the midst of a significant conflict. Saki hears about plans to destroy Mika and stands guard, while Kimmy observes AI's attempts to enter the Path of Remorse. A dramatic battle ensues, with Sju's father appearing as a pathmaster and revealing shocking information about the death of Horizon on the Path of Remorse. The narrative intertwines with the characters' personal struggles, such as T grappling with the spirit of his wife within an Automan doll, and the strategic maneuvering of the Testament Union. The paragraph culminates in a significant revelation about the eight deadly sins and the ninth sin, which P1 is revealed to possess, setting the stage for the ensuing conflict.


🌟 Final Showdown and the Quest for Salvation

The climax of the story involves a desperate attempt to save Horizon, with AI leading the charge. The narrative is filled with intense battles, political intrigue, and the exploration of complex relationships between the characters. The conflict with the Testament Union reaches its peak, with AI and his companions fighting against overwhelming odds. Sju plays a crucial role in the debate, defending Horizon and advocating for Musashi's independence. The story takes a dramatic turn when AI and Horizon confront their past and emotions, leading to a critical decision that will determine the fate of the world. The final scenes reveal the aftermath of the battle, the resolution of personal conflicts, and the establishment of new alliances, leaving the audience with a sense of hope and anticipation for the future.


🚀 The Aftermath and New Beginnings

The anime concludes with the aftermath of the intense conflict with the Testament Union. AI and Horizon's relationship reaches a new milestone as they return to the academy together. The political landscape shifts with Musashi gaining independence and Sju becoming a key figure in the new order. The characters face new challenges and adventures, with Sju traveling to England to establish connections and AI grappling with the complexities of his new role. The story ends on a hopeful note, with the characters looking forward to a future filled with potential and promise, while also acknowledging the sacrifices and struggles that have shaped their journey.




Oreo is a teacher in the anime who is training her third-year class of students from different races. She is a central character who introduces the concept of the training exercise where students attempt to hurt her to skip school, showcasing her role in the academy and her influence on the students' development.

💡Training Exercise

The training exercise is a pivotal element in the anime where students are tasked with trying to hurt their teacher, Oreo, as a test of their skills. It demonstrates the unique educational methods employed in the academy and serves as a platform for the students to showcase their abilities, such as spells and contracts.


Dodging is a defensive technique used by Oreo to evade the students' attacks during the training exercise. It highlights her prowess and experience as a teacher, as well as the challenges the students face in trying to overcome her defenses.


The demon represents a real-life threat that the students must face, teaching them a valuable lesson about the importance of preparedness and the application of their skills beyond the confines of the academy.

💡AI Tori

AI Tori is the protagonist of the anime, a student who skips class to buy an erotic game, and later plans to confess his love to a girl named Horizon. His character development and actions drive much of the plot, showcasing the themes of personal growth and determination.


Horizon is a significant character who is deceased but still holds a profound impact on AI Tori. Her memory serves as a catalyst for AI's actions and decisions throughout the anime, symbolizing the power of love and the importance of fulfilling promises.

💡Student Council

The Student Council is an important organization within the academy, with members like Sju and Kimmy playing key roles in the story. It represents the student body's leadership and their involvement in the academy's governance and decision-making processes.

💡Testament Union

The Testament Union is an international organization that oversees the history of mankind and protects the Testament book. It plays a crucial role in the world-building of the anime, setting the stage for the political and historical context in which the story unfolds.


Mika is a location in the anime that becomes significant as the site of a major event, with the academy's ship heading towards it. It represents a destination and a goal for the characters, and its mention in the script suggests an upcoming plot development.

💡Unification War

The Unification War is a historical event in the anime's backstory that led to the formation of a single habitable zone on Earth. It is a key element in understanding the world's current political landscape and the tensions between different nations within the story.

💡Automatan Dolls

Automatan Dolls are artificial beings in the anime with human-like appearances and abilities. They serve various roles, including companionship and combat, and their presence adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, exploring themes of identity and the intersection of technology and humanity.


The anime opens with a conflict that made only a part of the Earth, the Far East, habitable.

Teacher Oro trains her third-year class with students of different races in a unique way.

Students must try to hurt Oro to skip school, showcasing their diverse skills and contracts.

Oro's exceptional ability to dodge and neutralize her students' attacks is demonstrated.

Academy president Saki and Musashi doll reveal the Testament Union and the nearing end of the world.

The protagonist, AI Tori, skips class to buy an erotic game, leading to a humorous misunderstanding with Oro.

AI's determination to confess his love to Horizon, a girl who died 10 years ago, shocks everyone.

The unification war and the formation of one habitable zone on Earth by The Testament Union is explained.

AI organizes a party to celebrate his confession, uncovering more about the school's supernatural occurrences.

Sju's visit to the path of remorse and her encounter with P1 reveals her tragic past and her mother's grave.

The conflict escalates as Musashi lands on Mika and tensions rise between the characters.

AI and his companions face off against supernatural entities in an academy-wide exorcism event.

The revelation of the capital sin weapons and the plotting of Matsu and Mune adds a layer of intrigue.

The climactic battle against the God of War robots and the self-sacrifice of Kazuno is a pivotal moment.

The unexpected twist of P1 possessing Horizon's soul and the ninth sin introduces a new dynamic.

AI's desperate race to save Horizon and the resulting explosion that kills Matsu and T is a critical turning point.

The aftermath of the conflict sees Horizon condemned to commit SU and the political implications discussed.

The strategic debate between Musashi and the Testament Union sets the stage for future events.

AI's ultimate decision to save Horizon despite her lack of human emotions is a testament to his character.

The conclusion sees AI and Horizon safely reunited, with Horizon now under Musashi's protection.

The final scenes hint at ongoing tensions and potential future conflicts with Spain and other nations.