Chad Low ticket beth 02

Chad Kimball
28 Jan 202204:30

TLDRChad introduces his 15-year-old daughter Bethany, who has found success with an online business model that generates a substantial income with minimal time investment. The secret lies in leveraging hidden features of the maps app on smartphones to profit from local businesses' transactions. Chad's training program, Google Maps Gold, teaches how to set up this system, with testimonials from satisfied students. The course is now available at a significantly reduced price, offering a chance to learn how to create a full-time income with this innovative approach. Don't miss the limited time promotion to access this potentially lucrative opportunity.


  • 😀 Chad introduces a business model that allows his 15-year-old daughter Bethany to earn a five-figure income by working less than an hour per week using a simple maps technique.
  • 🗺️ The business model exploits hidden features in the maps app that help generate income every time local businesses like tow trucks and electricians earn money.
  • 💼 Chad claims that this model works on autopilot and does not require technical skills, making it accessible to a broad audience including grandmas and school teachers.
  • 🚀 Several success stories are highlighted, including a grandmother who earns $500 monthly and Cory, a friend of Chad's, who makes over $30,000 profit per month.
  • 📈 Chad offers an online class that outlines the steps to set up this online map-based business, promising massive returns with minimal investment.
  • 💸 Originally costing over $4,000, Chad is currently offering this training at a 99% discount, pricing it at just $9.94 for a limited time.
  • 🎓 The promotional offer includes a quick start version of the training, allowing immediate access and quick implementation of the business model.
  • 🔗 Interested viewers are encouraged to click a link in the video to register for the class and learn the step-by-step method to achieve similar financial success.
  • 💡 Live examples and niche strategies will be demonstrated in the class, providing practical insights into the business model.
  • 🕒 The offer is time-sensitive, urging potential participants to register soon to avail the significant discount and start earning.

Q & A

  • Who is Chad and what is he presenting in the video?

    -Chad is a presenter in the video who introduces a business model used by his 15-year-old daughter, Bethany, to generate a significant income online by working minimally, using hidden features on the maps app.

  • How much time does Bethany spend on her online business weekly?

    -Bethany spends about one hour or less per week on her online business.

  • What is the primary tool used in Bethany's business model?

    -The primary tool used in Bethany's business model involves exploiting hidden features of the maps app on smartphones.

  • How does this business model benefit from local businesses?

    -The business model enables users to earn money whenever local businesses like tow trucks and electricians make money, leveraging their transactions to generate income.

  • What kind of results have other students achieved using Chad's methods?

    -Other students, including a grandmother and Chad’s friend Corey, have seen substantial financial returns, with profits ranging from hundreds to over thirty thousand dollars per month.

  • What does the 'Google Maps Gold' training program offer?

    -The 'Google Maps Gold' training program offers a step-by-step guide on setting up and running the online maps-based business model, promising significant financial returns.

  • What discount is Chad offering for his training program?

    -Chad is offering a limited-time promotion with a 99% discount, pricing the training at only nine dollars and ninety-four cents.

  • What proof does Chad provide to substantiate his claims?

    -Chad provides testimonials and earnings snapshots from his students, including photos and videos, to demonstrate the effectiveness of his training.

  • Who are the typical participants of Chad's training program?

    -The typical participants include a diverse group such as grandmothers, mailmen, school teachers, and even Chad’s own children, indicating that the program is accessible to a wide audience.

  • What is the goal of the online class that Chad mentions?

    -The goal of the online class is to teach participants how to set up their own online map-based business, using the same techniques that have generated substantial profits for others.



💼 Online Business Model for Teens

Chad introduces his 15-year-old daughter Bethany and promises to reveal a business model that she uses to earn a five-figure income online, working only an hour per week or less. The model is based on leveraging hidden features of the maps app on smartphones, which allows her to earn money whenever local service providers like tow trucks or electricians get paid. Chad emphasizes that this method is accessible to anyone, not just tech-savvy individuals, and that his students range from grandmas to school teachers. He offers a step-by-step guide on setting up this system and invites viewers to learn more through a link provided in the video.



💡business model

A business model refers to a plan or strategy for how a company generates revenue and makes a profit. In the video, Chad introduces a specific business model that his daughter Bethany uses to earn a significant income online by working very minimally. This model involves leveraging hidden features of the maps app on smartphones to earn money from local business transactions.

💡five figure income

A five figure income refers to earning between $10,000 and $99,999 annually. In the script, Bethany, a 15-year-old, is said to be generating this amount by working less than one hour per week using a specialized online strategy.

💡maps app

The 'maps app' typically refers to mobile applications that provide geographical information and navigation services. Chad claims that hidden features within these apps can be exploited to generate income by partnering financially with local businesses like tow trucks and electricians.


Autopilot in this context refers to a system or process running automatically with little to no manual intervention. The video script suggests that the business model can generate income on autopilot, meaning it continues to operate effectively without continuous effort.

💡tech geek

The term 'tech geek' typically describes someone highly knowledgeable or enthusiastic about technology. Chad mentions that one does not need to be a tech geek to succeed with his business model, emphasizing its simplicity and accessibility to a broad audience, including grandmas and school teachers.

💡Google Maps gold training program

This refers to the specific training program developed by Chad, designed to teach individuals how to utilize Google Maps for generating income. This program is part of a special promotion in the video, significantly discounted to make it accessible for more people to learn and apply these techniques.

💡limited time promotion

A limited time promotion is a marketing strategy where a product or service is offered at a special discount for a short period. In the video, Chad is using this approach to attract viewers to quickly sign up and access his discounted training program.

💡full-time income

A full-time income refers to the amount of money one would typically earn from a full-time job. In the video, Chad advertises that his business model can potentially generate a full-time income, even though it requires minimal time investment.


In marketing, niches refer to specialized segments of the market for a specific kind of product or service. The video mentions that during the class, niches will be provided, which likely means participants will be taught how to identify and exploit specific market segments using the maps app for income.

💡step by step

This phrase suggests a methodical, easy-to-follow process. Chad promises to teach his business model in a step-by-step manner, which helps in simplifying complex processes into manageable parts, making it easier for people with no prior technical experience to understand and implement the strategy.


Chad introduces a business model his 15-year-old daughter Bethany uses to generate a five-figure income online, working less than an hour per week.

The business leverages hidden features in phone map apps that many people are unaware of.

The model aligns earnings with local businesses, allowing users to profit when these businesses make money.

Chad claims the system works on autopilot and is embraced by local businesses.

The approach is user-friendly, with a diverse demographic of users including grandmas and school teachers.

Chad offers an online class that explains the setup of this online maps-based business.

Students previously paid over $4,000 for this training, but a promotional rate is now offered at 99% off.

Testimonials included a user named Jackson who earned over $4,000 in one day.

A grandmother regularly receives $500 checks each month using this system.

Another testimonial from Corey shows a monthly profit of over $30,000.

The training program is titled 'Google Maps Gold' and is available for immediate download.

Chad emphasizes the quick financial returns achievable with this model compared to traditional education costs.

The promotional price for the training is $9.94, offering access to all necessary techniques.

Attendees of the online class will learn to replicate the successful business model step-by-step.

The promotion includes live demonstrations and niche giveaways during the class.