Coder Jobs 2024?

Stefan Mischook
1 Apr 202470:49

TLDRIn this lively and informative live stream, the host, Uncle Steph, discusses the promising job prospects for software developers in 2024, highlighting a projected growth of 133%. He emphasizes the importance of web development and its integration with emerging technologies. Drawing from his extensive experience as a professional developer and tech entrepreneur, Uncle Steph shares valuable insights into the industry, dispelling myths about job replacement by AI. He also offers practical advice for those seeking to excel in tech, recommending books and courses that can level up their skills. Throughout the stream, he interacts with viewers, answering their questions on various topics, from the best programming languages to career strategies in the ever-evolving tech landscape.


  • πŸš€ The demand for software developers is projected to grow by 133% in 2024, outpacing the average growth rate for all occupations.
  • 🌐 Web development is becoming increasingly integrated with advanced technologies like machine learning, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things.
  • 🧠 Learning web development in 2024 equips individuals with the foundational knowledge to embrace new technologies and adapt to market changes.
  • πŸ€– AI is not expected to replace developers or coding jobs; instead, it will assist and change the nature of certain tasks within the development process.
  • πŸ› οΈ Building things, such as developing new applications or systems, is more protected from AI replacement than maintenance jobs due to the complexity and creative problem-solving required.
  • πŸ“ˆ Entrepreneurship and business acumen are valuable skills for developers, providing a broader perspective and opportunities for success in the tech industry.
  • πŸ“š For intermediate developers looking to level up their skills, 'Refactoring' is recommended, while beginners can start with 'Web Design Start Here' for foundational knowledge.
  • πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ The 'Lizard Wizard' course teaches principles of psychology and self-improvement, helping individuals manage their 'lizard brain' and achieve personal growth.
  • 🌍 Freelancing opportunities are possible even from challenging locations like Afghanistan, with a focus on language skills and cultural understanding to target specific markets.
  • 🎯 For those considering a career in tech, cloud computing and AI offer promising avenues with a high demand for skilled professionals in the coming years.

Q & A

  • What is the overall demand for software developers expected to grow in 2024?

    -The overall demand for software developers is expected to grow by 133% in 2024.

  • What factors are driving the growth in demand for software developers?

    -The growth in demand for software developers is driven by factors such as increasing adoption of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Big Data technologies, and the integration of web development with machine learning, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the prospects for web development in 2024?

    -The speaker suggests that web development is still a good area to focus on in 2024 as it provides fundamental knowledge and enables developers to adapt to new technologies and changing market conditions.

  • What is the speaker's view on the impact of AI on developer jobs?

    -The speaker believes that AI will not replace developers but will instead change the nature of their work, with developers needing to integrate AI into their workflows and learn to use tools like AI co-pilot and chatbots to assist in development processes.

  • What advice does the speaker give to those worried about choosing the right profession or those doubting their choice of a developer career?

    -The speaker advises not to worry and to continue learning and improving skills, as the demand for developers is still growing and there are many opportunities in the field.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on the importance of having a well-rounded background in entrepreneurship and business for developers?

    -The speaker believes that having a well-rounded background in entrepreneurship and business is important for developers as it allows them to understand the broader context of their work and to succeed in diverse business types.

  • What is the significance of the 'lizard brain' in the speaker's teachings?

    -The 'lizard brain' refers to the emotional self in the speaker's teachings, and learning to manage it is a key aspect of his 'Lizard Wizard' course, which aims to help individuals think more freely and not be easily controlled or manipulated by outside influences.

  • What does the speaker suggest for someone who wants to transition from learning mobile development to other areas of development?

    -The speaker suggests that once you understand programming and development for mobile, it won't be hard to pivot to other areas like IoT development or web development, making it a good starting point for a career in tech.

  • What are the speaker's recommendations for books to level up coding skills?

    -For intermediate level coders, the speaker recommends 'Refactoring' in either Java or JavaScript versions. For total beginners, he suggests his own book on the basics of web design, and for those interested in psychology and self-improvement, he recommends '48 Laws of Power'.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the value of a full stack development diploma course that costs Β£7,000 for 40 weeks?

    -The speaker, being biased due to his own mentoring program, suggests considering less expensive alternatives before spending such a large amount on a course. He promotes his own program as a more affordable and interactive option.

  • How does the speaker approach theεΏ§θ™‘ of a 43-year-old individual looking to transition into tech from a content creation and journalism background?

    -The speaker reassures the individual that age is not a barrier and that their background in content creation and journalism can be valuable when combined with coding knowledge. He emphasizes that math is not a significant requirement for most development roles and encourages the person not to be scared of making the transition.



🎀 Introduction and Job Prospects for Developers in 2024

The speaker begins the live stream with an informal greeting and a brief interaction with the audience. He discusses the demand for software developers, predicting a 133% growth by 2024 due to the increasing adoption of technologies like cloud computing, AI, and Big Data. He also touches on the relevance of web development in the future job market, emphasizing its importance as a fundamental skill that opens doors to various types of development work.


🌟 Success Stories and the Importance of a Diverse Skill Set

The speaker shares insights from his own experiences and those of his mentor, highlighting the value of having a diverse skill set across different industries. He emphasizes the importance of a consistent track record in evaluating one's success, both as a developer and an entrepreneur. He also talks about his early ventures in business, starting from a modest beginning and learning technology to promote his first company.


πŸ€– AI and the Future of Development Jobs

The speaker addresses concerns about AI replacing development jobs, arguing that jobs requiring creativity and problem-solving, such as development, are less likely to be replaced. He uses the example of building an e-commerce application to illustrate the complexity and personalized nature of development work that AI cannot replicate. He differentiates between a developer and a coder, and assures viewers that AI will assist, not replace, developers in their tasks.


🧠 Understanding the 'Lizard Brain' and Personal Development

The speaker introduces a device that monitors brain activity to help manage stress and control the 'lizard brain', which represents our emotional responses. He discusses his 'Lizard Wizard' course, which aims to teach people about the dual operating systems of the brain and how to manage them effectively. He also shares his philosophy on personal development, emphasizing the importance of self-improvement in various aspects of life.


πŸ“š Book Recommendations and Freelancing Advice

The speaker recommends books for different levels of developers, including 'Refactoring' for intermediate coders and his own book for beginners interested in web design. He also suggests '48 Laws of Power' for those looking to improve their soft skills and psychological understanding. He shares tips on freelancing, such as building a professional website and networking in person to establish trust and credibility.


πŸŽ₯ Behind the Scenes of Content Creation

The speaker talks about his journey in content creation, sharing his experiences with audio and video equipment. He admits to initially approaching it as a hobby, which later evolved into a successful YouTube channel. He reflects on the importance of investing in professional help to expedite learning and save time. He also shares a personal anecdote about receiving less LinkedIn requests after a job promotion, offering advice on maintaining visibility and networking on the platform.


🌐 Global Opportunities and the Power of Learning

The speaker discusses the global shifts in technology and infrastructure, highlighting opportunities in various regions like Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America. He encourages a global perspective and the importance of learning, especially English proficiency for those targeting English-speaking markets. He also shares advice for college students on the benefits of learning web development and the potential for job opportunities it offers.


πŸ’Ό Balancing Work and Life as a Developer

The speaker shares personal experiences and advice on balancing work and family life as a developer or entrepreneur. He warns against becoming a workaholic and emphasizes the importance of taking breaks and spending time with family. He also talks about his upcoming review of a brain-reading device and how it can complement the principles taught in his 'Lizard Wizard' course.


πŸ“ˆ Tech Trends and Career Opportunities

The speaker discusses the popularity of Java and JavaScript over the years and why they dominated the market. He also shares his opinion on the value of a full-stack development diploma course, comparing it to his own mentoring program. He advises trying less drastic solutions before committing to significant investments or changes. He encourages older individuals looking to transition into tech to not be intimidated by age or the perception that math is crucial for coding.


πŸš€ Embracing Change and Overcoming Fears

The speaker addresses the fear of change and the future, particularly in the tech industry. He explains how our brains are wired to amplify potential threats, which can lead to unnecessary worry. He encourages viewers to continue working towards their goals despite fears and uncertainties. He also talks about the importance of physical and mental conditioning in martial arts, which can be applied to various aspects of life, including overcoming addictions.


πŸŽ—οΈ Final Thoughts and Stream Wrap-up

The speaker concludes the stream by thanking the audience for their participation and engagement. He encourages healthy habits such as drinking water and exercising. He promotes his 'Lizard Wizard' course for those interested in understanding the brain's workings and offers his website for further resources. The stream ends with a relaxing outro video set in Cape Elizabeth, Maine.



πŸ’‘Software Developers

The term 'Software Developers' refers to professionals who create, test, and maintain software applications. In the video, it is mentioned that the demand for software developers is expected to grow significantly in 2024, highlighting the importance of this profession in the future job market.

πŸ’‘Web Development

Web Development is the process of creating and maintaining websites or web applications. The video emphasizes the importance of web development as a fundamental skill for developers, as it integrates with various technologies and prepares them for changing market conditions.

πŸ’‘Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing refers to the delivery of computing services, such as storage, processing power, and databases, over the internet (the 'cloud'). The video highlights the increasing adoption of cloud computing as a key factor driving the demand for software developers.

πŸ’‘Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. The video points out the role of AI in creating job opportunities for developers and changing the nature of certain jobs.

πŸ’‘Big Data

Big Data refers to the large and complex sets of data that cannot be managed using traditional data processing methods. The video implies that the handling and analysis of big data are significant factors contributing to the demand for software developers.

πŸ’‘Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a subset of AI that allows computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data. The video emphasizes the increasing integration of machine learning into web development, indicating its growing importance in the tech industry.

πŸ’‘Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical devices, vehicles, and other objects embedded with sensors and software that allow them to connect and exchange data. The video suggests that IoT is another technology contributing to the demand for developers, as it expands the possibilities for software applications.

πŸ’‘Job Prospects

Job Prospects refer to the potential opportunities available for employment in a particular field. In the video, the speaker discusses the positive job prospects for developers in 2024, countering any negative perceptions and providing reassurance to those considering a career in coding.

πŸ’‘Lizard Brain

The term 'Lizard Brain' is a metaphorical reference to the primitive, instinctual part of the human brain responsible for basic survival functions and emotions. In the video, the speaker mentions a course called 'Lizard Wizard' that teaches individuals how to manage their emotional, or 'lizard brain,' aspects for personal development.


Entrepreneurship refers to the process of designing, launching, and running a startup or a new business. The video speaker, who identifies as an entrepreneur, shares insights on the mindset and skills required for entrepreneurship, contrasting it with working in a corporation.


The overall demand for software developers is projected to grow by 133% in 2024.

Factors driving the growth include increasing adoption of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, Big Data Technologies, and integration with machine learning and augmented reality.

Web development is becoming more integrated with advanced technologies, making it a fundamental knowledge area for developers.

Learning web technologies introduces developers to various types of coding and programming, making it a versatile skill to have.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a consistent track record in evaluating individuals, especially in the tech and business sectors.

The speaker shares their experience as a professional developer and tech entrepreneur, highlighting the value of diverse business experiences.

The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the distinction between a developer and a coder, and the unique roles they play in technology.

AI is expected to assist in development processes, but it will not replace developers due to the complexity and unique nature of development work.

The speaker shares a personal anecdote about starting their first business at 17 with very little capital, illustrating the importance of perseverance and learning from experiences.

The speaker talks about the value of learning web development as a platform to launch careers in other technology areas.

The speaker discusses the importance of adapting to changing market conditions and embracing new technologies in the tech industry.

The speaker shares insights on the future of coding jobs, dispelling myths about job prospects for developers and coders.

The speaker talks about their experience with different programming languages and technologies, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning in the tech field.

The speaker provides advice on how to approach local businesses without websites, suggesting strategies for building a portfolio and gaining experience.

The speaker shares personal tips on balancing family time and work as a developer or entrepreneur, highlighting the importance of discipline and taking breaks.

The speaker discusses the impact of AI on jobs, particularly in the context of building versus maintenance roles, and the relative safety of development jobs.

The speaker talks about the trajectory of coding over the next five years, including the integration of AI into development workflows and the importance of staying adaptable.