Create an Audiobook in Your Voice Using ElevenLabs (under $100)

Feisworld Media
1 Nov 202311:28

TLDRThe video script introduces 11 Labs, an AI voice platform, as a cost-effective and time-efficient solution for authors to create audiobooks using their own voice. It highlights the platform's features, such as instant voice cloning and professional voice cloning (PVC), and provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the service, including tips on audio quality and voice customization. The video emphasizes the benefits of AI in content creation and encourages creators to explore this technology to enhance their work.


  • 🎙️ Utilize AI voice platforms like 11 Labs to create audiobooks with your own voice at a low cost and within an hour.
  • 🚀 11 Labs' instant voice cloning allows for quick voice creation with just a minute of audio, ideal for fast projects.
  • 🎧 Professional Voice Cloning (PVC) offers a high-quality, indistinguishable voice option for more polished audiobooks.
  • 📑 Start with Speech Synthesis in 11 Labs and customize your cloned voices for different moods and occasions.
  • 🔊 Ensure high audio quality for voice cloning by recording in a noise-free environment and using tools like QuickTime to extract audio.
  • 📂 Compress audio files to the recommended size using free apps like Audacity or GarageBand for efficient uploading.
  • 📖 Upload a clear and representative sample of your voice and adjust settings for stability, clarity, and similarity for the best results.
  • 📈 Test different voice settings and listen back to samples to ensure the AI voice aligns with your vision for the audiobook.
  • 📊 Be mindful of character limits and costs associated with generating text for your audiobook, staying organized with your monthly quota.
  • 🤝 Consider joining 11 Labs' affiliate program to introduce this tool to your audience and benefit from partnerships.
  • 💬 Engage with the 11 Labs community for support, feedback, and to help improve the platform for all users.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about creating an audiobook using an AI voice platform called 11 Labs, which allows users to generate an audiobook with their own voice in a short amount of time and at a low cost.

  • What are the advantages of using 11 Labs for creating an audiobook?

    -11 Labs offers a powerful AI voice platform that enables users to create audiobooks with high-quality voice cloning, preserving the vocal identity and delivery style of the original speaker. It is cost-effective, time-saving, and does not require professional recording equipment or extensive editing.

  • What are the two techniques mentioned for training your own voice using 11 Labs?

    -The two techniques mentioned are Instant Voice Cloning, which allows for immediate voice creation with just a few minutes of audio, and Professional Voice Cloning (PVC), which provides a highly accurate and professional-sounding voice that is almost indistinguishable from the original.

  • How does the Instant Voice Cloning process work in 11 Labs?

    -For Instant Voice Cloning, users need to upload an audio file of themselves speaking for at least one minute without background noise. The platform then uses this recording to generate a cloned voice that can be used to create an audiobook.

  • What type of audio file is suitable for uploading to 11 Labs?

    -A suitable audio file for uploading should be free of background noise, high in audio quality, and can be up to 10 megabytes in size. If the file is larger, it can be compressed using audio editing software like Audacity, GarageBand, or Podcastle.

  • How can you adjust the voice settings in 11 Labs?

    -In 11 Labs, you can adjust the voice settings by tweaking parameters like stability, clarity, and similarity enhancement. This allows users to create a more natural-sounding voice that aligns with their desired tone and style.

  • What is the character limit for generating text-to-speech with 11 Labs?

    -The character limit for generating text-to-speech with 11 Labs is 5,000 characters. Users should stay organized and be mindful of this limit when creating their audiobooks.

  • How much does it cost for additional characters in 11 Labs?

    -For every additional 1,000 characters, it costs $0.30 in 11 Labs.

  • What is the 11 Labs affiliate program mentioned in the video?

    -The 11 Labs affiliate program is an opportunity for creators to promote the platform to their audience or community and potentially earn benefits or commissions from it. The program is expected to open up to interested individuals after the video's release.

  • What are the considerations for choosing the right AI voice tool according to the video?

    -When choosing an AI voice tool, one should consider the quality of the voice, the emotional range and naturalness of the AI, and the ease of use of the platform. It's also important to consider how well the AI voice aligns with the user's personal style and the tone they wish to convey in their audiobook.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on traditional versus AI-generated audiobooks?

    -The speaker acknowledges the value of traditional audiobook recording methods but also recognizes the practical benefits of AI-generated audiobooks, especially for creators with budget constraints or limited time. They suggest weighing the pros and cons, considering personal comfort levels and financial situations, and choosing the option that best suits individual needs.



🎤 Introducing 11 Labs for Audiobook Creation

The paragraph introduces the concept of creating audiobooks using an AI voice platform called 11 Labs. It discusses the challenges authors face in producing audiobooks due to time and monetary constraints and highlights the traditional issues with AI voices sounding robotic and devoid of emotion. The speaker shares their experience with 11 Labs, mentioning its ability to create a high-quality, natural-sounding voice that even impressed notable figures like Seth Godin. The paragraph emphasizes the ease of using 11 Labs and the potential it holds for authors to bring their books to life through AI-generated audiobooks.


🚀 Understanding 11 Labs' Voice Cloning Techniques

This paragraph delves into the specifics of how 11 Labs allows users to clone their voice for audiobook creation. It outlines two techniques: Instant Voice Cloning, which requires minimal audio input, and PVC (Professional Voice Cloning), which produces a voice nearly indistinguishable from the original. The speaker guides the audience through the process of setting up an account, selecting the Speech Synthesis option, and uploading a voice sample. The paragraph also touches on the importance of choosing the right voice for the project and the ability to tweak voice settings for optimal results.


📚 Utilizing 11 Labs for Audiobook Narration

The speaker continues to demonstrate the practical application of 11 Labs in creating audiobooks. They explain how to prepare an audio file, compress it, and upload it to the platform. The paragraph covers the process of selecting text from a book, adjusting voice settings, and generating the AI-narrated audio. It also addresses the character limit for text input and the importance of reviewing the output to ensure quality. The speaker encourages creators to consider the benefits and drawbacks of AI voice generation versus traditional recording methods and offers support and positive vibes to fellow creators.



💡AI voice platform

An AI voice platform refers to a technology that uses artificial intelligence to generate human-like voices for various applications, such as audiobooks, podcasts, or virtual assistants. In the context of the video, the platform in focus is 11 Labs, which is highlighted for its ability to create audiobooks using the user's own voice, making the content more personal and engaging.


An audiobook is a recording of a book or other written or spoken content being read aloud, usually by a narrator, which can be listened to on personal devices or in vehicles. In the video, the main theme revolves around the creation of audiobooks using AI technology, specifically through the 11 Labs platform, which allows authors to use their own voice or generate a voice similar to theirs for their audiobooks.

💡Instant voice cloning

Instant voice cloning is a feature of AI voice platforms that enables users to create a voice model based on a short audio sample of their own voice. This technology allows for quick generation of a voice that can be used to read text in the user's unique vocal style. In the video, instant voice cloning is one of the techniques introduced to demonstrate how 11 Labs can be used to create audiobooks rapidly and efficiently.

💡Professional Voice Cloning (PVC)

Professional Voice Cloning (PVC) is a more advanced and detailed process of creating a voice model that closely resembles the user's natural speaking voice. Unlike instant voice cloning, PVC may require more time and effort but yields a highly accurate and professional sounding voice for audiobook production. The video introduces PVC as a powerful feature of 11 Labs that can produce voice quality almost indistinguishable from the original speaker.

💡Speech synthesis

Speech synthesis is the process by which artificial intelligence systems generate human-like speech from text inputs. It involves converting written content into spoken words that can be heard through audio devices. In the video, speech synthesis is the core functionality of the 11 Labs platform, allowing users to input text from their books and have it read aloud in their own voice or a cloned voice.

💡Voice customization

Voice customization refers to the ability to adjust and modify the characteristics of a synthesized voice to fit specific preferences or requirements. This can include changing the tone, pace, and emotional expression of the voice to align with the content being read. In the context of the video, voice customization is crucial for authors who want their audiobooks to convey the right mood and emotion, and it is a feature provided by the 11 Labs platform.

💡Character limit

A character limit is a restriction on the number of characters that can be entered or processed at one time in a given context. In the video, the character limit is mentioned in relation to the amount of text that can be inputted into the 11 Labs platform for voice synthesis, with a cap of 5,000 characters at a time, requiring authors to manage their content in smaller segments for conversion into audio.

💡Audio quality

Audio quality refers to the clarity, richness, and overall sound of a recording. High-quality audio is free from background noise and distortion, and accurately captures the nuances of the voice. In the video, the importance of audio quality is emphasized for creating effective audiobooks with 11 Labs, as the platform uses the user's voice or a cloned voice to generate the audio content.

💡Pricing and payment

Pricing and payment refer to the costs associated with using a service and the methods of compensating for that service. In the context of the video, it discusses the financial aspect of using 11 Labs for audiobook production, including the costs for additional characters beyond the character limit and the potential for partnerships and affiliate programs.

💡Content creation

Content creation is the process of producing and sharing original material, such as writing, videos, podcasts, or audiobooks. It often involves creativity, storytelling, and technical skills to engage and inform audiences. In the video, content creation is central to the discussion, as it explores how AI voice platforms like 11 Labs can assist authors and creators in producing audiobooks, thereby democratizing the creation process.

💡Technology democratization

Technology democratization is the process of making advanced technologies, such as AI voice platforms, accessible to a wider audience, often reducing the barriers to entry in terms of cost, expertise, and resources. The video promotes the idea of using 11 Labs to level the playing field for authors and content creators, enabling them to produce high-quality audiobooks without the need for expensive studio equipment or professional voice actors.


Creating an audiobook with your own voice for under $100 and in less than an hour is possible using 11 Labs.

11 Labs is a powerful AI voice platform that has gained attention, including from influential figures like Seth Godin.

The traditional AI voices can sound robotic and lack emotions, but 11 Labs offers a more natural and emotive alternative.

There are two techniques for training your voice with 11 Labs: Instant Voice Cloning and Professional Voice Cloning (PVC).

Instant Voice Cloning allows you to create your voice with just minutes of audio, making it ideal for quick projects.

PVC is a more powerful technique that produces voice clones almost indistinguishable from the original, suitable for high-quality projects.

To get started with 11 Labs, you begin at the Speech Synthesis screen where you can access and manage your cloned voices.

You can have multiple cloned voices to reflect variations in your tone and mood depending on the time of day or your feelings.

Adding a new voice involves uploading an audio file, which can be as short as one minute long and should be free of background noise.

The audio quality should be high, and you can use free apps like QuickTime Player, GarageBand, or Audacity to edit and compress your audio files.

Once your voice is cloned, you can input text from your book into 11 Labs to generate the audiobook, with a 5,000-character limit per session.

You can adjust the voice settings for stability, clarity, and similarity enhancement to best match your natural speaking style.

11 Labs preserves the vocal identity and delivery style of the original speaker, making the generated voice sound authentic.

It's important to review and test the generated audio to ensure quality and to adjust settings as needed.

11 Labs offers an affiliate program for creators to introduce the platform to their audience and community.

Considering the time and cost savings, AI voice platforms like 11 Labs can be a viable option for authors with budget constraints.

While some may prefer traditional recording methods, AI voice generators can be a practical solution for those looking for efficiency and affordability.

The democratization of technology allows creators to leverage AI to produce better and more content with ease.