Criminologist Reviews Serial Killers From Movies & TV | Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair
26 Aug 202129:12

TLDRThe video script delves into the portrayal of serial killers in media, contrasting it with real-life characteristics and behaviors. It highlights the FBI's original classification of organized vs. disorganized killers, the role of sexual fantasy, and the evolution of a serial killer's methods. The speaker, David Wilson, critiques common tropes, such as the idea of a 'serial killer gene' and the media's depiction of killers as super predators, emphasizing the ordinariness of these criminals and the need to focus on protecting vulnerable populations.


  • 🔍 The distinction between organized and disorganized serial killers is fundamental; organized killers are well-prepared and control their victims, while disorganized killers are more chaotic and impulsive.
  • 🎭 Serial killers often have a higher intelligence, are employed, and can blend into society, making them difficult to identify.
  • 🖤 The control exerted by serial killers over their victims is a reflection of their desire for power and the manifestation of their sexual fantasies.
  • 🎬 Media portrayals of serial killers sometimes include leaving clues, but in reality, this is not a sign of wanting to be caught but rather a result of their distorted moral universe.
  • 🧠 Psychopathy, characterized by a lack of empathy and sympathy, is a common trait among serial killers, leading to a disregard for their victims' suffering.
  • 🎥 Fictional serial killers like Dexter represent a mission-oriented category, targeting specific types of people, often rooted in a perceived moral hierarchy.
  • 📚 The modus operandi (MO) and signature of a serial killer are crucial for understanding their methods and psychological profile.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Real-life interactions with serial killers often involve a power dynamic, with the killer seeking to assert dominance and control over the investigator.
  • 🚨 The concept of 'overkill' refers to the use of excessive violence beyond what is necessary to commit murder, indicating a desire to inflict maximum harm.
  • 🧬 The idea of a 'serial killer gene' is debunked; serial killers are not defined by genetics but by their actions and psychological state.
  • 🌐 The most effective serial killers are those who blend in with society, as standing out would hinder their ability to prey on vulnerable populations.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti'?

    -This phrase is a reference to a scene from the movie 'The Silence of the Lambs', where the character Hannibal Lecter describes his cannibalistic act in a sophisticated manner, highlighting the contrast between his refined taste and his gruesome actions.

  • What are the FBI binary classifications for serial killers?

    -The FBI classifies serial killers as either organized or disorganized. Organized killers are methodical, plan their crimes, and often have higher intelligence and a certain level of competence. Disorganized killers, on the other hand, are more chaotic, impulsive, and tend to leave more evidence behind.

  • What does it mean for a serial killer to be 'process focused' versus 'act focused'?

    -A 'process focused' serial killer is interested in extending the length of time they have with their victims, often engaging in behaviors that instill fear and exert control. An 'act focused' serial killer, however, is primarily concerned with the act of killing itself and may not engage in the same level of pre- or post-kill behaviors.

  • What is the significance of the Zodiac Killer's choice of attire and accessories in the provided clip?

    -The Zodiac Killer's black clothing, mask, gloves, and rope are all part of his method to instill fear in his victims and to control the situation. These elements also reflect his desire to make his fantasy real and to exert power and control over his victims.

  • What is the role of sexual fantasy in the genesis of serial murder according to the speaker?

    -According to the speaker, serial murder often originates from a sexual fantasy that grows over time. The individual may fantasize about various aspects of control, power, and violence, which eventually leads them to act on these fantasies in real life.

  • How does the speaker describe the typical demographic of serial killers?

    -The speaker mentions that the common stereotype is that serial killers are white males between the ages of 20 to 35. However, he also notes that this is a simplification and that serial killers can come from various backgrounds and demographics.

  • What is the speaker's view on the existence of a 'serial killer gene'?

    -The speaker dismisses the idea of a 'serial killer gene' as an oversimplification. He emphasizes that serial killers are ordinary individuals and that their actions are influenced by a complex interplay of factors rather than a single genetic predisposition.

  • How does the speaker feel about the portrayal of serial killers in media and film?

    -The speaker finds some portrayals of serial killers in media and film to be credible and based on reality, while others are exaggerated or based on stereotypes. He criticizes the depiction of serial killers as super predators or individuals with extraordinary intelligence, noting that in reality, they are often ordinary and blend into society.

  • What does the speaker suggest as a more effective approach to reducing serial murder?

    -The speaker suggests focusing on the groups that serial killers target, such as the homeless, elderly, and sex workers, rather than trying to understand the minds of the killers. He advocates for societal changes that address issues like homophobia and the vulnerability of certain populations.

  • What is the significance of the character 'Ma' in the context of serial killer portrayals?

    -The character 'Ma' is significant because she challenges the stereotype of the white male serial killer. She is portrayed as a woman of different ethnicity and background, highlighting that serial killers can come from diverse backgrounds and do not fit a single mold.

  • How does the speaker describe the behavior of serial killers in relation to their victims?

    -The speaker describes serial killers as individuals who often target vulnerable populations and those who are less likely to be missed. They may also return to the scene of their crimes, sometimes to relive the experience or because they enjoy the risk-taking associated with it.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the idea of catching serial killers through their behavior or appearance?

    -The speaker strongly disagrees with the idea that one can easily identify a serial killer through their appearance or behavior. He emphasizes that serial killers are often ordinary and blend into society, making them difficult to detect based on superficial characteristics.



🔍 Understanding Serial Killers: Profiling and Motives

This paragraph delves into the world of serial killers, exploring the FBI's original binary classification of organized and disorganized killers. It discusses the characteristics of organized serial killers, such as the Zodiac Killer, who are methodical and prepared with items like rope and gloves. The speaker, David Wilson, highlights the sexual fantasy aspect of serial murder and how control and power play into the killer's actions. The paragraph also touches on the process-focused nature of some serial killers and the psychopathic traits that are often present, including a lack of empathy and interest in their victims' suffering.


🎬 Media Portrayals of Serial Killers: Fact vs. Fiction

This paragraph examines various media depictions of serial killers, focusing on the mission-oriented killer like Dexter, who targets other serial killers. It critiques the idea of a moral hierarchy in serial murder and discusses the organized nature of Dexter's killings. The paragraph also explores the concept of a killer's modus operandi (MO) and signature, using examples from 'The Silence of the Lambs' and the real-life tendency of some healthcare professionals to be serial killers. It addresses the common trope of killers leaving clues and the reasons behind this behavior.


📉 Debunking Myths: The Reality of Serial Killers

This paragraph dispels common myths about serial killers, challenging the stereotype of the super intelligent, predatorial killer. It discusses the overkill and trophy-taking behaviors exhibited by some killers and the increase in such behaviors during the pandemic. The paragraph also addresses the portrayal of Norman Bates in 'Psycho' and the misconceptions about transgressive sexual identities as motivations for serial murder. It touches on the reality that serial killers are often 'losers' rather than super predators and the trope of unknowingly interviewing a serial killer.


🌐 Diverse Portraits of Serial Killers: Beyond Stereotypes

This paragraph highlights the diversity of serial killers, countering the common perception of them as white professional men. It discusses the portrayal of a female serial killer in 'Ma' and the desire of killers to fit in while also standing out. The paragraph also examines the vulnerability of student victims and the rapid detection of serial killers when they target groups with social capital. It addresses the portrayal of Patrick Bateman in 'American Psycho' and the superficial, psychopathic traits he exhibits.


🎥 The Super Predator Myth: Unrealistic Depictions

This paragraph critiques the unrealistic and exaggerated portrayal of serial killers as super predators in media. It discusses the geographical transience and occupational mobility of real-life serial killers, contrasting this with the fictional depiction of a powerful, controlling killer from 'No Country For Old Men.' The paragraph also addresses the myth of a 'serial killer gene' and the inaccuracy of identifying serial killers based on appearance or behavior. It emphasizes the ordinary nature of serial killers and the importance of focusing on their victims rather than trying to understand the killers' motives.


🕵️‍♂️ Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer: Ed Kemper's Case

This paragraph provides an in-depth look at the case of Ed Kemper, a real serial killer interviewed by John E. Douglas and Robert Ressler, highlighting the accuracy of his portrayal in the TV series 'Mindhunter.' It discusses Kemper's brutal murder of his mother and his disturbing actions following the murder. The paragraph also touches on the theme of underlying sexual fantasies as a driving force in serial murder and the moral standards some killers hold in other aspects of their lives. It concludes with a call to focus on the vulnerable groups targeted by serial killers to reduce serial murder incidence rather than trying to understand the killers' minds.



💡Serial Killer

A serial killer is an individual who commits multiple murders over a period of time with a cooling-off period between each murder. In the context of the video, the term is central to the discussion, as it explores the characteristics, behaviors, and classifications of serial killers as portrayed in various media, and contrasts these with real-life cases and research findings.

💡Organized vs. Disorganized

This classification refers to the behavior of serial killers based on their level of planning and preparation. Organized killers are methodical, often bringing tools to incapacitate victims, while disorganized killers act more impulsively. The video uses this concept to differentiate types of serial killers and how they operate, illustrating the Zodiac Killer as an example of an organized serial killer.


Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical traits. In the video, it is mentioned as a common characteristic among serial killers, such as the Zodiac Killer's lack of empathy towards his victims, reflecting psychopathic traits.

💡Sexual Fantasy

The term refers to the underlying motivation for some serial killers, which often stems from a sexual fantasy that they wish to actualize. The video discusses how this fantasy can manifest in different ways, such as bondage and control, and is a driving force behind the crimes committed by serial murderers.

💡Mission Oriented

This term describes a type of serial killer who has a specific goal or mission for their crimes, often beyond the act of killing itself. In the video, Dexter is cited as an example of a mission-oriented serial killer, whose goal is to eliminate other serial killers.

💡Modus Operandi (MO)

The modus operandi refers to the particular method or technique used by a criminal, in this case a serial killer, to commit their crimes. The video explains that while the MO may change based on the situation, the signature of a killer, or their unique post-crime behavior, remains consistent.


Overkill refers to the use of excessive violence beyond what is necessary to kill the victim. In the context of the video, it is discussed as a behavior observed in some serial killers, indicating a desire to exert power and control, as seen in the movie 'Se7en' where the killer takes body parts as trophies.


Trophies are objects or body parts taken by a serial killer from their victims as mementos of their crimes. The video mentions this behavior in relation to the movie 'Se7en', where the killer's act of taking trophies represents an extreme form of overkill and a desire to assert power and control over the victim even after death.


Transvestism is the practice of dressing and acting in a manner typically associated with the opposite sex. In the video, it is discussed in the context of Norman Bates from 'Psycho', who dresses as his mother, challenging the misconception that transgressive sexual identities are the primary motivation behind serial murder.

💡Beta Males

The term 'beta males' refers to individuals who are perceived as less dominant or assertive, often in comparison to 'alpha males'. In the video, the speaker suggests that many serial killers are beta males attempting to assert dominance and control over others through their violent actions, as exemplified by the character Norman Bates.


Vulnerability in the context of the video refers to the susceptibility of certain groups, such as sex workers, the homeless, and the elderly, to becoming victims of serial killers. The speaker argues that focusing on these vulnerable groups and addressing the societal issues that make them targets could be more effective in reducing serial murders than traditional profiling methods.


The term 'gene' refers to a segment of DNA that contains the instructions for the development of certain traits or characteristics in an organism. In the video, the concept is discussed critically in relation to the idea of a 'serial killer gene', which the speaker dismisses as a simplistic and inaccurate explanation for the complex behavior of serial killers.


Serial killers can be categorized as organized or disorganized based on their behavior and preparation.

Organized serial killers are typically employed, have higher intelligence, and are sexually competent.

Disorganized serial killers often act from a place of sexual fantasy and have less control over their victims.

The Zodiac Killer is an example of an organized serial killer who brings tools and takes measures to avoid identification.

Process-focused serial killers extend the time with their victims, enjoying the control and fear they instill.

Dexter is an example of a mission-oriented serial killer, targeting other serial killers.

Hannibal Lecter's character in 'The Silence of the Lambs' demonstrates the manipulative and seductive behavior of some serial killers.

The 'Se7en' movie portrays a super intelligent serial killer leaving clues, but these are not left to be caught, rather due to a different moral universe.

Overkill and mutilation are signs of extreme violence beyond what is necessary to kill, seen in some real-life and fictional serial killers.

Norman Bates from 'Psycho' represents a trope of serial killers with transgressive sexual identities, but this is not the primary motive in reality.

Serial killers often return to the scene of their crimes, enjoying the risk-taking aspect.

The movie 'Ma' presents a serial killer of a different gender and ethnicity, highlighting diversity in the profile of serial murderers.

Patrick Bateman from 'American Psycho' is an example of a white-collar serial killer, which is rare in reality.

The idea of a 'serial killer gene' is debunked; serial killers are not extraordinary but rather ordinary individuals.

Serial killers often target vulnerable populations, and focusing on these groups could help reduce serial murders.

The FBI's early understanding of serial killers was based on interviews with convicted killers like Ed Kemper.

Some serial killers have a strong moral compass in other aspects of their lives, showing the complexity of their personalities.

Challenging societal issues like homophobia and addressing the vulnerability of the elderly could help reduce serial murder incidence.

The portrayal of serial killers in media often exaggerates or misrepresents their characteristics and motives.

Understanding the backgrounds and behaviors of serial killers is crucial for preventing and solving such crimes.