Discover this New Simple 'TikTok Organic' Skill

Adrian Dimac's Testimonials
31 Jan 202304:31

TLDRDiscover the 'TikTok Organic' method, a simple business model that allows you to earn a full-time income without creating an account. Adrian Demac shares his success story of making over $281,000 online in 60 days using this recession-proof model. With no upfront costs, no need for ads, and low competition, you can capitalize on a growing market that Forbes predicts will be worth $1.3 trillion by 2025. Demac, once a regular guy with student debt, now enjoys financial freedom and has helped over 1100 students achieve similar results. Learn how to leverage TikTok's unique Discovery algorithm for equal viral potential and income growth. Register for a free training to unlock the secrets and start earning an extra $5K-$10K per month, without the need for social media following or face exposure.


  • 📈 The 'TikTok Organic' business model allows individuals to make a full-time income without creating an account or investing in ads or inventory.
  • 💡 TikTok organic is a low-competition market that can potentially reach a value of 1.3 trillion dollars by 2025, according to Forbes.
  • 🚀 The speaker, Adrian Demac, transitioned from a job at Domino's Pizza to earning six figures a year online with TikTok organic.
  • 🌐 The TikTok platform's unique Discovery algorithm gives every video an equal chance to go viral, thus increasing the likelihood of financial success.
  • 🚀 Adrian Demac has helped over 1100 students replicate his success with TikTok organic, without the need for social media followings.
  • ⏱️ The business model can be started with as little as 45 minutes of work per day, using just a laptop.
  • 🔥 The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking action when opportunities present themselves, rather than just dreaming about success.
  • 💼 The TikTok organic system is described as recession-proof, suggesting it can be profitable even in economic downturns.
  • 📚 The speaker offers a free live training that reveals how to leverage TikTok organic to potentially earn an extra $5,000 to $10,000 a month.
  • ⏳ The training and offer are presented as time-sensitive, suggesting that the speaker may remove the offer soon to avoid market saturation.
  • 🌟 The speaker differentiates between those who are wishful and those who are willful, encouraging the audience to be proactive in achieving their financial goals.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the business model that Adrian demac introduced?

    -The business model introduced by Adrian demac is called 'Tick Tock organic'.

  • How much income did Adrian demac claim to make during the pandemic within 60 days?

    -Adrian demac claimed to make over $281,000 during the pandemic within 60 days.

  • What are the advantages of the Tick Tock organic business model according to the transcript?

    -The advantages of the Tick Tock organic business model include no need to spend money on ads, no upfront costs on inventory, and low competition.

  • What is the estimated worth of the Tick Tock organic market by Forbes?

    -Forbes has stated that the Tick Tock organic market is expected to be worth 1.3 trillion dollars.

  • What was Adrian demac's previous job before discovering the Tick Tock organic business model?

    -Adrian demac's previous job was working at Domino's Pizza.

  • What was Adrian demac's initial goal when he started looking for a new way to make money online?

    -Adrian demac's initial goal was to make six figures a year online, control his own schedule, be his own boss, and live the laptop lifestyle.

  • How did Adrian demac's approach to making money online differ from other complex methods?

    -Adrian demac's approach differed by focusing on a simple skill that leveraged the Tick Tock organic trend without the need to invest in inventory, ads, or managing employees.

  • What is the name of the social media platform that the Tick Tock organic business model is based on?

    -The Tick Tock organic business model is based on the social media platform TikTok.

  • How much time does Adrian demac claim is needed per day to start with the Tick Tock organic business model?

    -Adrian demac claims that as little as 45 minutes a day is needed to start with the Tick Tock organic business model.

  • What is the potential monthly income that Adrian demac suggests is possible with the Tick Tock organic business model?

    -Adrian demac suggests that it is possible to make an extra $5,000 to $10,000 a month, or even more, with the Tick Tock organic business model.

  • What is the unique feature of TikTok's algorithm that Adrian demac mentions?

    -Adrian demac mentions that TikTok's unique Discovery algorithm gives every single video an equal chance to go viral.

  • How can one register for Adrian demac's free training on the Tick Tock organic business model?

    -One can register for Adrian demac's free training by clicking on the provided link and entering their email on his website.



🚀 Making a Full-Time Income with Tick Tock Organic

The speaker, Adrian demac, introduces a new business model called Tick Tock organic, which he claims allows individuals to earn a full-time income without creating an account or investing in ads, inventory, or managing employees. He shares his personal success story, going from a job at Domino's Pizza to making over $281,000 online within 60 days using this model. The model is described as simple, low-competition, and recession-proof, with Forbes predicting a $1.3 trillion market by 2025. Adrian emphasizes that Tick Tock's algorithm gives every video an equal chance to go viral, offering an opportunity for anyone to increase their income. He invites viewers to a free training to learn how to leverage Tick Tock organic to make significant income, without the need for a social media following or face exposure.



💡Tick Tock organic

Tick Tock organic refers to a business model that leverages the TikTok platform for income generation without the need for creating an account or investing in ads or inventory. It is described as a simple and recession-proof strategy that has the potential to generate significant income. In the video, it is portrayed as a new and lucrative opportunity that has already allowed the speaker to achieve financial success and is expected to grow into a 1.3 trillion dollar market by 2025.

💡Full-time income

Full-time income implies a level of earnings that is comparable to a traditional full-time job. In the context of the video, it suggests that the Tick Tock organic model can provide a stable and substantial source of income, allowing individuals to potentially replace their current jobs with this online venture.


The pandemic refers to the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus. In the script, the pandemic is mentioned as the backdrop during which the speaker was able to make significant income online, highlighting the potential of the Tick Tock organic model to thrive even in challenging economic times.


A recession-proof business model is one that is resilient and can maintain profitability even during economic downturns. The video emphasizes that Tick Tock organic is such a model, suggesting that it offers a stable income regardless of the state of the economy.


Forbes is a well-known publication that covers a range of topics including business, investing, and technology. The video cites Forbes to lend credibility to the claim that TikTok is becoming a significant platform for business and that the Tick Tock organic model is poised to be highly valuable.

💡Student debt

Student debt refers to the loans taken out by individuals to finance their education. In the video, the speaker mentions having a lot of student debt, which is a common financial burden for many, and positions the Tick Tock organic model as a potential solution to alleviate such financial pressures.

💡Laptop lifestyle

The laptop lifestyle is a term used to describe a way of living where one can work remotely, often while traveling, using just a laptop. It symbolizes freedom and flexibility in work and life. The video uses this concept to appeal to viewers who may be seeking a lifestyle change and the ability to work from anywhere.

💡Social media following

A social media following refers to the number of people who choose to follow or subscribe to an individual's or brand's social media account. The video suggests that growing a social media following is not a prerequisite for success with the Tick Tock organic model, which could be appealing to those who are new to social media or prefer not to be in the public eye.

💡Live training

Live training refers to educational sessions that are conducted in real-time, often over the internet. The video offers a free live training as a way for viewers to learn more about the Tick Tock organic model and how they can potentially earn income using it.

💡Six to seven figure income

A six to seven figure income refers to an annual salary ranging from $100,000 to $999,999. The video uses this term to illustrate the potential earnings that can be achieved through the Tick Tock organic model, aiming to attract viewers with the prospect of substantial financial rewards.


In the context of the video, taking action refers to the act of seizing opportunities and making proactive decisions to change one's circumstances. The speaker differentiates between those who only dream of achieving financial goals and those who are willing to take action, implying that the latter group is more likely to succeed with the Tick Tock organic model.


Discover a new business model called 'TikTok Organic' that allows making a full-time income without creating an account.

The TikTok Organic model was used to earn over $281,000 online within 60 days during the pandemic.

No need to spend money on ads, there are no upfront costs, and the competition is very low in this model.

Capitalize on a recession-proof business model that Forbes predicts will be worth $1.3 trillion.

The model offers the opportunity to make six figures a year online, control your own schedule, and be your own boss.

Adrian Demac, a regular guy with student debt, used this model to make his first $10,000 a month online.

The model takes advantage of the fastest-growing trend on the internet, which most entrepreneurs have not yet utilized.

After initial failures, Adrian was able to scale brands to over $180,000 per month across three income sources.

The TikTok Organic model does not require showing your face or growing your own social media following.

With just a laptop and 45 minutes a day, you can leverage this system to make significant income.

The business model is expected to reach $1.3 trillion by 2025, indicating its revolutionary potential.

TikTok's unique Discovery algorithm gives every video an equal chance to go viral, increasing the potential for income.

Adrian Demac is offering a free live training to unlock the secrets of TikTok Organic and potentially earn $5K-$10K a month.

The training is available for free for a limited time, with no catch, no cost, and no credit card required.

Ordinary people are leveraging the TikTok Organic system to make money faster than they ever thought possible.

The case study video is not going to be online forever, so action is encouraged for those interested.

There are two types of people: those who dream about financial goals without action, and those who take action when opportunities present themselves.

Adrian's step-by-step method for creating a six to seven-figure income on TikTok is revealed in the training.