Dissing a Daughter

The People's Court
27 Jul 202317:04

TLDRThe transcript details a court case where Christina Williams is suing her mother, Elohim Sweden, for unpaid cell phone bills amounting to $1,664.49. Christina claims her mother agreed to pay but never did, leading to Christina covering the costs and eventually suspending the service. Elohim counters that Christina agreed to support her in exchange for living with her and taking care of Christina's son. The judge rules in Elohim's favor for the phone's value but not the monthly bills, acknowledging the initial agreement. The strained relationship between mother and daughter is highlighted, with both parties declaring they want no further contact.


  • 📞 Christina Williams is suing her mother, Elohim Sweden, for $1,664.49 for an unpaid cell phone bill.
  • 🤝 The initial agreement was that Elohim would live with Christina and pay for the phone bill under Christina's name due to Elohim's poor credit.
  • 🚫 Elohim did not pay any of the bills and Christina ended up covering the costs for a period of time.
  • 💔 The relationship between Christina and Elohim has deteriorated to the point where Christina does not want any further contact with her mother.
  • 🛌 Elohim claims she was treated like a slave and was not taken care of by Christina as agreed when she moved to Orlando.
  • 🤦‍♀️ Elohim accuses Christina of being irresponsible, citing an incident where Christina drove drunk and hit a light pole.
  • 📉 Christina suspended the phone line due to Elohim's refusal to pay the bills and after a major argument in January.
  • 📱 The phone was upgraded by Elohim in January, but she claims Christina is responsible for the cost of the upgrade.
  • 🔄 Elohim traded in the upgraded phone for a new one without paying off the balance owed to Christina.
  • 🧐 The judge rules in favor of Christina, but only awards her $560.94, the cost of the upgraded phone, and not the full amount she was seeking.
  • 👵 The judge also addresses the emotional cost of the situation, urging both parties to consider the impact on Christina's son and Elohim's grandson.

Q & A

  • Who is the plaintiff in this court case?

    -The plaintiff in this court case is Christina Williams.

  • What is the defendant's claim about her living situation with the plaintiff?

    -The defendant, Elohim Sweden, claims that she lived with the plaintiff and took care of her son and daughter, but was treated like a slave. She also alleges that the plaintiff often went out partying and on vacations without paying her bills.

  • What was the initial agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant regarding the phone bill?

    -The initial agreement was that the plaintiff would put a phone line in her name for the defendant, as the defendant did not have good credit, and the defendant would pay the phone bill.

  • When did the plaintiff first provide the phone service for the defendant?

    -The plaintiff provided the phone service for the defendant on September 9th, 2015.

  • Why did the defendant decide to move out of the plaintiff's house?

    -The defendant decided to move out because of the real trouble that started after the plaintiff suspended the phone line in January and because of the ongoing disputes and the plaintiff's refusal to pay the phone bill.

  • What was the amount the plaintiff was suing the defendant for?

    -The plaintiff was suing the defendant for $1,664.49, the amount she claimed was owed for the phone bill.

  • What was the judge's final ruling in this case?

    -The judge ruled in favor of the defendant, stating that she did not have to pay the monthly bills but was responsible for the $560.94 for the upgraded phone she kept and used.

  • How did the judge address the relationship between the defendant and the plaintiff in court?

    -The judge suggested that despite their issues, it would be better for the sake of the plaintiff's son to have more people loving him, including his grandmother. The judge advised both parties to reconsider their stance for the child's benefit.

  • What was the defendant's reaction to the judge's comments about her relationship with her grandson?

    -The defendant expressed that she loves her grandchildren and has proof of voicemails showing her affection. However, she stated that the plaintiff does not want her to have any contact with her grandson.

  • What was the final outcome of the court case for the plaintiff and the defendant?

    -The plaintiff prevailed in the court case, but for a much lesser amount than she was seeking. The judge emphasized the importance of considering the child's well-being over the disputes between the two adults.



🤝 Dispute Over Cell Phone Bill

This paragraph introduces a legal dispute between Christina Williams and her mother, the defendant, over an unpaid cell phone bill. Christina claims her mother owes her $1,664.49 for a phone bill and has not paid it, leading to a strained relationship where Christina no longer wishes to communicate with her mother. The defendant, Elohim Sweden, argues that she took care of Christina's children and was treated poorly, and that the agreement regarding the phone bill was not honored. The case is presented before the court for resolution.


🏠 Living Arrangements and Unpaid Bills

In this paragraph, Elohim Sweden explains her side of the story, stating that she moved in with Christina to help take care of her grandchildren and that Christina agreed to pay her bills. However, Elohim claims that Christina did not hold up her end of the agreement, leading to Elohim having to move out. Elohim also accuses Christina of being irresponsible and causing trouble, leading to the escalation of their conflict. The paragraph highlights the complexity of their living situation and the financial disagreements that ensued.


📞 The Phone Bill Saga Continues

This paragraph delves deeper into the specifics of the phone bill dispute. Christina details the timeline of events, from when she initially agreed to put the phone line in her name due to her mother's poor credit, to the repeated excuses her mother made for not paying the bill. The situation escalated when Christina had to suspend the phone line due to non-payment, leading to a final breakdown in their relationship. The paragraph outlines the financial burden Christina faced and her attempts to resolve the issue, culminating in her decision to take legal action.


👵 Judge's Ruling and Family Tensions

The concluding paragraph focuses on the judge's ruling in the case and the emotional impact on the family. The judge rules in favor of Christina, awarding her $560.94, but not the full amount she sought. The judge emphasizes that while the financial issue is resolved, the emotional and familial damage is significant. The paragraph highlights the judge's advice for both parties to consider the impact on their family, especially Christina's son who may lose contact with his grandmother. The paragraph ends with a reflection on the loss of the grandmother-grandson relationship and the lasting effects of the dispute.




In the context of the video, the defendant refers to Elohim Sweden, the mother who is being sued by her daughter, Christina Williams, for unpaid cell phone bills. The term 'defendant' is used in legal contexts to describe the party against whom a lawsuit is filed. It is a key concept in the video as it highlights the adversarial relationship between the mother and daughter.

💡Cell Phone Bill

A cell phone bill is a statement sent by a mobile service provider to its customers, itemizing the services used and the corresponding charges. In this video, the cell phone bill is central to the dispute between Christina and her mother, as Christina claims her mother owes her money for an unpaid bill.


Credit refers to the ability to borrow money or obtain services without immediately paying for them, based on the trust that the borrower will pay later. In the video, Elohim Sweden mentions that she doesn't have good credit, which is why Christina had to take out the phone line in her name.


An agreement is a mutual understanding between two or more parties about their responsibilities and benefits. In this video, Christina and her mother had an agreement that her mother would pay the cell phone bill, which she later disputes.


Suing is the act of initiating a legal process to resolve a dispute in a court of law. In the video, Christina is suing her mother for the unpaid cell phone bill, seeking compensation for the amount she believes is owed to her.


Care in this context refers to the responsibility and attention given to someone or something. Elohim claims she provided care for Christina's children, implying that this was part of the unspoken agreement that should exempt her from paying the phone bill.


Disconnection in the context of the video refers to the termination of a phone service due to non-payment of bills. Christina had to deal with the threat of disconnection from Verizon, which escalated the conflict between her and her mother.


Spite is the intention to hurt or annoy someone deliberately, often out of a desire for revenge or to cause emotional distress. In the video, the term is used to describe the daughters' behavior, suggesting that their actions were driven by negative emotions rather than reason.


Judgement in a legal context refers to the decision made by a judge in a court case. In this video, the judge's judgement is the final determination of the dispute between Christina and her mother, which includes the ruling on the owed amount and the resolution of the case.

💡Family Relationship

Family relationship refers to the connections and dynamics between family members. In the video, the strained relationship between Christina and her mother is a central theme, highlighting the emotional and personal aspects of the dispute.


Responsibility refers to the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. In the video, the concept of responsibility is crucial as it underpins the debate over who should be held accountable for the unpaid phone bill.


Christina Williams is suing her mother, Elohim Sweden, for $1,664.49 for an unpaid cell phone bill.

Christina claims her mother treated her like a slave and refused to pay her bills, leading to Christina no longer wanting any contact with her.


















