Enclosing the Prusa XL - SUMO!

3D Printing Nerd
29 Mar 202410:06

TLDRWelcome to the 3D PR Studios workshop where the host is excited to build and assemble the Sumo enclosure for the Prusa XL 3D printer, a project he first saw on social media. The enclosure is designed to manage the humidity levels, which can affect the quality of 3D prints, especially with materials like PETG that are hygroscopic. The host uses a Sunlu S4 filament dryer to prepare nearly 3 kg of PETG filament, ensuring it's properly dried before printing. The Sumo enclosure is a kit with most parts being 3D printable, except for the acrylic panels and fasteners. The assembly process is detailed, with the host encountering a minor issue with the antenna placement but managing to resolve it. Despite a few setbacks, including printing the wrong parts, the host successfully assembles the enclosure, looking forward to exploring multi-material printing opportunities it presents. The video concludes with a reflection on perseverance and a call to action for viewers to share their printing ideas.


  • 🎬 The video is a workshop session where the host plans to build and assemble the Sumo enclosure for the Prusa XL 3D printer.
  • 📦 The Sumo enclosure is designed to enclose the 3D printer and regulate the humidity, which is crucial for preventing filament degradation due to moisture absorption.
  • 📈 The workshop environment has a high relative humidity of 54%, which can affect the quality of 3D prints, especially with hydroscopic materials like PETG.
  • 📚 The host used the Sunlu S4 filament dryer to dry nearly 3 kg of PETG filament, ensuring the material was ready for high-quality printing.
  • 🌈 The host utilized two types of PETG filament: Proto Pasta's high-five blue and Prusa's orange PETG, both of which print well when properly dried.
  • 🔩 The Sumo enclosure is a kit with most parts being 3D printable, except for some components like acrylic panels, screws, nuts, and bolts.
  • 🖨️ All the 3D printable parts for the enclosure were printed on the Prusa XL, with some parts printed in high-five blue Proto Pasta PETG for aesthetic appeal.
  • 🔍 The host emphasized the importance of reviewing the assembly guide before starting the build and ensuring the right parts are printed for the specific Prusa XL model.
  • 🛠️ Despite a minor issue with printing the wrong piece for the antenna, the host was able to adapt by drilling a hole to fit it properly.
  • 📏 The host accidentally printed a part that didn't fit due to potential shrinkage with PETG, suggesting that material choice might need reconsideration for the enclosure.
  • 🎉 The final assembly of the Sumo enclosure was completed successfully, despite the challenges, and the host expressed excitement about the multimaterial printing opportunities it could enable.
  • 🏆 The host thanked Sunlu for sponsoring the filament drying and 3D Sorcerer for creating the enclosure, and encouraged viewers to share their suggestions and experiences in the comments.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the assembly of the Sumo enclosure for the Prusa XL 3D printer.

  • Why is the Sumo enclosure necessary for the Prusa XL?

    -The Sumo enclosure is necessary to regulate humidity and protect the 3D printer from the moist environment, which can affect the quality of 3D prints.

  • What is the role of the Sunlu S4 filament dryer in this project?

    -The Sunlu S4 filament dryer is used to dry nearly 3 Kg of PETG filament, which is hygroscopic and can absorb moisture from the atmosphere, ensuring better print quality.

  • What materials were used for 3D printing the parts of the Sumo enclosure?

    -Proto pasta's high-five blue PETG and Prusa cement orange PETG were used for 3D printing the parts of the Sumo enclosure.

  • What are the components that come with the Sumo enclosure kit from 3D Sorcerer?

    -The components that come with the Sumo enclosure kit from 3D Sorcerer include acrylic panels, screws, nuts, and bolts.

  • How many filaments can the Sunlu S4 filament dryer hold at a time?

    -The Sunlu S4 filament dryer can hold up to four filaments at a time.

  • What is the issue with PETG filament in high humidity environments?

    -PETG filament is hygroscopic, meaning it can absorb moisture from the atmosphere, which can lead to print quality issues if not properly dried.

  • What is the significance of the hygrometer in the Sumo enclosure?

    -The hygrometer is used to measure the humidity inside the Sumo enclosure, ensuring that the environment is controlled and suitable for 3D printing.

  • What was the problem encountered during the assembly of the Sumo enclosure?

    -The problem encountered during the assembly was that the 'Hat' did not fit in the frame, and the presenter had to drill a hole to accommodate the antenna due to printing the wrong piece.

  • What are the next steps after assembling the Sumo enclosure?

    -The next steps include printing more spool holders for the filament and experimenting with multimaterial opportunities such as multi-ABS, multi-ASA, multi-PETG, multi-PC, and multi-TPU prints.

  • What is the presenter's attitude towards the completion of the project?

    -The presenter is excited about the completion of the project and is looking forward to utilizing the enclosed 3D printer for various multimaterial prints.

  • What is the presenter's final message to the viewers?

    -The presenter's final message is to encourage viewers to persevere, fight for what they believe in, and to print all the things they are passionate about.



😀 Workshop Introduction and Project Overview

The video begins with a welcome back to 3D PR Studios, powered by PCB Way. The host is in the workshop, a place for making a mess, assembling, and building things. The main project for the day is to build and assemble the Sumo enclosure from 3D Sorcerer, a task the host is excited about. The assembly guide is available on the host's computer, and the host has a problem related to the environment's humidity affecting 3D printing. To combat this, the host introduces the Sunlu S4 filament dryer, which was used for drying nearly 3 kg of PETG filament, known for being hygroscopic. The host also mentions using Proto pasta's high-five blue PETG and PR cement orange PETG, both of which print well when properly dried. The Sumo enclosure is a kit with most parts being 3D printable, except for certain components like acrylic panels, screws, nuts, and bolts. The host has all the parts printed on the Prusia XL and is ready to start assembly.


👷‍♂️ Assembly Process and Challenges

The host starts the assembly process of the Sumo enclosure, noting that it fits well around the 3D printer. There's a moment of realization that the side antenna might not require any special handling as the enclosure is designed to accommodate it. The host encounters a minor issue with the acrylic being brittle and breaking, a reminder of the material's fragility. There's a插曲 (digression) where the host talks about needing a vacation and comments on the fit of the nameplate. The filament roll offset is discussed as a feature to prevent scratching, and the host mentions accidentally printing the wrong piece for the antenna, which leads to a solution of drilling a hole for it to fit. The hygrometer is placed in position, and the host attempts to put the 'hat' on, only to find it doesn't fit due to the printer model's specific antenna placement. The host summarizes the use of the Sunlu S4 filament dryer, the materials used (Pement Orange PETG and Proto pasta high-five blue PETG), and reflects on the assembly process, considering the choice of materials and potential shrinkage issues. The host expresses excitement about the possibilities of multimaterial printing enabled by the enclosure and invites viewer suggestions in the comments. The host also mentions a personal touch, a tape job, and a plan to reach out to Andrews at 3D Gloop for PETG 3D Gloop. The video concludes with the host's appreciation for the viewer's engagement and a reminder to support each other and to print everything they can imagine.


🏆 Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks

This paragraph is a brief closing with an expression of enthusiasm, signified by the phrase 'high five'. It serves as a positive and encouraging end to the video, reinforcing the community spirit and the joy of creation in 3D printing.



💡3D Printing

3D printing is a process of creating three-dimensional objects from a digital model by adding material layer by layer. It is central to the video as the host discusses the process of assembling an enclosure for a 3D printer and the importance of using properly dried filaments for optimal print quality.

💡Prusa XL

The Prusa XL is a 3D printer model that is featured in the video. It is used for printing the various parts of the Sumo enclosure and for demonstrating the impact of humidity on the printing process.

💡Sumo Enclosure

The Sumo enclosure is a kit designed to encase a 3D printer, providing a controlled environment for better print quality. It is a significant part of the video as the host builds and assembles it, discussing its benefits for 3D printing.


A hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring the amount of moisture or humidity in the air. In the video, the host inserts a hygrometer into the Sumo enclosure to monitor and regulate humidity levels, which is crucial for preventing filament absorption of moisture that can degrade print quality.


Filament is the material used in 3D printing that is fed into the printer to create objects. The video emphasizes the use of PETG filament, which is hygroscopic and must be dried properly before use to ensure high-quality prints.


Hydroscopic refers to the property of a material to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. In the context of the video, PETG filament is described as hydroscopic, which is why it needs to be dried using a filament dryer like the Sunlu S4 before printing.

💡Sunlu S4 Filament Dryer

The Sunlu S4 Filament Dryer is a device used to remove moisture from 3D printer filaments. It is highlighted in the video as an essential tool for preparing PETG filament for printing by drying it to prevent issues caused by moisture absorption.

💡Acrylic Panels

Acrylic panels are transparent sheets of plastic often used in construction or as a substitute for glass. In the video, they are mentioned as one of the components of the Sumo enclosure that are not 3D printed but are shipped as part of the kit.

💡Assembly Guide

An assembly guide is a set of instructions that explain how to put together a product or structure. The host of the video refers to the assembly guide for the Sumo enclosure, emphasizing the importance of reviewing it before starting the assembly process.

💡Multimaterial Printing

Multimaterial printing is a 3D printing technique that allows for the use of multiple types of materials in a single print job. The host expresses excitement about the potential of the Sumo enclosure to unlock new multimaterial printing opportunities, such as printing with different materials like ABS, ASA, PETG, PC, and TPU.

💡3D Sorcerer

3D Sorcerer is the company or individual responsible for designing the Sumo enclosure. The host credits 3D Sorcerer for making the enclosure and provides a link to them in the video description, indicating their role in the project.


Welcome to the workshop where the host assembles and builds various projects, including the Prusa XL Sumo enclosure.

The Prusa XL is featured for its 3D printing capabilities, especially in a humid environment.

The Sunlu S4 filament dryer is used to dry nearly 3 Kg of PETG filament to prevent moisture absorption.

The host discusses the importance of controlling filament moisture for high-quality 3D prints.

The Sumo enclosure kit from 3D Sorcerer is introduced, consisting mostly of 3D printable parts.

Acrylic panels and hardware like screws, nuts, and bolts are included in the kit from 3D Sorcerer.

The host prints the parts for the enclosure on the Prusa XL using high-quality PETG filaments.

Different parts are required for the Prusa XL depending on whether the antenna is on the side or the back.

The assembly process includes a detailed review of the assembly guide and careful handling of parts.

A hygrometer is integrated into the enclosure to monitor humidity levels inside.

The host accidentally prints the wrong piece but manages to drill a hole to fit the antenna.

The Sumo enclosure is completed, showcasing the potential for multi-material 3D printing projects.

The host expresses excitement about the possibilities of multi-material 3D prints with the new enclosure.

Suggestions are invited from viewers for multi-material print ideas in the comments section.

The host plans to use 3D gloop for future projects and reaches out to Andrews at 3D gloop.

The host reflects on the perseverance and effort put into the project despite challenges.

3D Sorcerer is credited for creating the Sumo enclosure, and a link to their work is promised.

The host concludes with a message of encouragement to pursue passions and to print everything.