FART GIVE LONG LIFE Must watch Funny Video | Mebsom Entertainment

Family The Honest Gaming vfx
7 Mar 202004:31

TLDRThe script appears to be a series of disjointed phrases and sentences, possibly from a multimedia project, featuring themes of good news, weight loss, and a sense of urgency. It includes references to characters like 'auntie Celeste' and 'princess Sarah,' and mentions of music and a dramatic setting with a focus on survival and celestial imagery. The narrative seems to culminate in a scene of conflict resolution and a metaphorical walk into heaven, suggesting a transformative or redemptive arc.


  • 🎶 The script seems to be a collection of disjointed phrases and sentences, possibly from a song or a poetic monologue.
  • 👩‍🦰 'Mother lost weight' could imply a personal anecdote or a reference to a transformation someone has undergone.
  • 🎉 An expression of gratitude is mentioned with 'me thank you,' which might indicate a positive relationship or acknowledgment.
  • 👩‍🦱‍🎤 The mention of 'auntie Celeste' suggests a familial or friendly relationship and a potential setting for the events described.
  • 📢 The phrase 'very important good news' indicates that there is a significant announcement or event being referred to.
  • 🎶 The recurring musical interludes suggest an emphasis on rhythm and mood, possibly in a performance context.
  • 🤔 The line 'what sort of irresponsible fact is this' could be questioning the validity or seriousness of a statement or situation.
  • 🍽️ The mention of 'kind of food we eat' might be discussing dietary habits or preferences.
  • 👫 The reluctance to 'leave them' implies an emotional connection or attachment to certain individuals or a place.
  • 💭 The phrase 'let me touch the facts' could be about seeking truth or clarification in a given situation.
  • 🌍 The apocalyptic imagery of 'the sky is red, the ocean has spotted and the world has ended' suggests a dramatic or symbolic event affecting the entire world.

Q & A

  • What is the central theme of the transcript?

    -The central theme of the transcript appears to be about sharing good news and the various reactions to it, interspersed with elements of music and a sense of urgency or importance.

  • Who are the characters mentioned in the script?

    -The characters mentioned in the script include Mother, Auntie Celeste, Princess Sarah, and an unnamed man.

  • What is the significance of the music in the transcript?

    -The music in the transcript seems to serve as a narrative device, setting the mood and pace of the events being described. It adds an emotional layer to the dialogue and actions.

  • What does the phrase 'opposites I can see that both of you don't want to leave them' imply?

    -This phrase suggests a situation where there is a conflict or dilemma, and the speaker is observing that both individuals involved are reluctant to part ways or make a decision.

  • What is the context of the 'irresponsible fact' mentioned in the script?

    -The 'irresponsible fact' is not clearly defined in the transcript, but it implies a piece of information or a situation that is not based on reason or care, possibly contributing to the tension or urgency of the scene.

  • What does the man want when he says 'I want two facts'?

    -The man is seeking concrete information or evidence to support a claim or to understand the situation better. His request for 'two facts' indicates a need for clarity and confirmation.

  • What is the significance of the line 'the sky is red, the ocean has spotted and the world has ended'?

    -This line uses vivid and dramatic imagery to describe a catastrophic event or the end of something significant. It could be a metaphor for a personal or global crisis.

  • What does the phrase 'walking into heaven' symbolize in the context of the transcript?

    -The phrase 'walking into heaven' symbolizes a sense of relief, peace, or a transition to a better place, possibly after overcoming a challenge or crisis as described in the script.

  • How does the mention of 'the war has ended' relate to the overall tone of the transcript?

    -The mention of 'the war has ended' suggests a resolution or conclusion to a conflict, which aligns with the theme of good news and the potential for a positive outcome in the narrative.

  • What is the role of the unnamed man in the dialogue?

    -The unnamed man seems to play a role of a commentator or a participant who is seeking clarity and is engaged in the unfolding events, adding to the dynamic of the situation.

  • How does the transcript use contrast to enhance its narrative?

    -The transcript uses contrast through the juxtaposition of light and dark imagery, as well as the mix of music and dialogue, to create a sense of tension and progression in the narrative.



🎶 Musical Interlude and Personal News

The paragraph begins with a musical interlude, followed by a discussion of personal news. The speaker mentions a mother losing weight and expresses gratitude, possibly to an individual named Auntie Celeste. The speaker then introduces a significant piece of good news, though the specifics are not detailed in the text. The paragraph is punctuated by more music, suggesting a lively and upbeat atmosphere. The mention of Princess Sarah and the sharing of good news indicates a positive and celebratory tone. However, the paragraph also includes a sudden shift to a discussion of irresponsibility and the quality of food, which seems out of place and disjointed from the earlier content. The speaker challenges the listeners to consider the facts and to engage in a dialogue about survival and truth. The paragraph concludes with a dramatic and somewhat confusing series of statements about emptiness, fighting, and a vision of the sky turning red and the world ending. The mention of walking into heaven suggests a contemplation of mortality and the afterlife, although the context is unclear.



💡good news

The term 'good news' refers to positive or favorable information that is shared with others, often bringing happiness or relief. In the context of the video, it seems to be the central theme, with characters expressing they have 'very important good news' to share, suggesting a significant and joyful announcement is being made. This phrase is used multiple times, indicating its importance to the video's narrative.

💡weight loss

Weight loss refers to the reduction of body weight resulting from a decrease in body fat, muscle mass, or both. In the script, the mention of 'mother lost weight' implies a personal achievement or transformation, which could be part of the 'good news' being shared. It is often seen as a positive change and can be a source of inspiration or motivation for others.

💡auntie Celeste

Auntie Celeste appears to be a character in the video, possibly a relative or a close family friend. The use of 'auntie' suggests a familiar and endearing relationship. Her inclusion in the script indicates that personal relationships and family dynamics may play a role in the narrative or the 'good news' being shared.


The term 'city' refers to a large and permanent human settlement, often characterized by a high population density and infrastructure complexity. In the script, 'city good news here' suggests that the positive events or announcements are happening within an urban environment, which could be the setting for the video or the place where the characters live.


Irresponsibility is the lack of concern for the consequences of one's actions, often leading to negative outcomes. In the context of the video, 'what sort of irresponsible fact is this' could be a rhetorical question expressing disbelief or criticism towards a particular statement or action, suggesting a subplot or conflict related to the main theme.


Opposites refer to things that are entirely different or contrasting in nature. The phrase 'do the opposites' in the script could imply a call to action for characters to take a contrary approach or make a significant change. This concept might be central to the video's message, encouraging viewers to consider alternative perspectives or actions.


Facts are pieces of information that are known to be true or objectively proven. The repeated mention of 'facts' in the script suggests an emphasis on truth and reality-checking within the narrative. It could be a thematic element where characters are trying to discern truth from falsehood or navigate through a complex situation based on factual information.


To survive means to continue to live or exist despite difficult conditions or challenges. The phrase 'I'll see if we can survive this' implies that there might be a struggle or a crisis situation in the video. This concept could be a key part of the plot, where characters must overcome obstacles to survive or succeed.

💡empty facts

The term 'empty facts' is not a standard phrase but could be interpreted as information that lacks substance or significance. In the script, it might be used metaphorically to criticize certain statements or information as being hollow or lacking in value. This could be a commentary on the importance of meaningful communication and the pitfalls of superficiality.

💡red sky

A 'red sky' is often observed in the morning or evening and is caused by the scattering of sunlight by dust particles in the atmosphere. In the context of the video, 'the sky is red' might be a metaphor for a dramatic change or an ominous sign, possibly indicating a turning point or a significant event in the storyline.

💡walking into heaven

The phrase 'walking into heaven' is a metaphorical expression that suggests a peaceful transition or a positive outcome, often associated with the afterlife or a state of eternal peace. In the script, it could symbolize a character's aspiration for a better place or state of being, or it might be part of a narrative where a character achieves a goal or finds resolution.


Mother lost weight

Thanking someone

Auntie Celeste mentioned

Important good news shared

Princess and Sarah referenced

Heading to the back

City and good news

Irresponsible fact mentioned

Opposites and food

Not wanting to leave

Touching facts

Surviving the situation

Desire for two facts

Empty facts and no smell

Wants to fight

Sky is red, ocean has spots

World has ended

Walking into heaven

War has ended