How I Achieved 100% Job Security (Step-by-Step Guide) - Employability Framework

Josh Madakor
11 Apr 202414:19

TLDRThe video presents a step-by-step guide on achieving 100% job security using the Employability Framework, which the creator credits for their transition from joblessness to a high-paying corporate position. The framework focuses on two main aspects: securing interviews and excelling in them. It emphasizes the importance of a high-quality resume, networking, and interview skills, suggesting practical strategies such as using chatbots to prepare for interviews. The speaker also highlights the value of creating one's own experience and maintaining a strong professional network for enhanced employability.


  • 📈 Achieve job security by creating an 'employability framework' that helps you stand out in the job market.
  • 🎓 Invest in certifications and job hopping to gain diverse experiences and enhance your employability.
  • 💡 Tailor a high-quality resume that is easily digestible by humans and readable by Application Tracking Systems (ATS).
  • 🔍 Network effectively on platforms like LinkedIn to increase chances of getting noticed by potential employers.
  • 🗣️ Improve interview skills by practicing succinct answers in the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) format.
  • 🚫 Avoid filler words during interviews and focus on clear, articulate communication.
  • 🌟 Showcase your skills and experiences through a personal portfolio to distinguish yourself from peers.
  • 📊 Use tools like chat GPT with job descriptions to generate relevant interview questions and practice responses.
  • 👔 Enhance your self-presentation and technical abilities to make a positive impression during interviews.
  • 🔗 Build a strong social network organically over time by performing well at work and being nice to people.
  • 🛠️ Apply the employability framework across multiple disciplines to ensure job security in various fields.

Q & A

  • What was the speaker's initial experience with job hunting and how did it influence their approach to job security?

    -The speaker's initial experience with job hunting was lengthy and felt like a result of dumb luck. This experience led to a period of worry about job security, prompting the speaker to take various actions to ensure employability, which eventually resulted in the creation of the employability framework.

  • What are the 12 pillars of employment mentioned in the script?

    -The script does not provide specific details about the 12 pillars of employment. However, it mentions that the speaker refined these into the employability framework, which is a tool they used to significantly improve their job security and salary in the corporate world.

  • How did the speaker transition from job hopping to achieving job security?

    -The speaker transitioned from job hopping to achieving job security by studying extensively, obtaining certifications, and engaging in numerous interviews. This proactive approach led to the development and application of the employability framework, which helped the speaker to never be laid off, fired, or let go.

  • What is the employability framework and how does it help individuals in their careers?

    -The employability framework is a structured guide created by the speaker to enhance job security and employability. It is applicable across various careers and disciplines, helping individuals to identify and fill any gaps in their skills or experiences. The framework is designed to help individuals create their own luck and maintain employability even in a challenging job market.

  • How does the speaker suggest one create a high-quality resume?

    -The speaker suggests that a high-quality resume should be easily digestible by humans, parsable by an ATS (Application Tracking System), consistent in formatting, free from grammatical or spelling errors, and contain appropriate sections with achievements such as education, certifications, portfolio, and experience. It should also include quantifiable experience where possible.

  • What is the speaker's advice on gaining experience without having a job?

    -The speaker advises that for almost every profession, one can create their own experience. This can be achieved through activities like creating labs for a course, building a portfolio, or producing content relevant to the field. The key is to find ways to showcase this self-created experience to potential employers.

  • How does the speaker recommend preparing for interviews?

    -The speaker recommends using chat GPT with the job description to construct relevant interview questions, practicing succinct answers in STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) format, and avoiding filler words. They also suggest improving self-presentation and technical ability stats, and using the job description to generate sample interview questions for further preparation.

  • What is the significance of a strong social network in employability according to the speaker?

    -A strong social network can significantly boost employability as it can lead to direct interviews or even job offers without the need for a formal interview process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being nice to people and performing well at work to organically develop and maintain a social network over time.

  • How does the speaker suggest applying the employability framework to multiple disciplines?

    -The speaker suggests applying the employability framework to two to three different disciplines or jobs within one's chosen field. This approach broadens the range of opportunities and makes an individual highly employable across various areas, reducing the worry of finding work.

  • What resources does the speaker offer for those interested in IT and cybersecurity?

    -The speaker offers two courses built on the employability framework, one for those brand new to IT and another for those with some technical experience. These courses cover resume and portfolio creation, the interview process, and other aspects discussed in the video to help individuals become and stay highly employable in IT or cybersecurity.

  • How does the speaker's experience with their last job illustrate the power of a strong network?

    -The speaker's last job was secured without an interview or any formal process, simply because they knew the client and the recruiter. This exemplifies the power of a strong network in bypassing traditional job application processes and directly leading to job opportunities.



📈 The Journey to Employment and the Employability Framework

The speaker shares their personal experience of struggling to find a job and the fear of being poor again. They developed the Employability Framework to enhance their job security and marketability. The framework, which includes the 12 pillars of employment, has been successful in helping them transition from unemployment to a high-paying job in the corporate world. The speaker emphasizes that the framework is not just about luck, but about creating one's own opportunities for employability, even in a challenging economy.


📝 Crafting the Perfect Resume and Acquiring Experience

The speaker discusses the importance of having a high-quality resume that is easily digestible by humans and Application Tracking Systems (ATS). They highlight the need for consistency in formatting and the inclusion of quantifiable achievements and relevant sections such as education, certifications, and experience. The speaker also stresses the value of creating one's own experience and building a portfolio to showcase self-acquired skills, which can significantly distinguish a candidate from their peers.


💼 Mastering the Interview Process

The speaker provides insights on how to pass interviews by developing strong interview skills. They recommend constructing relevant interview questions based on the job description, practicing succinct answers using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) format, and avoiding filler words. They also discuss the importance of self-presentation and technical ability, suggesting practical ways to enhance these aspects. The speaker encourages using AI tools like chat GPT to generate and practice sample interview questions, which can significantly boost a candidate's preparedness.



💡Employability Framework

The Employability Framework is a structured guide created by the speaker to enhance one's job security and employability. It is a methodical approach that involves identifying and improving upon various aspects of one's professional profile. In the video, the speaker shares his journey of moving from job insecurity to a stable high-paying position using this framework, highlighting its practicality and effectiveness in various disciplines.

💡Job Security

Job security refers to the confidence and assurance that one's job will continue without the fear of being laid off, fired, or let go. In the context of the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of job security and shares personal experiences of transitioning from a state of worry about job stability to achieving a secure position with a substantial salary. The Employability Framework is presented as a tool to help individuals increase their job security.


Certifications are formal qualifications or credentials that professionals obtain to validate their skills and knowledge in a specific area. In the video, the speaker mentions acquiring various certifications as part of the Employability Framework strategy to enhance employability. These certifications act as a testament to one's expertise and commitment to professional development, making them more attractive to potential employers.

💡Job Hopping

Job hopping refers to the act of frequently changing jobs, often for the purpose of career advancement or seeking better opportunities. The speaker in the video discusses job hopping as part of their strategy to improve employability and eventually achieve job security. It involves moving from one position to another to gain diverse experiences and skills that can be leveraged for career growth.

💡ATS (Application Tracking System)

ATS stands for Application Tracking System, which is a software tool used by companies to manage the recruitment process electronically. In the video, the speaker advises that a high-quality resume should be parsable by an ATS, meaning it should be formatted in a way that the system can easily read and understand the candidate's information. This ensures that the resume gets past the initial electronic screening and reaches a human recruiter or hiring manager.


A portfolio is a collection of an individual's work, achievements, and projects that showcase their skills and expertise in a particular field. In the video, the speaker highlights the importance of creating a portfolio to demonstrate one's capabilities to potential employers. It serves as a tangible representation of one's experience and can be a powerful differentiator from other candidates during the job application process.

💡Interview Skills

Interview skills are the abilities and techniques one uses to effectively communicate and present themselves during a job interview. The speaker in the video emphasizes the need to develop strong interview skills as part of the Employability Framework. This includes practicing succinct and structured answers, avoiding filler words, and preparing responses using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) format to demonstrate one's competencies and experiences.

💡Quantifiable Experience

Quantifiable experience refers to the ability to measure and present one's professional accomplishments with numerical data or statistics. In the video, the speaker suggests including quantifiable experiences in one's resume to provide concrete evidence of their past achievements and contributions. This can help potential employers understand the candidate's impact and value in previous roles.


Networking is the process of building and maintaining professional relationships that can lead to career opportunities. In the video, the speaker discusses the role of networking in the Employability Framework, noting that having a strong social network can sometimes bypass traditional job application processes and lead to job offers. The speaker shares personal experiences of leveraging professional connections to secure high-paying positions without going through the standard interview process.

💡Technical Ability

Technical ability refers to the specific skills and knowledge one possesses in their field of expertise. In the context of the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of enhancing one's technical ability to stay highly employable. This is achieved through continuous learning, practicing, and applying theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, such as labs or real-world projects, particularly in fields like cybersecurity and software engineering.

💡Halo Effect

The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias where an individual's overall impression positively influences the perception of their other traits or abilities. In the video, the speaker mentions using the Halo Effect to improve self-presentation during interviews. By ensuring that aspects like appearance and communication are well-managed, candidates can positively influence how interviewers perceive them, potentially leading to better outcomes in the hiring process.


The speaker initially struggled with job hunting and felt unprepared for potential job loss.

To combat job insecurity, the speaker developed the Employability Framework, which significantly improved their career prospects.

The Employability Framework is based on 12 pillars of employment and has been refined for practical use.

The speaker achieved a base salary of 180k in the corporate world using this framework.

The framework has been used to help thousands of people improve their job security and employability.

In a bad economy, being highly employable can offset the burden and make job hunting easier.

The speaker emphasizes that job hunting should not be a passive process but rather a strategic one.

High-quality resumes and applications are crucial for getting interviews.

A high-quality resume should be easily digestible, ATS-friendly, consistent, and free of errors.

Creating your own experience is possible in almost any profession, which can greatly enhance your employability.

A strong portfolio showcasing your own experiences can set you apart from other candidates.

Interview skills can be improved by practicing succinct answers and eliminating filler words.

The STAR format (Situation, Task, Action, Result) is recommended for articulating answers during interviews.

Self-presentation and technical ability are key aspects to focus on for improving interview outcomes.

Having a strong professional network can sometimes bypass the traditional job hunting process.

The speaker suggests applying the Employability Framework to multiple disciplines to increase job security.

The speaker offers courses based on the Employability Framework for those in IT and cybersecurity fields.

By using the framework, one can achieve a level of job security that allows for focus on other aspects of life.