How I Create VIRAL AI Generated Videos to get MILLIONS of Views (Full Tutorial with Proof)

Real Money Strategies
11 Sept 202331:07

TLDRThis video outlines a method to generate significant monthly income on YouTube using AI-powered video creation. It introduces InVideo AI, a tool that automates video production without the need for physical appearance, voice recording, or scriptwriting. The strategy leverages high-earning potential niches like travel and health, incorporating affiliate marketing for additional revenue. The video also emphasizes the importance of optimizing content for YouTube search to boost views and monetization potential.


  • πŸš€ Utilize AI tools like InVideo to create high-quality YouTube videos without the need for extensive editing skills or personal appearance.
  • 🌐 Focus on generating evergreen content in niches such as travel and health & fitness to attract long-term passive income through YouTube ad revenue and affiliate marketing.
  • πŸ“ˆ Leverage the power of YouTube search by optimizing video titles and descriptions with keywords that have high search volume and low competition.
  • 🎯 Identify trending topics within your niche by analyzing popular and evergreen videos on similar channels using tools like Social Blade and VidIQ.
  • πŸ”— Incorporate affiliate marketing by promoting relevant products through link shortening services and include them in the video description to earn commissions.
  • πŸŽ₯ Create engaging and informative content by using AI-generated scripts and media that resonate with the target audience and adhere to a specific theme or tone.
  • πŸ“Š Use analytics to track the performance of your videos and understand which strategies work best for driving views and engagement.
  • πŸ”„ Edit and customize AI-generated videos to better fit your content strategy, including changing scenes, adjusting music, and modifying scripts.
  • πŸ“ˆ Quickly generate videos through AI platforms like InVideo, which can produce a full-length video in minutes, significantly speeding up the content creation process.
  • πŸ”’ Ensure to sign up for affiliate marketing platforms like ClickBank and retrieve unique affiliate links to include in your video descriptions for monetization.
  • πŸŽ‰ Promote your videos on social media and other platforms to increase visibility and attract a wider audience, potentially leading to virality and increased revenue.

Q & A

  • How much passive income can be generated monthly through YouTube according to the video?

    -The video suggests that it is possible to generate over twenty thousand dollars every single month on YouTube.

  • What type of AI tool is introduced in the video for creating videos without video editing or using one's own voice?

    -The video introduces an AI tool called 'In Video AI' that allows users to create videos by typing a single prompt, without the need for video editing, showing one's face, or using their own voice.

  • What are the two revenue sources mentioned in the video for earning money on YouTube?

    -The two revenue sources mentioned are YouTube ad revenue and affiliate marketing commissions.

  • How does the 'Island Hopper TV' channel on YouTube generate its income?

    - 'Island Hopper TV' generates income primarily through YouTube ad revenue and additionally through affiliate marketing commissions.

  • What is the significance of 'Evergreen' content in the context of the video?

    - 'Evergreen' content refers to videos that remain relevant and continue to attract views over a long period of time, thus generating passive income for months or even years.

  • How does the video demonstrate the earning potential of the travel niche on YouTube?

    -The video demonstrates this by showcasing examples of YouTube channels in the travel niche, such as 'Island Hopper TV' and 'World According to Briggs,' which earn significant monthly incomes through a combination of ad revenue and affiliate marketing.

  • What is the role of affiliate links in the video content strategy discussed in the video?

    -Affiliate links are placed into the YouTube video description, and when viewers click on these links and make purchases, the video creator earns a commission. This is a key part of the strategy for generating passive income on YouTube.

  • How does the AI tool 'In Video AI' facilitate the creation of listical style travel videos?

    - 'In Video AI' facilitates this by generating the entire video from a single prompt, including stock footage, captions, audio, and a human-like voiceover. It can also be programmed to include specific affiliate marketing products in the video content.

  • What type of audience and look and feel settings can be selected in 'In Video AI' for customizing the generated videos?

    -In 'In Video AI', users can select the audience type such as travel enthusiasts, adventure seekers, culture explorers, etc., and choose the look and feel of the video, options like bright, inspiring, or crisp.

  • How long does it typically take for 'In Video AI' to generate a full-length YouTube video?

    -The video indicates that generating a full-length YouTube video with 'In Video AI' can take around five minutes.

  • What is the recommended strategy for new YouTube channels to gain views from YouTube search?

    -The recommended strategy is to create videos on topics with high search volume but low competition. This increases the chance of the videos appearing near the top of YouTube search results, thereby gaining more views and potentially going viral.



πŸš€ Making Thousands on YouTube with AI Tools

This paragraph introduces the concept of earning significant income through YouTube by uploading videos that generate passive income. It emphasizes the use of an AI tool that simplifies video creation and editing, allowing users to produce content without showing their face, using their voice, or writing a script. The speaker encourages viewers to subscribe and like the video, promising a detailed guide on leveraging YouTube and affiliate marketing for sustainable income.


🌐 Showcasing Earning Potential with YouTube Channels

The speaker provides examples of successful YouTube channels in the travel niche, such as Island Hopper TV and World According to Briggs, to demonstrate the earning potential of faceless, listicle-style travel videos. By analyzing these channels' revenue from YouTube ads and affiliate marketing, the speaker highlights the profitability of this content format. The paragraph also explains the evergreen nature of such videos, which continue to attract views and revenue over time.


πŸŽ₯ Utilizing AI for Video Creation

This paragraph delves into the specifics of using an AI platform, InVideo AI, to create videos with a single prompt. The speaker guides the audience through the process of selecting video types, customizing voiceovers, and generating content. The AI tool's ability to produce high-quality, human-like voiceovers and to match stock footage with the script is emphasized. The paragraph also touches on the ease of editing the AI-generated videos to better align with the creator's vision.


πŸ“ˆ Optimizing Video Content for Views and Monetization

The speaker discusses strategies for optimizing video content to maximize views and monetization on YouTube. It suggests using VidIQ's keyword research tools to find low-competition, high-search-volume keywords for video titles. The paragraph also explains the importance of creating evergreen content in niches like health and fitness, which can generate passive income through affiliate marketing. The speaker provides an example of a health and fitness video, detailing how to incorporate affiliate marketing links effectively.


πŸ”— Affiliate Marketing and Video Monetization

This paragraph focuses on integrating affiliate marketing into video content to earn commissions. The speaker explains how to select profitable niches and promote products through affiliate links in the video description. It also emphasizes the importance of using a link shortener to create more appealing affiliate links. The paragraph outlines the process of editing AI-generated videos to include specific products or diets, ensuring the content is relevant to the affiliate links being promoted.


πŸ“Š Maximizing YouTube Views through Search Optimization

The speaker shares a proven formula for increasing video views by optimizing for YouTube search. It suggests analyzing trending videos on similar channels to identify popular content and using VidIQ to find keywords with low competition and high search volume. The paragraph highlights the importance of generating engagement to signal to YouTube's algorithm that the video is worth promoting to a wider audience, increasing the chances of the video going viral.


🎬 Exporting and Uploading AI-Generated Videos

The final paragraph covers the process of exporting AI-generated videos from InVideo AI and preparing them for upload to YouTube. The speaker advises on the option to remove the watermark and branding for a more professional look. It also emphasizes the importance of using an optimized title, as determined by VidIQ research, to increase the video's visibility and potential for going viral on YouTube. The speaker offers additional resources for affiliate marketing and encourages viewers to subscribe for more content.




YouTube is a video-sharing platform where users can upload, share, and view videos. In the context of the video, it is the primary medium for content creation and monetization, with the goal of generating passive income through ad revenue and affiliate marketing.

πŸ’‘Passive Income

Passive income refers to earnings that are generated with minimal continuous effort after an initial setup or investment. In the video, the creator explains how to earn passive income through YouTube by uploading videos that continuously generate revenue over time.

πŸ’‘AI Tool

An AI tool, or artificial intelligence tool, is a software application that uses AI to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. In the video, the AI tool referred to helps in creating YouTube videos by typing a single prompt, eliminating the need for manual video editing, voiceover, or scripting.

πŸ’‘Listical Style Videos

Listical style videos are a type of content format that presents information in a list format, often numerically ordered, such as 'top 10' or 'best of' lists. These videos are highlighted in the script as being particularly successful in generating views and ad revenue on YouTube.

πŸ’‘Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where businesses reward affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. In the video, it is one of the two revenue sources discussed, where creators can earn commissions by promoting products or services through their YouTube content.

πŸ’‘Evergreen Content

Evergreen content refers to content that remains relevant and valuable over a long period of time. In the context of the video, evergreen nature of travel and health niches is emphasized as a key to sustained passive income from YouTube videos.

πŸ’‘Social Blade

Social Blade is a website that provides analytics for social media platforms, including YouTube. It is used to estimate earnings, views, and other statistics for content creators' channels. In the video, Social Blade is used to demonstrate the earning potential of certain YouTube channels.

πŸ’‘YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a feature on YouTube that allows users to create and share short, vertical videos. In the video, the AI tool is used to create YouTube Shorts, which are highlighted as an effective way to generate views and revenue.


VidIQ is a platform that provides YouTube optimization tools, including keyword research and competitor analysis, to help video creators grow their channels. In the video, VidIQ is used to find low competition keywords to optimize video titles for better search performance.


ClickBank is an online retail outlet that offers a variety of products, often in the digital marketing niche, and allows affiliates to earn a commission by promoting and selling these products. In the video, it is mentioned as a source for affiliate marketing products that can be promoted on YouTube.


The video outlines a method to generate over twenty thousand dollars monthly on YouTube using a new AI tool for creating content.

The AI tool allows users to create videos without showing their face, using their own voice, or writing a script.

The strategy involves leveraging YouTube's ad revenue and affiliate marketing for dual revenue streams.

Examples of successful YouTube channels in the travel niche are provided to demonstrate the earning potential.

The video emphasizes the evergreen nature of certain niches, such as travel and health, for generating long-term passive income.

The AI platform, InVideo AI, is introduced as a tool to create entire videos with a single prompt.

InVideo AI can generate videos with stock footage, captions, audio, and voiceovers within minutes.

The video demonstrates how to edit and customize the AI-generated videos, including changing the media, script, and background music.

Affiliate marketing is suggested as a way to start earning before YouTube content is monetized.

The importance of creating longer form videos for affiliate marketing due to YouTube Shorts' limitations is discussed.

A step-by-step guide on how to use InVideo AI to create longer form YouTube explainer videos is provided.

The video provides a method for optimizing YouTube videos for search to increase views and potentially go viral.

VidIQ is recommended as a tool for keyword research to find low competition topics for video content.

A tutorial on how to export AI-generated videos from InVideo AI and upload them to YouTube is included.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe and access additional resources for affiliate marketing.