How to Install Krita extension for Stable Diffusion (auto-sd-paint-ext) Automatic1111 WebUI

Rexel Bartolome
25 Jan 202304:56

TLDRThis video tutorial guides viewers on how to install the Krita extension for Stable Diffusion, auto-sd-paint-ext, to streamline their workflow. It covers the one-click installation process of Stable Diffusion, setting up the web UI, and downloading the Krita extension. The instructions detail configuring the stable diffusion web UI and Krita for seamless integration, allowing users to utilize Stable Diffusion's image generation capabilities directly within Krita.


  • 🖌️ Install Stable Diffusion using a one-click install method which takes about 20-30 minutes and requires ~10GB of space.
  • 🔗 After installation, a local URL is generated (usually starting with 127), which is used to access the Stable Diffusion web UI.
  • 📂 Download the Krita extension for Stable Diffusion from the extensions tab in the web UI by searching for 'auto-sd-paint-ext'.
  • 🔄 Install the extension by clicking 'Install' and then 'Apply' in the web UI, followed by restarting the UI to load the extension properly.
  • 📁 Access the 'auto SD' tab to follow the instructions for linking the Krita extension with Stable Diffusion.
  • 🛠️ Open the command prompt as an administrator and execute the commands from the web UI to create a symlink between the extension and Stable Diffusion.
  • 📋 Edit the 'user.bat' file in the Stable Diffusion installation folder to enable API communication by adding '--api' to the command line arguments.
  • 🎨 Open Krita and navigate to the extension's Dockers to access the Stable Diffusion tools within Krita.
  • 🖼️ Use the extension for image-to-image and text-to-image generation, and enhance your workflow by creating selections with feather to blend new elements seamlessly.
  • 👍 Check out more detailed tutorials on using the extension in the provided video links and subscribe for more content.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the Krita extension for Stable Diffusion?

    -The main purpose of the Krita extension for Stable Diffusion is to seamlessly integrate Stable Diffusion into Krita, allowing users to generate and set images automatically within Krita, streamlining the workflow.

  • How long does the one-click install process for Stable Diffusion take?

    -The one-click install process for Stable Diffusion takes around 20 to 30 minutes.

  • How much space is required on the hard drive for the installation of Stable Diffusion?

    -The installation of Stable Diffusion requires around 10 gigs of space on the hard drive.

  • What is the URL used for the Stable Diffusion web UI?

    -The URL used for the Stable Diffusion web UI is a local URL, typically starting with '127'.

  • Where can the Krita extension be downloaded from within the Stable Diffusion web UI?

    -The Krita extension can be downloaded from the 'Extensions' tab in the Stable Diffusion web UI, under the 'Available' section.

  • What should be done after installing the Krita extension?

    -After installing the Krita extension, users should go to the 'Install' tab in the web UI, click 'Apply', and restart the UI to load the extension properly.

  • How can users create a symlink between the Krita extension and Stable Diffusion?

    -To create a symlink, users should open the resource folder located in the 'pikrita' directory and copy the folder URL. This URL is used to establish the symlink.

  • What changes need to be made to the 'user.bat' file to enable communication with the Krita extension?

    -In the 'user.bat' file, users should add '--api' at the end of the command line arguments to enable communication with the Krita extension.

  • How can users access the Stable Diffusion tools within Krita?

    -Users can access the Stable Diffusion tools within Krita by going to 'Settings' and then opening the 'Dockers' for the extension.

  • What is an efficient way to use the Krita extension for Stable Diffusion?

    -An efficient way to use the extension is by executing 'image to image' commands, creating a selection with the rectangular selection tool, and adding a feather to ensure a smooth blend with the existing image.

  • What should users do if they encounter an error when creating the symlink?

    -If an error occurs stating 'cannot create file', it means the file already exists and the steps have been done correctly.



🎥 Introduction to Stable Diffusion in Krita

This paragraph introduces the viewers to an efficient method of integrating Stable Diffusion with Krita, a digital painting program. It emphasizes the benefits of this integration, such as avoiding the need to switch between the web UI and other platforms like Twitter for image management. The process begins with the installation of Stable Diffusion using a one-click install method, which is recommended due to its convenience and comprehensiveness, as it installs all necessary dependencies. The estimated time for the installation is 20 to 30 minutes, and it requires approximately 10GB of hard drive space.

🔧 Installation and Setup of Stable Diffusion

This paragraph provides a step-by-step guide on how to install Stable Diffusion and its subsequent setup. After installation, a local URL is generated which is used to access the Stable Diffusion web UI. The viewer is instructed to download the Krita extension from the web UI and apply it to load the extension properly. The paragraph also explains how to create a symlink between the Krita extension and Stable Diffusion, and how to edit the 'user.bat' file to enable API communication between the two programs. The instructions are detailed, ensuring that the viewer can successfully integrate the two platforms for a seamless workflow.

🖌️ Accessing Stable Diffusion Tools in Krita

In this paragraph, the focus shifts to the usage of Stable Diffusion tools within Krita. The viewer is guided on how to access these tools through Dockers in Krita's settings. The paragraph highlights the various features and tools available, such as image-to-image and text-to-image functionalities. It also suggests a preferred method of using the extension, which involves creating a selection with a feathered edge for better blending of generated images. The paragraph concludes with an encouragement to explore the extension further and to engage with the content by liking the video and subscribing for more tutorials.




Krita is a free and open-source digital painting program that provides a wide range of tools and features for artists to create digital art. In the context of the video, Krita is the primary software where the Stable Diffusion extension will be integrated, allowing artists to seamlessly use AI-generated images and tools within the familiar Krita interface.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an AI model that generates high-quality images from textual descriptions. It is a type of deep learning model that has been trained on a large dataset of images and text. In the video, the focus is on integrating Stable Diffusion with Krita to enhance the creative process by allowing users to generate images directly within the Krita environment.


An extension, in this context, refers to a software add-on that enhances the functionality of a primary application. The video describes the process of installing an extension for Stable Diffusion that integrates with Krita, enabling users to utilize AI image generation capabilities without leaving the Krita software.

💡Web UI

Web UI stands for Web User Interface, which is a way for users to interact with applications through a web browser. In the video, the Web UI is used to manage and install extensions for Stable Diffusion. It is through this interface that users can download and apply the Krita extension for Stable Diffusion.


GitHub is a web-based platform that provides version control and collaboration features for software development. It is used by developers to store, manage, and collaborate on code. In the video, the GitHub link is provided for users to download the one-click install package for Stable Diffusion, which includes all necessary dependencies for the software to function properly.

💡Local URL

A local URL is a web address that refers to a resource on the user's own computer or local network. In the script, the local URL is generated after the installation of Stable Diffusion and is used to access the Stable Diffusion Web UI without having to go through a public internet address.

💡Command Prompt

The Command Prompt is a command-line interface for Windows operating systems that allows users to interact with the computer at a low level by typing commands. In the video, the Command Prompt is used to create a symbolic link between the Krita extension and Stable Diffusion, enabling seamless communication between the two applications.


Docker is a platform that allows developers to package applications into containers, which can be run on any system regardless of the underlying operating system. In the context of the video, Dockers in Krita refer to the panels or interfaces that provide access to the Stable Diffusion tools within the Krita environment.

💡Image to Image

Image to Image refers to the process of generating a new image based on an existing one, often used in AI-generated content to modify or enhance specific parts of an image. In the video, this feature is mentioned as one of the capabilities of the Stable Diffusion extension for Krita, allowing users to blend AI-generated images with their existing artwork.


In digital image editing, a feather is a technique used to create a soft, gradual transition between the edges of a selection and the surrounding area. In the video, the feather selection tool in Krita is used to ensure that the AI-generated images blend smoothly with the existing artwork, avoiding harsh edges or abrupt transitions.


API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of protocols and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. In the video, adding the '--api' flag to the command line arguments of the Stable Diffusion application enables the Krita extension to communicate with the Stable Diffusion backend, allowing for the integration of AI-generated content within Krita.


Seamless integration of Stable Diffusion into Krita for a streamlined workflow.

One-click install method recommended for Stable Diffusion installation with all necessary dependencies.

Installation process takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes and requires 10GB of hard drive space.

Local URL generation after Stable Diffusion installation for accessing the web UI.

Downloading the Krita extension through the Stable Diffusion web UI.

Installing the Krita extension and restarting the UI for proper loading.

Accessing the auto SD tab and following Instagram options for extension setup.

Creating a symlink between the Krita extension and Stable Diffusion using folder URLs.

Editing the user.bat file to enable API communication with the Krita extension.

Using the Dockers in Krita for accessing Stable Diffusion tools.

Executing image to image functionality within Krita for efficient and detailed results.

Utilizing the rectangular selection tool with Feather selection for seamless image blending.

In-depth explanation of the extension's use in a follow-up video.

Encouragement to like and subscribe for more informative content.