How to change clothes on your AI model

10 Jan 202410:49

TLDRThe video script provides a detailed guide on how to change the clothing on an AI model, which can be a challenging task with current AI technology. Two primary methods are discussed: using Adobe Firefly's generative AI fill tool and the blend tool in Mid Journey. The process involves uploading an image of the AI model, masking the clothing area, and then generating new clothing options. Adobe Firefly allows for more control and better results, especially when changing to completely different clothing like a red dress. For branded clothing, additional photo editing with tools like Photoshop is necessary. The script also mentions a third option using stable diffusion web UI, which, however, offers more complexity and less satisfactory results. The video concludes by promoting a new online course for building custom AI tools and encourages further learning about AI.


  • 🎨 **Changing AI Model Clothing**: The video discusses methods to change the clothing of an AI model, which is a challenging task in AI.
  • 🛠️ **Adobe Firefly Tool**: One way to change clothing is by using Adobe Firefly's generative AI fill tool, which allows for uploading an image and changing the clothing within it.
  • 📝 **Setting Up Adobe Firefly**: The process involves selecting the correct version of the AI, adjusting settings for raw mode and stylization, and then generating an image of the AI model.
  • 🖌️ **Image Masking**: To change the clothing, it's necessary to mask the current clothing on the AI model's image to indicate the area for change.
  • 👚 **Clothing Change Examples**: The video provides examples of changing a white T-shirt to a red dress and adding a brand's logo, like Nike, onto the AI model's clothing.
  • 🔍 **Quality of Results**: The results from changing clothing can be mixed and may require further editing to look natural.
  • 💰 **Adobe Firefly Cost**: A premium Adobe Firefly account is needed for certain features like removing logos, costing around $7 per month Canadian.
  • 🧵 **Blend Tool in Mid Journey**: Another method demonstrated is using the blend tool in Mid Journey to combine an AI model with an image of desired clothing.
  • 📷 **Photo Editing for Perfection**: For best results, additional photo editing using software like Photoshop is recommended to refine the appearance of the AI model's new clothing.
  • 🛍️ **Branded Clothing Limitations**: The video notes that adding branded clothing to an AI model is not straightforward with AI alone and requires photo editing skills.
  • 📚 **Learning Resources**: The video offers a course for building custom AI tools and encourages learning more about AI for those interested in this field.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the transcript is how to change the clothing on an AI model using different tools and techniques.

  • Which tool is mentioned first for changing the clothing on an AI model?

    -The first tool mentioned is Adobe Firefly, specifically using its generative AI fill tool.

  • What is the process of changing clothing using Adobe Firefly?

    -The process involves uploading an image of the AI model, masking the clothing area that needs to be changed, and then generating a new image with the desired clothing.

  • What are the challenges faced when trying to change clothing on an AI model?

    -The challenges include getting mixed results, issues with the AI not fitting the new clothing well, and the need for additional photo editing to perfect the final image.

  • How does one add a brand's clothing to an AI model using Adobe Firefly?

    -One can use Adobe Firefly to generate an image of the brand's clothing, then use Photoshop to add the brand logo onto the clothing, and finally, combine the edited clothing image with the AI model.

  • What is the alternative method mentioned for changing the AI model's clothing?

    -The alternative method mentioned is using the blend tool in Mid Journey, which involves generating an image of the desired clothing with a transparent background and blending it with the AI model's image.

  • What is the role of Photoshop in the process of changing an AI model's clothing?

    -Photoshop is used for additional image editing, such as adjusting the color of the clothing, adding a brand logo, and refining the final image to make it look more natural and less like AI-generated content.

  • What is the significance of using a white background when generating an image of the clothing?

    -A white background makes it easier to remove the background and make it transparent, which facilitates the blending process of the clothing onto the AI model's image.

  • What is the cost of a premium Adobe Firefly account?

    -The cost of a premium Adobe Firefly account is $7 per month Canadian, which is approximately $5 US.

  • What is the third option mentioned for changing the AI model's clothing?

    -The third option mentioned is using stable diffusion web UI, which can be run locally with strong computer specifications or on the cloud using a service like think diffusion.

  • What is the conclusion about adding branded clothing to an AI model?

    -The conclusion is that while it is possible to change the clothing on an AI model using tools like Adobe Firefly and Mid Journey, adding branded clothing in a perfect manner is not yet achievable with AI alone and requires additional photo editing skills.

  • What additional resource is mentioned for learning more about building custom AI tools?

    -An online course is mentioned in the transcript, which is available through a link provided in the description below.



😀 Customizing AI Model Clothing with Adobe Firefly

The first paragraph discusses the challenge of changing an AI model's clothing, particularly to incorporate sponsor brands. It introduces a course for building custom AI tools and then delves into using Adobe Firefly's generative AI fill tool. The process includes creating an account, uploading an image of the AI model, and using the tool to change the model's clothing. The speaker guides through selecting the correct version of the AI, adjusting settings, and generating a half-body portrait of a woman in a t-shirt. After selecting a suitable image, the shirt is masked in Adobe Firefly to indicate the area for change. The AI then generates options for a new red dress, with some initial imperfections. The paragraph concludes with a demonstration of how to adjust the AI model's clothing to fit a brand's requirements, using a Nike sweater as an example, and briefly touches on using Photoshop for further refinements.


🎨 Blending AI Model with Clothing Using Mid Journey

The second paragraph explores an alternative method for changing the AI model's clothing using Mid Journey's blend tool. It involves generating an image of the desired clothing, removing the background, and blending it with the AI model's image. The process is demonstrated with a fur coat, which is selected and uploaded after background removal. The blend tool then combines the AI model with the fur coat, offering options to adjust and refine the final image. The paragraph also mentions the limitations when trying to add branded clothing directly and suggests that additional photo editing skills using software like Photoshop or Photopea are necessary for better results. It concludes with an attempt to blend an Adidas shirt with the AI model but notes that the outcome was not successful.


💻 Advanced Clothing Customization with Stable Diffusion

The third paragraph briefly mentions a third option for customizing the AI model's clothing using Stable Diffusion web UI, which can be run locally with high specifications or on the cloud. It suggests using the Imageo image tool and the inpainting feature to mask and change the model's shirt. However, the speaker found the results to be similar or slightly worse than Adobe Firefly and more complicated to use. The paragraph concludes with a promotion for a new online course on building AI tools and an invitation to learn more about AI.



💡AI model

An AI model, in the context of this video, refers to a digital or artificial representation of a person, often used in various applications like virtual assistants, video games, or marketing. The video discusses changing the clothing of this model, which is a significant aspect when brands want to incorporate their clothing into digital content.

💡Adobe Firefly

Adobe Firefly is a generative AI tool mentioned in the video that allows users to edit images, including changing the clothing of an AI model. It is used to demonstrate one of the methods for altering the attire of a digital model to fit a specific brand's clothing.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to the type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, such as images, music, or text. In the video, generative AI is used to generate new clothing options for the AI model, which is a core part of the process being demonstrated.

💡Branded clothing

Branded clothing in this context means apparel that features the logos or designs of specific brands. The video explores how to incorporate such branded clothing onto an AI model, which is important for promotional purposes or brand collaborations.

💡Photo editing

Photo editing involves the manipulation of digital images using software tools like Photoshop. The video mentions the need for photo editing skills to refine the appearance of branded clothing on an AI model, indicating that while AI can generate the initial image, human touch is still necessary for perfecting the result.

💡Mid Journey

Mid Journey is a platform or tool used in conjunction with generative AI to create and manipulate images. The video script describes using Mid Journey to generate images of clothing and then blend them with images of an AI model to change its attire.

💡Blend tool

The blend tool, as discussed in the video, is a feature within certain image editing platforms that allows users to combine multiple images into one coherent image. It is used to overlay clothing onto the AI model's image.

💡Pixel Cut

Pixel Cut is a free AI background remover tool used in the video to remove the background from images, making it easier to blend clothing items with the AI model image. This tool simplifies the process of creating a transparent background for better image compositing.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a type of AI model that can generate images from textual descriptions. The video briefly mentions using Stable Diffusion's web UI for changing the clothing on an AI model, suggesting it as an alternative method to Adobe Firefly and Mid Journey.

💡Image masking

Image masking is a technique used in photo editing where parts of an image are selected and isolated from the rest. In the context of the video, masking is used to identify the areas of the AI model's clothing that will be replaced with new clothing items generated by the AI.

💡Transparency in images

Transparency in images allows for parts of an image to be see-through, which is useful when overlaying or blending images. The video talks about creating transparent backgrounds for clothing items to make it easier to place them on the AI model without the distraction of a background.


AI models can be customized with clothing changes using generative AI tools.

Adobe Firefly's generative AI fill tool allows users to change the clothing on an AI model.

Creating an account on Adobe Firefly and using the generative fill tool is the first step in changing an AI model's clothing.

Mid Journey version 6 is the recommended version for creating a half-body portrait of an AI model.

The AI model's shirt can be masked for editing, allowing for changes in clothing.

Different clothing options can be generated, such as a red dress, to replace the original outfit.

Adding variations to the mask can improve the AI's ability to generate clothing that fits the model.

Branded clothing, like a Nike sweater, can be added to an AI model using Adobe Firefly.

Photoshop or similar software is used to adjust and refine the appearance of the AI model's new clothing.

Adobe Firefly requires a premium account for certain features, such as removing logos.

Mid Journey's blend tool can be used to combine an AI model with an image of clothing.

Pixelcut is a free AI background remover that can be used to prepare images for blending.

Blending images in Mid Journey can result in different clothing being added to an AI model.

Photo editing skills can further enhance the appearance of an AI model wearing new clothing.

Stable diffusion web UI is another method for changing an AI model's clothing, but it may be more complex.

The process of changing an AI model's clothing involves a combination of AI tools and manual photo editing.

There is an online course available for building custom AI tools, which can be useful for more advanced customization.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to change an AI model's clothing using various tools and techniques.