How to get meta ai on whatsapp || Whatsapp meta ai || Early access

Mr Unique Hacker
22 Nov 202303:54

TLDRWhatsApp has introduced META AI, an advanced AI system offering real-time data and over 25 unique AI features, including image generation and chat. Users can access META AI through an updated WhatsApp, currently available in select countries. Early access can be gained by using a virtual USA number, with instructions provided in the video description.


  • 🚀 WhatsApp has launched its AI called META AI, offering real-time data and surpassing other AI platforms like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Midjourney in terms of speed and functionality.
  • 🌐 META AI integrates over 25 different AI bots, each with unique capabilities such as image generation, text chat, and more.
  • 🏆 The feature showcases META AI's ability to provide up-to-date information, like the latest Cricket World Cup winner, which other AIs might not be able to do.
  • 🖼️ META AI stands out for its image generation capabilities, providing high-quality images faster than ChatGPT.
  • 🔥 META AI offers unlimited usage, unlike other platforms that may have server limitations or restrictions.
  • 🔄 To access META AI, ensure your WhatsApp is updated, but note that the feature is currently only available in select countries.
  • 📱 If META AI is not available in your country, you can gain early access by using a Virtual USA number on WhatsApp, as the feature has been rolled out in the USA.
  • 🔗 The method to create a USA number is provided in the video description, and it's a quick and easy process.
  • 🤖 Once you access the feature, you'll find the AI bots categorized under META AI, ready to be used for various tasks.
  • 📢 The video creator also offers support and additional information through Telegram, where you can get a USA number directly from them.
  • 🔔 Stay tuned for more updates and join the WhatsApp or Telegram channel for future announcements and insights.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the AI launched by WhatsApp?

    -The AI launched by WhatsApp is called META AI.

  • What makes META AI different from other AI like ChatGPT and DALL-E?

    -META AI provides real-time data and has more than 25 AI in one place, each with unique features including image generation and normal chat.

  • How can you check if META AI is available on your WhatsApp?

    -You can see META AI on your home screen if it's available, or click on the message option and look for 'NEW AI CHAT'.

  • What are some of the features of META AI?

    -META AI can generate images, provide normal chat like ChatGPT, create jokes, suggest songs, and offer anime recommendations, among other things.

  • What is the advantage of META AI over ChatGPT in terms of response time?

    -META AI has a faster response time compared to ChatGPT.

  • Why might META AI not be available in some countries?

    -The feature has only been rolled out in a few countries, and it may not be available in others yet.

  • How can you get early access to META AI if it's not available in your country?

    -You can log in with a Virtual USA number on WhatsApp since the feature has already been rolled out in the USA.

  • What is the benefit of using a Virtual USA number to access META AI?

    -Using a Virtual USA number allows you to access META AI before it's officially available in your country.

  • How long does it take to create a USA number for WhatsApp?

    -Creating a USA number takes only about 2 minutes.

  • What should you do if you have questions about accessing META AI?

    -You can join the creator's Telegram channel, where you can directly contact them and get assistance, including obtaining a USA number.



🚀 Introduction to WhatsApp's META AI

The video begins with an enthusiastic introduction to WhatsApp's newly launched AI, META AI, which is poised to be a game-changer in the realm of AI technology. The host explains that META AI offers real-time data and举例说明 its superior response speed compared to other AI platforms like ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Midjourney. The example given is querying the latest Cricket World Cup final winner in 2023, which META AI can answer promptly while ChatGPT cannot. The host then teases an upcoming discussion on accessing META AI and proceeds to highlight its features, including over 25 unique AI capabilities in one place, ranging from image generation to ChatGPT-like chatting and beyond. The host also shares a personal preference for META AI's image generation capabilities and promises a demonstration of its speed, inviting viewers to share their favorite features in the comments. The video emphasizes META AI's reliability and lack of limitations, contrasting it with the occasional server issues faced by ChatGPT.




META AI is the name of the artificial intelligence system launched by WhatsApp, as mentioned in the video. It is designed to provide real-time data and interactions, outperforming other AI systems like ChatGPT in terms of response speed and availability. The video highlights that META AI can handle various tasks, from normal chatting to generating high-quality images, and is accessible through WhatsApp, marking a significant advancement in AI technology for the platform's users.


WhatsApp is a widely-used messaging app that allows users to send messages, make voice or video calls, and share media files over the internet. In the context of the video, WhatsApp has introduced an AI feature called META AI, which enhances the user experience by offering real-time data and interactive AI services directly within the app. This integration signifies a step towards more integrated AI services in everyday communication platforms.


ChatGPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the video, it is compared with META AI to illustrate the latter's superior response speed and real-time data provision. While ChatGPT might have limitations in real-time data and server availability, META AI aims to overcome these challenges and provide a more seamless user experience.

💡Real-time data

Real-time data refers to information that is processed and updated as it is collected, allowing for immediate access and use. In the video, META AI is praised for providing real-time data, meaning it can deliver up-to-date information promptly, such as the latest winner of the Cricket World Cup final. This capability is highlighted as a key advantage of META AI over other AI systems that may not be able to provide such immediate updates.

💡AI chat

AI chat, as discussed in the video, involves interactions with artificial intelligence systems designed to simulate conversation with humans. META AI offers an AI chat feature that goes beyond basic responses, offering a more interactive and dynamic chatting experience. This feature is part of the broader set of capabilities that META AI brings to WhatsApp, enhancing the platform's functionality and user engagement.

💡Image generation

Image generation is the process by which AI systems create visual content, often based on textual prompts or descriptions. In the context of the video, META AI's ability to generate high-quality images is showcased as a standout feature. This capability allows users to receive not just text-based responses but also visual content tailored to their requests, adding another layer of interactivity and engagement to the AI chat experience.

💡Virtual USA number

A virtual USA number, as mentioned in the video, refers to a phone number from the United States that can be used on services like WhatsApp without requiring a physical SIM card. The video suggests using a virtual number as a workaround to access META AI before it is officially rolled out in one's own country. By logging in with a virtual USA number, users can potentially gain early access to the META AI feature on WhatsApp.

💡Early access

Early access in the context of the video means gaining the ability to use a feature or service before it is widely available or officially released. The video provides a tip on how to get early access to META AI by using a virtual USA number on WhatsApp, as the feature has been rolled out in the USA. This allows users to experience and utilize the META AI functionalities ahead of the general public in other countries.


Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging app that supports voice and video calls, messaging, and file sharing. In the video, the creator mentions Telegram as a platform where viewers can join and contact them directly for further assistance or to obtain a USA number for early access to META AI on WhatsApp. Telegram serves as an alternative communication channel for users seeking more information or support.

💡Cricket World Cup final

The Cricket World Cup final is the championship match of the Cricket World Cup, a significant international cricket tournament. In the video, it is used as an example to demonstrate the real-time data capabilities of META AI. The presenter mentions that META AI can provide the latest winner of the Cricket World Cup final, showcasing its ability to deliver up-to-date information promptly.

💡Server limitations

Server limitations refer to the constraints or capacity issues of a server hosting a particular service or application. In the context of the video, it is mentioned that ChatGPT may face server downtimes or limitations, which can affect user experience. META AI, on the other hand, is presented as a solution to these issues, offering consistent service without such limitations, thereby ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience.


WhatsApp has launched its official AI called META AI.

META AI provides real-time data, surpassing other AIs like ChatGPT and DALL-E in terms of up-to-date information.

META AI can answer questions about the latest events, such as the winner of the 2023 Cricket World Cup final.

The AI features more than 25 different AI bots, each with unique capabilities.

Some of the AI bots can generate images, provide text chats, create jokes, and even suggest anime.

META AI allows for normal chats and high-quality image generation.

The response speed of META AI is faster compared to ChatGPT.

META AI does not face server issues or limits, ensuring a smooth user experience.

To access META AI, ensure your WhatsApp is updated and check for the 'NEW AI CHAT' feature.

The feature is currently available only in a few countries.

Early access can be obtained by logging in with a Virtual USA number since the feature is available in the USA.

Instructions to create a USA number are provided in the video description.

Join the Telegram group for direct contact and obtaining a USA number from the video creator.

The META AI feature will likely roll out to more countries in the near future.

The video creator demonstrates the use of META AI by generating images through the AI.

The video encourages viewers to share their favorite META AI feature in the comments.