How to know you've got the new OpenAI VOICE model (GPT-4o)

I versus AI
16 May 202406:59

TLDRThe transcript discusses the new OpenAI voice model, GPT-4o Omni, and how it differs from the current version in use. It highlights that the live-streamed advanced model has not yet been released to the public, and the current app version is the older one. The key differences that will indicate the new model's presence include an updated user interface with a camera icon, signifying the model's enhanced visual capabilities, and the model's ability to process video frame by frame. Additionally, the new model will have improved emotional tone variations, including sarcasm, and an interruptible feature, allowing users to stop the model mid-response. The summary assures that while the new model is highly anticipated, the current model still offers impressive capabilities.


  • 🎥 The new OpenAI voice model GPT-4o Omni has not yet been shipped, and what users can currently access in the app is the old version.
  • 🔍 The text mode of GPT-4.0 has been released, but the voice mode is still pending.
  • 📞 Users can tell they have the new GPT-4 Omni model when they see a camera icon in the user interface, indicating its advanced vision capabilities.
  • 👀 GPT-4 Omni is capable of analyzing video frame by frame and commenting on the world around it, a feature that sets it apart from the older model.
  • 📚 The older ChatGPT-4 model still offers many functionalities and is considered impressive, despite not having the new Omni features.
  • 🎤 The new model introduces the ability to convey different emotional tones, including sarcasm, which is a significant update from the previous version.
  • 😴 One of the key features of GPT-4 Omni is its interruptibility, allowing users to stop the model mid-sentence and move on to a different topic.
  • 📖 Users can still use the text generation feature of ChatGPT-4 Omni, which is a powerful tool for creating content.
  • 🔄 The video demonstrates the transition from the older model to the new GPT-4 Omni, highlighting the improvements and new features.
  • 🤖 The script discusses the integration of modern technology in AI, comparing the upgrade to moving from a flip phone to a smartphone.
  • 📹 The video also mentions the ability of the new model to interact with other devices, such as having two phones converse with each other.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video script?

    -The main topic of the video script is about identifying the new OpenAI voice model, GPT-4o, and understanding the differences between the old and new versions.

  • What is the difference between GPT-4.0 and GPT-4o as mentioned in the script?

    -GPT-4.0 is the text mode that has been released, while GPT-4o is the new voice mode that has not yet been shipped. GPT-4o is expected to have advanced capabilities such as the ability to see and commentate on the world around it.

  • How can users tell if they have the new GPT-4 Omni model?

    -Users can tell if they have the new GPT-4 Omni model by the presence of a camera icon in the user interface when they click on the headphones, indicating the model's ability to process video.

  • What feature of GPT-4 Omni allows it to see and commentate on the world around it?

    -GPT-4 Omni has the ability to process video frame by frame, allowing it to see and commentate on the world around it in real-time.

  • What is the significance of the camera icon in the user interface?

    -The camera icon signifies that the user is interacting with the advanced GPT-4 Omni model, which has the capability to analyze and comment on the visual world.

  • What is the second key difference that indicates the use of the new GPT-4 Omni model?

    -The second key difference is the model's interruptibility. The new GPT-4 Omni model can be stopped mid-sentence, either by holding down a button or tapping to interrupt.

  • How does the script describe the current capabilities of the older ChatGPT-4 model?

    -The script describes the older ChatGPT-4 model as amazing and capable of doing a lot, but it lacks the advanced features of the new GPT-4 Omni model, such as video processing and emotional tonality.

  • What is an example of an emotional tone that the new GPT-4 Omni model can express?

    -The new GPT-4 Omni model can express a range of emotional tones, including sarcasm, as demonstrated in the script.

  • What is the current method for users to try out the new features of GPT-4 Omni?

    -Users can currently try out the text generation feature of GPT-4 Omni and explore its vision aspect through the API, as mentioned in the script.

  • How does the script suggest users can continue to engage with the model while waiting for the new GPT-4 Omni model?

    -The script suggests that users can continue to use the current model and enjoy its capabilities, and also explore the text generation and vision features available through the API.



📱 Misunderstandings with GPT-4.0 Voice App

The video script discusses the excitement and subsequent confusion around the GPT-4.0 voice app demo by Mark and Barrett. Viewers were impressed by the app's capabilities, reminiscent of the movie 'Her', and attempted to replicate the experience on their phones. However, they encountered a less advanced model than what was showcased. Sam Altman clarified via Twitter that the new voice mode is not yet available, and the current app version only has the text mode of GPT-4.0. The script provides insights on how to identify the new model when it launches, highlighting the user interface changes and the addition of a camera icon, which indicates the advanced visual capabilities of GPT-4 Omni.


🔍 Features and Anticipation for GPT-4 Omni

This paragraph delves into the features of the GPT-4 Omni model, emphasizing its ability to process video frame by frame and integrate visual data into its responses. It also highlights the model's new emotional range, including the capacity for sarcasm and different emotional tones. The script mentions that while the current model is impressive, the true innovation lies in the Omni model's enhanced visual and emotional capabilities. Additionally, it discusses the model's interruptibility, a significant upgrade from previous versions, allowing users to stop the model mid-sentence. The video script concludes by reassuring viewers that they are not missing out, as the new model is still in the process of being rolled out.



💡OpenAI VOICE model (GPT-4o)

The OpenAI VOICE model, specifically referred to as GPT-4o in the transcript, represents an advanced iteration of OpenAI's language model technology. It is designed to interact with users in a more conversational and dynamic manner, incorporating voice recognition and processing capabilities. In the video, the model is showcased as being capable of performing tasks on mobile devices through voice commands, indicating a significant leap in AI's ability to understand and respond to human speech.

💡ChatGPT-4o Omni

ChatGPT-4o Omni is an advanced version of the ChatGPT model that is highlighted in the script for its multimodal capabilities. 'Omni' suggests a comprehensive or all-encompassing approach, which in this context means the model can handle not only text but also voice interactions and potentially other forms of input. The script emphasizes its ability to perform tasks on mobile devices and to interact with the environment through a voice app, showcasing a more integrated and interactive AI experience.

💡User Interface

The user interface, often abbreviated as UI, is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur. In the context of the video, the user interface is crucial as it represents the visual and interactive elements through which users engage with the GPT-4o Omni model. A change in the UI, such as the introduction of a camera icon, is a key indicator that the new model has been implemented, as it suggests the model's ability to process visual information in addition to text and voice.

💡Camera Icon

The camera icon mentioned in the script is a visual element within the user interface that signifies the model's new capability to process and analyze visual data. This is a departure from previous models that were text-based, indicating a significant enhancement in the AI's functionality. The presence of the camera icon is a clear visual cue for users to understand that they are interacting with the upgraded GPT-4 Omni model.

💡Video Frame by Frame

The term 'video frame by frame' refers to the process of analyzing video content one frame at a time. In the context of the GPT-4o Omni model, this capability allows the AI to interpret and react to visual information in real-time. The script mentions that the model can analyze video content sent to it, which is a testament to its advanced processing abilities and its integration with visual data.

💡Vision Technique

The vision technique mentioned in the script pertains to the AI's ability to interpret visual data. This is a significant advancement from previous models that were primarily text-based. The GPT-4o Omni model's vision technique allows it to 'see' and commentate on the world around it, as demonstrated by the script's example of the AI describing actions in a video, such as someone making bunny ears behind another person.

💡Emotional Tones

Emotional tones refer to the different affective qualities that can be conveyed through speech, such as sarcasm, happiness, or sadness. The script highlights the GPT-4o Omni model's ability to adopt various emotional tones in its responses, which is a notable improvement over previous models. This feature enhances the model's conversational capabilities, making interactions more natural and human-like.


Sarcasm is a form of verbal irony that involves saying something but meaning the opposite, often in a humorous or critical manner. In the video script, the model's ability to use sarcasm is presented as a new and exciting feature. It demonstrates the AI's enhanced capacity for nuanced communication and its ability to understand and convey complex emotional expressions.


Being 'interruptible' means that the AI can be stopped or paused during its response, allowing for a more dynamic interaction. The script emphasizes this feature as a significant improvement in the GPT-4 Omni model. It shows that the model is responsive to user input and can adapt to the flow of conversation, which is a key aspect of human-like interaction.

💡Bedtime Story

A bedtime story is a narrative typically read or told to children before they go to sleep. In the context of the video, the model is asked to generate a bedtime story, which serves as a test of its creative and narrative capabilities. The story about a sentient star is an example of the model's ability to generate original content, and the user's ability to interrupt the model demonstrates the model's adaptability in conversation.


The new OpenAI voice model, GPT-4o Omni, has been showcased with impressive capabilities in a live stream.

The current version available in the app is not the advanced model demonstrated in the live stream.

Sam Altman confirmed that the new voice mode has not yet been shipped, but the text mode of GPT-4.0 has been released.

The new GPT-4 Omni model will have a camera icon indicating its advanced visual capabilities.

The Omni model can analyze video frame by frame in real-time.

The older ChatGPT-4 model lacks the camera icon and is limited to text and audio interactions.

The new model's ability to see and commentate on the world through video is a significant upgrade from previous models.

The new model allows for more nuanced interactions, including the ability to be sarcastic.

Users can now command the model to stop speaking mid-sentence, showcasing the model's interruptibility.

The new model's user interface includes a method to interrupt the model without using voice commands.

The text generation feature of ChatGPT-4 Omni is highly advanced and offers unique capabilities.

The vision aspect of ChatGPT-4 Omni has been enhanced, offering new ways to interact with the model.

The new model's release is eagerly anticipated by users for its innovative features and capabilities.

The live stream demonstrated the potential of the new model to revolutionize voice and visual interaction with AI.

The new model's ability to understand and react to visual cues in real-time represents a leap forward in AI technology.

The transition from the old to the new model is likened to going from a flip phone to a smartphone in terms of functionality.

The new model's emotional tone capabilities, including sarcasm, add a new dimension to AI-human interactions.

The new model's user interface is designed to be more intuitive and interactive, enhancing the user experience.