Install Devika Locally on Windows - Agentic AI Software Engineer

Fahd Mirza
21 Mar 202408:14

TLDRThis video explores the emerging AI software engineering tools, focusing on Diva as an alternative to the popular Devon. Diva, an open-source project with an MIT license, allows users to generate programs from plain English prompts. Despite its potential, the creator finds Diva not as advanced as Devon, highlighting its evolving nature and dependency on OpenAI's paid API key. The video demonstrates installing Diva on Windows, including setting up its backend and user interface. However, limitations and the absence of support for local LLMs are noted, suggesting Diva still requires significant development. The architecture of Diva, featuring a central agent core, planning, reasoning modules, and a code generation module, is also discussed, indicating a promising direction yet a long journey ahead for it to be a serious competitor to Devon.


  • 🚀 The script introduces 'Devon,' a highly popular AI software engineer that interprets requirements from plain English to create complete programs.
  • 💻 It mentions 'Auto Dev,' 'Auto GPT,' and 'Diva' as alternatives to Devon, with a focus on Diva, which is described as an evolving project.
  • 🔒 Diva is highlighted for being open source with an MIT license, allowing users to modify, fork, or deploy the code as they wish.
  • 💾 The use of Diva requires an OpenAI API key, which is a paid feature, necessitating users to invest in a subscription.
  • 🔎 The script covers the installation process of Diva on Windows, including the need for Python 3 and Git.
  • 📦 Emphasizes configuring Diva with API keys, specifically mentioning the necessity of a Bing key for web search capabilities.
  • 🛠 Discusses Diva's architecture, mentioning a user interface, an agent core for AI planning and execution, and various sub-agents for specific tasks.
  • 📚 The limitations of Diva are acknowledged, with a call for further development to meet the benchmark set by Devon.
  • 📰 Highlights the potential for Diva to support various programming languages and manage project-specific data through a specified database.
  • 🚨 Concludes with an encouragement for community engagement and feedback, hinting at the possibility of Diva becoming a strong competitor to Devon in the future.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of the AI software engineer mentioned in the script?

    -The primary function of the AI software engineer mentioned in the script is to allow users to specify their requirements in plain English and create a whole program end-to-end based on the plain English prompt.

  • What are some of the tools that the speaker has covered that are similar to Devon?

    -The speaker has covered tools such as Auto Dev, Auto GPT, and Diva, which are similar to Devon and claim to be development alternatives.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on Diva compared to Devon?

    -The speaker considers Diva to be a good tool, but not as advanced or effective as Devon based on their testing so far.

  • What type of license does Diva have, and what does this allow users to do?

    -Diva has an MIT license, which allows users to change the code, deploy it, and fork it as they wish.

  • What is required to use Diva, and what are the limitations?

    -To use Diva, users need an OpenAI API key, which is a paid option. The limitations include the need for a paid account on the OpenAI platform and potential issues with using it with the AMA open source model, as the speaker couldn't find instructions for this in the GitHub repo.

  • How can one install and set up Diva locally?

    -To install and set up Diva locally, one needs to have Python 3 and Git installed. They then clone the Diva GitHub repo, navigate to the directory, install the required dependencies using pip, and configure the API key in the config file.

  • What is the role of the 'agent core' in Diva's architecture?

    -In Diva's architecture, the 'agent core' is the central component that orchestrates the AI planning, reasoning, and execution process. It communicates with various sub-agents and modules to accomplish tasks.

  • Which programming languages does Diva support?

    -Diva supports various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, and others, as mentioned in the script.

  • What does the research module in Diva do?

    -The research module in Diva utilizes keyword extraction and web browsing capabilities to gather relevant information for the task at hand.

  • How does Diva handle project-specific information storage and retrieval?

    -Diva stores and retrieves project-specific information, code snippets, and learned knowledge efficiently through a specified database in the configuration file.

  • What is the speaker's overall assessment of Diva?

    -The speaker views Diva as a good step in the right direction but acknowledges that it still has many limitations and requires further development to become a serious competitor to Devon.

  • How can one access Diva's user interface after running the setup commands?

    -After running the setup commands, one can access Diva's user interface by opening a web browser and navigating to port 3000 on the local host.



🧪 Overview of AI Software Engineering Tools

The script begins with a discussion on the popularity of 'Devon,' an AI software engineer that interprets plain English prompts to generate complete programming projects. The speaker introduces 'Diva,' another tool aspiring to be an alternative to Devon, but assesses it as significantly less advanced based on their testing. Despite its nascent stage and limitations, Diva is highlighted for its open-source nature with an MIT license, allowing for broad modification and use. The requirement of an OpenAI API key, which is a paid feature, is underscored as a necessity for Diva's operation. The speaker mentions an unverified claim regarding Diva's compatibility with AMA, an open-source model, and outlines the initial setup steps for Diva on a Windows system, including prerequisites like Python 3 and Git installation. The narrative emphasizes the installation process and configuration adjustments needed to operationalize Diva.


🚀 Setting Up and Exploring Diva's Capabilities

Following the setup, the script shifts focus to launching Diva's backend and compiling its user interface, guiding the user through accessing the tool via a local server. The speaker presents Diva's user interface, highlighting its chat feature where the AI begins interacting based on user queries, showcasing the initial interaction but pointing out the tool's existing limitations and areas needing improvement. Further, an overview of Diva's architecture is provided, emphasizing its central 'agent core' that facilitates AI planning, reasoning, and execution, alongside various components for task completion. Despite Diva's potential, the absence of support for local LLMs is noted, along with a brief explanation of its code generation capabilities, database integration for information storage, and the invitation for feedback on AMA compatibility. The conclusion acknowledges Diva's distance from being production-ready but recognizes its progress as a step in the right direction, inviting viewer engagement and feedback on the channel.




Devon in the script refers to a sophisticated AI software engineer that can interpret plain English prompts to create complete programs. It is highlighted as the standard against which other tools are compared, showing its prominence and effectiveness in automating software development tasks. The speaker mentions Devon to set a high benchmark, noting that while other tools like Diva are emerging, they have not yet reached Devon's level of capability or efficiency in generating end-to-end software solutions from plain English inputs.


Diva is presented as an alternative AI software engineering tool to Devon, capable of transforming English prompts into complete programs. The speaker evaluates Diva, acknowledging its potential and open-source nature but also pointing out its nascent stage and limitations compared to Devon. Diva’s installation process, usage, and the necessity of an OpenAI API key for its operation are discussed, illustrating its current development state and the requirements for utilizing it effectively.


The OpenAI API is a critical component for operating tools like Diva, as mentioned in the script. It requires a paid account, indicating the need for financial investment to access advanced AI capabilities. The API's role is central to enabling Diva’s functionality, as it likely powers the underlying AI model that processes English prompts to generate software code, underscoring the integration of proprietary AI services in developing open-source tools.

💡MIT license

The MIT license mentioned in the context of Diva indicates that this tool is open-source and allows users significant freedom to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the software. This aspect is highlighted to point out the accessibility and modifiability of Diva, contrasting with the proprietary nature of some AI tools, and emphasizing the community-driven development approach.


Python is mentioned as a prerequisite for installing Diva on a Windows system, indicating its importance in the setup process. Python, a widely used programming language, is essential for running the installation scripts and managing software dependencies. This highlights Python's ubiquitous role in the development and deployment of software applications, including AI-driven tools like Diva.


GitHub is referred to as the platform where Diva's code repository is hosted, allowing users to clone the repository for installation. This underscores GitHub's role as a central hub for sharing and collaborating on code, especially for open-source projects. The script’s reference to GitHub emphasizes the importance of this platform in the software development ecosystem, facilitating access to and distribution of Diva’s source code.


The configuration file in Diva’s setup process, as mentioned in the script, is crucial for defining how the software operates, including the integration with the OpenAI API key. This highlights the need for customization and setup before using the software, illustrating the typical process of preparing a software tool to meet specific operational requirements and preferences.


The installation process discussed for Diva involves commands like 'git clone' and 'pip install', pointing to the steps required to set up the software on a user's computer. This process is crucial for making the software operational and highlights the technical steps involved in deploying AI-powered tools, showcasing the practical aspects of software utilization and management.

💡user interface (UI)

The user interface (UI) of Diva is mentioned as part of its architectural components, indicating the visual and interactive element through which users interact with the software. The UI's role in enhancing the usability and accessibility of software tools is emphasized, demonstrating how it enables users to input prompts and receive outputs in a user-friendly manner.

💡code generation

Code generation in the context of Diva refers to the software’s ability to produce executable code from plain English prompts. This concept is central to the functionality of AI-driven software engineering tools, showcasing their potential to automate and streamline the software development process, as illustrated by the speaker's discussion on how Diva operates and generates programs.


Introduction to Devon, a leading AI software engineer that translates plain English prompts into complete programs.

Comparison with other tools like Auto Dev, Auto GPT, and Diva, highlighting Diva's status as an evolving project.

Diva's open-source nature and MIT license allow users to modify, fork, and deploy the code.

Requirement of an OpenAI API key for Diva, indicating a dependency on paid options.

Challenges in finding instructions for using Diva with AMA's open-source model.

Installation guide for Diva on Windows, emphasizing the need for Python 3 and Git.

Step-by-step instructions for cloning Diva's repository and installing requirements.

Configuration file setup, including API keys for OpenAI and Bing, and noting the necessity of a Microsoft Azure subscription for web search capabilities.

Launching Diva's backend server and user interface, illustrating the process to get Diva running.

First impressions of Diva's user interface and chat functionality.

Acknowledgment of Diva's limitations and areas needing improvement.

Overview of Diva's architecture, highlighting the central agent core for AI planning, reasoning, and execution.

Description of Diva's components, including sub-agents, modules, and support for various programming languages.

Diva's database functionality for storing and retrieving project-specific information.

Concluding remarks on Diva's potential and the prospect of finding a serious competitor to Devon.