InvokeAI - Unified Canvas Basics

13 Dec 202228:38

TLDRThe video script offers an in-depth tutorial on utilizing the unified canvas within the invoke application, focusing on the bounding box concept, image generation, in-painting, and out-painting techniques. It emphasizes the importance of context in image generation, the use of masks for targeted image alterations, and the influence of the bounding box on the generation process. The script provides practical advice on optimizing prompts, managing image-to-image strength, and using various toolbar options for effective artistic workflows.


  • 📐 The bounding box on the unified canvas dictates the focus area for Invoke and where new generations occur.
  • 🖌️ Using the move tool or 'V' hotkey allows you to reposition the bounding box as needed.
  • 🖼️ You can either use existing images from the gallery or generate new images by configuring settings and hitting Invoke.
  • 🛠️ The selection bar at the bottom provides options to accept, preview, save, or discard newly generated images.
  • 🎨 Understanding the power of context is crucial when using Invoke for image generation, especially with image-to-image or in-painting features.
  • 🚫 The base layer represents the existing image, and editing it directly alters the image data.
  • 🎭 The mask layer allows you to designate areas for Invoke to regenerate, using the brush tool to create a mask within the bounding box.
  • 📸 The quality of the generated image can be refined by adjusting the image-to-image strength and updating the prompt accordingly.
  • 🔄 Inpainting involves transforming specific parts of an image while keeping the rest intact, using the mask to focus on the area of interest.
  • 📦 The importance of context is highlighted when expanding the canvas, as it informs what Invoke will generate or modify.
  • 🛑 Failing to provide sufficient context or adjusting the image-to-image strength improperly can lead to undesired results in the generated images.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of the bounding box in the unified canvas?

    -The bounding box is a critical element in the unified canvas as it defines the area where new generations will occur. It helps to frame what Invoke should generate and focuses the tool's attention within the canvas.

  • How can users start using the unified canvas with Invoke?

    -Users can begin by either using an existing image from the gallery or generating a new one by configuring the settings and then invoking the tool. The generated image can be accepted, previewed, saved to the gallery, or discarded based on the user's preference.

  • What is the significance of context when using Invoke for in-painting and out-painting?

    -Context is crucial when using Invoke for in-painting and out-painting because it allows the tool to access visual information within the bounding box to produce a better image. Stable diffusion uses this context to match the prompt and transform the image in the desired way, especially when visual information is being passed from one image to another.

  • What is the role of the base layer in the unified canvas?

    -The base layer in the unified canvas is the existing image that has been generated and accepted. It includes any modifications made and is the foundation upon which further in-painting or out-painting is performed. Tools like the brush tool directly affect the content of the base layer when in use.

  • How does the mask layer function in the unified canvas?

    -The mask layer in the unified canvas is used to designate areas that the user wants Invoke to regenerate. When the mask mode is activated, the brush tool becomes a masking tool, allowing the user to selectively apply changes within the bounding box. Stable diffusion will focus on generating content only within transparent and masked areas, leaving the rest of the image intact.

  • What is the purpose of the selection bar in the unified canvas?

    -The selection bar at the bottom of the unified canvas is a routine feature when generating new content. It provides users with options to accept, preview, save, or discard the newly generated image before it is merged with the canvas.

  • How can users adjust the context for stable diffusion during the generation process?

    -Users can adjust the context for stable diffusion by modifying the bounding box and updating the prompt accordingly. This ensures that the tool is aware of the visual information it should focus on and generate, especially when in-painting or out-painting to achieve the desired effect.

  • What is the image to image strength setting and how does it affect the generation process?

    -The image to image strength setting determines how much of the original image is taken into account when generating new content. A higher setting means more of the original image is preserved, while a lower setting allows for more new content to be generated, potentially leading to a completely different outcome.

  • How can users control the seam in their generated images?

    -Users can control the seam in their generated images by adjusting the scene correction settings. These settings dictate the size of the seam, how many pixels to the left and right of the seam it will blend, and the strength of the in-painting process applied to that area.

  • What are some of the tools and options available in the toolbar for the unified canvas?

    -The toolbar offers a variety of tools and options such as the brush and eraser for direct image manipulation, fill bounding box for color application, color picker for selecting colors from the image, move tool for image positioning, and merge visible for consolidating image information. There are also options to save the canvas, copy to clipboard, and various settings to control the grid and autosave features.

  • How can users ensure that their generated content fits seamlessly with the existing image?

    -To ensure seamless integration of generated content with the existing image, users should provide as much context as possible by including more of the original image in the bounding box. They should also carefully craft their prompts and adjust settings like image to image strength to achieve a natural blend.



🎨 Introduction to Unified Canvas and Bounding Box

The video begins by introducing the concept of the unified canvas and the bounding box, a dotted square that can be moved around to focus the generation process. The speaker explains that the bounding box is crucial for defining where new generations will occur and how the AI, Invoke, should focus its attention. The viewer is guided through the initial steps of using the unified canvas, including how to start with existing images or generate new ones. The importance of context is also highlighted, especially when using features like in-painting and out-painting.


🖌️ In-Painting and the Power of Context

This paragraph delves into the in-painting feature of the stable diffusion process. The speaker explains that in-painting involves transforming small parts of an image, such as adding or changing elements within the image. The concept of context is critical here; the AI uses the visual information within the bounding box to generate better results. The video demonstrates how adjusting the bounding box and updating the prompt can influence the outcome of the in-painting process. The speaker also discusses the importance of the base and mask layers when performing in-painting, and how they affect the final image.


📏 Expanding Canvas and Contextual Awareness

The speaker discusses the utility of expanding the canvas in the unified interface. Context is again emphasized as a key factor in the generation process. The video illustrates how moving the bounding box can change the context for the AI, and how this can lead to unexpected results if not managed properly. The speaker shares a failed attempt at out-painting and explains the mistakes made, such as not including enough context and keeping the image-to-image strength too low. The paragraph concludes with a successful demonstration of how to properly expand the canvas and maintain the correct context for the AI to generate the intended image.


🛠️ Scene Correction and Tool Overview

In this paragraph, the speaker briefly touches on scene correction settings that control how the AI generates the scene, including the size of seams and the blur applied to those areas. The speaker then moves on to provide an extensive overview of the toolbar options available in the 2.2.4 version of Invoke. These include the base and mask layer switcher, masking options, brush and eraser tools, fill bounding box, color picker, move and reset view tools, merge visible images, saving and downloading options, and canvas settings. The speaker explains the functionality and utility of each tool, providing insights on how they can be used effectively in the creative process.


🔧 Advanced Tips and Tricks for Higher Quality Outputs

The video concludes with the speaker sharing advanced tips and tricks for achieving higher quality outputs with fewer noticeable seams and more nuanced styles. The speaker acknowledges that the basics have been covered and that further videos will explore additional advanced techniques. The aim is to help users become more proficient with the unified canvas, enabling them to generate images that better fit their creative vision and to understand the intricacies of the AI generation process.



💡Unified Canvas

The Unified Canvas is the central workspace where users can generate and manipulate images using the Invoke AI. It provides a visual interface for artists to interact with the AI, allowing them to create and modify images through various tools and settings. In the video, the speaker guides viewers on how to use the Unified Canvas to generate new images, modify existing ones, and explore different features such as in-painting and out-painting.


Invoke is the action of utilizing the AI to generate or modify images on the Unified Canvas. It is a key component of the artistic workflow, as it allows users to bring their creative ideas to life by harnessing the power of AI. The process involves providing the AI with prompts, images, or other input to produce desired outputs.

💡Bounding Box

The Bounding Box is a visual element on the Unified Canvas represented by a dotted square. It defines the area where new generations of images will occur and helps frame the portion of the canvas that the AI should focus on during the generation process. It is a crucial tool for controlling the context and focus of the image creation.


In-Painting is a feature that allows users to modify specific parts of an image while keeping the rest of the image intact. It involves using a masking tool to identify areas within the image that the AI should regenerate, based on the provided context and prompt. This technique is useful for making targeted adjustments to images, such as adding or removing elements.


Out-Painting is the process of extending an image beyond its original boundaries, creating new visual content that matches the style and context of the existing image. This feature leverages the AI's ability to understand and generate content based on the visual cues and prompts provided within the Bounding Box.


In the context of the video, Context refers to the visual information and prompts that the AI uses to generate or modify images. Providing the right context helps the AI understand what elements to include, modify, or exclude, leading to more accurate and desired outputs. It is a critical aspect of working with the AI to achieve the intended results.

💡Mask Layer

The Mask Layer is a tool in the Unified Canvas that allows users to selectively hide parts of the base image from the AI's regeneration process. By masking certain areas, users can direct the AI to focus on specific regions for In-Painting or Out-Painting, ensuring that only the intended portions of the image are modified.

💡Base Layer

The Base Layer in the Unified Canvas refers to the original image or the current state of the image that the user is working on. It includes all the elements that have been generated or accepted so far and serves as the foundation for further modifications and enhancements.

💡Image to Image Strength

Image to Image Strength is a setting in the Unified Canvas that determines the influence of the existing image on the new generation process. A higher strength means the AI will rely more on the existing image, while a lower strength allows for more creative freedom and new content generation.


A Prompt is a description or instruction given to the AI to guide the generation or modification of images. It serves as the creative input that helps the AI understand what kind of content the user wants to see in the final output. Effective prompts are crucial for achieving desired results with the AI.

💡Scene Correction

Scene Correction is a feature in the Unified Canvas that allows users to adjust the seamlessness of the generated content, particularly at the edges or seams where new content meets the existing image. It includes settings like seam size, blur, and strength, which help control the blending and consistency of the final output.


The introduction of the bounding box concept and its importance in defining the focus area for Invoke.

The process of using existing images or generating new ones on the unified canvas.

Understanding the selection bar and the options to accept, peek, save, or discard generated images.

The significance of context in image generation, particularly when using image-to-image painting or out-painting.

The explanation of the base and mask layers, and how they are used in in-painting.

The demonstration of how the bounding box and context affect the outcome of in-painting.

The importance of the prompt in guiding the stable diffusion process and how it needs to be updated based on the bounding box content.

The use of the mask color and its role in visual guidance for in-painting.

The process of out-painting and how the image-to-image strength setting impacts the generation.

The explanation of seam correction settings and their influence on the final image.

The demonstration of expanding the canvas and the necessity of maintaining context for accurate generation.

The exploration of different prompt adjustments and their effects on image generation.

The overview of toolbar options and their functionalities in the 2.2.4 version of Invoke.

The practical application of the fill bounding box feature for canvas extension.

The role of the autosave to Gallery feature in preserving the development progress of the canvas.

The conclusion emphasizing the value of practice and exploration in mastering the use of the unified canvas.