It's Time to Discuss the Elephant in the Room...

Growing Up In Scientology
4 May 2024131:09

TLDRIn a candid and emotional video, the host addresses the ongoing drama within the former Scientology community, specifically calling out the Aftermath Foundation and its board members for perpetuating conflict and attacking fellow ex-Scientologists. He discusses the negative impact of such behavior on the movement's goals, highlights the hypocrisy of those involved, and calls for an end to the infighting. The host also shares personal details about his marriage, clarifying misconceptions spread by detractors, and asserts his commitment to transparency and the exposure of Scientology's abuses.


  • 📢 The speaker addresses the ongoing drama and infighting within the former Scientology community, particularly involving the Aftermath Foundation and its board members.
  • 🐘 The speaker refers to an “elephant in the room,” which pertains to undisclosed issues causing conflict within the community.
  • 🗣️ There is a strong emphasis on the speaker’s commitment to staying calm, rational, and factual while discussing sensitive topics.
  • 🚫 The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of action from leaders within the community to stop the infighting and attacks on former members.
  • 🤝 The speaker acknowledges their role in attempting to mediate conflicts but clarifies that they are not a leader with authority over others.
  • 🔍 The speaker investigates and connects various incidents, including personal attacks, the spread of rumors, and the involvement of specific individuals like Leah Remini and Mike Rinder.
  • 💬 Discussion of a fake Twitter account impersonating Anonymous, which has been liked and retweeted by Aftermath Foundation members, further fueling the conflict.
  • 🤔 The speaker questions the motives and ethics of those involved in the smear campaign, especially when it involves personal relationships and private matters.
  • 📉 The speaker mentions the potential negative impact of the infighting on the community’s efforts to expose and counteract Scientology’s abuses.
  • 💔 The speaker shares personal details about the end of their marriage and the subsequent backlash they received, highlighting the invasive nature of the attacks.
  • 📚 The speaker calls for unity and a refocusing of efforts on the common goal of exposing the abuses of Scientology rather than internal conflicts.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue being discussed in the transcript?

    -The main issue discussed is the infighting and drama within the former Scientology community, particularly involving members of the Aftermath Foundation and their public attacks on other former Scientologists.

  • Why does the speaker believe the conflict within the community continues?

    -The speaker suggests that the conflict continues because certain individuals, including Leah Remini and Mike Rinder, who are seen as leaders, are not stopping the attacks despite their influence.

  • What is the 'elephant in the room' the speaker refers to?

    -The 'elephant in the room' refers to the underlying issue or unspoken truth that the speaker is about to address, which involves the actions and behaviors of certain Aftermath Foundation members and their impact on the community.

  • Why does the speaker feel the need to address their personal life in this discussion?

    -The speaker feels the need to address their personal life because it has been used by others to humiliate, embarrass, and discredit them, and they believe it is relevant to the ongoing conflict within the community.

  • What is the speaker's stance on criticizing Mike Rinder?

    -The speaker believes that Mike Rinder is worthy of criticism due to his past role in Scientology and that he should be able to withstand questioning and scrutiny.

  • How does the speaker describe the role of Mike Rinder in the Aftermath Foundation?

    -The speaker describes Mike Rinder as the one who effectively calls the shots in the Aftermath Foundation, despite it being ostensibly run by Clare Headley.

  • What is the speaker's view on the use of personal information to attack others within the community?

    -The speaker condemns the use of personal information to attack others, calling it a form of 'fair game' tactics and expressing that it is unacceptable and harmful to the movement.

  • Why does the speaker believe Leah Remini is involved in the ongoing conflict?

    -The speaker suggests that Leah Remini is involved because she is defending Mike Rinder, with whom the speaker has had disagreements, and is encouraging others to attack the speaker.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the effectiveness of the Aftermath Foundation?

    -The speaker acknowledges that the Aftermath Foundation does good work and has resources to help people, but criticizes the actions of certain board members and their attacks on others.

  • What action does the speaker propose to reduce the infighting within the community?

    -The speaker proposes a ceasefire, where the Aftermath Foundation board members stop publicly attacking members of his community, and in return, he would ask his community to stop criticizing the Foundation.

  • How does the speaker intend to address the slanderous accusations made against him?

    -The speaker intends to pursue legal action against the individual making slanderous accusations about his marital status, as he believes it is a form of illegal defamation.



😀 Addressing the Elephant in the Room

The speaker begins by addressing the audience at sptv, acknowledging the recent drama and infighting within the community, particularly concerning former Scientologists. They express their intention to discuss the issues rationally and make sense of the situation. The speaker also mentions their role in attempting to calm the situation after the New sptv Foundation's creation and not wanting to dictate what others can say on their channels, emphasizing the importance of freedom of speech post-cult.


😓 The Ongoing Drama and Questions Raised

The speaker delves into the continuous drama and infighting, questioning why it hasn't ceased despite the existence of a code of ethical conduct. They highlight the lack of intervention from perceived leaders like Leah Remini and Mike Rinder and the public attacks on former Scientologists by board members of the Aftermath Foundation, which seem to contradict the foundation's code of conduct.


😔 Personal Relationships and Public Backlash

The speaker discusses their personal life, including the separation from their wife and subsequent relationships. They mention the public backlash from individuals like Mike Rinder and Mark Headley, who have used information about their private life to humiliate and discredit them. The speaker also talks about a recent relationship that has ended badly, with the other party vowing revenge and making public accusations.


😤 The Attack from an Unexpected Quarter

The speaker expresses surprise and dismay at seeing board members of the Aftermath Foundation encouraging and celebrating the woman who has been making negative videos about them. They connect this to the ongoing drama and question the motivations behind such behavior, especially when it comes from individuals who are supposed to be working towards the same goal of exposing Scientology's abuses.


😠 The Spreading of Unfounded Rumors

The speaker shares an email from Matt Pesch, an Aftermath Foundation board member, which alludes to rumors about the speaker possibly having an STD. They find this rumor baseless and amusing, as it is unfounded and part of what they perceive as a smear campaign orchestrated by members of the Aftermath Foundation.


😡 Exposing the Tactics of Intimidation

The speaker criticizes the Aftermath Foundation board members for using tactics similar to Scientology's 'fair game' policy, which includes spreading rumors and attacking character. They discuss the involvement of Leah Remini and Mike Rinder in these actions and express disappointment at their behavior, especially considering their roles in the anti-Scientology movement.


🤔 The Common Source of the Conflict

The speaker identifies a common source behind the various conflicts and dramas, suggesting that certain individuals within the Aftermath Foundation are driving the infighting. They discuss the repercussions of this behavior on the community and the importance of addressing the core issues to move forward.


😣 The Impact of Personal Attacks

The speaker reflects on the impact of personal attacks on their family, particularly their wife, and the distress caused by the publication of private conversations. They address the manipulation of these conversations to create a false narrative and the subsequent damage to their reputation.


😠 The Hypocrisy and Double Standards

The speaker accuses Leah Remini and others of hypocrisy, highlighting their own past actions and contrasting them with the criticism they've leveled against the speaker. They challenge the double standards and question the motives behind the public shaming campaign.


😞 The Unsettling Trend of Infighting

The speaker expresses concern over the trend of infighting within the ex-Scientology community and the toll it is taking on individuals. They emphasize the need for unity and constructive action against Scientology rather than internal conflict.


😤 The Unwarranted Attacks and the Need for Accountability

The speaker condemns unwarranted attacks from members of the Aftermath Foundation and calls for accountability. They argue against the protection of any individual, including Mike Rinder, at the expense of open discourse and the community's mission.


😔 The Painful Acknowledgment of Betrayal

The speaker acknowledges the pain and betrayal felt by the community and fans due to the actions of certain individuals. They express empathy for those affected and reiterate their commitment to transparency and honesty.


😠 The Call for Ceasefire and Constructive Action

The speaker calls for a ceasefire in the infighting and a return to focusing on the mission of exposing and dismantling Scientology. They express a willingness to encourage their community to stop criticizing the Aftermath Foundation if the Foundation stops attacking their members.


😐 The Final Remarks and a Path Forward

In the concluding remarks, the speaker summarizes the situation and expresses hope for a more constructive future. They thank their supporters and emphasize the importance of unity in the fight against Scientology.




Scientology is a set of religious beliefs and practices that was developed in the early 1950s by L. Ron Hubbard. In the video, the speaker discusses the negative aspects and abuses of the organization, which is a central theme of the content. The speaker is critical of Scientology's practices and aims to expose what he sees as its harmful effects.


Infighting refers to conflict or rivalry within a group. The speaker mentions infighting within the community of former Scientologists, which he views as a distraction from the共同 goal of exposing the organization's alleged wrongdoings. It is depicted as a negative aspect that the speaker wants to address and potentially resolve.


An ex-Scientologist is someone who was previously a member of the Church of Scientology but has since left the organization. The video script includes discussions about the experiences and actions of ex-Scientologists, particularly their efforts to expose the church's alleged abuses and their involvement in various controversies and conflicts.

💡Code of Conduct

A code of conduct is a set of rules or principles that outline acceptable behavior within a particular group or organization. The speaker questions the conduct of certain board members of the Aftermath Foundation, suggesting that their actions are in violation of the expected ethical standards. This concept is tied to the theme of hypocrisy and integrity within activist groups.

💡Aftermath Foundation

The Aftermath Foundation is an organization established to support individuals who have left Scientology. The video discusses the role of the foundation and its board members in the ongoing conflicts within the ex-Scientologist community. The speaker expresses concern over the foundation's alleged attacks on fellow ex-Scientologists.

💡Fair Game

Fair game is a term that originated within Scientology, referring to the idea that anyone critical of Scientology may be targeted for retaliation without limit. The speaker accuses others of engaging in fair game tactics, suggesting that they are unfairly targeting and attacking him and others who criticize certain figures within the ex-Scientologist community.

💡Private Life

Private life refers to aspects of a person's life that are not public or shared with others. The speaker discusses his own private life, particularly his marital status and relationships, which have become a point of contention and public scrutiny. The video explores the invasion of privacy and the use of personal information as a weapon in conflicts.

💡Open Marriage

An open marriage is a type of marriage where the partners have agreed to be non-monogamous, often allowing each other to have sexual or romantic relationships with others. The speaker explains his use of the term 'open marriage' to describe his relationship with his wife, which has been a source of controversy and criticism within the narrative of the video.


Slander is the act of making false statements that damage a person's reputation. The speaker accuses an individual of slander for claiming that he lied about his marital status. This accusation is part of the speaker's effort to defend his character and reputation in the face of public attacks.

💡Legal Action

Legal action refers to the steps taken to resolve a dispute through the legal system. The speaker mentions pursuing legal action against those who have made false claims about him, indicating his intention to use the courts to protect his reputation and respond to what he views as defamation.

💡Public Figure

A public figure is a person who is well known by the general public, often due to their work, achievements, or activities. The speaker is a public figure due to his activism and online presence, which makes him a target for criticism and scrutiny. The concept is relevant as it explores the challenges and expectations placed on individuals in the public eye.


The host addresses the ongoing drama and infighting within the former Scientology community and the impact on their YouTube channel.

Despite not being a leader, the host has tried to calm the situation within the community after the creation of the new sptv Foundation.

The host expresses frustration with the lack of intervention by the Aftermath Foundation board members despite ongoing attacks on former Scientologists.

The host shares his personal life struggles, including the separation from his wife and the public's response to it.

The revelation of a rumor campaign suggesting the host has an STD, which he vehemently denies.

The host discusses a coordinated effort to spread false information about him within the community.

The host ties together the various conflicts, highlighting the involvement of certain Aftermath Foundation members in the ongoing drama.

The host calls out specific individuals for their roles in exacerbating the conflicts and their lack of transparency.

The host provides evidence of a connection between a woman making defamatory videos about him and the Aftermath Foundation board members.

The host criticizes the hypocrisy of Leah Remini and Mike Rinder for their actions against fellow former Scientologists while suing the Church of Scientology for its conduct.

The host questions the motives and integrity of those involved in the sptv Foundation and the Aftermath Foundation, suggesting ulterior motives.

The host discusses the potential legal actions he is considering against those spreading false information about him.

The host appeals for unity within the community, emphasizing the common goal of exposing the abuses of Scientology.

The host challenges the community to focus on the work of exposing Scientology rather than engaging in personal attacks and infighting.

The host provides a detailed account of his interactions with Leah Remini and Mike Rinder, leading to his current stance against certain actions of the Aftermath Foundation.

The host concludes with a call for an end to the conflict and a return to focusing on the mission of helping people leave Scientology.