JOSH PECK Shares His Story of Substance Abuse After Life Changing Weight Loss #insideofyou #sober

Inside Of You Clips
21 Mar 202204:24

TLDRThe speaker reflects on their journey from being a child actor to struggling with weight and identity. They express relief at losing weight and the desire to be seen as a 'normal' actor, not defined by their past. However, this positive change led to an unfortunate addiction to drugs and alcohol, which dominated their life for four years. Their mother was heartbroken and terrified, but the speaker's initial foray into drug use was fueled by a desire to fit in and feel 'normal', a stark contrast to their disciplined upbringing.


  • 🎬 The individual struggled with the desire to not be defined by their past as a child actor, seeking to be recognized simply as an actor among peers.
  • 🏋️‍♂️ A significant life change was the transition to living life as a 'thin person,' which was a goal they had always resisted but eventually achieved.
  • 🕒 The sense of achievement was short-lived as the individual quickly became addicted to drugs and alcohol, dominating the next four years of their life.
  • 💔 The person's mother was heartbroken and terrified by their addiction, living in constant worry for her child's well-being.
  • 🈲️ The range of substances abused included cocaine, pills, and various other drugs, beginning at the age of 18.
  • 🌃 The introduction to drugs was through socializing in clubs and parties, where the individual sought to fit in and be perceived as 'normal'.
  • 🌟 The desire to be 'normal' led to the adoption of behaviors typically associated with a youthful, party-going lifestyle, such as drug use and attending clubs.
  • 🎥 There was a stark contrast between the disciplined life of a child actor, focused on pleasing others and meeting expectations, and the rebellious phase of drug and alcohol abuse.
  • 🤔 The individual reflects on the misconception that drug use was a path to normalcy, highlighting the internal struggle and the journey of self-discovery.
  • 📚 The narrative shared in the script underscores the complexity of identity, self-image, and the search for acceptance, both within oneself and within society.
  • 🌈 The script serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of seeking external validation and the potential pitfalls of drastic life changes without addressing underlying personal issues.

Q & A

  • What was the individual's initial goal related to their physical appearance?

    -The individual's initial goal was to lose weight and not be defined by their body size, hoping to live life as a 'thin person'.

  • Why did the individual dislike being known as a child actor?

    -The individual disliked being known as a child actor because they did not want to be part of a group where many fail to succeed, and they wanted to be recognized simply as an actor, not specifically a 'fat funny guy'.

  • How did the individual's mother react to their drug and alcohol addiction?

    -The individual's mother was heartbroken and terrified, knowing that their addiction could lead to severe consequences.

  • What types of substances did the individual use during their addiction?

    -The individual used various substances including cocaine, pills, and engaged in heavy drinking.

  • What event led to the individual's first experience with cocaine?

    -The individual's first experience with cocaine happened at a party where a girl, who showed them attention, introduced them to the drug.

  • How did the individual perceive the use of drugs in their social circle?

    -The individual perceived drug use as a normal part of being a typical teenager and a way to fit in with their peers.

  • What was the individual's mindset when they started using drugs?

    -The individual initially thought that using drugs would make them 'normal' and help them fit in with the crowd they aspired to be part of.

  • How did the individual's life change after losing weight and becoming thinner?

    -After losing weight, the individual felt a renewed sense of life and was excited about how people started to perceive them differently. However, this change led to a period of drug and alcohol addiction.

  • What was the individual's attitude towards their past life and the new experiences they were having?

    -The individual felt a sense of relief and desire to be 'normal', which they associated with the behaviors and habits of their new social circle, including drug use and partying.

  • How did the individual's perception of 'normal' behavior contribute to their addiction?

    -The individual's perception of 'normal' behavior led them to engage in drug and alcohol use as a way to fit in and be like their peers, which ultimately resulted in addiction.

  • What was the turning point for the individual in terms of their substance abuse?

    -The turning point is not explicitly stated in the script, but it implies a recognition of the negative impact of their addiction and a potential for change or reflection.



🎭 Journey to Normalcy and Struggles with Substance Abuse

The speaker reflects on their personal journey of transformation from being perceived as a 'kid actor' to achieving a slimmer physique, which they had always resisted. They express their initial aversion to being defined by their appearance and the fear of being categorized with other child actors who didn't succeed. However, after reaching their goal weight, they fell into the trap of drug and alcohol addiction, which dominated their life for the next four years. The impact of this addiction on their mother is also discussed, highlighting her heartbreak and fear. The speaker narrates their introduction to drugs, triggered by a girl at a party, and how they naively embraced this lifestyle in a misguided attempt to fit in with the 'normal' crowd. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's realization of the stark contrast between their aspirations and the destructive path they had embarked upon.



💡Body Image

Body image refers to how a person perceives their physical appearance and how they feel about their body. In the video, the speaker expresses a strong desire to not be defined by their body size, reflecting a common societal pressure to conform to certain physical standards.

💡Child Actor

A child actor is a person who works as an actor in the entertainment industry during their childhood or teenage years. The video discusses the challenges of being a child actor, including the fear of being categorized and the pressure to maintain a certain image.


Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disorder that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences. In the context of the video, the speaker becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol, which significantly impacts their life and relationships.

💡Drug Abuse

Drug abuse refers to the harmful or hazardous use of drugs, including alcohol and illicit substances, for non-medical purposes. The video script mentions various substances the speaker used, highlighting the severity of their drug abuse problem.

💡Mother's Response

The mother's response reflects the emotional impact of a loved one's addiction. In the video, the speaker's mother is described as heartbroken and terrified, illustrating the familial strain caused by addiction.


Hollywood is often used as a symbol of the entertainment industry and the glamorous, yet sometimes superficial, lifestyle associated with it. The speaker's narrative includes references to Hollywood, indicating their immersion in this culture and the pressures it entails.


Normalcy refers to a state or condition of being normal, typical, or conforming to a standard. The speaker's quest for normalcy is a central theme, as they desire to fit in and be seen as a regular person rather than being defined by their past as a child actor or their body size.

💡Peer Influence

Peer influence refers to the impact that one's peers have on an individual's behavior, attitudes, and values. In the video, the speaker is influenced by their social circle, leading to the adoption of certain behaviors such as drug use.


Self-identity is an individual's understanding of themselves, their values, beliefs, and roles. The speaker grapples with their self-identity, trying to reconcile their past as a child actor, their body image issues, and their desire to be seen as a 'normal' person.


Stigma refers to a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person. In the context of the video, the stigma is associated with being overweight and the fear of being categorized as a failed child actor.


Transformation implies a significant change in form, appearance, or character. The video script describes the speaker's physical transformation and their struggle to adapt to the changes in their life and perceptions of others.


The individual's aspiration to live life as a 'thin person' and the struggle with self-image.

The resistance to being defined by physical appearance and the desire to be recognized for talent alone.

The comparison to successful child actors like Zendaya and Jody Foster, highlighting the harsh realities of the entertainment industry.

The fear of falling into the category of child actors who did not succeed in the public eye.

The transformative experience of losing weight and its impact on personal and professional life.

The emotional toll of addiction on the individual and their family, particularly the mother's heartbreak and fear.

The candid admission of experimenting with various drugs, including cocaine and pills, from a young age.

The influence of peer pressure and the desire to fit in as a driving force behind substance abuse.

The narrative of seeking normalcy through risky behaviors, such as drug use, as a form of rebellion against a controlled childhood.

The realization that the pursuit of 'normal' behavior led to destructive habits and the loss of potential opportunities.

The contrast between the individual's disciplined past as a child actor and their unrestrained teenage years.

The reflection on the allure of Hollywood and the misconceptions it creates about success and lifestyle.

The personal account of a pivotal moment with a girl and drugs, marking the beginning of a pattern of substance abuse.

The struggle with identity and the search for acceptance amidst the pressures of growing up in the public eye.

The paradox of seeking normalcy through abnormal and harmful behaviors, leading to a loss of self.

The individual's journey from being a disciplined child actor to succumbing to the vices of the entertainment industry.

The importance of recognizing the potential pitfalls of the entertainment industry and the need for support and guidance for young actors.