Jinja2 is Awesome for AI Prompt Templates

7 May 202406:59

TLDRThe video discusses the development of Learntail, a tool that generates quizzes from various sources. Initially using simple text prompts, the developers transitioned to more complex YAML files and experimented with LangChain before settling on Jinja2, a powerful templating engine, for creating prompts. Jinja2, typically used for HTML, is shown to be versatile for interacting with LLMs (Large Language Models). The video provides a basic setup for using Jinja2 with the OpenAI API, including a simple function to interact with the API and a method to formulate prompts using Jinja2 templates. An example is given where a template is used to write an email notifying a customer about a product being out of stock, with customizable elements like product name, tone, and CEO signature. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to share their prompt management strategies and hints at further in-depth coverage of Jinja2 in future videos.


  • 🚀 **Learntail Tool**: A tool developed for generating quizzes from various sources including text, websites, and YouTube videos.
  • 📚 **Evolution of Prompts**: Initially simple text-based prompts were used, which evolved into more complex YAML files and eventually Jinja2 templates for better control and design.
  • 🔩 **Jinja2 Templating Engine**: Chosen for its capability in generating HTML and suitability for tools interacting with Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • 📝 **Simple API Interaction**: A Python wrapper was created to simplify interaction with the OpenAI API, which includes defining models and a chat interface.
  • 🤖 **Functional Programming Concept**: Utilization of closures to create a simple and elegant solution for interacting with the chat interface.
  • 📦 **Jinja2 Installation and Extensions**: Emphasizes the need to install Jinja2 and possibly extensions like Better Jinja for enhanced functionality.
  • 🔗 **Template Customization**: Demonstrates how Jinja2 allows for easy customization of prompts, such as email templates, with tags that can be replaced by actual values.
  • 📧 **Email Template Example**: An example of using Jinja2 to create an email notifying a customer about a product being out of stock, with options to suggest alternatives and personalize the tone.
  • 🧩 **Helper Function**: Introduction of a `processTemplate` function to load and render Jinja2 templates with given data.
  • 🔑 **API Key Integration**: Highlights the necessity of an API key for interacting with the OpenAI API and how it's integrated into the workflow.
  • ✍️ **Dynamic Content Creation**: Showcases the ease of creating dynamic content by passing data to templates and using the rendered output for interactions with the LLM.
  • 📈 **Further Integrations**: Mention of potential further integrations like JSON parsing and database storage for more complex project requirements.
  • 💡 **Considerations for API Use**: Points to be aware of when using OpenAI's API, suggesting there's more to learn for effective project implementation.

Q & A

  • What is Learntail and what does it do?

    -Learntail is a tool designed to generate quizzes from various sources of text, websites, and even YouTube videos. It aims to simplify the process of creating educational content.

  • Why did the creators of Learntail shift from simple text-based prompts to something more complex?

    -The creators initially used simple text-based prompts but found they needed more control and complexity in their prompts. This led them to explore other options like YAML files and eventually Jinja2 templates.

  • What is Jinja2 and how does it fit into the Learntail project?

    -Jinja2 is a powerful templating engine typically used for generating HTML. In the context of Learntail, it is used to create more complex and controlled prompts for interacting with the OpenAI API, which is integral to Learntail's functionality.

  • Can you explain the 'chatter' function mentioned in the script and its significance?

    -The 'chatter' function is a simple wrapper around the OpenAI API that creates a chat interface. It uses a closure to send chat requests, simplifying the interaction with the AI. This function encapsulates the complexity of the API, allowing users to easily send queries and receive responses.

  • What is the purpose of the 'processTemplate' helper function in Learntail?

    -The 'processTemplate' function is used to load a Jinja2 template file, render it with specific data, and return the result. This allows for dynamic creation of prompts based on the data provided, increasing the flexibility and personalization of the prompts generated by Learntail.

  • How does the use of Jinja2 templates benefit the creation of prompts in Learntail?

    -Jinja2 templates allow for the incorporation of tags that can be replaced with actual values, enabling the creation of personalized and dynamic prompts. This feature is beneficial as it allows for easy changes and adjustments to the prompts without having to rewrite the entire content.

  • What is the role of the 'Better Jinja' extension mentioned in the script?

    -The 'Better Jinja' extension is an add-on for Jinja2 that provides syntax highlighting, which can be particularly helpful for developers working with Jinja2 templates. It enhances the readability and ease of use of the templating engine.

  • How does the script demonstrate the use of Jinja2 for creating an email template?

    -The script demonstrates creating an email template for notifying a customer that a specific product is out of stock. It shows how to use Jinja2 to inject variables such as the product name, a similar product suggestion, the tone of voice, and the CEO's name into the template to generate a personalized email.

  • What are some of the advanced capabilities of Jinja2 that were mentioned in the script?

    -The script mentions that Jinja2 has more advanced capabilities like if-else statements, which are incredibly helpful for constructing more complicated prompts. These features allow for conditional logic to be incorporated into the templates, making them more versatile and adaptable.

  • What considerations should be taken into account when using OpenAI's API in a project like Learntail?

    -When using OpenAI's API, one should consider aspects such as API key management, handling of chat responses, error handling, and the potential need for additional functionalities like JSON parsing and database storage.

  • What is the significance of the Python 3.12 type syntax mentioned in the script?

    -The Python 3.12 type syntax, as mentioned in the script, is a new feature in Python that allows for more expressive and clear type annotations. This can improve code readability and help catch type errors at an earlier stage in the development process.

  • How does the video conclude and what does it suggest for future content?

    -The video concludes with a call to action, inviting viewers to share their methods for managing prompts and LLM interactions in the comments. It also suggests that there will be a follow-up video that covers more advanced topics and considerations when using OpenAI's API in a project.



🚀 Introduction to Learntail and Jinja2 Templating

The video introduces Learntail, a tool capable of generating quizzes from various sources like text, websites, and YouTube videos. The speaker discusses their journey in finding the best way to work with prompts, starting with simple text-based prompts and evolving to more complex structures using YAML files and LangChain, eventually settling on Jinja2. Jinja2, typically used for HTML generation, is highlighted as a versatile tool for interacting with large language models (LLMs). The video provides an overview of setting up Jinja2 with the OpenAI API and mentions a simple function, `chatter`, designed to simplify interactions with the API. The speaker also teases a potential future video for an in-depth look at Jinja2 and invites feedback from viewers. A basic example of using Jinja2 templates to create an email for a customer about a product being out of stock is given, showcasing the customization options available.


📧 Utilizing Jinja2 for Email Templating

The second paragraph delves into the process of creating an email template using Jinja2. It outlines the creation of a `processTemplate` helper function that takes a template file and data to render a customized email. The video demonstrates the use of this function with an example where the email informs a customer that a desired product, 'purple widgets', is out of stock and suggests an alternative, 'orange widgets'. The speaker emphasizes the ease of changing the tone of the email and the ability to quickly adapt the template for different scenarios. The video concludes with a call to action, asking viewers about their methods for managing prompts and LLM interactions, and hints at additional considerations and integrations that could be explored in subsequent videos.




Learntail is a tool mentioned in the video that is capable of generating quizzes from various sources such as text, websites, and YouTube videos. It is the central application around which the discussion of prompt management and templating with Jinja2 is based. The video discusses how Learntail has evolved in its approach to handling prompts, starting from simple text-based ones to more complex and controlled structures using Jinja2 templates.


Jinja2 is a templating engine that is traditionally used for generating dynamic HTML. In the context of the video, it is highlighted for its suitability in creating templates for interacting with Large Language Models (LLMs). The video demonstrates how Jinja2 can be used to formulate prompts by injecting variables into a template, which is particularly useful for applications like Learntail.

💡YAML files

YAML, which stands for 'YAML Ain't Markup Language,' is a data serialization format used in the video's narrative as an intermediate step in managing prompts before the adoption of Jinja2. YAML files allow for structured data representation, which was sought after when the simple text-based prompts were deemed insufficient for Learntail's needs.


LangChain is mentioned as a tool that was experimented with for managing prompts but was ultimately not found satisfactory in terms of design for the specific requirements of Learntail. It represents an alternative approach to prompt management that the creators of Learntail have evaluated and decided not to use.


The OpenAI API is an interface that allows developers to integrate OpenAI's language models into their applications. In the video, it is used in conjunction with Jinja2 templates to generate prompts for Learntail. The API is interacted with through a custom Python wrapper function called 'chatter' that simplifies the process of sending chat requests and receiving responses.

💡Python SDK

The Python SDK, or Software Development Kit, is a set of libraries and tools that allow developers to write software in Python for a specific application. The video mentions the existence of a Python SDK for the OpenAI API but notes that a simpler custom wrapper function has been created for ease of use within Learntail.

💡Functional programming

Functional programming is a programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data. In the video, it is referenced in the context of the 'chatter' function, which is an application of a closure—a concept from functional programming—to simplify the interaction with the OpenAI API.

💡Better Jinja

Better Jinja is an extension for Jinja2 that the video suggests installing for enhanced functionality. Specifically, it offers syntax highlighting, which can be beneficial for developers working with Jinja2 templates. It represents an example of how extensions can add to the capabilities of Jinja2 and improve the developer experience.

💡Template tags

Template tags in Jinja2 are special syntax elements used to inject variables or execute statements within a template. They are a core feature of Jinja2 that allows for dynamic content generation. In the video, template tags are used to create a prompt for an email that can be personalized with variables such as product names, similar product suggestions, and the tone of voice.

💡processTemplate function

The processTemplate function is a helper function in the video that takes a Jinja2 template file and data to be rendered into the template. It interacts with the Jinja2 package to load the template file and render it with the provided data, returning the final result. This function is crucial for using Jinja2 templates to generate prompts for Learntail.

💡API key

An API key is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to an API. In the context of the video, an API key is necessary to interact with the OpenAI API. The video demonstrates how the API key is used as a credential for the 'chatter' function to enable communication with the language model.


Learntail is a tool that can generate quizzes from text, websites, and YouTube videos.

The development of prompts for Learntail has evolved from simple text to more complex, controlled YAML files.

Jinja2 was chosen as the templating engine for Learntail due to its capabilities and compatibility with the OpenAI API.

Jinja2 is typically used for generating HTML but is also suitable for tools that need to interact with a Large Language Model (LLM).

A simple function called 'chatter' was created to interact with the OpenAI API, simplifying the process.

The 'chatter' function uses a closure to create a chat interface that is easy to use.

The new type syntax for Python 3.12 is utilized in the code for defining models and types.

Jinja2 templates can incorporate tags that are replaced by actual values, allowing for dynamic content generation.

An example Jinja2 template is demonstrated for writing an email about a product being out of stock.

The template allows for personalization, including suggesting similar products and adjusting the tone of voice.

Jinja2's capabilities include if-else statements and other features that help construct more complex prompts.

A helper function 'processTemplate' is used to load and render Jinja2 templates with provided data.

The main file demonstrates how to use the 'chatter' function with an API key and GPT-3 model.

Data such as customer name, product, similar product, tone of voice, and CEO name can be used to create an email template.

The 'create unavailable email' function is used to construct and send an email template to the chat function.

Templates can be easily modified to change the tone of voice or other aspects of the communication.

The presenter asks viewers about their methods for managing prompts and LLM interactions in the comments.

Additional integrations such as JSON parsing and database storage are mentioned as possible enhancements to the flow.

Considerations for using OpenAI's API in a project are briefly mentioned, with a teaser for a follow-up video.