Late Night with the Devil (2024) Movie Review | David Dastmalchian | Shudder

Movie Files
23 Mar 202412:17

TLDRThe video discusses the new found footage horror film 'Late Night with the Devil,' which has sparked controversy due to its use of AI-generated images. The reviewer acknowledges the complex issue of AI in film but ultimately praises the movie for its originality, strong performances, and 70s aesthetic. Despite some narrative shortcomings and a divisive ending, the film is recommended for horror fans, scoring a 3.8 out of 5.


  • 🎬 The film 'Late Night with the Devil' is a found footage horror movie that has sparked controversy due to its use of AI-generated images.
  • 📺 The movie premiered at South by Southwest and received positive reviews, but has faced backlash from some due to the AI controversy.
  • 🖼️ The directors confirmed that AI was used for three still images in the film, which were further edited and briefly featured.
  • 💭 The use of AI in the film industry is a complex issue, with concerns about job loss for visual artists and the potential for AI to replace human creativity.
  • 🎥 The critic acknowledges the AI situation but still watched the movie, appreciating the discussions about filmmaking processes.
  • 🌟 The critic praises the film for its originality, strong performances, and effective use of practical effects and 70s aesthetics.
  • 🍿 The critic enjoyed the movie's balance of campiness and genuine horror, as well as the psychological aspects of belief and the supernatural.
  • 🎭 The performances of the cast, particularly David淡然, are highlighted as strong points of the film.
  • 🎞️ The film's pacing and structure are commended, with each segment building up to a shocking ending.
  • 🎶 A minor criticism is the lack of a strong score or soundtrack, which could have enhanced the film's atmosphere.
  • 📝 The script could have provided more nuance and depth, particularly regarding the satanic cult storyline and certain character interactions.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the film 'Late Night with the Devil'?

    -The main theme of the film revolves around a 1970s variety and late-night talk show host, Jack Delroy, who interviews a psychic and a clairvoyant on live television to boost ratings, leading to suspenseful and horror-filled events.

  • What controversy is the film 'Late Night with the Devil' involved in?

    -The film has been involved in controversy due to the use of AI-generated images during its production, which has sparked discussions and debates about the role of AI in the film industry and its potential impact on traditional artistry and job security.

  • How did the directors address the AI controversy?

    -The directors confirmed the use of AI for three still images in the film and expressed that they experimented with AI in conjunction with their graphics and production design team to achieve the desired aesthetic. They also highlighted the efforts of the cast and crew in bringing the film to life.

  • What is the reviewer's stance on the use of AI in the film industry?

    -The reviewer acknowledges the complexity and sensitivity of the issue, recognizing the potential for AI to replace human jobs and cut corners. However, they also suggest that AI can be used as a tool or resource, rather than a complete substitute for human creativity.

  • What did the reviewer think about the performances in 'Late Night with the Devil'?

    -The reviewer found the performances entertaining and believable, with particular praise for the young girl who played Lily and David Desan, who was highlighted as the MVP of the movie for his charismatic and layered portrayal of the late-night show host.

  • How does the film 'Late Night with the Devil' use the found footage technique?

    -The found footage technique is used effectively in the film, not just as a gimmick, but to create a sense of realism and immersion. It contributes to the suspense and horror elements of the story, making the audience feel as if they are part of the live television broadcast.

  • What aspects of the film did the reviewer find particularly impressive?

    -The reviewer was impressed by the film's ability to balance a 70s campy approach with genuine tense and horror-filled moments, the great job in directing, the impressive cinematography and production design, and the effective use of practical effects.

  • What were the reviewer's criticisms of 'Late Night with the Devil'?

    -The reviewer felt that the film could have benefited from a more ambiguous ending, a stronger score or soundtrack to enhance the tense moments, more nuanced storytelling, and additional scenes to explore certain aspects of the plot and character relationships.

  • What is the reviewer's overall rating for 'Late Night with the Devil'?

    -The reviewer gave 'Late Night with the Devil' a solid rating of 3.8 out of 5, indicating that despite some criticisms, they found the film to be a very solid and original horror film.

  • How did the reviewer suggest viewers approach the decision to watch 'Late Night with the Devil'?

    -The reviewer encouraged viewers to do their own research and make their own decision on whether to watch the film, based on their personal opinions and stances on issues like the use of AI in film production.

  • What is the release date and availability for 'Late Night with the Devil'?

    -'Late Night with the Devil' was available in theaters and on Shudder for streaming on April 19th.



🎥 Introduction and AI Controversy

The video begins with an introduction to the film 'Late Night with the Devil,' which has garnered attention due to its use of AI-generated images. The reviewer acknowledges the controversy surrounding the film's Premiere at South by Southwest and discusses the public's reaction to the AI usage. The directors have addressed the issue, confirming the limited use of AI for three still images in the film. The reviewer expresses a complex stance on the use of AI in the film industry, recognizing the potential job loss for visual artists but also the opportunity for AI to serve as a tool rather than a replacement for human creativity.


🎬 Film Synopsis and Director's Statement

The paragraph delves into the film's plot, which revolves around a 1970s variety show host, Jack Delroy, who interviews a psychic and a clairvoyant on live television. The reviewer praises the sibling directors for their ability to balance the film's tone and create a tense atmosphere. The discussion continues with the reviewer's appreciation for the film's cinematography, production design, and the use of found footage. The performances, particularly that of David淡然, are highly commended, and the reviewer hopes for more leading roles for the actor. The psychological aspects of the film are also highlighted as effectively handled.


🍿 Critique and Final Thoughts

In the final paragraph, the reviewer discusses the film's shortcomings, including the underdevelopment of certain plot points and the lack of a nuanced exploration of satanic cults. The reviewer also wishes for more depth in the story and additional locations to enhance the narrative. Despite these critiques, the film is appreciated for its solid production design and performances. The reviewer gives 'Late Night with the Devil' a score of 3.8 out of 5 and encourages viewers to make their own decisions about watching the film, considering the AI controversy and their personal opinions.



💡AI generated images

AI generated images refer to visual content created using artificial intelligence, often trained on datasets of existing images to produce new ones. In the context of the video, this term is controversial as it relates to the film 'Late Night with the Devil', where AI was used for three still images, sparking a debate about the role of AI in the film industry and its potential impact on traditional artistry and jobs.

💡Film controversy

Film controversy refers to disputes or disagreements that arise around a movie, often due to its content, the techniques used in its production, or the messages it conveys. In this case, the controversy revolves around the use of AI-generated images in 'Late Night with the Devil', which some viewers feel detracts from the human artistry involved in filmmaking.

💡Late Night with the Devil

Late Night with the Devil is a found footage horror film that premiered at South by Southwest and has been released for streaming on Shudder. The film is set in the 1970s and revolves around a late-night talk show host who interviews a psychic and a clairvoyant on live television, leading to suspenseful and horrifying events.

💡Film review

A film review is a critical assessment of a movie, typically discussing its plot, characters, performances, direction, and other elements. The reviewer usually provides an opinion on the quality of the film and may recommend it to potential viewers. In this video, the reviewer shares their thoughts on 'Late Night with the Devil', including both positive and negative aspects.

💡Independent films

Independent films, or indies, are movies produced outside the major studio system, often characterized by lower budgets, unique storytelling, and a focus on artistic expression over commercial success. The reviewer expresses support for independent films and encourages viewers to explore them, regardless of the AI controversy.

💡David DeSanctis

David DeSanctis is an actor mentioned in the video who plays a leading role in 'Late Night with the Devil'. The reviewer praises his performance, highlighting his charisma and comedic timing, as well as the depth he brings to his character.

💡Practical effects

Practical effects are tangible, physical props or techniques used in filmmaking to create special effects, as opposed to computer-generated imagery (CGI). The video praises the use of practical effects in 'Late Night with the Devil', suggesting they contribute to the film's horror and suspense.

💡Psychological horror

Psychological horror is a subgenre of horror that focuses on the mental, emotional, and psychological states of characters, often using fear, suspense, and tension to manipulate the viewer's feelings. The video discusses how 'Late Night with the Devil' effectively uses psychological horror elements, particularly in its exploration of belief in the supernatural.


Cults are groups with extreme or unconventional religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and practices. In the context of the film, the reviewer mentions a satanic cult and a mass suicide, which are key elements of the plot and contribute to the film's horror and suspense.

💡Filmmaking process

The filmmaking process encompasses the steps taken to create a film, from pre-production and scriptwriting to shooting, editing, and post-production. The video discusses the controversy around the use of AI in the filmmaking process of 'Late Night with the Devil', highlighting the complexities and ethical considerations involved.


Cinematography refers to the art of capturing visual images on film or digital media, and it includes the technical and creative aspects of directing photography for movies. The video praises the cinematography in 'Late Night with the Devil' for its effective use in recreating the 1970s aesthetic and contributing to the film's atmosphere.


The review is about the film 'Late Night with the Devil', a found footage horror movie that premiered at South by Southwest and is now available for streaming on Shudder.

The film has generated controversy due to the use of AI-generated images in its production.

The directors confirmed the use of AI in the film and explained that it was used for three still images which were further edited and appeared briefly in the movie.

The reviewer acknowledges the complexity of AI in the film industry, expressing understanding for the concerns of visual artists who have lost jobs due to AI.

Despite knowing about the AI controversy, the reviewer decided to watch the movie to have an informed opinion and to engage in discussions about the film-making process.

The reviewer appreciates the film's originality and the effort put into the artistic craftsmanship, despite the AI controversy.

The film's plot revolves around a late-night talk show host who interviews a psychic and a clairvoyant on live television to boost ratings.

The reviewer praises the sibling directors for their ability to balance the 70s campy approach with genuine horror and suspense.

The cinematography and production design, including hair and makeup, are highlighted for effectively recreating the 1970s era.

The use of found footage is noted as effective and not just a gimmick.

Performances, especially from the young girl playing Lily and David Rasche as the late-night host, are commended for their believability and contribution to the film's atmosphere.

The psychological aspects of the film, including the belief in spirits and demons, are handled well and create unsettling moments.

The film is praised for its pacing and build-up of atmosphere, leading to a shocking ending.

The reviewer notes that the film is not perfect, with some aspects such as the ending and the lack of a strong musical score detracting from the overall experience.

The script could have provided more nuance and depth, particularly in exploring the satanic cult elements and the relationship between certain characters.

The reviewer gives 'Late Night with the Devil' a score of 3.8 out of 5, recommending it as a solid original horror film worth watching.

The AI controversy is deemed important for discussion, but it should not overshadow the film's merits.