Laughing at Ai Generated Stories

17 Jun 202224:30

TLDRIn this entertaining and unpredictable video script, popular YouTuber Markiplier introduces his audience to a variety of humorous and absurd scenarios generated by an AI tool called Infernal Kit. The script features a wild mix of knock-knock jokes, fictional narratives, and even a dash of dark humor, showcasing the AI's creativity while also playfully highlighting its occasional forays into inappropriate or nonsensical content. Markiplier's engaging commentary ties the experience together, making for a video that is as amusing as it is experimental.


  • 🎮 Markiplier is a YouTube personality known for playing video games and collaborating with other YouTubers.
  • 🤖 The script discusses the potential of AI to generate random words and phrases, referencing a past experience with a tool called 'Infernal Kit'.
  • 📖 The story elements in the script are diverse, ranging from surreal and humorous situations to more serious and introspective moments.
  • 🎭 The narrative includes various scenarios such as being in a room with many people, facing a large shadow, and holding a hairbrush.
  • 🔫 A segment of the script humorously touches on the possibility of AI becoming racist or inane if it learns from a biased or chaotic data set.
  • 🌈 The script also explores the idea of AI-generated content becoming nonsensical or inappropriate, with references to knock-knock jokes and other comedic elements.
  • 📚 There's a mention of a book being used to lure children into deceit, suggesting a cautionary tale about the influence of media and technology.
  • 🌌 The script contains fantastical elements, such as talking about a world full of love and harmony that is disrupted by the mention of mushrooms made by the devil.
  • 🤔 Markiplier reflects on the unpredictability of AI and its potential to create content that can be both entertaining and controversial.
  • 🎬 The script is a mix of different genres and styles, showing a range of creative possibilities when using AI to generate narratives.
  • 📈 The script ends with a call to action for viewers to participate in a poll and share their thoughts on the content, highlighting the interactive nature of online platforms.

Q & A

  • Who is the YouTube personality mentioned in the script?

    -The YouTube personality mentioned in the script is Markiplier.

  • What does the acronym 'INFORKIT' stand for according to the script?

    -In the script, 'INFORKIT' is humorously suggested to stand for 'Infernal Kit', referencing the idea that it summons the powers of hell to create random words.

  • What was the initial name of the game mentioned in the script?

    -The initial name of the game mentioned in the script was 'Talk to Transformer'.

  • How does the script describe the AI's potential to generate content?

    -The script humorously describes the AI's potential to generate content as being able to produce a wide variety of outputs, including some that could be considered inappropriate or nonsensical, drawing a parallel to an incident with Microsoft's AI Twitter account.

  • What is the setting in which the protagonist finds themselves at the beginning of the script?

    -The protagonist finds themselves in a large room filled with over a hundred women and possibly one or two men, holding a hairbrush in their hand.

  • What is the significance of the 'creativity' setting in the AI's features according to the script?

    -According to the script, the 'creativity' setting controls the randomness of the AI's output. A value greater than one increases the chance of more varied and less repetitive content.

  • What type of joke does the script suggest could be effective with the AI?

    -The script suggests that 'knock knock' jokes seem to work effectively with the AI, as demonstrated by the various examples provided.

  • How does the script portray the AI's storytelling capability?

    -The script portrays the AI's storytelling capability as being able to create diverse and sometimes bizarre narratives, ranging from humorous to dark and surreal situations.

  • What is the protagonist's occupation mentioned in the script?

    -The protagonist's occupation is not explicitly mentioned in the script.

  • How does the script end in terms of the protagonist's fate?

    -The script ends with the protagonist being fatally wounded, with blood trickling from their stomach and neck, lying lifeless as the clock strikes midnight.

  • What does the script imply about the future of the AI's development?

    -The script implies that the future development of the AI could lead to a variety of outcomes, some of which may be unpredictable and potentially concerning, as it explores the AI's ability to generate content based on different settings and inputs.



🎮 Gaming and Collaboration with Fellow YouTubers

The paragraph introduces Markiplier, a well-known YouTube personality who has had the opportunity to collaborate with other YouTubers and play various games over the years. He discusses a past project called 'Talk to Transformer' which has since been replaced by 'Infor Kit' (possibly a misnomer for 'Infernal Kit'), a tool that generates random words by 'summoning the powers of hell'. Markiplier expresses his intention to experiment with this tool again without a specific goal, acknowledging that the session might be open-ended and potentially embarrassing.


📖 Creative Writing with AI: A Mix of Humor and Unease

In this paragraph, the focus shifts to a creative writing exercise using AI. The content is a blend of various scenarios and settings, ranging from a dramatic cliff scene to surreal and humorous situations involving well-known characters like Ronald McDonald and Santa Claus. The AI-generated text explores different themes, including horror, comedy, and absurdity, with a particular emphasis on the unpredictable nature of AI-generated content, as illustrated by the mention of Microsoft's AI Twitter experiment.


🚗 Bizarre Tales and Podcast Adventures

The paragraph presents a series of bizarre and disjointed tales, starting with a mention of a podcast called 'Go' and a knock-knock joke that seems to have a significant impact. It then delves into a variety of strange situations, such as a character named Uncle Herb interacting with an entity named Auntie Doris, and a discussion about a book that leads children into deceit and witchcraft. The narrative also includes a mention of a trip into the woods, resulting in the discovery of a mysterious red door with an ominous inscription.


🌌 Random Musings and News Stories

This paragraph is a collection of random thoughts and news stories. It begins with a character reflecting on their life and the concept of legacy, followed by a discussion about a podcast called 'Go My Favorite Sports Team'. The narrative then shifts to a young woman's thoughts on marriage and sleep, and a plan to solve world hunger with chicken. The paragraph also includes a news story about a Florida man caught with reindeer and a proposal to add guns to bear-proof cages. It concludes with a mention of an asteroid flyby and a semi-trailer crash involving hot dog filler.


🎭 Hilarious Jokes, Unexpected Twists, and Personal Reflections

The final paragraph is a mix of humor, personal reflections, and storytelling. It starts with the narrator sharing a joke and then discussing their writing process. The content takes a darker turn with a story about a character's regret-filled life and a violent encounter. The paragraph then shifts to a series of random and absurd scenarios, including a news story about an asteroid the size of giraffes and a semi-trailer crash involving hot dog filler. The narrative concludes with the narrator's thoughts on various topics, a mention of a special event, and a reflection on their actions and the reactions they receive from others.



💡YouTube personality

A YouTube personality refers to an individual who has gained popularity and recognition by creating and sharing content on the YouTube platform. In the context of the video, Markiplier is a well-known YouTuber who has worked with other content creators and played various games, amassing a significant following and influence in the online community.


Gameplay refers to the methods and rules by which a player participates in a video game, including the control of in-game actions, strategies used, and the overall experience of playing the game. In the video, Markiplier discusses playing games, which is a central aspect of his content creation as a YouTuber.

💡Infernal Kit

Infernal Kit appears to be a creative tool or software that Markiplier mentions in the video, possibly related to content generation or game development. The term 'infernal' suggests a connection to something mysterious or otherworldly, which might be a thematic element of the tool.


Randomness is the lack of pattern or predictability in events or outcomes. In the context of the video, Markiplier discusses the element of randomness in the content generation tool he is using, which creates unpredictable and varied outputs.


Creativity is the ability to produce or come up with original ideas, images, or concepts. In the video, Markiplier touches on the importance of creativity in the content generation process, as it allows for the production of unique and engaging material.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. In the video, Markiplier discusses the potential of AI to generate content, referencing past instances where AI has produced unexpected results.

💡Knock-knock jokes

Knock-knock jokes are a form of humor consisting of a question and response in a specific format, typically beginning with one character saying 'knock knock' and the other responding 'who's there?' The humor often relies on wordplay or puns. In the video, Markiplier explores the use of knock-knock jokes in the content generation tool, highlighting the humorous and sometimes absurd outcomes.


A narrative is a story or account of events and experiences. In the context of the video, Markiplier engages with the content generation tool to create various narratives, which can range from absurd to dark or even humorous.


Absurdity refers to the quality of being logically or fundamentally unsound or illogical. In the video, Markiplier encounters absurd situations and phrases generated by the content tool, which serve to entertain and amuse the audience with their nonsensical nature.

💡Content generation

Content generation refers to the process of creating new and engaging material for media platforms, such as videos, articles, or social media posts. In the video, Markiplier interacts with a content generation tool, exploring its capabilities and the variety of content it can produce.

💡Social commentary

Social commentary involves the analysis and critique of societal issues and behaviors. In the video, Markiplier makes indirect references to societal phenomena, such as AI ethics and the potential dangers of technology, through his interactions with the content generation tool.


Markiplier introduces himself as a YouTube personality who has worked with other YouTubers and played various games.

Markiplier discusses the evolution of a game from 'Talk to Transformer' to 'Infernal Kit', which uses random word generation.

The video includes a demonstration of the 'Infernal Kit' and its capabilities, showing how it can generate random words and sentences.

Markiplier shares a humorous and absurd story generated by the 'Infernal Kit', involving a character with a hairbrush in a room full of people.

A narrative is created where the protagonist is standing on a cliff, contemplating past decisions, adding a dramatic and introspective element.

Markiplier talks about the potential risks of AI, referencing an incident with Microsoft's AI on Twitter becoming racist due to its learning from existing content.

An example is given of the AI generating a racially insensitive scenario involving Ronald McDonald, highlighting the importance of careful AI development.

The video showcases the AI's ability to generate a variety of content, from horror to comedy, by adjusting the settings and input.

Markiplier interacts with the AI by inputting different prompts, resulting in a series of knock-knock jokes with amusing and unexpected outcomes.

The AI generates a complex and strange narrative involving characters like Auntie Doris and Uncle Herb, demonstrating its storytelling capabilities.

Markiplier discusses the process of how he writes jokes, giving insight into his comedic method and the importance of timing and delivery.

A dark and dramatic story is created, where the protagonist is dealing with regret and the reactions of mourners, showcasing the AI's range.

The AI generates a news story about a Florida man involved in a bizarre crime involving reindeer and a sleigh, illustrating its ability to create realistic yet odd scenarios.

Markiplier's video includes a segment on attempting to solve world hunger through an unusual plan involving chicken distribution.

The AI's output includes a series of nonsensical and humorous statements, demonstrating its capacity for random and absurd content generation.

Markiplier shares a story about a high school girl with an exaggerated characteristic, showing the AI's ability to create vivid and imaginative characters.

The video concludes with Markiplier asking his audience questions and encouraging interaction in the comments section.