More Udio Prompts And Tricks Plus New Udio Tool

Chris Unlocks AI
5 May 202437:18

TLDRIn this video, the host explores the capabilities of an AI music creation tool called Udio. They test various features such as stuttering effects, whispering, whistling, sound effects, and live music integration. The host shares their experiences with each feature, demonstrating the AI's ability to generate music based on specific prompts. They also showcase how Udio can handle different vocal styles, including accents and duets, and even transform movie quotes into songs. The video highlights the creative potential of Udio for musicians and enthusiasts looking to experiment with AI-generated music.


  • 🎵 The video discusses experimenting with various prompts and features in an AI music tool called 'udio', showcasing its capabilities and limitations.
  • 🤔 The creator finds that while the tool can handle stuttering effects and some types of music well, it struggles with whispering and specific sound effects like thunder and rain.
  • 🎶 Udio can generate music with different styles, such as punk rock, and allows for customization of lyrics and vocal styles, including children's singing and whispers.
  • 🚫 The tool has difficulty with certain prompts, like generating a consistent whisper effect or accurately replicating thunder and rain sounds.
  • 🎶 The AI can produce scat singing, which is a form of vocal improvisation commonly used in jazz music.
  • 🎸 The video also explores creating music with live audience effects, attempting to generate crowd yelling and reactions, with mixed results.
  • 🎬 The creator attempts to use movie quotes, specifically from the Terminator, to generate a duet with distinct male and female vocals, achieving a unique and creative outcome.
  • 📖 There are examples of using the tool for more narrative styles, such as creating a '40s radio program conversation', demonstrating the versatility of the tool for different genres.
  • 📚 Udio has introduced a new feature allowing users to extend song lengths up to 15 minutes, providing more scope for creators.
  • 📈 The tool seems to be improving over time, with the creator noting enhancements in areas like accents and vocal styles.
  • 🎉 The video concludes with an encouragement for viewers to continue exploring and creating with Udio while the extended song feature is available for free.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the video?

    -The main topic of the video is exploring various features and capabilities of an AI music generation tool called 'udio', including its ability to create stuttering effects, whispers, whistling, sound effects, and more.

  • What type of music genre was the creator attempting to generate with stuttering effects?

    -The creator was attempting to generate a rock genre song with stuttering effects, similar to The Who's 'My Generation'.

  • How did the AI perform with whispering prompts?

    -The AI had some issues with whispering prompts, providing inconsistent results and sometimes altering the lyrics.

  • What was the issue when the creator tried to generate whistling in the music?

    -The AI did not generate the expected whistling effect when prompted, instead producing a more flute-like sound or failing to include whistling at all.

  • What sound effect did the AI generate when prompted with 'crowd talking'?

    -Instead of generating the sound of a crowd talking, the AI produced an ambient noise that included bird sounds.

  • How does the AI handle live music prompts?

    -The AI had difficulty generating live music prompts as expected. For instance, it did not include crowd yelling during a rock audience prompt as hoped by the creator.

  • What new feature did the AI tool recently announce?

    -The AI tool announced a new feature that allows users to extend songs up to 15 minutes in length.

  • What was the creator's strategy when they were not getting the desired result from the AI?

    -The creator used a manual mode to input their own lyrics and specific instructions to guide the AI towards the desired outcome.

  • How did the AI perform with scat singing prompts?

    -The AI performed well with scat singing prompts, generating scat vocals that the creator found satisfactory.

  • What was the creator's impression of the AI's ability to generate movie quotes as songs?

    -The creator found the AI's ability to turn movie quotes into songs to be unique and interesting, appreciating the distinct accents and duet-like quality of the generated content.

  • What was the creator's overall opinion on the improvements of the AI music generation tool?

    -The creator expressed excitement and enthusiasm about the improvements, stating they are 'hyped up' about the capabilities of the AI music generation tool.



🎶 Experimenting with Audio Diving Techniques

The host introduces a new episode focused on experimenting with audio diving, specifically with stuttering, whispering, and other vocal effects. They discuss their previous experiences with audio diving and mention that they have already generated examples to showcase. The host shares their approach to testing various prompts and settings, including stuttering effects inspired by The Who's 'My Generation' and punk music, and provides a detailed account of the results and the process of generating these audio effects.


🤫 Whispering and Whistling Challenges

The host discusses the challenges they faced when attempting to generate whispering and whistling effects. They mention inconsistencies in the whispering effect and difficulties in getting the desired outcome with whistling, despite successful attempts with other audio effects. The host also talks about their process of manual intervention to achieve specific results and shares examples of successful and failed attempts at generating whispers and whistles.


🎵 Sound Effects and Live Music Experiments

The host explores generating sound effects and live music, including attempts to create thunder and rain sounds, as well as a live rock audience atmosphere. They share their process of using custom prompts and experimenting with different settings to achieve the desired audio effects. The host also discusses their efforts to generate a bass intro and scat singing, highlighting the successes and failures of these experiments.


🎤 Vocal Experiments with Alaa and Movie Quotes

The host delves into experimenting with 'Alaa' style vocals and turning movie quotes into songs. They discuss the process of using custom prompts to generate specific vocal styles and the challenges of creating duets with distinct accents. The host shares their creative process and the outcomes of their experiments, including a unique rendition of the Terminator's dialogue set to music.


🎭 Accents and Stand-Up Comedy Effects

The host talks about their experiments with accents and creating stand-up comedy and laughter effects. They share their process of using custom prompts to generate specific accents and the unexpected results of their stand-up comedy experiment. The host also expresses their excitement about the potential for creative sampling and mixing using the generated audio effects.


🌩️ Storm Sound Effects and Thunderstorm Ambiance

The host describes their attempts to create storm and thunderstorm sound effects, sharing the results of their experiments with custom prompts. They discuss the unexpected and sometimes eerie outcomes of these attempts, highlighting the creative potential of generating unique audio ambiances.


📡 Creative Community Contributions and Updates

The host showcases creative works from the audio diving community, including a Fallout-themed commercial and a modern major general-style song. They praise the creativity and quality of these works and discuss the technical aspects that made them stand out. The host also mentions a recent update allowing for song extensions up to 15 minutes and encourages viewers to take advantage of this new feature.


🎉 Conclusion and Viewer Engagement

In conclusion, the host thanks viewers for watching and asks for their thoughts on the improvements in audio diving capabilities. They express their excitement about the potential of the platform and invite viewers to share their opinions on the advancements and their enthusiasm for the technology.




Udio appears to be a tool or software for music and sound generation, likely similar to a digital audio workstation (DAW) or an AI music generator. In the video, the creator discusses using Udio to generate various music styles and effects, indicating it is a versatile platform for music production.


In the context of the video, prompts are instructions or cues given to the Udio software to generate specific types of music or sound effects. The creator experiments with different prompts to achieve desired outcomes, such as 'stutter,' 'whisper,' or 'live music,' which are then evaluated based on their effectiveness.


Stuttering, in music production, refers to a technique where a sound or a section of a song is repeated with slight interruptions to create a rhythmic, staccato effect. The video demonstrates attempts to generate stutter effects using Udio, drawing comparisons to the song 'My Generation' by The Who.


Whispering in music is a technique where vocals or sounds are produced at a very soft volume, creating an intimate or mysterious atmosphere. The script describes the creator's efforts to generate whisper effects using Udio, noting the successes and challenges in achieving a consistent whisper tone.


Whistling is a method of producing melodic sounds by blowing air through a small space with pursed lips. In the video, the creator tries to generate whistling tunes using Udio, aiming for a specific intro style that is reminiscent of a children's song or a light, airy melody.

💡Sound Effects

Sound effects are artificially created sounds that are used to enhance the auditory experience of a production, often to simulate natural sounds or to create a specific mood. The video discusses the generation of sound effects like birds chirping, thunder, and rain using Udio, showcasing the software's capability to produce non-musical audio elements.

💡Live Music

Live music refers to musical performances that are not pre-recorded and are happening in real-time. The video explores the use of Udio to create an atmosphere of live music, including elements like audience reactions and crowd yelling, to simulate the experience of attending a live concert.


Scat singing is an improvisational vocal technique where the singer uses non-lexical vocables (nonsense syllables) instead of lyrics, often found in jazz music. The script mentions the creator's attempts to generate scat singing with Udio, noting the software's ability to produce scat-like improvisations.

💡Movie Quotes

Movie quotes are memorable phrases or lines from films that have become part of popular culture. In the video, the creator discusses using Udio to turn famous movie quotes, such as those from the Terminator series, into songs, demonstrating the software's potential for creative repurposing of iconic dialogues.


Accents refer to the distinct ways of pronunciation associated with particular regions or social groups. The video script describes how the creator used Udio to generate songs with specific English accents, such as a posh British accent or an American accent, to add authenticity and character to the generated music.

💡Extend Songs

The ability to extend songs refers to the feature within Udio that allows users to lengthen the duration of their music creations, up to 15 minutes as mentioned in the video. This feature is particularly useful for those looking to create longer, more developed pieces of music with the software.


The speaker discusses trying various prompts and tricks with the AI music tool, Udio.

Udio can generate stuttering effects in songs.

The AI tool sometimes changes lyrics when generating stuttering effects.

Whispering effects can be generated, but they are not always consistent.

The AI struggles with generating non-music vocal-only prompts.

The tool can generate whistling effects, but not always as expected.

Sound effects like birds chirping and crowd talking can be generated, but with unexpected results.

Experimented with different musical styles, such as rock and jazz, with varying success.

The AI can generate scat singing, but not always successfully.

Live music effects with audience interaction were attempted, with mixed results.

The tool can generate thunder and rain sound effects, but not perfectly.

The AI can create unique vocal styles, such as a quartet or a stand-up comedy voice.

Movie quotes can be turned into songs with distinct accents and styles.

The AI can generate complex vocal arrangements, like a rock opera.

Udio has been improved and can now extend songs up to 15 minutes.