Mysterious AI Music Generator 2x Better Than Suno?!

Theoretically Media
8 Apr 202410:07

TLDRThe transcript discusses a new generative AI music platform, speculated to be superior to existing platforms like Sonna. The AI, referred to as 'udio', has generated music that has impressed industry insiders, with leaks suggesting its outputs are of high quality and fidelity. The platform appears to be in closed beta, with users able to sign up for the waiting list. The conversation also includes insights from a professional musician, Jordan Rudess, who views AI as a tool to enhance and expand creative possibilities rather than a threat.


  • 🔍 A new generative AI music platform is creating a buzz in the industry, rumored to be better than existing platforms like Sunno.
  • 🎶 The AI platform's music output is compared to the golden age of Hip Hop, with a style reminiscent of Tupac or Tribe Called Quest.
  • 📈 The platform's capabilities include generating music in stereo, staying in key, and avoiding random transposition issues.
  • 🎧 The sound quality of the AI-generated music is claimed to be superior, with no weird artifacting or common issues of previous versions.
  • 🌐 The mysterious platform's name is revealed to be 'udio', possibly hinting at a focus on studio-quality music production.
  • 🎵 Users will be able to create songs via prompts, using artist styles and music descriptors without directly using artist names.
  • 🔄 The platform will offer a 'remix' feature, allowing users to create new tracks inspired by or varying existing compositions.
  • 💬 Anonymous sources suggest that the sound quality on the platform is significantly better than the compressed samples shared online.
  • 📊 The script includes a discussion on the impact of generative AI on musicians, with a professional musician embracing the technology for enhancement and expression.
  • 🚀 The AI music platform is currently in a closed beta stage, with an option for interested parties to sign up for the waitlist on the website.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is the discussion of a new generative AI music platform that is reportedly better than existing platforms like Sonna.

  • Who initially sparked interest in the AI music platform?

    -Maya Wrigley initially sparked interest in the AI music platform by tweeting about her experience with a demo of the product.

  • What was Maya Wrigley's reaction to the AI music product?

    -Maya Wrigley was very impressed by the AI music product, stating that it was twice as good as Sonna and that it was the most exciting thing she had seen since Sora demos.

  • What are some of the features of the new AI music platform?

    -The new AI music platform allows users to create songs via prompts, including artist styles, lyrics, and various descriptors like chorus, hook, and verse. It also offers a remix feature for creating new tracks inspired by existing songs.

  • How does the AI music platform handle artist styles?

    -The AI music platform allows users to describe music using artist styles, but it does not generate songs using the artist's actual voice. Instead, it uses relevant genre tags associated with the artist to create music in a similar style.

  • What is the name of the new AI music platform?

    -The new AI music platform is named 'udio,' which may be a play on the words 'audio' or 'studio.'

  • What is unique about the stereo generation of the AI platform?

    -The AI platform generates music in independent stereo tracks, meaning the left and right channels contain different audio information, contributing to a more dynamic and authentic sound experience.

  • How does the sound quality of the AI-generated music compare to existing platforms?

    -The sound quality of the AI-generated music is reported to be significantly better than existing platforms, with no weird artifacting and a more balanced mix that sounds well integrated, rather than layered.

  • What is the current status of the AI music platform?

    -The AI music platform is currently in a super closed beta phase, and interested users can sign up for the waitlist on the platform's website.

  • What is the perspective of professional musician Jordan Rudess on AI in music?

    -Jordan Rudess views AI as a tool to enhance creativity and musical expression. He believes that technology can open up new pathways for artists and help them grow in their craft.

  • How does the transcript address the controversy around generative AI in the artistic community?

    -The transcript acknowledges the controversy but highlights that musicians seem to be among the least fearful and most adaptive to AI, embracing it as a means to explore new creative possibilities.



🕵️‍♂️ Investigating the New AI Music Platform

The paragraph discusses the recent rumors about an innovative AI music platform that is reportedly superior to its competitors. The author, donning their detective hat, shares their findings about this new challenger. They mention an intriguing tweet from Wrigley that sparked interest, followed by reactions from others in the industry. The narrative also delves into the mysterious nature of the platform, with some details remaining undisclosed due to NDAs. The author highlights a significant leak by Mumai, which unveiled an AI-generated song reminiscent of the golden age of hip hop. The platform's name, Udio, is revealed, and its features are explored, including the ability to create songs using artist styles and generate lyrics. The author also shares their thoughts on the impact of generative AI on the music industry, emphasizing the positive outlook and adaptability of musicians towards this technology.


🎵 Diving Deeper into Udio and its AI Music Offerings

This paragraph continues the exploration of the Udio platform, focusing on its capabilities and the quality of its AI-generated music. The author provides insights into the platform's features, such as the ability to create songs via prompts and the option to remix existing tracks. They clarify that users cannot upload an MP3 and expect the AI to replicate a specific song, which is a feature available on other platforms. The author then presents a second sample of AI-generated music, this time with a soulful vibe, and praises the balanced vocals and mixing quality. They also discuss the platform's current status in a closed beta and share a conversation with Jordan Rudess, a professional musician from Dream Theater, who views AI as a tool to enhance creativity and expand musical possibilities. The paragraph concludes with the author's intention to keep the audience updated on Udio's developments.



💡Generative AI music platform

A generative AI music platform refers to an artificial intelligence system designed to create original music content. In the context of the video, it is a new technology that is being compared to existing platforms like Sunno, with claims of superior performance. The platform in question is said to be capable of producing music that is reminiscent of the golden age of hip hop, suggesting a high level of musical complexity and authenticity.

💡NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)

A Non-Disclosure Agreement, or NDA, is a legally binding contract that establishes a confidential relationship between parties. It is used to protect sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized third parties. In the video, the mention of NDAs relates to the secretive nature of the new AI music platform, where some individuals could only be referred to as anonymous sources due to legal restrictions on sharing information.

💡AI music product

An AI music product is a software or service that utilizes artificial intelligence to create, compose, or produce music. These products can generate melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and even lyrics, often emulating the style of human composers or musicians. In the video, the AI music product is described as a new contender in the music industry, with the potential to revolutionize how music is created and perceived.


Sunno appears to be an existing AI music platform or product mentioned as a point of comparison to the new generative AI music platform being discussed. It serves as a benchmark for evaluating the capabilities and quality of the new platform, with claims that the new platform is significantly better in terms of output and user experience.

💡AI-generated song

An AI-generated song is a musical composition created by artificial intelligence, without human intervention in the creative process. These songs are produced through algorithms that learn patterns and styles from existing music and then generate new compositions based on that knowledge. In the video, an AI-generated song is featured, which is compared to the works of famous artists like Tupac and Tribe Called Quest, highlighting the platform's ability to emulate different musical styles.


In the context of audio and music, fidelity refers to the accuracy and quality of the sound reproduction. High fidelity, or 'hi-fi,' indicates a clear, crisp, and detailed sound that closely resembles the original performance. The video discusses the fidelity of the AI-generated music, suggesting that the new platform produces high-quality audio that is comparable to, or even surpasses, existing solutions.


Stereo is a method of sound reproduction that creates an illusion of three-dimensional audio from two or more independent audio channels. It allows for a more immersive listening experience by providing different audio information to each ear, simulating the way humans naturally perceive sound. The video mentions that the AI-generated music is produced in stereo, indicating a level of complexity and realism in the audio output.

💡XG boost

The term 'XG boost' is not explicitly defined in the video script, but it seems to refer to a feature or enhancement related to the AI-generated music platform. Given the context, it could be a proprietary technology or algorithm used to improve the quality or performance of the AI-generated music, possibly making it more competitive or superior to other platforms.


Udio is the name of the new AI music platform being discussed in the video. It is described as a platform that operates in a super closed beta, indicating that it is in the early stages of testing and development. The name 'Udio' is associated with the classic 'delirium sequence' from the film 'Coffee and Cigarettes,' suggesting a connection to creativity and artistic expression.

💡Artist styles

Artist styles refer to the unique characteristics and techniques that define the music of specific artists or bands. These styles can include elements like melody, rhythm, harmony, and instrumentation. In the context of the AI music platform, users can input keywords associated with certain artist styles to generate music that captures a similar feel or vibe. This feature allows for a more personalized and creative use of the platform, enabling users to produce music that aligns with their preferences.


A remix is a new version of a pre-existing song, typically created by adding, removing, or altering elements of the original track. In the context of the AI music platform, remixing refers to the ability to generate new music inspired by or based on existing songs, offering a fresh take on familiar tracks. This feature encourages creativity and allows users to experiment with different musical ideas.


A new generative AI music platform is being discussed as potentially superior to existing platforms.

The AI music platform's anonymity has sparked curiosity and intrigue.

Maya Wrigley's tweet about an AI music product being twice as good as existing models initiated the buzz.

Leaks and tweets from industry insiders suggest a significant advancement in AI music technology.

A song generated by the new AI, reminiscent of the golden age of hip hop, has been circulating.

The AI-generated music lacks noticeable artifacting and stays in key, indicating high-quality output.

The AI platform's sound quality is claimed to be superior, even when compressed for sharing online.

The platform's name, udio, is revealed, possibly hinting at its studio-like capabilities.

The udio platform allows users to create songs via prompts and artist styles without directly using artist's voices.

Users can generate lyrics and specify sections like chorus, hook, verse, indicating a high level of customization.

Remix feature enables creation of new tracks inspired by existing songs or variations of user-generated content.

The AI platform may not support direct audio referencing like uploading an MP3 and generating a similar track.

A second sample showcasing a soul vibe and impressive vocal balance has been shared, demonstrating the platform's versatility.

Independent stereo tracks suggest a sophisticated approach to sound generation.

The AI music platform is in a closed beta phase, with limited access available.

Professional musician Jordan Rudess from Dream Theater shares his positive perspective on AI in music, seeing it as a tool for enhancement and creativity.

The general consensus among musicians seems to be adaptive and embracing of AI technology.