NEW Way To Get Paid For Writing With Writesonic AI (Step by Step)

Mr. Money
22 May 202310:59

TLDRThe video script discusses the impact of AI tools on the job market, emphasizing that they will not replace human jobs but rather enhance productivity. It highlights the potential of AI in assisting with tasks such as blog post and article generation, copywriting, and even ghostwriting for ebooks. The script introduces tools like Bright Sonic and Microsoft's Bing, which can aid in content creation and style imitation based on user input and internet research. The message is clear: with the right passion and dedication, individuals can leverage AI tools to create profitable side hustles in the digital world.


  • πŸ€– AI tools like BrightBonic are designed to assist and not replace human jobs, as they require human instructions to function.
  • πŸ“ˆ AI can significantly speed up tasks such as research, reducing the time required for various projects.
  • πŸ“ Copywriting is a profitable skill, with companies willing to pay well for persuasive written content that sells products.
  • πŸ’° AI tools can help generate content for various platforms like Facebook ads, Google ads, YouTube titles, and SEO, which are crucial in the online world.
  • πŸ–‹οΈ BrightBonic can aid in creating blog posts, articles, and even long-form content like ebooks, which can be outsourced or written for personal profit.
  • πŸ“Š Copywriters can earn substantial income, with some charging hundreds of dollars for short ad copies as little as 150 words.
  • πŸ“ˆ Fiverr is a platform where beginners can start their copywriting journey by writing blog posts and articles.
  • πŸ“š AI tools can assist in keyword research and provide outlines for blog posts or articles, streamlining the writing process.
  • πŸ“– Ghostwriting is a viable side hustle, with opportunities to write ebooks for clients or for personal sale on platforms like Amazon KDP.
  • πŸ’Έ Even low-priced ebooks can generate significant income when they attract a large number of sales, as seen with a book priced at $1.88 with 91,000 ratings.
  • πŸ” While some AI tools like ChatGPT have limitations in accessing real-time information, others like Microsoft's Bing can search the internet to enhance content creation.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern people have about AI tools?

    -The main concern people have about AI tools is that they might take away jobs. However, the script explains that AI tools require human instructions to function, so they are not going to replace human jobs but rather speed up the process and assist in various tasks.

  • How can AI tools like Bright Sonic and Chat GPT assist in content creation?

    -AI tools like Bright Sonic and Chat GPT can assist in content creation by generating blog posts, articles, and copywriting. They can help in reducing the time spent on research and provide outlines and drafts for further editing and refinement by humans.

  • What is the profitability of copywriting?

    -Copywriting is highly profitable as it is an art of selling with words. Companies are willing to pay copywriters significant amounts for their skills because effective copywriting can greatly enhance the sales of their products.

  • How does the script suggest one can start making money with writing?

    -The script suggests that one can start making money with writing by creating content for blogs, writing articles on platforms like Fiverr, or becoming a ghostwriter for e-books that can be sold on Amazon through Kindle Direct Publishing.

  • What is the significance of SEO in online content creation?

    -SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial in online content creation as it helps ensure that the content ranks on search engines like Google. High-ranking content is more likely to be seen by potential customers, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

  • How does the script address the limitation of AI tools like Chat GPT?

    -The script acknowledges that AI tools like Chat GPT have limitations, such as not being connected to the internet and having outdated information. However, it suggests using other tools like Bing, which can search the internet and provide updated information to assist in content creation.

  • What is the potential income from writing e-books on Amazon?

    -The potential income from writing e-books on Amazon can be significant. The script provides an example of a book priced at $1.88 with 91,000 ratings, indicating that even a low-priced book can generate substantial revenue if it attracts a large number of buyers.

  • How can AI tools help in writing e-books?

    -AI tools can help in writing e-books by providing outlines, drafting content, and even imitating the writing style of famous authors to enhance the quality of the e-books. These tools can assist both beginners and professionals in polishing their work and creating content that meets the standards of their clients or readers.

  • What is the importance of asking questions to clients when using AI tools?

    -Asking questions to clients is important when using AI tools because it allows the creator to gather more information and specific instructions. This data can then be fed into the AI tool to produce a more customized and higher-quality end product that aligns with the client's expectations and needs.

  • What is the overall message the script conveys about AI tools and content creation?

    -The overall message of the script is that AI tools can be valuable assets in content creation, enhancing efficiency and quality. However, they should be used as aids rather than replacements for human creativity and effort. With the right approach and dedication, individuals can leverage these tools to turn their writing passion into a profitable side hustle or career.



πŸ€– AI Tools and Job Security

This paragraph discusses the common misconception that AI tools, like Brightonic, will replace human jobs. It emphasizes that AI requires human instructions to function and thus, will not lead to job loss. Instead, AI can enhance productivity and speed up processes. The speaker introduces the capabilities of Brightonic in assisting with research, generating blog posts, articles, and copywriting, highlighting the profitability of copywriting in the modern digital landscape. The potential earnings from copywriting are illustrated with an example of a short ad sales copy that earns $180 for 150 words, demonstrating the lucrative nature of the skill. The paragraph encourages embracing AI tools for their ability to streamline work and generate income.


πŸ“ Harnessing AI for Content Creation

The second paragraph delves into the practical application of AI for content creation, such as writing blog posts and ebooks. It outlines the simplicity of using AI tools like Brightonic to generate outlines and full articles, allowing for customization based on user input. The paragraph also touches on the concept of ghostwriting and the potential to sell one's own books through platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). The profitability of low-priced ebooks with high sales volumes is highlighted, using a book priced at $1.88 with 91,000 ratings as an example. The paragraph concludes by noting the limitations of AI tools like Brightonic and Chat GPT, which lack internet connectivity and up-to-date information, and introduces Microsoft's Bing as an AI tool capable of online research and content creation with a unique writing style.


πŸ’‘ Maximizing AI for Writing Success

The final paragraph focuses on the importance of client communication to gather detailed instructions for AI tools like Brightonic, which can significantly improve the quality of the output. It encourages both beginners and professionals to leverage AI tools to enhance their writing skills and generate income. The paragraph underscores the necessity of dedication and effort to succeed in monetizing one's writing passion. It concludes with a call to action, urging individuals to utilize the available AI tools and invest their time to reap the benefits in the digital marketplace.



πŸ’‘AI tools

AI tools refer to artificial intelligence software applications designed to assist with various tasks, such as data analysis, content creation, and automation. In the context of the video, AI tools like Bright Sonic and Chat GPT are highlighted as aids in speeding up processes and enhancing productivity without replacing human jobs. They require human input and instructions to function effectively.

πŸ’‘Job displacement

Job displacement refers to the concern that technological advancements, such as AI tools, may lead to the elimination of certain jobs, as machines and software can perform tasks previously done by humans. However, the video argues against this fear, suggesting that AI tools actually assist humans by taking on mundane tasks and allowing people to focus on more creative and complex aspects of their work.


Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive content that aims to promote or sell a product, service, or idea. It is a critical component of marketing and advertising. In the video, copywriting is presented as a lucrative profession, with AI tools like Bright Sonic aiding in generating copy that can be used for advertisements, social media posts, and other sales-oriented content.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing online content to increase its visibility on search engines like Google. It involves using specific keywords and strategies to ensure that content ranks higher in search results, thereby attracting more traffic. The video emphasizes the importance of SEO in the digital world and how AI tools can assist in generating SEO-friendly content.


Outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring external individuals or companies to perform tasks traditionally done in-house. In the context of the video, outsourcing is common among blog owners who do not have the time or expertise to write their own content. They hire writers to create blog posts, articles, and other content, often leveraging AI tools to assist or enhance the output.


Fiverr is an online marketplace where freelancers offer services, known as 'gigs,' in various categories, including writing, graphic design, and programming. It is a platform where individuals can find affordable services for their projects and freelancers can offer their skills to a global audience. In the video, Fiverr is mentioned as a place where one can find opportunities to write blog posts and articles, indicating its relevance in the gig economy.


Ghostwriting is the process of writing content for someone else who is officially credited as the author. It is commonly used for books, articles, and other written works where the actual writer remains anonymous. In the video, ghostwriting is presented as a viable income source for those interested in writing, especially with platforms like Amazon KDP allowing for the sale of self-published ebooks.

πŸ’‘Amazon KDP

Amazon KDP, or Kindle Direct Publishing, is a platform that allows authors and publishers to independently publish their ebooks and paperbacks directly to the Amazon marketplace. It offers a royalty structure that can be quite lucrative, with authors potentially earning up to 70% of the sale price. The video emphasizes the opportunities Amazon KDP provides for writers to monetize their work and reach a wide audience.


Bing is a web search engine developed and operated by Microsoft. It is mentioned in the video as an AI tool that can access the internet to perform searches and enhance the capabilities of other AI writing tools. Bing can be used to gather up-to-date information and improve the content generated by AI, such as imitating the writing style of famous authors.

πŸ’‘Stephen King

Stephen King is a renowned American author known for his work in the horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, and fantasy genres. In the video, his name is used as an example of a famous writer whose distinct writing style can be emulated by AI tools like Bing to enhance the quality and style of generated content.


Passion refers to a strong interest or enthusiasm for a particular subject or activity. In the context of the video, having a passion for writing is emphasized as a driving force for success in the field. It is suggested that those who are passionate about writing can leverage AI tools to enhance their skills and create profitable opportunities for themselves.


AI tools like Brightonic are here to stay and can help streamline processes.

AI tools require human instructions, so they won't replace jobs but rather assist in speeding up tasks.

AI tools can significantly reduce research time, benefiting various tasks.

Some AI tools, like Brightonic, can generate blog posts, articles, and aid in copywriting, which is a profitable field.

Copywriting is an art of selling with words, highly valued by companies for product promotion.

AI tools can help in writing different types of content, such as Facebook ads, Google ads, YouTube titles, and SEO content.

The potential earnings for copywriters can be substantial, with examples of high payments for short ad copies.

Brightonic offers standard packages for more extensive writing needs.

Script writing and blogging are good starting points for beginners in copywriting.

AI tools can assist in meeting SEO standards by providing keywords and outlines for blog posts and articles.

Ghostwriting is a viable option for those looking to write eBooks, with opportunities on platforms like Amazon KDP.

Amazon KDP offers up to 70% royalty on sales, allowing authors to earn significant income from their writing.

Even low-priced books can generate substantial revenue due to high sales volumes, as exemplified by a book priced at $1.88 with 91,000 ratings.

AI tools like Bing can imitate the writing style of famous authors to enhance content.

Asking clients detailed questions can lead to better products and services in copywriting.

Both beginners and professionals can benefit from AI tools to enhance their writing and potentially earn money.

Investing time and dedication into writing, with the help of AI tools, can lead to a profitable side hustle.

Brightonic and Bing are examples of AI tools that can aid in various writing tasks, from content creation to style enhancement.