New ChatGPT Model Beats all other AI models - GPT-4o and Real-Time Chat

Skill Leap AI
13 May 202406:22

TLDROpenAI has introduced a groundbreaking update, launching a new model named GPT-40, available for free to all users, replacing the older GPT-3.5. Alongside, they have unveiled a desktop app and showcased real-time voice capabilities with almost no delay in response times. GPT-40 outperforms previous models, including Google's and Meta's top AI, in various benchmarks. It introduces features like vision capabilities, memory function, and data analytics previously only in paid versions. Additionally, it offers custom GPTs and a GPT store, significantly expanding the tools available for developers and users alike.


  • 🆕 Chat GPT has introduced a new model called GPT-4, which is available for free.
  • 🚀 GPT-4 is a significant upgrade for free users, offering advanced capabilities previously only available to paid users.
  • 📈 GPT-4 outperforms all other AI models in benchmarks, including its own paid version, achieving an 87% score on general knowledge questions.
  • 👀 GPT-4 includes vision capabilities, allowing it to analyze images and PDFs.
  • 🧠 The model comes with a memory function, enhancing its ability to remember context.
  • 📊 Free users now have access to data analytics, which was previously a paid feature.
  • 🌐 Web browsing functionality, powered by Bing, is now available to free users.
  • 🛍️ Custom GPTs and the GPT store are now accessible to all users, expanding the market for developers.
  • ⏱️ Real-time voice conversation is now possible with GPT-4, with a live demo showcasing its capabilities.
  • 🗣️ Real-time voice functionality is initially available to paid users and will be rolled out to all users in the coming weeks.
  • 🔍 For free users, it's recommended to explore the new features inherited from the paid version, such as the memory option.

Q & A

  • What is the new chat GPT model introduced in the transcript?

    -The new chat GPT model introduced is called GPT 40.

  • Is the GPT 40 model available for free?

    -Yes, the GPT 40 model is available completely for free.

  • What is the significance of the benchmark score of 87% on the five-shot general knowledge question?

    -The benchmark score of 87% signifies that GPT 40 has set a new high score, beating out every single model, including the paid version of chat GPT.

  • What new capabilities does GPT 40 provide to free users?

    -Free users now have access to GPT 4 intelligence, vision capabilities, memory function, data analytics, and web browsing with Bing, which were previously only available in the paid version.

  • What is the advantage of the real-time voice demo introduced with GPT 40?

    -The real-time voice demo allows users to interact with the chat GPT app using the new GPT model in real time without the previous 2-3 second delay.

  • How does the real-time voice conversation feature differ from previous versions?

    -Unlike previous versions, the real-time voice conversation feature enables immediate responses without delay, making the interaction more natural and efficient.

  • What is the current availability status of the real-time voice conversation feature?

    -As of the transcript, the real-time voice conversation feature is available in the API and is rolling out to all accounts, but it is initially available only to paid users.

  • What is the performance of the GPT 40 model compared to other models in terms of speed and cost?

    -The GPT 40 model is twice as fast and half the price of the current GPT 4 Turbo model.

  • What is the significance of the custom GPTs and the GPT store for builders?

    -Custom GPTs and the GPT store allow builders to create mini GPTs for specific use cases and expand their market to all chat GPT users, not just paid users.

  • What additional feature did the new model demonstrate during the demo?

    -The new model demonstrated the ability to take advantage of vision, responding in real time to written text on a card and potentially with video.

  • What is the current status of the GPT 40 model rollout for all chat GPT users?

    -The rollout started on the day of the transcript release and will take some time to roll out to all accounts.

  • What is recommended for users with a free chat GPT account to enhance their experience?

    -Free users are recommended to learn about the features previously available only in the paid version, such as the memory option, and to watch tutorials for better utilization.



🚀 Introduction to GPT 4.0 and its Features

The video introduces the new GPT 4.0 model by chat GPT, which is set to be available for free. This represents a significant upgrade for free users, offering GPT 4 intelligence without cost. The model's capabilities are demonstrated through a benchmark comparison, where GPT 4.0 outperforms other models, including paid versions. New features include vision capabilities for analyzing images and PDFs, a memory function, and free access to data analytics and web browsing with Bing. The biggest highlight is the introduction of custom GPTs and the GPT store, which allows for the creation of mini GPTs for specific use cases. The video also mentions a real-time voice demo, showcasing the model's ability to engage in immediate conversations and understand visual inputs.


💬 Real-Time Voice Conversation and Paid User Benefits

The second paragraph discusses the real-time voice conversation feature, which is initially available only to paid users and is set to roll out in the coming weeks. For paid users, the primary upgrade is the real-time voice interaction within the app. The video suggests that free users should familiarize themselves with features previously exclusive to paid versions, such as the memory option. The speaker also promises to provide more updates on chat GPT's desktop app and the new real-time voice feature soon.



💡GPT 40

GPT 40 refers to a new model of chat GPT that has been introduced as a significant upgrade. It is available for free and is designed to replace the previous model, chat GPT 3.5. The term 'GPT' stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer', which is a type of AI language model. In the video's context, GPT 40 is portrayed as a superior model that outperforms other AI models in benchmarks and offers advanced features such as vision capabilities and memory function.

💡Real-Time Voice Demo

A real-time voice demo is a demonstration of the chat GPT app's ability to engage in voice conversations without any noticeable delay. This feature is a significant improvement over the previous model, which had a delay of 2-3 seconds in responding. The real-time voice demo is showcased as a highlight of the new GPT 40 model, indicating that it can process and respond to voice inputs instantaneously.


A benchmark is a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed. In the context of the video, the benchmark is a test or set of tests that measure the performance of the GPT 40 model against other AI models. The script mentions that GPT 40 achieved a new high score of 87% on a five-shot general knowledge question, outperforming all other models, including the paid version of chat GPT.

💡Vision Capabilities

Vision capabilities refer to the feature that allows the chat GPT model to process and understand visual information, such as images and PDFs. This is a significant upgrade from previous models and is mentioned as one of the new features available to users for free with GPT 40. The video script provides an example of this capability where chat GPT can analyze the content of images and documents.

💡Memory Function

The memory function is a feature that allows the chat GPT model to retain and recall information from previous interactions. This is a new feature that was previously only available in the paid version of chat GPT but is now included in GPT 40 for free users. The memory function enhances the model's ability to provide consistent and contextually relevant responses.

💡Data Analytics

Data analytics involves the systematic analysis of data or statistics to extract useful information, draw conclusions, or support decision-making. In the video, the term refers to the ability of GPT 40 to analyze uploaded documents like PDFs and Excel sheets. This feature was previously exclusive to paid users but has now been made available to free users as part of the GPT 40 upgrade.

💡Web Browsing

Web browsing in the context of the video refers to the chat GPT model's ability to access and retrieve information from the internet, specifically through the Bing search engine. This feature enhances the model's capacity to provide up-to-date and relevant information in response to user queries. It was previously a paid feature but is now included in the free version with GPT 40.

💡Custom GPTs

Custom GPTs are specialized versions of the chat GPT model that are tailored for specific use cases. The video script mentions that this feature is now available to all chat GPT users, not just those with paid accounts. This opens up a broader market for developers to create custom GPTs for a wider audience, which is a significant upgrade for the platform.

💡GPT Store

The GPT Store is a marketplace where users can access and utilize custom GPTs created for specific purposes. The video script indicates that with the introduction of GPT 40, the GPT Store is now accessible to all users, which was not the case before as it was limited to paid users. This expansion is expected to increase the variety and availability of specialized AI models.


API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of protocols and tools for building software applications. In the context of the video, the API is mentioned as the means through which developers can start using the new GPT 40 model. It signifies that while the model is not yet fully rolled out to all users, developers can begin integrating it into their applications via the API.

💡Real-Time Conversation

Real-time conversation refers to the ability to communicate with no perceptible delay. The video script highlights that the new GPT 40 model enables real-time voice conversations with the chat GPT app. This feature is particularly exciting as it allows for more natural and fluid interactions with the AI, similar to human conversation.


Introduction of GPT-40, a new, free model of chat GPT.

Availability of GPT-40 to all users, replacing older versions like GPT-3.5.

Launch of a desktop app for GPT-40, with more details in a future video.

Real-time voice conversation capability demonstrated, significantly reducing response delays.

Benchmarking shows GPT-40 outperforms existing models including GPT-4 Turbo, Google’s Gemini Pro 1.0, and Meta's Llama 3.

Enhanced capabilities like image recognition and memory functions in GPT-40, previously paid features.

GPT-40 provides data analytics tools for free, analyzing PDFs and Excel sheets.

Web browsing integration in GPT-40 through Bing.

Introduction of custom GPTs and a GPT store, expanding the potential for personalized applications.

Market expansion for custom GPT builders, benefiting from a broader user base.

API availability and improved cost-effectiveness of GPT-40, making it more accessible for developers.

GPT-40 allows for real-time textual and visual interaction, as demonstrated in live demos.

Immediate real-time translations between Italian and English demonstrated, showcasing practical applications.

Real-time voice features initially limited to paid users, with broader rollout planned.

Recommendations for free users to explore features previously limited to paid versions.