☀️🌙🦋New Moon & Solar Eclipse - BIG Beautiful Blessings🧚‍♂️ Coming to YOU!!! Pick A Card🦋🌙☀️

Tana Tarot Pick A Card
7 Apr 202488:06

TLDRIn this inspiring video, the speaker discusses the powerful energies surrounding the new moon and solar eclipse, encouraging viewers to set goals and reflect on their lives. The message focuses on healing, growth, and embracing change, highlighting the importance of self-love, forgiveness, and taking action to create a better future. Through card readings, the speaker reveals blessings of new beginnings, love, and success, emphasizing that overcoming grief and deception can lead to a more fulfilling life filled with happiness and abundance.


  • 🌙 The new moon and solar eclipse signify a powerful time for setting goals and reflection, with an amplified energy for change and new beginnings.
  • 🔮 Starting a new journal and setting intentions with a candle or crystals during this time can help manifest goals and blessings.
  • 💡 The Three of Swords card indicates a period of healing and acceptance of past negative events, suggesting it's time to move forward.
  • 🧠 The Thinker card encourages strategic planning and logical decision-making as a way to navigate through emotional challenges.
  • 🦋 Transformation is a key theme, with the potential for significant inner and outer changes leading to a new, improved life.
  • 💪 The Courage card highlights the need to face fears and overcome challenges with bravery and determination.
  • 🚪 The Door to Value card suggests new opportunities in finance or career, indicating it's a good time to be open to new beginnings and value oneself.
  • 🤡 The Fool card represents a fresh start with optimism and the potential for happiness and success in various aspects of life.
  • 💖 The Lovers card signifies the possibility of new love or deepening relationships, as well as self-love and personal growth.
  • ⚡️ The message of the tarot reading is one of hope and change, with the emphasis on personal empowerment and the potential for a better future after working through grief and loss.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video related to?

    -The main theme of the video is about the big blessings that are coming with the new moon and solar eclipse, and how these celestial events can influence one's life in terms of goals, reflection, and personal growth.

  • What is the significance of the new moon in the context of the video?

    -In the context of the video, the new moon signifies a time for setting new goals and intentions. It is considered an auspicious time for reflection and starting fresh endeavors.

  • What are some recommendations given in the video for utilizing the new moon and solar eclipse energy?

    -The video suggests starting a new journal, setting intentions by lighting a candle, wearing red on the day of the event, and charging crystals under the new moon energy.

  • What do the oracle cards represent in the video?

    -The oracle cards in the video represent different energies and messages for the viewer. They are used to provide insights and guidance on the type of blessings and changes that may occur during the new moon and solar eclipse period.

  • What is the significance of the Three of Swords card in the reading for group number one?

    -The Three of Swords card signifies a major healing process beginning. It suggests that it's time to accept and work through negative events or painful experiences, and move forward.

  • What does the Thinker card in the oracle reading suggest for group number one?

    -The Thinker card encourages strategic thinking and logical decision-making. It advises taking time to plan and strategize before taking action, especially when dealing with emotional matters.

  • What is the message conveyed by the Transformation card in the oracle reading for group number one?

    -The Transformation card indicates a time of significant inner and possibly outer changes. It suggests that the individual has the wisdom and capability to transform their old life into something new, and to let go of unhealthy patterns.

  • What does the Death card in the tarot reading for group number one signify?

    -The Death card in the tarot reading symbolizes the end of an era or a significant transformation. It suggests that the individual is going through a major change that will lead to a new beginning.

  • What is the significance of the Knight of Cups card in the overall energy reading?

    -The Knight of Cups represents the approach of positive emotional experiences, such as love or celebration. It signifies the arrival of a happy event or a potential romantic interest.

  • What is the advice given in the video for dealing with grief and loss?

    -The video advises acknowledging the grief and loss, going through the stages of grief, and eventually accepting and working through these emotions. It emphasizes the importance of not ignoring or suppressing feelings, but rather facing them to move forward.



🌙 New Beginnings and Big Blessings

The paragraph discusses the significance of the new moon and solar eclipse for setting goals and reflecting on life. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and accepting healing after negative events, and preparing for big blessings that are on the horizon. The speaker encourages starting a new journal, setting intentions, and using this cosmic event to amplify positive energy and attract blessings.


💡 Overcoming Grief and Embracing Change

This section focuses on moving past grief and loss, using the new moon and solar eclipse as a catalyst for transformation. The speaker identifies the presence of major healing and the need to accept responsibility for our reactions to past events. The emphasis is on strategic planning and logical action to move forward, leaving behind pain and depression, and embracing the inner strength and wisdom needed for personal growth.


🌟 Transformation and Personal Evolution

The paragraph highlights the theme of transformation and personal evolution. It discusses the presence of a major life change, the need for strategic thinking, and the importance of optimism and self-love. The speaker encourages letting go of past heartbreaks and embracing the new opportunities that come with change. The message is about recognizing one's power as a manifestor and the potential for a significant shift in life, leading to a new, lighter, and more fulfilling path.


💪 Courage and Inner Strength

This part of the script talks about the need for courage and inner strength in the face of life's challenges. The speaker identifies an aversion to something that has caused suffering and suggests that understanding one's triggers with courage can lead to peace of mind. The message is about recognizing the potential for new beginnings in finance or career, and the importance of being open to the opportunities that may arise as a result of personal growth and transformation.


🌈 Hope and New Opportunities

The paragraph emphasizes the shift from a cloudy, unhappy period to one filled with hope and new opportunities. The speaker discusses the potential for significant changes in various aspects of life, including relationships and career. The message is about recognizing the signs of transformation and being ready to embrace a new, happier way of living. The speaker encourages looking back at one's life in increments to understand the impact of past events and make informed decisions about the future.


🔄 Cycles of Change and Personal Growth

This section delves into the cycles of change and personal growth, highlighting the need for self-reflection and introspection. The speaker talks about the potential for a major transformation and the importance of recognizing the signs of change. The message is about embracing the journey of personal evolution, walking away from old patterns, and stepping into a new way of living. The speaker encourages taking action and using the energy of the new moon and solar eclipse to facilitate this transformation.


💖 Love, Healing, and New Beginnings

The paragraph focuses on the themes of love, healing, and new beginnings. The speaker discusses the potential for a significant change in relationships and the importance of self-love and nurturing oneself. The message is about recognizing the signs of love coming into one's life, the potential for a happy family, and the power of prayer and meditation in attracting these blessings. The speaker encourages embracing one's authenticity and being a beacon of light for others.


🌠 Destiny, Karma, and Personal Empowerment

This section explores the concepts of destiny, karma, and personal empowerment. The speaker identifies the presence of deception or betrayal and the need for acceptance and change. The message is about recognizing the power of personal choice and the ability to shape one's destiny. The speaker encourages taking responsibility for past mistakes, learning from them, and using this knowledge to move forward and create a better future.


🌱 Growth, Fertility, and Positive Action

The paragraph discusses the themes of growth, fertility, and the need for positive action. The speaker identifies a time of positive momentum and the importance of taking decisive steps towards one's goals. The message is about recognizing the signs of a new beginning and the potential for abundance and success. The speaker encourages trusting one's intuition, taking responsibility, and being open to the opportunities that arise as a result of personal growth and positive change.


🕊️ Healing and Moving Forward

This part of the script emphasizes the process of healing and moving forward after a period of grief and loss. The speaker discusses the importance of acknowledging one's feelings and taking the necessary time to grieve before moving on. The message is about self-compassion and the permission to take as much time as needed to heal. The speaker encourages recognizing the blessings that come with growth and the potential for a brighter future ahead.



💡New Moon

The New Moon is a phase in the lunar cycle where the Moon is not visible from Earth as it is in line with the Sun. In the context of the video, it symbolizes a fresh start and the opportunity to set new goals. The video mentions the New Moon in relation to the solar eclipse, emphasizing the amplified energy for change and reflection.

💡Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, casting a shadow on Earth. In the video, the solar eclipse is portrayed as an event that amplifies the energy of new beginnings and transformation, making it an ideal time for change and growth.


Intentions refer to the purposes or goals one sets for themselves. In the video, setting intentions is linked to the powerful energies of the New Moon and solar eclipse, suggesting that these cosmic events can help to manifest one's desires more effectively.


Healing in the video refers to the process of recovery or cure from a problem, in this case, emotional or spiritual. The speaker talks about major healing beginning, indicating that the energies of the New Moon and solar eclipse can facilitate emotional recovery and personal growth.


Transformation denotes a thorough or dramatic change in form, appearance, or character. In the context of the video, it is associated with personal growth and the shedding of old patterns or behaviors to embrace a new, improved version of oneself.

💡Oracle Cards

Oracle Cards are a type of divination tool used to gain insight into various aspects of life. In the video, the speaker uses oracle cards to provide guidance and predict outcomes for different groups of people based on the energies of the New Moon and solar eclipse.


Manifestation is the process of causing something to happen or be realized, often through positive thinking or intention setting. In the video, it is implied that the energies of the New Moon and solar eclipse can enhance one's ability to manifest their desires.


Reflection involves serious thought or consideration, often about one's past actions or experiences. In the video, reflection is encouraged as a means to evaluate one's life and set new goals during the New Moon and solar eclipse.


Journaling is the act of writing down thoughts, feelings, and experiences for personal reflection or as a therapeutic practice. In the video, starting a new journal is recommended as a way to capture and track one's goals and the changes brought about by the New Moon and solar eclipse energies.


Emotions are feelings and sensations that individuals experience in response to various stimuli. The video discusses the importance of acknowledging and processing emotions, especially during times of grief and loss, as part of the healing process.


The new moon and solar eclipse signify a time of reflection and setting new goals.

Starting a new journal is recommended during this time to capture intentions and track progress.

The influence of the solar eclipse amplifies the energy of the new moon, making it an ideal time for change.

Healing and acceptance are key themes during this period, with a focus on moving forward from past grief.

The Three of Swords card indicates a major healing process and readiness to accept positive change.

The Thinker card suggests the importance of strategic planning and logical decision-making during this time.

Transformation is a central theme, with the potential for significant inner and outer changes.

The Courage card emphasizes facing fears and embracing change with bravery.

New beginnings in finance or career are suggested by the Door to Value card.

The Fool card represents a fresh start and entering a new phase with optimism and hope.

The Eight of Cups signifies walking away from old ways and embracing transformation.

The Strength card encourages finding inner fortitude to navigate through challenging times.

The Lovers card suggests the possibility of new relationships or deepening existing ones.

The Death card symbolizes the end of an era and the beginning of a new cycle.

The Knight of Cups card indicates the potential for love and celebration in the near future.

The Happy Family card signifies joy, close connections, and the possibility of a readymade family.

The Sacred Temple card encourages connecting with spiritual sources for guidance and inspiration.

The Fates card acknowledges that some things are out of our control, but acceptance can lead to growth.

The Inspiration card beckons trust in one's imagination and the pursuit of creative ideas.