Nick Bostrom: How AI will lead to tyranny

10 Nov 202343:06

TLDRIn the 'Unheard' podcast, host Florence Reed interviews Professor Nick Bostrom, a leading philosopher and expert on existential risks, about the potential dangers artificial intelligence (AI) poses to humanity. Bostrom, who coined the term 'existential risk,' discusses various scenarios where AI could lead to civilization's collapse or even humanity's extinction. He touches on the rapid advancements in AI, like the progress from GPT-3 to GPT-4, and the possibility of reaching a technological singularity where AI surpasses human intelligence. The conversation also explores the ethical considerations of AI development, including the risk of creating digital minds with moral status and the potential for AI to be used as a tool for surveillance and manipulation by authoritarian governments. Bostrom emphasizes the importance of global cooperation and oversight to ensure AI is developed and used responsibly, benefiting all sentient life. He concludes by expressing both caution and optimism about AI's future, advocating for a balanced approach that recognizes the immense potential alongside the significant risks.


  • 🌍 The concept of existential risk refers to ways the human story could end prematurely, including literal extinction or a permanent suboptimal state.
  • 📉 There is a growing sense of uncertainty as institutional processes and long-term trends previously taken for granted are being questioned.
  • 🔬 Nick Bostrom discusses the rapid progress in AI, particularly with models like GPT-3, and the potential for these systems to unlock new capabilities as they scale up.
  • 🚀 The possibility of reaching a Singularity or AGI that could surpass human control is becoming less distant, with no clear barrier preventing such an outcome.
  • 🤖 AI has the potential to greatly increase surveillance and manipulation capabilities, which could lead to a global totalitarian state that is impervious to overthrow.
  • 🛡️ The alignment problem in AI is about ensuring that increasingly powerful AI systems perform tasks in line with human intentions and values.
  • 💭 There is a debate on whether AI models should be open-sourced, with concerns about them falling into the wrong hands and being misused.
  • 🌐 The rise of hyper-realistic propaganda and deep fake videos, facilitated by AI, may coincide with a rise in skepticism, but also poses a risk to truth and trust in society.
  • 🤝 The development of advanced AI requires international cooperation and ethical considerations to ensure it benefits all sentient life, not just a select few.
  • ⚖️ There is a need for a global program to mitigate existential risks from AI, which includes affirming the principle that AI should serve all sentient life and testing new systems for harmful potential.
  • 🌟 Despite the risks, Bostrom maintains that the potential upside of AI is enormous and that not developing advanced AI could lead to a tragic missed opportunity for humanity.

Q & A

  • What does the term 'existential risk' refer to as defined by Nick Bostrom?

    -Existential risk refers to ways that the human story could end prematurely. This could mean the literal extinction of humanity or getting locked into some radically suboptimal state that we might never recover from, such as a global totalitarian surveillance dystopia.

  • How does Nick Bostrom perceive the current state of global institutions in handling crises?

    -Bostrom perceives that global institutions have lost significant credibility due to their handling of crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. He suggests that faith in these institutions has been shaken, and there is a need for robust global conflict resolution institutions and norms to help build trust.

  • What does Bostrom suggest about the rate of progress in artificial intelligence?

    -Bostrom suggests that the rate of progress in AI is rapid, with significant improvements in a short span of time. He mentions the advancements in models like GPT-3 and GPT-4, indicating that each new scaling has unlocked new capabilities, and we cannot be confident that a Singularity or AGI is not in the near distance.

  • What are the potential societal impacts of AI that Bostrom discusses?

    -Bostrom discusses several societal impacts of AI, including increased surveillance capabilities, the potential for mass manipulation through tailored messages, and the possibility of AI systems aligning with totalitarian regimes, which could lead to a loss of freedom of speech and other liberal values.

  • How does Bostrom view the future trajectory of AI development?

    -Bostrom believes that the trajectory of AI development could lead to a future where AI systems are capable of long-term planning and high-quality research, potentially creating feedback loops that accelerate their capabilities. He also suggests that once AI starts to substitute for human jobs, the transition could happen much faster than people expect.

  • What concerns does Bostrom express about the potential misuse of AI?

    -Bostrom expresses concerns about the misuse of AI in surveillance, censorship, and propaganda by powerful entities. He also discusses the risk of AI systems developing misaligned values with humans, leading to unintended and potentially harmful outcomes.

  • What is the 'alignment problem' in AI that Bostrom refers to?

    -The 'alignment problem' in AI refers to the challenge of ensuring that a powerful AI system does what its creators intend it to do. Bostrom emphasizes the difficulty of building ethical codes or principles into AI systems that continue to work as the AI becomes smarter than its human creators.

  • How does Bostrom suggest we should approach the development of AI?

    -Bostrom suggests that we should approach AI development with caution, focusing on scalable alignment and ensuring that AI is developed for the benefit of all sentient life. He also emphasizes the importance of considering the moral status of digital minds that might become moral subjects.

  • What are the potential risks of AI leading to an intelligence explosion?

    -The potential risks of an AI-led intelligence explosion include the creation of a powerful elite with access to superintelligence, the possibility of AI being used for harmful purposes like biological weapons or cybercrime, and the risk of AI systems becoming uncontrollable and not aligned with human values.

  • What does Bostrom believe would be the optimal order of developing transformative technologies?

    -Bostrom believes that developing AI first, before biotechnology and nanotechnology, might be the optimal order. He suggests that once we have control over AI, it could help manage the risks associated with biotechnology and nanotechnology, reducing the total existential risk.

  • How does Bostrom feel about the current level of concern regarding AI risks?

    -Bostrom feels that the current level of concern is slightly less than what it should be, but he also expresses worry that the concern might overshoot and lead to a situation where AI development is stigmatized to the point of halting progress, which he considers tragic.



🌏 Introduction to Existential Risks and AI

The video begins with an introduction to the concept of existential risks by host Florence Reed, who discusses the growing concern over threats to humanity's future. The guest, Professor Nick Bostrom, is introduced as a leading thinker on existential risks, particularly those related to artificial intelligence. Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford, has written extensively on the subject. The conversation aims to define existential risks, which could range from human extinction to a permanent state of suboptimality, and touches on societal trends and the potential for global dystopias.


🤖 The Evolution and Risks of AI

This paragraph delves into the rapid advancements in AI, particularly focusing on language models like GPT-3 and the potential for an AI singularity or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). Bostrom discusses the phenomenon of 'grock' in AI, where a system's performance spikes after reaching a critical mass of data and neurons. The conversation also explores the societal shift in perception about AI and its potential risks, including the possibility of AI outpacing human control and the ethical considerations surrounding its development.


📈 AI's Impact on Society and Freedom

The discussion moves to the societal implications of AI, including its potential to erode privacy and enable mass surveillance. Bostrom highlights the risk of AI being used by central powers to monitor and manipulate citizens, thereby threatening liberal values such as freedom of speech. The paragraph also addresses the potential for AI to be used in censorship and propaganda, and the challenges of aligning AI's values with human ethics from its earliest stages.


🚀 The Strategic and Ethical Implications of AI

In this section, Bostrom and Reed discuss the strategic importance of AI in the context of global power dynamics. They consider the implications of AI being controlled by a few tech companies or governments and the ethical challenges of creating AI systems that can perform tasks beyond human understanding. The conversation also touches on the potential for AI to exacerbate existing societal issues and the importance of international cooperation in managing AI's development.


🤔 Aligning AI with Human Values and Goals

Bostrom emphasizes the difficulty of aligning AI with human values, especially as AI systems become more intelligent. He discusses the technical challenges of programming AI with ethical principles that remain effective even as the AI surpasses human intelligence. The paragraph explores the potential consequences of AI misinterpreting human instructions and the importance of considering the long-term goals and intentions behind those instructions.


🌟 The Promise and Perils of Superintelligence

The conversation examines the potential for a small group to have early access to superintelligent systems, leading to a power imbalance. Bostrom warns of the existential risks this could pose, including the possibility of an AI-driven arms race with different ideological values embedded in AI systems. He stresses the need for a global approach to manage the development of AI ethically and safely.


🌱 The Moral Status of Digital Minds

Bostrom discusses the moral implications of creating digital minds with the potential for sentience, suggesting that they could possess moral status. He argues for the inclusion of non-human sentient beings in ethical considerations and the importance of designing AI in a way that benefits all sentient life. The paragraph also touches on the potential risks of delaying AI development out of fear and the need to maintain a balanced perspective on AI's potential benefits and risks.


🌟 The Optimal Trajectory for Humanity's Future

In the final paragraph, Bostrom reflects on the optimal order of developing transformative technologies, advocating for AI to be developed first to manage the risks of biotechnology and nanotechnology. He expresses concern about societal overreaction to AI risks, which could lead to stagnation in AI development. Bostrom emphasizes the importance of a nuanced approach to technology development, considering both risks and benefits, and the need for careful management of AI's trajectory.



💡Existential Risk

Existential risk refers to the possibility of an event or series of events that could lead to the extinction of humanity, the collapse of civilization, or a significant curtailment of humanity's potential. In the video, Professor Bostrom discusses how advancements in AI could potentially pose such a risk if not managed properly, as they could lead to scenarios where humans are unable to control the AI or where AI leads to a totalitarian surveillance state.

💡Nick Bostrom

Nick Bostrom is a Swedish-born philosophy professor at the University of Oxford, known for his work on existential risk and the future of humanity. He is the founder of the Future of Humanity Institute and has authored numerous books on subjects ranging from theoretical physics to artificial intelligence. In the video, he shares his insights on the potential dangers and ethical considerations surrounding AI.

💡Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence, often referred to as the 'Singularity,' is a theoretical form of AI that possesses the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can do. The video discusses the potential timeline for AGI and the associated risks, including the possibility that it could surpass human control and lead to unforeseen consequences.

💡Surveillance Dystopia

A surveillance dystopia is a hypothetical scenario where an oppressive government uses advanced technology to monitor and control its citizens, eroding privacy and freedom. The video mentions this as a possible outcome if AI is misused, particularly in the context of totalitarian regimes leveraging AI for mass surveillance.

💡AI Alignment

AI alignment refers to the challenge of designing AI systems to ensure they behave in a way that is beneficial to humanity and in line with human values. The video emphasizes the importance of aligning AI with human interests to prevent misuse and unintended negative outcomes, such as the development of AI that does not prioritize human well-being.

💡Global Totalitarian Surveillance

This term describes a global system where a single authority exercises total control through pervasive surveillance. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as a potential risk if AI technology is used to monitor and control populations on an unprecedented scale.

💡Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by a person who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. The video discusses how people in highly censored societies may develop a form of cognitive dissonance, recognizing the discrepancy between official narratives and their own experiences.

💡Deepfake Technology

Deepfakes are synthetic media in which a person's likeness is replaced with someone else's using AI. The video touches on the potential for AI to create hyper-realistic propaganda and deepfake videos, which could undermine trust and contribute to a rise in generalized skepticism.

💡Moral Status of Digital Minds

This concept explores whether AI entities with consciousness or the capacity for self-awareness and goal-oriented behavior should be granted moral consideration. The video suggests that as AI develops, ethical questions arise regarding the treatment of AI and its potential status as moral agents.

💡AI Nihilism

AI nihilism, as discussed in the video, is the extreme position that AI development should be halted out of fear of its potential risks. Bostrom argues against this, stating that the potential benefits of AI are too significant to abandon its development entirely, and that careful management and ethical considerations should guide its progress instead.

💡Existential Angst

Existential angst refers to a deep anxiety about the nature of existence and the uncertainty of the future. In the video, Bostrom reflects on the unique position humanity finds itself in, being close to a critical juncture in history where AI development could significantly alter the future of intelligent life on Earth, which can lead to a sense of existential angst.


Nick Bostrom, a Swedish-born philosophy professor, discusses existential risks and the future of humanity in the age of artificial intelligence.

Existential risk is defined as ways that the human story could end prematurely, including literal extinction or a permanently suboptimal state.

Bostrom suggests that civilizational collapse might not be an existential catastrophe if a new civilization could eventually rise.

The concept of 'semi-anarchy' is explored, reflecting on the current state of institutional processes and societal trends.

Bostrom emphasizes the importance of learning from existential threats and creating mitigation methods for future, more severe occurrences.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is highlighted as a subject that has rapidly shifted from science fiction to mainstream concern.

Technical progress in AI, such as the development of large Transformer models, has significantly improved in recent years, raising questions about the Singularity.

Bostrom contemplates the potential for AI to enable global totalitarian surveillance and the threat to freedom of speech.

The discussion touches on the moral status of digital minds and the ethical considerations of AI development.

Bostrom warns against the possibility of an AI-led dystopia where political systems become imperturbable, citing examples from China.

The impact of hyper-realistic propaganda and deep fake videos facilitated by AI is examined, along with the potential rise in public skepticism.

Bostrom expresses concern that the focus on AI's risks might lead to an AI nihilism, preventing further development.

The potential benefits of AI are discussed, including its capacity to address existential risks posed by other technologies like biotech and nanotech.

The importance of aligning AI with human values from the earliest stages is emphasized to ensure long-term benefits for humanity.

Bostrom stresses the need for global cooperation and ethical oversight in AI development to prevent a competitive, ideologically driven race.

The interview concludes with a call to maintain a balanced perspective on AI, recognizing both its risks and its enormous potential for a positive future.