Nightmarish Crime in Sweden. Enough is Enough

The Golden One
12 Apr 202405:39

TLDRIn a harrowing incident in Sweden, a father and his 12-year-old son were targeted by a youth gang at a local swimming hall. The father, Mikel, was shot and killed after confronting the group, leaving his son to call the police and inform his grandmother. The video script criticizes the mainstream political response to crime, suggesting that mass immigration and open borders have led to escalating violence. It calls for a repatriation process and urges the Sweden Democrats to work harder for real change, implying that the current political climate enables such tragedies to continue.


  • 📢 A recent crime in Sweden involved the tragic death of a father and his confrontation with a youth gang at a local swimming hall.
  • 😔 The father, Mikel, and his 12-year-old son were harassed, leading Mikel to confront the gang, which resulted in his murder.
  • 🚨 The incident highlights the ongoing challenges with youth gangs and public safety in Sweden.
  • 🤔 The speaker expresses uncertainty about discussing such a grim event but believes it's necessary to raise awareness.
  • 🌍 The script suggests that good men and women should gain political power to implement positive change.
  • 🔄 A large-scale repatriation process is proposed as a solution to prevent such crimes in the future.
  • 📉 The speaker criticizes mainstream politicians for their past support of mass immigration and multicultural projects.
  • 😡 The speaker holds mainstream politicians accountable for the current state of affairs, claiming they have 'blood on their hands'.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The tragedy is a call to action for the Swedish Democrats and other political parties to work harder for change.
  • 💪 The Sweden Democrats are encouraged to use their position as the second largest party to effect real change.
  • 🕊️ The speaker ends with a message of rest in peace for the victim and a warning that tragedies will continue without real change.

Q & A

  • What was the activity Mikel and his son were engaged in before the incident?

    -Mikel and his 12-year-old son were going to the local swimming hall for a nice training session.

  • What led to the confrontation between Mikel and the youth gang?

    -Mikel and his son were harassed by a youth gang, which led Mikel to confront them to stop the harassment.

  • What was the outcome of Mikel's confrontation with the youth gang?

    -The youth gang responded to Mikel's confrontation by shooting him in the head, resulting in his death.

  • Who had to call the police after the incident?

    -Mikel's 12-year-old son had to call the police himself after the shooting.

  • What was the speaker's proposed solution to prevent such incidents?

    -The speaker proposed that good men and women get into positions of power and influence to implement positive change, including a large scale repatriation process.

  • What was the speaker's criticism towards the mainstream politicians in Sweden?

    -The speaker criticized the mainstream politicians for their inaction and for having blood on their hands due to their support of mass immigration and open borders, which the speaker believes led to the incident.

  • How did the speaker describe the response of the politicians after the incident?

    -The speaker described the politicians as expressing sorrow and talking about the need for tough measures, but also criticized them for previous promotion of mass immigration and multiculturalism.

  • What was the speaker's message to the Sweden Democrats?

    -The speaker encouraged the Sweden Democrats to work harder to bring about the necessary changes to prevent such tragedies, acknowledging that they are in a position of power as the second largest party in Sweden.

  • What did the speaker imply about the general European situation regarding immigration?

    -The speaker implied that the situation in Sweden is not unique, and that similar issues are occurring all over Europe due to mass immigration and open borders.

  • What was the speaker's closing sentiment regarding the prevention of future tragedies?

    -The speaker expressed that tragedies will continue to occur until real change is implemented, implying that the current policies and approaches are ineffective.



😔 Tragic Incident at a Swedish Swimming Hall

The paragraph discusses a recent tragic event in Sweden where a father, Mikel, and his 12-year-old son were harassed by a youth gang at a local swimming hall. The father confronts the gang, leading to his untimely death as they shoot him in the head. The son is left to call the police and inform his grandmother about the incident. The speaker expresses their reluctance to share such a grim story but emphasizes the importance of discussing it to raise awareness about ongoing issues.


🤔 Reflecting on the Incident and Calling for Change

In this paragraph, the speaker delves deeper into the implications of the tragic event, questioning the societal and political factors that led to it. They argue that the solution lies in good men and women gaining political power and influence to implement positive change. The speaker advocates for a large-scale repatriation process and criticizes mainstream politicians in Sweden for their role in the incident. They also address the wider issue of mass immigration and its consequences across Europe, urging the Sweden Democrats to work harder towards achieving real change to prevent such tragedies from recurring.



💡Nightmarish Crime

The term 'nightmarish crime' refers to a crime that is so horrifying and disturbing that it seems like a nightmare. In the context of the video, it is used to describe the tragic and brutal murder of a father in Sweden, which was committed in front of his 12-year-old son. This event is depicted as a horrifying and senseless act of violence that has deeply shocked and disturbed the community.


Multiculturalism is a concept that promotes the coexistence and appreciation of multiple cultures within a society. However, in the video, the term 'Multicultural H project' is used sarcastically to criticize the perceived failure of multiculturalism in Sweden, implying that the integration of different cultures has led to increased crime and social tension.

💡Youth Gang

A 'youth gang' is a group of young individuals who associate with each other and engage in criminal activities together. In the video, the term is used to describe the perpetrators of the crime, highlighting the issue of youth involvement in criminal activities and the broader societal problems that may contribute to such behavior.


Harassment refers to the act of bullying, threatening, or annoying someone in a persistent manner. In the context of the video, the father and son were subjected to harassment by a youth gang, which escalated to a tragic end when the father attempted to confront the harassers.


A confrontation is a face-to-face meeting or situation in which conflict or disagreement is expressed. In the video, the term is used to describe the father's attempt to address the harassment by the youth gang, which unfortunately resulted in his murder.

💡Political Power

Political power refers to the ability to influence or control the decision-making process within a government or political system. The video emphasizes the importance of individuals with good intentions gaining political power to implement positive change and address issues such as crime and social unrest.


Repatriation is the process of returning individuals to their home country, often used in the context of immigration. In the video, the speaker suggests large-scale repatriation as a solution to the problems they perceive as stemming from mass immigration and multiculturalism.

💡Social Democrats

The Social Democrats are a political party that typically aligns with social democratic principles, advocating for a balance between capitalism and socialism to achieve social justice and welfare. In the video, the speaker criticizes the Social Democrats for their role in shaping immigration policies that, according to the speaker, have led to increased crime and social unrest.

💡Sweden Democrats

The Sweden Democrats is a political party in Sweden that is known for its nationalist and anti-immigration stance. The video encourages the Sweden Democrats to work harder to bring about the changes that the speaker believes are necessary to address the issues of crime and social tension.

💡Mass Immigration

Mass immigration refers to the large-scale movement of people into a country, often resulting in significant demographic changes. In the video, the speaker criticizes mass immigration and suggests that it is a contributing factor to the crime and social unrest that they describe.

💡Human Rights

Human rights are the fundamental rights and freedoms that all individuals are entitled to, regardless of nationality, race, religion, or any other status. In the video, the speaker argues that those who commit heinous crimes, such as the murder described, should not be afforded the same human rights protections as law-abiding citizens.


A father and his 12-year-old son were harassed by a youth gang at a local swimming hall in Sweden.

The father, 39-year-old Mikel, confronted the gang, leading to him being shot in the head.

The son was forced to call the police and inform his grandmother about the tragic incident.

The video creator expresses difficulty in discussing such a grim event but believes it's necessary to raise awareness.

The solution proposed is for good men to gain political power and implement positive change.

The video criticizes the mass immigration and open borders policies for leading to such violent crimes.

The speaker holds mainstream politicians in Sweden responsible for not addressing the root causes of such incidents.

The video mentions that warnings about the negative consequences of mass immigration have been ignored for decades.

Politicians are accused of expressing crocodile tears and not taking meaningful action after the tragedy.

The narrative criticizes the focus on human rights for criminals while ignoring the victims of heinous crimes.

The Sweden Democrats are urged to work harder to bring about the needed change.

The video creator identifies as too radical for mainstream politics due to their proposed solutions.

The core message is that real change is needed to prevent such tragedies from recurring.

The video ends with a call for rest in peace for the victim of the crime.

The incident is presented as part of a larger pattern of violence in Europe due to mass immigration.

The video emphasizes that those who speak out against such issues are not the problem, but rather the politicians who create them.

The tragedy is used to highlight the urgent need for a large-scale repatriation process.