Oh Sherrie (Video)

Steve Perry
15 Sept 201305:40

TLDRThe script presents a behind-the-scenes look at a film production where the lead actor, Steve, struggles with the creative direction of his role. Amidst the chaos of filming, with elements of a fantasy epic including a prince's kidnapping and a battle between good and evil, Steve grapples with the discordance between his character's love song and the action-packed narrative. Tensions rise as Steve's dissatisfaction and the production's potential budget issues come to a head, leading to a pivotal moment where Steve's commitment to the project is questioned.


  • 🎬 The script appears to be from a film or video production set, with various scenes and dialogues.
  • 🎶 There is a musical component, with triumphant trumpeting and a love song being played and discussed.
  • 🎥 The character named Steve is dissatisfied with the current production, feeling it doesn't align with his vision or expectations.
  • 👥 There is a sense of tension and confusion among the crew members, as they try to understand and address Steve's concerns.
  • 🎬 The production involves elements of fantasy or adventure, with references to a kidnapping, a flaming forest of doom, and a battle between good and evil.
  • 🎤 Steve is a performer who has traveled from England and is unhappy with the direction the project is taking.
  • 💰 There are concerns about the production going over budget, with financial implications for certain individuals involved.
  • 🎶 A song titled 'Sherrie (Our Love Holds On)' is a central element, with its lyrics and impact on the characters being significant.
  • 📺 There is mention of a feature story by 'Video Rock Magazine', indicating media interest in the production.
  • 🕒 The production is paused for a break, during which some of the key interactions and discussions take place.
  • 🎬 The script highlights the dynamics and challenges of a creative process, with artistic differences and interpersonal conflicts coming to the forefront.

Q & A

  • What is the main conflict that the character Steve is experiencing?

    -Steve is struggling with the discrepancy between his personal artistic vision and the commercial demands of the project he is working on.

  • What is the setting of the script?

    -The script appears to be set on a film set, where Steve is involved in the production of a music video or a scene from a movie.

  • What is the significance of the love song mentioned by Steve?

    -The love song signifies Steve's desire to express his artistic sensibilities, which are at odds with the action-oriented theme of the production.

  • How does the director react to Steve's reluctance to continue with the scene?

    -The director is confused and concerned, trying to understand Steve's issue and encouraging him to continue with the production.

  • What is the role of Fred in this script?

    -Fred seems to be another member of the production team, possibly a crew member or a fellow actor, who is also trying to understand and address Steve's concerns.

  • Why does Steve mention coming from England and being busy?

    -Steve's mention of coming from England and being busy indicates his high demand and professional commitments, highlighting his frustration with the current project.

  • What is the significance of the 'flaming forest of doom' and the 'battle' mentioned in the script?

    -These elements represent the fantastical and action-packed aspects of the production that Steve is uncomfortable with, as they clash with his artistic preferences.

  • What does the phrase 'It's coming out of your pocket' imply?

    -This phrase suggests that if the production goes over budget, Fred, who is part of the production team, will have to cover the additional costs personally.

  • What is the role of the character Jack from 'Video Rock Magazine'?

    -Jack is a journalist or reporter from 'Video Rock Magazine' who is present to conduct interviews and cover the production for a feature story.

  • How does the script end?

    -The script ends with Steve leaving the set abruptly, despite the label's approval of the work and the director's calls for him to continue filming.

  • What is the overall tone of the script?

    -The overall tone of the script is tense and dramatic, highlighting the conflict between artistic integrity and commercial success.



🎬 On-Set Conflict

The first paragraph of the script depicts a tense scene on a film set. A character named Steve is struggling with the direction of his role, expressing dissatisfaction with the current scene which involves triumphant music and a dramatic dialogue. The director tries to intervene, but Steve insists that the scene doesn't align with his character, mentioning a love song that seems out of place. The conversation reveals Steve's frustration with the production and his desire for a deeper, more meaningful portrayal of his character. Amidst the chaos, there's a mention of overage and budget concerns, and a brief musical interlude with a song about a character named Sherrie.


🎭 Resuming the Shoot

The second paragraph continues the narrative on the film set. The director attempts to refocus the team, specifically addressing Steve to get back into costume for a scene at the temple. However, Steve is hesitant and seems to be distancing himself from the production, leading to a sense of urgency and confusion among the crew. The paragraph ends with the director's repeated calls for Steve, highlighting the tension and the potential disruption to the filming schedule.



💡Triumphant Trumpeting

The term 'triumphant trumpeting' refers to the victorious and celebratory sound of trumpets, often used in media to signify a moment of success or grand reveal. In the context of the video, it sets an upbeat and victorious tone, possibly indicating a climactic moment or a significant achievement by the characters.

💡Camera Two Apple

In film production, 'Camera Two Apple' likely refers to a specific camera setup or shot labeled as 'Apple' for the second unit. This term is part of the technical jargon used on set to coordinate and execute the filming process. The mention of this term in the script indicates a behind-the-scenes look at the filming process, highlighting the production aspect of the video.


In filmmaking, 'cut' is a command used by the director to signal the end of a scene or take. It signifies that the filming of that particular moment is complete and that the crew can move on to the next setup or take a break. The use of 'cut' in the script shows the dynamic and fast-paced nature of a film set, where precision and efficiency are key.

💡Love Song

A 'love song' is a musical piece that expresses feelings of love, affection, or romantic longing. In the context of the video, it suggests a thematic element of romance or emotional connection, which may contrast with the other elements of the script such as action or conflict.

💡Kidnapping of the Prince

The 'kidnapping of the prince' is a plot element that suggests a narrative involving a high-stakes situation, often found in stories with themes of heroism, rescue, and adventure. This concept in the script indicates that the video may contain elements of fantasy or action, where characters are involved in dramatic and challenging circumstances.

💡Flaming Forest of Doom

The term 'Flaming Forest of Doom' evokes a vivid and dramatic setting, likely used to create a sense of danger, adventure, or otherworldliness in the narrative. This concept suggests that the video may contain fantastical or epic elements, where characters face formidable challenges in their journey.


A 'battle' typically refers to a fight or conflict between opposing forces, often a central element in stories involving struggle, bravery, and resolution. In the context of the video, it implies that there may be a significant confrontation or clash, which could be a key turning point in the narrative.


In the context of film production, 'overage' refers to the cost incurred when a project goes beyond its scheduled shooting days or allocated budget. This term is significant as it reflects the practical concerns of filmmaking, such as time management and budget constraints, which can impact the creative process and the final product.

💡Feature Story

A 'feature story' is an in-depth report or article that focuses on a particular subject, often providing detailed information and analysis. In the context of the script, it suggests that the video may involve a journalistic or documentary aspect, where the story is being told through interviews or extensive coverage.

💡Temple Shot

The term 'temple shot' likely refers to a specific camera shot or scene set in a temple, which could be a significant location within the narrative. This concept suggests that the video may contain elements of adventure, history, or culture, as temples often hold symbolic or historical importance.


In the context of the music and entertainment industry, 'label' refers to a record label, which is a brand or company that produces and promotes music recordings and music videos. The mention of the 'label' in the script indicates that the video may involve the music industry and the business aspects of creating and distributing content.


The opening triumphant trumpeting sets a dramatic tone.

The phrase 'This is ridiculous' indicates a moment of disbelief or frustration.

The direction 'Camera two apple, take six' reveals technical aspects of the production.

The abrupt 'cut it!' command suggests a halt in the proceedings.

The line 'This, this is not me' conveys a personal conflict or identity crisis.

The question 'What the hell's going on?' expresses confusion and a search for clarity.

The apology 'I'm sorry' hints at a possible mistake or misunderstanding.

The mention of 'the kidnapping of the prince' alludes to a plot element.

The 'flaming forest of doom' is a fantastical and dramatic setting.

The phrase 'death between good and evil' suggests a moral or ideological struggle.

The love song mentioned indicates a romantic subplot or theme.

The character's busy schedule and origin 'from England' provide background information.

The concern about 'over budget' reflects financial constraints on the production.

The song lyrics provide insight into a character's emotional state and relationship.

The line 'I kinda like you, baby' reveals a softer, personal side of a character.

The request for a 'temple shot' indicates a specific scene or visual element.

The label's approval 'the label loved it' suggests external validation of the work.