Ollama - Local Models on your machine

Sam Witteveen
8 Oct 202309:33

TLDRIn this video, the creator explores Ollama, a user-friendly tool for running large language models locally on MacOS and Linux, with Windows support coming soon. Ollama supports various models including LLaMA-2, uncensored LLaMA, and Mistral, allowing users to easily download, install, and interact with these models via a command-line interface. The video demonstrates the process of downloading models, creating a custom prompt, and running them locally, showcasing the potential for non-technical users to engage with AI models.


  • 🌟 Ollama is a user-friendly tool designed to run large language models on a local computer, currently supporting MacOS and Linux with Windows support coming soon.
  • 🔍 The tool allows users to easily install and interact with various models, including but not limited to LLaMA-2, uncensored LLaMA, CodeLLaMA, Falcon, and Mistral.
  • 📋 Ollama's interface is command-line based, requiring familiarity with terminal usage on MacOS or Linux, with Windows support expected to expand its user base.
  • 🚀 Users can download and run models directly through Ollama, with the tool handling the downloading and installation of the models as needed.
  • 📈 Ollama provides detailed information about the models, including their size, requirements, and source, enabling users to make informed choices about which models to run.
  • 🎨 Custom prompts can be created by users, allowing for tailored interactions with the language models, as demonstrated by the creation of a 'Hogwarts' themed prompt.
  • 🗑️ Models can be easily removed through Ollama, with the tool managing the associated weights and allowing for multiple models to share the same underlying data if needed.
  • 📝 Ollama's potential for integration with other tools, such as LangChain, offers users the opportunity to test out ideas and work with language models in a more dynamic environment.
  • 📚 The script suggests future content will explore additional features of Ollama, including the loading of custom models from platforms like Hugging Face.
  • 🤖 The use of Ollama is presented as a significant advantage for non-technical users, providing them with the ability to interact with and experiment with large language models in a more accessible way.
  • 💡 The video serves as an introduction to Ollama, aiming to educate viewers on its capabilities and potential uses, while also inviting feedback and suggestions for further content.

Q & A

  • What is the Ollama tool?

    -Ollama is a user-friendly tool designed to run large language models locally on a computer. It currently supports MacOS and Linux, with Windows support in development.

  • What are the advantages of using Ollama for non-technical users?

    -Ollama makes it easy for non-technical users to install and use large language models locally by providing a simple interface and command-line operations, eliminating the need for extensive technical knowledge or cloud-based operations.

  • Which models does Ollama support?

    -Ollama supports various models including LLaMA-2, uncensored LLaMA, CodeLLaMA, Falcon, Mistral, and open-source fine-tuned models like Vicuna and WizardCoder.

  • How does Ollama facilitate the use of different models?

    -Ollama allows users to download and run different models locally. It provides commands to list, run, and even remove models as needed, offering flexibility in testing and using various language models.

  • What is the process for downloading and using a model with Ollama?

    -To download and use a model with Ollama, users need to visit the Ollama website, download the tool, install it on their machine, and run it through the command line. The tool then serves the model via an API, allowing users to interact with it.

  • How can users check the available commands with Ollama?

    -Users can check the available commands by using the 'Ollama help' command in the terminal. This will display a list of available commands and their usage.

  • What is the significance of the custom prompt feature in Ollama?

    -The custom prompt feature allows users to tailor the system prompt to specific scenarios or contexts. This enables the language model to generate responses that are more relevant and accurate to the user's requirements.

  • How does the Ollama tool handle the deletion of models?

    -When a user deletes a model with Ollama, it removes the specific model files. However, if other models are using the same underlying weights, those weights are not deleted and can still be utilized by the remaining models.

  • What is the expected future development for Ollama?

    -The expected future development for Ollama includes the release of Windows support, which will make the tool accessible to a broader user base and expand its utility.

  • How can users provide feedback or request additional features for Ollama?

    -Users can provide feedback or request additional features by leaving comments on the video or reaching out through the Ollama website or community forums, if available.

  • What is the potential use case for Ollama with LangChain?

    -Ollama can be used in conjunction with LangChain to run models locally for testing and development purposes. This can help users experiment with different models and ideas in a local environment before potentially deploying them in a cloud-based or production setting.



🌟 Introduction to Ollama and its Features

The speaker begins by sharing their experience at the LangChain offices where they discovered Ollama, a tool designed to run large language models locally on computers. Despite their preference for cloud-based models, the speaker was intrigued by Ollama's ease of installation and its potential to benefit non-technical users. Ollama supports various models, including LLaMA-2, Mistral, and others, and is available for MacOS and Linux with Windows support in development. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on downloading and installing Ollama, as well as using the command line to interact with the tool and download models. They also discuss the process of running models and accessing help commands within the Ollama interface.


📜 Custom Prompts and Model Management with Ollama

In this segment, the speaker delves into the capabilities of Ollama for creating custom prompts and managing different models. They demonstrate how to use the tool to write an email to Sam Altman about open sourcing GPT-4, highlighting the coherent output from the LLaMA-2 instruct model. The speaker addresses the censorship of the LLaMA-2 model and shows how to switch to an uncensored model for more freedom. The speaker then guides the audience through creating a custom prompt named 'Hogwarts', where they set hyperparameters and a system prompt to generate responses as Professor Dumbledore. They explain the process of saving the custom prompt, creating a model from it, and running the model to interact with it. The speaker also covers how to list, remove, and manage models within Ollama. They conclude by mentioning future videos on using Ollama with LangChain and loading custom models from Hugging Face, and encourage viewers to ask questions and engage with the content.




LangChain is an organization or platform mentioned in the script that seems to be related to the development or use of language models. It is significant in the context of the video as the speaker was at the LangChain offices when they discovered the Ollama sticker, which initiated their exploration and subsequent video content about Ollama.


Ollama is a user-friendly tool that allows individuals to run large language models on their computers locally. It supports various models including but not limited to LLaMA-2, uncensored LLaMA, and Mistral. The tool is particularly beneficial for non-technical users who want to explore and use language models without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

💡Large Language Models

Large Language Models refer to complex artificial intelligence models capable of understanding and generating human-like text. These models are often used for various language-related tasks such as translation, text summarization, and content creation. The video discusses the use of such models, particularly in the context of running them locally using Ollama.


In the context of the video, 'cloud' refers to cloud computing, a technology that allows users to access computing resources like servers, storage, and applications over the internet. The speaker typically uses language models hosted on cloud platforms, which offer scalability and convenience.

💡Command Line

The command line, also known as the terminal in MacOS or Linux systems, is a text-based interface for interacting with the computer's operating system. In the video, the command line is used to operate Ollama, allowing users to run and interact with language models through typed commands.

💡Model Downloading

Model downloading refers to the process of acquiring the necessary files and data for a language model from a remote server to a local machine. In the context of the video, the speaker describes the process of downloading models through Ollama, which involves pulling down a manifest file and then the actual model data.


Hyperparameters are configuration settings for a machine learning model that are set before the model is trained or used. In the video, the speaker mentions the ability to set hyperparameters such as temperature within a model file when customizing a prompt for Ollama.

💡Custom Prompt

A custom prompt is a user-defined input or set of instructions that guides the language model to generate specific types of responses. In the video, the speaker creates a custom prompt called 'Hogwarts', which instructs the model to respond as if it were Professor Dumbledore, providing information about Hogwarts and wizardry.

💡Model Removal

Model removal refers to the process of deleting a language model from a local machine. In the video, the speaker explains how to remove a model like 'Mario' from their local Ollama installation, while retaining the underlying weights for other models that might still utilize them.

💡Windows Support

Windows support in the context of the video refers to the upcoming availability of Ollama for use on Microsoft Windows operating systems. The speaker mentions this as a positive development that will expand the accessibility of Ollama to Windows users.

💡Open Source Models

Open source models are those whose source code and underlying algorithms are made publicly available, allowing anyone to use, modify, and distribute them without restriction. In the video, the speaker mentions fine-tuning open source models like LLaMA-2 and Mistral, indicating the flexibility and collaborative nature of these models.


The introduction of Ollama, a user-friendly tool for running large language models locally.

Ollama's support for MacOS and Linux, with Windows support coming soon.

The ability to easily install a local model, which is beneficial for non-technical users.

Ollama's support for various models including LLaMA-2, uncensored LLaMA, CodeLLaMA, Falcon, Mistral, and open source fine tunes like Vicuna and WizardCoder.

The demonstration of downloading and using the LLaMA-2 instruct model through Ollama.

The process of downloading a 3.8 gigabyte model and the time it takes.

Using the command line to operate Ollama, including the use of Terminal on MacOS.

The capability to create custom prompts with Ollama, such as the 'Hogwarts' example.

The demonstration of running a custom prompt, where the model responds as Professor Dumbledore from Hogwarts.

The explanation of how to remove a model from Ollama and the impact on shared weights.

The potential for future videos exploring more features of Ollama and its integration with LangChain.

The ease of running models locally with Ollama and its potential to make AI more accessible.

The importance of Ollama for educational purposes, allowing users to experiment with different models.

The anticipation for the Windows version of Ollama and its potential to broaden its user base.

The call to action for viewers to ask questions, like, and subscribe for more content on Ollama and similar tools.

The acknowledgment of the limitations of the tool for Windows users and the promise of upcoming improvements.