Regulaciones a la IA - Oye89.7

31 Mar 202404:42

TLDRThe discussion revolves around the recent legislation in the European Union regarding the regulation of artificial intelligence. It highlights the lawmakers' focus on how AI develops and programs, and its access to information, especially personal data. The new law ensures privacy protection by restricting AI access to private data and introduces measures against the misuse of AI, such as creating deepfakes. The conversation also touches on the importance of adapting laws to keep pace with technological advancements and the potential for other countries to adopt similar regulations.


  • 📜 The European Union has passed a law to regulate Artificial Intelligence, addressing concerns about its development and application.
  • 😃 The law focuses on how AI accesses information, particularly concerning personal data and privacy rights.
  • 🚫 AI is prohibited from accessing private data, whether it's publicly available on the internet or not, including photos, bank details, and personal identification records.
  • 🔓 A significant restriction is placed on the type of data that AI can access, especially concerning minors, requiring age verification through an INE key for certain requests.
  • 🎭 The law also tackles the issue of Deepfakes, making it a punishable act to generate misleading content using AI in Europe.
  • 🌟 The legislation is considered comprehensive and may serve as a model for other countries to follow in protecting private data and setting boundaries for AI use.
  • 📖 The law emphasizes the need for ongoing adaptation as technology evolves, ensuring regulations stay relevant and effective.
  • 🚫 AI is not allowed to reach levels of self-awareness or consciousness, under any circumstances, to prevent potential ethical and existential risks.
  • 🤖 The development and functionality of AI algorithms were not a focus of the legislation, highlighting the need for future laws to address these technical aspects.
  • 🌐 The discussion highlights the importance of balancing innovation with privacy and ethical considerations in the development and use of AI technologies.
  • 📈 The law is seen as a starting point, indicating that legal frameworks for AI need to be dynamic and responsive to emerging technologies and societal impacts.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the script?

    -The main topic discussed in the script is the new law passed in the European Union that regulates Artificial Intelligence (AI).

  • What did the European deputies focus on when legislating about AI?

    -The European deputies focused on how AI is developed and programmed, rather than the algorithms themselves. They also discussed the access to information, specifically which databases AI can access.

  • What kind of data did the law specify AI should not have access to?

    -The law specified that AI should not have access to private data, whether it is publicly available on the internet or not. This includes personal data, bank data, driving licenses, and birth certificates.

  • How does the new law address the issue of AI and minors?

    -The law states that AI systems should only respond to requests from individuals who are of legal age. For instance, a screen message could ask for an INE (National Electoral Institute) key to confirm the user's age before responding to a request.

  • What is the stance on Deepfakes according to the law?

    -The law considers the creation and distribution of Deepfakes, especially non-consensual explicit images, as punishable acts.

  • Why is the regulation of AI considered important in the context of the EU law?

    -The regulation of AI is considered important to protect private data and to set boundaries on how AI can operate, ensuring that it does not become uncontrollable or develop a sense of consciousness.

  • What is the 'Chinese room' concept mentioned in the script?

    -The 'Chinese room' is a thought experiment in the field of artificial intelligence, which questions whether a machine can truly understand or have consciousness, even if it can mimic human responses.

  • How does the script suggest other countries should approach AI legislation?

    -The script suggests that other countries could replicate the comprehensive approach taken by the EU in legislating AI, focusing on protecting private data and setting clear boundaries for AI development and operation.

  • What is the concern about AI legislation lagging behind technological advancements?

    -The concern is that laws may regulate technologies that are already outdated. It's important for legislation to evolve alongside technology to remain relevant and effective.

  • What is the significance of the law's emphasis on not allowing AI to reach levels of 'disengagement'?

    -The emphasis on not allowing AI to reach levels of 'disengagement' means ensuring that AI systems remain accountable and under control, preventing them from operating autonomously without human oversight.



📜 European AI Regulation Discussion

The paragraph discusses the recent legislation passed in the European Union regarding the regulation of artificial intelligence. It highlights the humorous aspect of the term 'eurodiputado' and emphasizes the importance of the legislation in protecting private data. The European deputies focused on how AI can access information, particularly personal data found online, whether public or private, and restricted access to sensitive information. The legislation also addresses the issue of deepfakes and the potential risks associated with AI developing consciousness. The speaker suggests that this comprehensive approach to AI regulation could serve as a model for other countries.



💡Intelligence Artificial

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the central theme, with the discussion revolving around the European Union's new regulations on its development and use, particularly focusing on data access and privacy concerns.


Legislation refers to the process of making laws in a country or jurisdiction. In the video, the term is used to describe the actions taken by European deputies in creating a legal framework to govern the use of AI, highlighting the importance of having clear rules to manage emerging technologies.

💡Data Protection

Data protection involves safeguarding the privacy and confidentiality of information, especially in the context of personal data. In the video, data protection is a key concern as the new law aims to prevent AI from accessing private information without consent, emphasizing the need to protect individuals' rights in the digital age.

💡Age Verification

Age verification is the process of confirming that a person is of a certain age, usually to ensure they are old enough to engage in certain activities or access specific content. In the video, age verification is mentioned as a requirement for AI responses to requests, highlighting the need to protect minors from inappropriate content and ensure they are treated differently under the law.

💡Deep Fakes

Deep fakes are synthetic media in which a person's likeness—face, voice, and speech patterns—are replaced with someone else's identity, often without their consent. In the video, deep fakes are mentioned as a concern that the new AI regulations aim to address, recognizing the potential for misuse and the need for legal consequences.


Privacy refers to the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people. In the context of the video, privacy is a fundamental right that the new AI regulations aim to protect by limiting the access to personal data and ensuring that AI systems respect individuals' private lives.

💡Technology Regulation

Technology regulation involves the governance and control of technological advancements to ensure they are used responsibly and ethically. In the video, the discussion around AI regulation exemplifies the need for technology regulation to adapt to the rapid changes and potential risks associated with new technologies.

💡Data Access

Data access refers to the ability to retrieve, view, or use data from a database or storage system. In the video, data access is a critical issue as the new AI regulations set boundaries on what kind of data AI systems can access, aiming to prevent privacy violations and misuse of information.


An algorithm is a set of rules or instructions for solving problems or accomplishing tasks, especially in computing. In the context of the video, while the term 'algorithm' is not explicitly discussed, it is implied as the underlying mechanism through which AI systems operate and process data, which is subject to the new regulations.


Consciousness refers to the state of being aware of and able to think and perceive one's surroundings, emotions, and thoughts. In the video, the concept of AI achieving consciousness is discussed as a potential risk that the new regulations aim to prevent, emphasizing the need to keep AI under human control and supervision.

💡European Union

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member countries that are located primarily in Europe. In the video, the EU is mentioned as the entity that has enacted new legislation to regulate AI, demonstrating its role in shaping policies that influence technology development and use across its member states.


New EU law regulates artificial intelligence, setting a precedent for other regions.

The legislation focuses on the development and programming methods of AI, rather than its underlying algorithms.

European lawmakers addressed concerns about AI accessing personal data, emphasizing privacy protection.

The law specifies that AI cannot use private data, whether it's publicly available or not.

Publicly available data, such as driving licenses and birth certificates, is also off-limits for AI under the new law.

AI is restricted from accessing sensitive information, including bank data, to prevent misuse.

The legislation introduces age verification for AI services, ensuring that only adults can access certain content.

The EU law prohibits the creation and distribution of deepfakes, recognizing the potential harm they can cause.

The law is seen as a comprehensive approach to AI regulation, protecting personal data and setting boundaries for AI use.

The legislation is considered a good starting point for other countries to follow in regulating AI.

The law emphasizes the importance of keeping AI under control and preventing it from achieving a level of consciousness.

The discussion highlights the need for laws to adapt as technology evolves, ensuring ongoing relevance.

The law's focus on the scope of AI applications is seen as a way to effectively regulate its use.

The conversation suggests that public awareness and education about AI regulation are crucial.

The law is described as a 'first draft', acknowledging that regulations will need to evolve with technological advancements.

The radio hosts discuss the importance of not regulating outdated technologies, ensuring that laws remain practical and relevant.

The radio program concludes by emphasizing the value of the new EU AI law as a model for other jurisdictions.