15 Jul 202217:30

TLDRThe transcript describes a gaming session where the players discuss the prevalence of cheating in the game 'Rainbow Six Siege'. They express frustration with Ubisoft's lack of interaction with the community and the company's focus on patching harmless glitches while cheating issues persist. The players recount encounters with a cheater who used 'fun cheats', which they find more tolerable than malicious ones. They also mention using 'r6 tracker', a tool for analyzing game stats, and share various in-game experiences, including humorous and frustrating moments. The summary captures the essence of the gaming session, highlighting the community's concerns and the players' dynamic reactions to the game's challenges.


  • 😡 Cheating in games is becoming more prevalent and disruptive, with players using offensive names and exploiting the game.
  • 🎮 The community feels that developers are patching harmless fun aspects like glitches while not effectively addressing cheating.
  • 👍 The speaker encountered a cheater with harmless fun cheats, which they found more acceptable and enjoyable.
  • 😔 There is a sense of disappointment due to the lack of interaction from Ubisoft with the speaker, despite their significant contribution to the game's community.
  • 📈 The use of 'r6 tracker' is highlighted as a useful tool for players to verify stats and improve their gameplay.
  • 😓 The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of acknowledgment from Ubisoft, contrasting it with the warm welcome from other game developers.
  • 🤔 The speaker discusses various cheating tactics observed during gameplay, such as spin botting and wall hacking.
  • 😆 There's a humorous take on a cheater's actions, appreciating the entertainment value in some forms of cheating.
  • 🚫 The speaker condemns certain types of cheating, particularly those involving racism or other inappropriate behaviors.
  • 😲 The game's technical issues are mentioned, including game crashes and the impact on gameplay.
  • 🎉 Despite the challenges, there are moments of victory and teamwork, showcasing the enjoyment that can still be found in the game.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue discussed in the transcript?

    -The main issue discussed is the prevalence of cheating in the game, with players using offensive names and exploits to gain an unfair advantage, which is affecting the enjoyment of the game for others.

  • Why does the speaker express frustration with Ubisoft?

    -The speaker is frustrated because they feel Ubisoft is not interacting with them or acknowledging their existence, despite their channel being based on the game for six years. They also mention that Ubisoft seems to be patching harmless fun aspects of the game while cheating issues persist.

  • What does the speaker find tragic about the current state of the game?

    -The speaker finds it tragic that while the community sees developers patching harmless fun aspects like glitches and hiding spots, cheating in the game is getting worse and not being adequately addressed.

  • What is the role of 'R6 Tracker' in the transcript?

    -R6 Tracker is mentioned as a sponsored tool that allows players to verify the stats of their team and opponents, providing insights into the chances of winning and holding players accountable for their performance.

  • What type of cheating is mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript mentions several types of cheating, including using offensive names, spin botting, shooting through walls, and exploiting game mechanics like ricochets.

  • Why does the speaker express a preference for 'harmless fun cheats'?

    -The speaker expresses a preference for harmless fun cheats because they want the game to be fun and weird again, as opposed to the current state where cheating is ruining the experience for legitimate players.

  • What is the significance of the 'special skin' from the first battle pass mentioned in the transcript?

    -The special skin is mentioned as a noteworthy detail that the speaker notices on a player's gun, indicating that despite the chaotic situation, they are still aware of and can appreciate the cosmetic aspects of the game.

  • What does the speaker mean when they say they want to 't game'?

    -When the speaker says they want to 't game', they mean they are considering leaving or timing out the current game due to frustration with the ongoing situation, particularly the cheating.

  • What is the impact of cheating on the community's perception of the game?

    -Cheating has a negative impact on the community's perception of the game, as it leads to a less enjoyable experience, undermines the integrity of the game, and causes frustration among players who play fairly.

  • How does the speaker react to the various instances of cheating described in the transcript?

    -The speaker reacts with a mix of frustration, sarcasm, and occasional amusement at the more harmless cheats. They also express a desire for the game developers to address the cheating problem more effectively.

  • What is the general tone of the transcript regarding the game's current state?

    -The general tone of the transcript is one of frustration and disappointment with the current state of the game, particularly in relation to the issue of cheating and the perceived lack of action from the game developers.



😤 Frustration with Cheating in Gaming

The speaker expresses frustration with the increasing prevalence of cheating in online gaming, particularly in streamer mode. They discuss how cheaters use offensive names and exploit the game, while developers seem to focus on patching harmless glitches and hiding spots. The speaker also mentions a positive encounter with a cheater who used fun cheats, contrasting with the negative impact of more malicious cheaters. They express disappointment with Ubisoft for not engaging with them as a content creator and encourage viewers to share their frustrations in the comments.


🎮 In-Game Experiences with Cheating and Teamwork

The paragraph details the speaker's in-game experiences, including encounters with cheaters who use various exploits such as spin botting and wall hacking. The speaker also discusses the use of R6 Tracker, a tool for analyzing game statistics, and shares their preference for entertaining cheats over toxic behavior. The narrative includes moments of strategy and teamwork, with the speaker and their teammates coordinating their actions and reacting to the opponents' moves. There's also a mention of a player named 'Monty' who is appreciated for his entertaining cheats.


🤯 Cheating and Technical Issues in Online Matches

This section describes the speaker's experiences with both cheating and technical issues during online gaming sessions. They recount instances where opponents have crashed the game and express a desire for a more enjoyable gaming experience. The speaker also talks about their own gameplay, including moments of strategy and the use of specific weapons and tactics. There's a mention of a player named 'Washington' who is suspected of cheating, and the speaker discusses the importance of server choice for a better gaming experience.


🚨 High-Stakes Gameplay and Cheating Concerns

The final paragraph focuses on the high-stakes nature of the game, with the speaker discussing intense moments and the pressure of performing well. They mention a player who leaves the game to change equipment, indicating a high level of dedication. The speaker also addresses cheating concerns, with instances of players exhibiting suspicious behavior and the use of game mechanics to counter potential cheaters. The narrative concludes with a moment of victory and a humorous interaction with a teammate, highlighting the camaraderie and light-heartedness that can still be found amidst the competitive gameplay.




Cheating in the context of the video refers to the use of dishonest tactics or software to gain an unfair advantage in a video game. This is a central theme of the video, as the speaker discusses the negative impact of cheating on the gaming community and the enjoyment of the game. For example, the script mentions 'cheating is getting really bad' and the frustration of players being 'terrorized' by cheaters.

💡streamer mode

Streamer mode is a feature in some video games that allows players to broadcast their gameplay without revealing sensitive information such as player names or locations to viewers. In the video, it is mentioned as a tool that cheaters exploit to hide their offensive behavior and avoid detection.


Glitches are unintentional errors or faults in a video game's programming that can produce unexpected results or behaviors. The video discusses how developers often patch these harmless glitches, while cheating issues persist, which is a point of contention for the speaker.

💡harmless fun cheats

This phrase refers to cheats or exploits in a game that are not intended to disrupt the experience of other players but are used for amusement or novelty. The speaker contrasts these with more malicious forms of cheating, expressing a desire for a return to 'fun and weird' gameplay elements.


Ubisoft is a major video game developer and publisher. In the script, the speaker expresses frustration with Ubisoft's perceived lack of interaction with them as a content creator, despite their channel being based on Ubisoft's game for several years.

💡R6 tracker

R6 tracker is mentioned as a tool that players can use to verify the statistics of other players in the game to determine if someone is cheating. It is described as a helpful overlay that provides insights into game statistics and player performance.

💡spin botting

Spin botting is a form of cheating in first-person shooter games where a player spins their in-game character rapidly to gain an advantage over opponents. The term is used in the script to describe a specific type of cheating observed during gameplay.

💡seasonal kd

Seasonal kill/death ratio (kd) is a statistic in multiplayer games that tracks the ratio of kills to deaths a player has during a particular season or time frame. It is used as a measure of a player's performance and is mentioned in the context of the R6 tracker tool.

💡map knowledge

Map knowledge refers to a player's familiarity with the layout, strategies, and nuances of a game's map. It is an important aspect of competitive gaming and is highlighted in the script when discussing the tactics used by players and the challenges faced by those lacking such knowledge.

💡toxic ops

Toxic ops likely refers to a team or group of players in the game who exhibit toxic behavior, such as cheating or unsportsmanlike conduct. The term is used to describe an opponent's team that the speaker found particularly challenging or frustrating to play against.


An emote in gaming is a pre-defined animation or action that a player's character can perform, often used to express emotion or attitude. In the script, the use of emotes is mentioned in a competitive context, where one player uses an emote to taunt or provoke a reaction from the opponent.


Cheating in games is becoming increasingly prevalent, with players using offensive names via streamer mode without repercussions.

The community is concerned about the patching of harmless game elements like glitches and hiding spots, while cheating continues to escalate.

The speaker encounters a cheater who uses 'fun cheats,' which they find preferable to more malicious forms of cheating.

There is a sense of disappointment in the lack of interaction from Ubisoft with the speaker, despite their long-term dedication to the game.

The contrast between the welcoming nature of other game developers and Ubisoft's apparent disregard for the speaker's contributions is highlighted.

The speaker catches a cheater in the act, using spin botting and other cheats, demonstrating the ongoing issue of cheating in the game.

R6 Tracker is introduced as a tool to verify players' stats and detect potential cheaters, sponsored in the video.

The speaker humorously comments on a player's ability to 'moonwalk' in the game, adding a light-hearted tone to the discussion of cheating.

A player's use of the R4C gun and a special skin from the first battle pass is noted, showing attention to detail in gameplay.

The importance of map knowledge and health management in the game is underscored by the speaker's commentary during a match.

A player's innovative use of a cheat is described as 'cool' and entertaining, differentiating it from other negative forms of cheating.

The speaker expresses a desire for the game to return to being 'fun and weird' rather than dominated by cheating.

The game is crashed by a cheater, a new level of disruption that the speaker and his team have to deal with.

The speaker discusses strategies for breaching and clearing rooms, showcasing the teamwork and tactics involved in the game.

A player's impressive skill with the SMG 11 is noted, highlighting the game's mechanics and the player's competence.

The speaker and his team employ a defensive strategy, waiting out the opposing team with shotguns in a tense moment.

A player's successful use of a drone and subsequent tactics are described, adding to the narrative of the match.

The speaker reacts to a teammate's kill, emphasizing the camaraderie and excitement within the team.