Secret technique - Path of Exile Highlights #486 - onemanaleft, Tatiantel, Cutedog and others

No Context Wraeclast
15 May 202407:35

TLDRIn this lively and humorous gaming highlight, the player discusses their strategies and experiences in the game 'Path of Exile'. They mention their excitement about acquiring a 40 chaos Jewel and their confidence in handling in-game challenges like the meteor. The player also shares their secret techniques for crafting items and manipulating in-game mechanics, drawing a parallel to the movie 'Inception'. The summary of the transcript includes their anticipation for high-value items, their reactions to the game's events, and their humorous take on the game's mapping experience, comparing it to navigating a 'dodgy porn website'. The player's luck in finding valuable in-game items is highlighted, with a series of fortunate finds that leave them and their audience impressed and entertained.


  • 💎 The speaker discovers they have the same 40 chaos Jewel and reflects on not having placed it in their stash.
  • 🔥 They mention being able to tank a meteor, implying they have a strong character build in the game.
  • 🎖️ The speaker talks about secret techniques, making a reference to the movie 'Inception' and Leonardo DiCaprio.
  • 📈 They discuss increasing the price of a redeem, suggesting strategies for trading in the game.
  • 🛡️ The speaker expresses a desire for specific item stats, such as high defense and chaos lightning and cold TR.
  • 🙈 They commit to not looking at chat reactions, focusing on the gameplay and item crafting.
  • 🤑 The mention of over-spending and dropped loot indicates the financial aspect of the game's economy.
  • 🔮 The speaker contemplates between fossil crafting or selling off items, showing strategic decision-making.
  • 🚶 The analogy of mapping in the game to visiting a dodgy website with pop-ups highlights the challenges faced.
  • 🔄 The speaker discusses the customization and complexity of D4, contradicting common misconceptions about the game.
  • 🍀 There's a focus on luck with the speaker getting multiple life mods in a row, emphasizing the RNG element of the game.

Q & A

  • What did the speaker initially think they had made money on?

    -The speaker initially thought they had made money on a 40 chaos Jewel, but it turned out to be the same one they already had.

  • What does the speaker mention about the meteor skill in the game?

    -The speaker mentions that they can tank the meteor skill and that it is not any worse than other skills, especially when it does a pop, they win.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for crafting in the game?

    -The speaker talks about crafting certain things and making crafting a whole thing, implying they have a systematic approach to enhancing their items.

  • What does the speaker compare their secret techniques to?

    -The speaker compares their secret techniques to Leonardo DiCaprio's character in the movie 'Inception', where they implant an idea into someone's mind.

  • What is the speaker's goal for the redeem item they are looking for?

    -The speaker wants a redeem item with high defense, either flat evasion and energy shield or percentage, and chaos lightning and cold TR.

  • What does the speaker say about their reaction to the item they found?

    -The speaker says they will not look at the chat reactions and wants the viewers to react without their influence, hoping for a positive reaction to the item.

  • What does the speaker mention about the Gauntlet and magic finding?

    -The speaker mentions that they did a little bit of magic finding in the Gauntlet, but to a lesser extent.

  • What comparison does the speaker make about their experience in the game?

    -The speaker compares their experience in the game to visiting a dodgy porn website, needing to click the 'X' on all the popups.

  • What customization does the speaker mention about D4 in the game?

    -The speaker mentions that D4 has a lot of customization, and players can choose different paths, suggesting a strategic element to gameplay.

  • What luck does the speaker claim to have in the game?

    -The speaker claims to be very lucky, getting seven life and two physical attack damage leech lives in a row, and then six life right after.

  • What does the speaker imply about their strategy for finding valuable items?

    -The speaker implies that they have a strategy of going against the crowd, suggesting that if people go left, they should go right to find valuable items.



😲 Gaming and Crafting Strategies

The speaker appears to be engaged in a gaming session, discussing various in-game strategies and mechanics. They mention crafting items, tanking a meteor, and using secret techniques to influence in-game events. There's a reference to a 'Regal' and 'all fire', suggesting specific game elements or challenges. The speaker also talks about increasing the price of a 'redeem', which might be a game currency or item. They express excitement about acquiring a valuable item and discuss the possibility of crafting or selling items for profit. The paragraph ends with a humorous comparison of navigating the game to visiting a dodgy website, needing to close multiple pop-ups.


🎲 Luck and Customization in D4

In this paragraph, the speaker talks about the game 'D4', emphasizing its customization options and the importance of making strategic decisions. They suggest that going against the crowd can be beneficial, as seen in the choice of going right when others go left. The speaker also discusses the element of luck in the game, mentioning getting 'seven life' and 'two physical attack damage' in a row, which they interpret as being very lucky. There's a playful tone as they question their own luck and tease the audience with anticipation for an event or outcome, possibly related to a character named 'The Brick'.



💡Chaos Jewel

A 'Chaos Jewel' in the context of the video is likely referring to an in-game item from the video game 'Path of Exile'. It is a type of item that can have various effects on the player's character and is often sought after for its potential to enhance gameplay. In the script, the speaker expresses surprise at encountering the same '40 chaos Jewel', indicating its significance within the game.

💡Tank the meteor

'Tank the meteor' seems to be a phrase used by the speaker to describe their ability to withstand or 'tank' the damage from a 'meteor' ability or attack in the game. This suggests the speaker is confident in their character's defensive capabilities, which is a key aspect of many role-playing games where players often aim to improve their characters' survivability.


'Grinding' in gaming terminology refers to the process of repeatedly performing a certain action or task in a game to gain experience, items, or other rewards. It is a common theme in many RPGs, including 'Path of Exile'. The speaker mentions 'grinding' to illustrate their gameplay strategy and the commitment required to progress in the game.


In the context of the video, 'crafting' is a game mechanic that allows players to create new items or modify existing ones. The speaker seems excited about the possibilities of crafting, suggesting it can be a complex and rewarding aspect of the game. Crafting is often a core feature in RPGs, allowing players to customize their gameplay experience.


The term 'Regal' in the script likely refers to a type of in-game currency or item in 'Path of Exile'. The speaker's reaction suggests it is a valuable or sought-after element within the game's economy. It is used to illustrate the excitement of acquiring valuable items, which is a common experience in RPGs.

💡High life

'High life' could be a reference to a high roll or high-quality outcome in the game, possibly related to character stats or item attributes. The speaker mentions wanting a 'double life prefix' and 'high defense', indicating they are seeking to optimize their character's abilities, which is a typical goal in RPG character development.

💡Energy Shield

An 'Energy Shield' in the context of 'Path of Exile' is a defensive mechanic that absorbs damage before it affects the character's health. The speaker's desire for an 'Energy Shield' suggests they are focusing on a defensive build to enhance their survivability in the game.

💡Chaos Miracle

The phrase 'Chaos Miracle' seems to be a specific reference to an in-game event or item drop that is highly desirable. The speaker expresses disbelief at the occurrence of a 'Chaos Miracle', indicating it is a rare and fortunate event in the game.


In the context of the video, 'Gauntlet' likely refers to a challenging level or area within the game that the speaker has completed or is planning to tackle. Completing gauntlets often provides a sense of accomplishment and rewards in RPGs, and it seems to be a significant part of the speaker's narrative.

💡Magic finding

'Magic finding' is a term used in RPGs to describe the process of discovering or obtaining magical items. The speaker mentions doing 'a little bit of magic finding', which suggests they are engaged in gameplay activities aimed at acquiring valuable loot.


The term 'D4' in the script could refer to a specific game mechanic, item, or level in 'Path of Exile'. The speaker talks about the 'customization' related to 'D4', indicating it is a feature that allows for personalization or strategic choices within the game.

💡Fossil crafting

Fossil crafting is a specific type of crafting in 'Path of Exile' that involves using fossils to create unique items. The speaker considers whether to engage in 'fossil crafting', which is a strategic decision that reflects the depth and complexity of the game's crafting system.


The player discovers they have the same 40 chaos Jewel and contemplates its implications.

The player expresses their ability to tank the meteor, suggesting a strategic approach to gameplay.

A moment of realization as the player acknowledges crafting can be a significant part of the game.

The player humorously compares their secret techniques to a scene from the movie 'Inception'.

An unexpected event occurs, prompting the player to question if they can walk through an item.

The player discusses strategies to increase the price of a redeem, indicating a savvy understanding of the game's economy.

A dramatic reveal where the player asks the audience to react without looking at the item.

The player expresses disbelief and excitement over a highly sought-after item drop.

A humorous comparison is made between the game's mechanics and a 'dodgy porn website'.

The player shares insights about D4's customization options, contradicting common misconceptions.

A moment of luck is celebrated as the player gets seven life and two physical attack damage leeways.

The player questions their luck after receiving a series of seemingly unlucky outcomes.

A reflective moment as the player considers the game's complexity and the importance of making strategic choices.

The player humorously anticipates the arrival of 'The Brick' after a series of fortunate events.

A discussion on the player's luck and the game's RNG mechanics, with a focus on the unpredictability of item mods.

The player shares their experience with mapping in the league, likening it to navigating a series of pop-up ads.