Solar Flares - CERN & Matrix Glitches 😱🧬💥🫠

Elizabeth April
1 Apr 202439:45

TLDRThe transcript discusses the concept of Ascension and the impact of solar flares, CERN, and other cosmic events on human transformation. It highlights the importance of preparedness for potential disruptions and suggests that we are in a period of heightened vibrational frequency, leading to both personal and collective changes. The speaker shares personal experiences of 'glitches' and emphasizes the significance of the current times, encouraging viewers to focus on manifesting higher frequencies and to be prepared for the unknown.


  • 🌟 The current period is described as a time of significant change and transformation, with various cosmic and technological events contributing to this shift.
  • 😮 The speaker has experienced personal changes and 'glitches' in their reality, such as finding new pages in a well-read book and time anomalies.
  • 🌐 Solar flares and their effects on Earth are a major topic of discussion, with the speaker suggesting that these cosmic events are causing both physical and energetic changes on the planet.
  • 🔍 The speaker mentions experiencing 'Ascension symptoms' and suggests that others may be going through similar experiences as the Earth undergoes these transformations.
  • 🌠 Reference is made to the Carrington Event, highlighting the potential impact of solar flares on our technological infrastructure and the preparations some are making for such possibilities.
  • 🌞 The concept of 'Ascension' is discussed, with the speaker sharing their beliefs about the path humanity is on, and the role of solar energy in this process.
  • 🛠️ The speaker discusses the work of CERN and its potential effects on timelines, suggesting that these scientific endeavors may be part of a larger cosmic plan.
  • 🌙 The upcoming solar eclipse is tied to discussions of transformation and change, with the speaker advising on the best ways to navigate this period.
  • ⏳ The speaker encourages preparedness and the stocking up on essentials, not out of fear, but to ensure readiness for any potential scenarios.
  • 🌌 The Galactic Federation is mentioned as a source of guidance and information for the speaker, who shares their insights on the current cosmic events and the path forward.
  • 💡 The importance of manifesting and focusing on the energy and frequency desired, rather than specific material outcomes, is emphasized as a powerful tool during this time of change.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video?

    -The main theme of the video is the discussion of various events and phenomena such as solar flares, CERN, Mercury retrograde, and their potential impact on human consciousness and the world, as well as the concept of Ascension and the changes it brings.

  • What is the significance of the current month in the context of the video?

    -The current month is significant as it is believed to be a time of change and transformation, with various cosmic events occurring that could potentially lead to a 'huge upgrade' in human consciousness and the world's energy.

  • What is the Carrington Event mentioned in the video?

    -The Carrington Event refers to a powerful solar storm that occurred in 1859, which disrupted the Earth's telecommunication systems at the time. The video discusses the potential for a similar event in the present, given the increased solar activity and reliance on technology.

  • What is the Galactic Federation mentioned in the video and what role do they play?

    -The Galactic Federation is a group that the speaker claims to communicate with. They are said to provide information about cosmic events and their impact on Earth, as well as guidance on how to navigate these changes.

  • What are some of the 'glitches' mentioned in the video?

    -The 'glitches' mentioned include unusual experiences such as finding extra pages in a well-read book, a bird disappearing mid-flight, a phone's time remaining the same for an extended period, and the sudden appearance of a large bush on a familiar walking path.

  • What is the significance of the solar eclipse in the video's context?

    -The solar eclipse is considered a significant event that brings about change and transformation. It is also linked to the discussion of Ascension and the potential for timeline shifts, as well as being a focal point for manifestation due to the heightened energy during this time.

  • What is the role of CERN in the video's narrative?

    -CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is portrayed as a potentially influential entity in the manipulation of timelines and cosmic events. The video suggests that CERN's activities, such as the operation of the Large Hadron Collider, could have far-reaching effects on reality and the Ascension process.

  • What advice does the speaker give regarding preparedness for the upcoming changes?

    -The speaker advises viewers to be prepared for potential disruptions and changes by stocking up on essentials and being aware of the need for self-sufficiency in case of widespread electrical outages or other large-scale events.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on the use of technology like Faraday bags and EMF protectors?

    -The speaker sees the use of technology such as Faraday bags and EMF protectors as a proactive measure to safeguard against the potential effects of solar flares and other cosmic events, protecting electronic devices and the home from damage.

  • What is the concept of 'chaos frequency' discussed in the video?

    -The 'chaos frequency' refers to a state of instability and change where everything in one's reality is in flux. The speaker suggests that this is an ideal time for manifestation, as it allows for the shifting of timelines and the creation of new realities without the resistance that comes from a stable, known reality.

  • How does the speaker relate the concept of Ascension to the current cosmic events?

    -The speaker relates the concept of Ascension to the current cosmic events by suggesting that the increased solar activity, solar flares, and other phenomena are contributing to a rise in vibrational frequency, which in turn is causing personal and collective transformation and shifts in consciousness.



🌟 Time of Change and Transformation

The speaker introduces the concept of a significant shift in consciousness and world events, mentioning various phenomena such as solar flares, CERN, and Mercury retrograde. They share personal experiences of unusual occurrences and suggest that we are in a period of heightened activity and potential upgrades in human awareness. The speaker also discusses their belief in the Ascension process and the collective experiences of symptoms that many people are going through.


💥 Solar Flares and the Carrington Event

The speaker delves into the impact of solar radiation and solar flares on Earth, drawing a comparison with the Carrington Event of 1859. They express concern over the potential effects of a similar event in the present day, given our reliance on technology and electrical systems. The speaker also discusses protective measures such as Faraday bags and EMF protectors, and shares their belief that there are agendas at play, including the possibility of a false flag event or a preparation for a larger Ascension process.


🌠 Galactic Federation and Ascension Paths

The speaker recounts experiences with the Galactic Federation, sharing insights about potential Ascension events and the concept of 'star seeds' on Earth. They discuss the idea of a three-day period of darkness and the number 144,000, which they relate to biblical events and spiritual Ascension. The speaker also mentions the Galactic Federation's technology to potentially prevent catastrophic solar events, highlighting the importance of collective human growth and preparedness.


🌍 Current Global Events and Ascension

The speaker connects current global events, such as government warnings and the Book of Revelations, to the ongoing Ascension process. They emphasize the importance of being prepared for potential disruptions and changes, suggesting that 2024 may be a pivotal year. The speaker encourages the audience to prepare for the unknown and to be ready for a higher vibrational frequency, while also providing practical advice on how to navigate these changes.


🌗 Solar Eclipses, Mercury Retrogrades, and CERN

The speaker discusses the significance of solar eclipses and Mercury retrogrades, suggesting that these celestial events can bring about change and transformation. They also address the role of CERN, a large particle collider, in potentially altering timelines and affecting reality. The speaker shares their belief that CERN is part of a larger prophecy and that its experiments with high-energy particles could have far-reaching consequences.


🔄 Vibration Frequency and Purging

The speaker explains the concept of increasing vibrational frequency due to solar flares and its impact on physical and emotional health. They describe the process of purging lower vibrational frequencies from our lives, which may manifest as personal crises or upheavals. The speaker encourages the audience to embrace these changes as part of the Ascension process and to focus on the energy and frequency they wish to attract, rather than specific material desires.


🌟 Manifesting in Chaos and Upcoming Events

The speaker emphasizes the power of manifesting during times of chaos and change, suggesting that the current global energy is conducive to attracting new realities. They advise focusing on the energy behind desires rather than the specifics, to facilitate a smoother transition to alternate timelines. The speaker also promotes an upcoming Galactic Gathering event and encourages the audience to engage with their content outside of YouTube for an ad-free experience.


🚀 Embracing Ascension and Preparing for Change

The speaker concludes by encouraging the audience to expect the unexpected and to embrace the transformative power of the current Ascension period. They highlight the importance of setting healthy boundaries, applying learned tools, and manifesting the highest timelines. The speaker also advises being aware of the increasing timeline glitches and signs of shifting realities, as we move through a period of intense change and spiritual evolution.




Ascension in the context of the video refers to a spiritual and energetic transformation that is believed to be affecting humanity and the planet. It is associated with the idea that we are moving into a higher state of consciousness and frequency. The video discusses this as a time of significant change and preparation for unknown but potentially transformative events, such as solar flares and the activation of CERN's particle collider.

💡Solar Flares

Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation from the sun that can have various effects on Earth, including disruptions to communication and navigation systems. In the video, the speaker links solar flares to the concept of Ascension, suggesting that they are contributing to a shift in the Earth's energy and frequency, causing both physical and spiritual changes in humans.


CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. In the video, the speaker discusses CERN's Large Hadron Collider and its potential role in timeline shifts and Ascension. The activation of CERN's collider during the solar eclipse is presented as a significant event that could influence the Ascension process.

💡Glitches in The Matrix

The term 'glitches in The Matrix' is used in the video to describe unexplained or anomalous experiences that seem to defy the normal workings of reality. These glitches are presented as evidence of changes in the fabric of reality, potentially related to Ascension or other cosmic events.

💡Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is an astrological phenomenon where the planet Mercury appears to be moving backward in the sky. It is often associated with communication issues, technological malfunctions, and general mishaps. In the video, the speaker mentions Mercury Retrograde as one of the cosmic events contributing to the current period of change and transformation.

💡Photon Belt

The Photon Belt is a concept from some New Age beliefs that suggests our solar system periodically passes through a region of space filled with high-energy photons, leading to a transformation in consciousness and physical changes on Earth. In the video, the speaker mentions the Photon Belt as part of the explanation for the Ascension and the increased solar activity affecting the Earth and humanity.

💡Galactic Federation

The Galactic Federation is a collective of advanced alien civilizations that, in some New Age and UFOlogy narratives, interact with Earth and its inhabitants. In the video, the speaker mentions communication with the Galactic Federation as a source of information about the Ascension process and the potential outcomes of cosmic events like solar flares and CERN's activities.

💡Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Dark Matter and Dark Energy are terms from astrophysics that refer to hypothesized forms of matter and energy that are not directly observable but are believed to make up a significant portion of the universe. In the video, the speaker mentions CERN's experiments with Dark Matter and Dark Energy as part of the scientific exploration into the fundamental nature of the universe, which may have implications for the Ascension and timeline shifts.


Manifestation, in the context of the video, refers to the process of bringing one's thoughts, desires, or intentions into physical reality through the power of focused intention and belief. The speaker suggests that the current cosmic conditions, including the solar flares and the energy shifts, make it an ideal time for individuals to manifest their highest timelines and desired outcomes.


Preparation, as discussed in the video, involves taking proactive steps to ensure readiness for potential changes or challenges that may arise during the Ascension process. This includes both practical measures, such as stocking up on essentials, and spiritual or energetic preparations, such as clearing out lower vibrational frequencies.


The speaker discusses the concept of Ascension and the idea that we are in a time of change and transformation.

Solar flares, CERN, and glitches in 'The Matrix' are highlighted as significant topics of discussion.

The speaker shares personal experiences of unusual events, such as finding a bush that wasn't there before and experiencing time anomalies.

The potential impact of solar flares on Earth's electrical systems and the comparison to the Carrington event of 1859 is discussed.

The Galactic Federation is mentioned as having technology to prevent catastrophic events like a major solar flare from occurring.

Two pathways for human Ascension are presented: a rapid, disruptive event or a slow, gradual shift in frequency.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of preparedness and suggests practical steps for individuals to take.

The role of CERN in potentially altering timelines and its connection to higher dimensional beings is explored.

The timing of CERN's activation during a solar eclipse and its possible implications for timeline shifts is discussed.

The concept of chaos frequency is introduced as an optimal time for manifestation and change.

The speaker advises focusing on the energy and frequency desired rather than specific manifestations.

The upcoming Galactic Gathering event is mentioned as a time for like-minded individuals to connect and support each other.

The month of April is described as a critical period for Ascension and experiencing intense changes.

The speaker encourages viewers to pay attention to their reality and be aware of the glitches and changes happening around them.

The importance of being in the present moment and being grounded during this time of Ascension is emphasized.

The speaker concludes by expressing excitement for the ongoing journey of Ascension and the collective shift to a new Earth frequency.