【必备神器】一秒解决题词难题!Stable Diffusion 最佳插件脚本来袭,一键批量生成丰富图形 | 让AI绘画、创作事半功倍!

5 Aug 202317:13

TLDR本期视频介绍了一款名为'one bottom prom'的Stable Diffusion插件脚本,它能够一键批量生成丰富的图形提示词,极大地提高AI绘画和创作的效率。视频中详细演示了插件的安装过程、使用方法以及如何通过调整参数来控制生成的图像类型和风格。此外,还探讨了如何利用该插件进行模型测试和高质量图像的筛选,以及如何辅助生成训练所需的分类图集。


  • 🔧 介绍了一个Stable Diffusion的插件脚本,可以批量生成丰富的图形和题词,提高AI绘画和创作的效率。
  • 🔍 插件名为'one bottom prom',可以通过搜索找到并安装,用于生成各种类型的prompt。
  • 🎨 插件提供了多种用法,包括提供提示词和批量生成图像,适用于不同类型的创作需求。
  • 🛠️ 插件安装后,用户可以在SD中直接使用,通过脚本生成提示词或进行图像生成。
  • 🌟 插件具有多种参数设置,用户可以调整类别、风格、复杂度等,以生成个性化的图像。
  • 🖌️ 插件支持多种图像类型和风格,包括人像、风景、雕塑、街头艺术等。
  • 📈 插件可以结合用户的具体需求,生成具有特定主题和细节的图像。
  • 🔄 插件还支持工作流协助和批量生成,可以进行高分辨率放大和后期处理。
  • 🔗 提供了一个基于SDXL模型的网站,展示了500种不同艺术家风格的兔子图像。
  • 📚 通过使用插件,用户可以更好地了解和测试Stable Diffusion模型的生成质量和多样性。
  • 🚀 插件的使用可以帮助用户快速生成大量图像,用于训练、测试或寻找创作灵感。

Q & A

  • 这个脚本是为哪个AI模型量身打造的?

    -这个脚本是为Stable Diffusion(SD)量身打造的。

  • 如何安装这个脚本?

    -首先在拓展中找到可下载选项并加载拓展列表,然后搜索脚本的英文名'one bottom prom'进行安装。

  • 脚本安装后如何使用?


  • 脚本的主要功能有哪些?


  • 如何设置生成图像的类别和风格?


  • 脚本支持哪些图像类型的生成?


  • 如何使用脚本进行批量生成图像?


  • 脚本中的'工作流协助'功能是做什么的?


  • 脚本中的美学评分插件有什么作用?


  • 脚本能否帮助用户了解艺术家的风格?


  • 脚本对于AI绘画和创作有哪些帮助?




📝 Introduction to a Prompt Generation Plugin

The paragraph introduces a prompt generation plugin that can significantly expand our creative horizons by generating various types of prompts. The speaker, Ouyang, shares a recent discovery of a useful plugin that offers a wide range of prompt generation options, surpassing previous limitations. The plugin is specifically tailored for the SD model and offers a broad scope of styles and categories. The installation process is briefly discussed, emphasizing the ease of finding and loading the plugin. The speaker also mentions the complexity of the script, which includes various settings and parameters, but assures that it is not as daunting as it seems due to helpful annotations and explanations. The paragraph concludes with a mention of the plugin's English language and the lack of complete localization, suggesting the use of web translation tools for understanding.


🛠️ Utilizing the Plugin for Prompt Generation

This paragraph delves into the practical use of the plugin, explaining the process of generating prompts through a workflow assistance mode. The speaker demonstrates how to generate prompts by selecting desired categories and styles, adjusting complexity and randomness, and inputting specific directives. The plugin's ability to produce professional-level prompts is highlighted, with examples of artist styles and camera lenses. The paragraph also touches on the plugin's advanced features, such as prompt fusion and batch generation, which are more complex and can be used for further exploration. The focus is on the ease of use and the potential for generating a variety of images based on the selected parameters.


🎨 Batch Generation and Post-Processing

The speaker discusses the batch generation capabilities of the plugin, which allows for systematic image generation and subsequent post-processing. The paragraph covers the settings for high-resolution magnification, generation specifications, and the use of external APIs for batch processing. The speaker also mentions the importance of enabling API support for this feature to work. Various post-generation operations are outlined, such as image enlargement and refinement using different models and techniques. The paragraph emphasizes the utility of the plugin for testing models, generating分类图集 for training purposes, and its potential in aiding the transition to SDXL models. The speaker shares observations on the model's performance in generating portraits versus landscapes, noting the model's strengths and weaknesses.


🌐 Exploring Artistic Styles with SDXL

In the final paragraph, the speaker shifts the focus to the broader applications of the plugin and SDXL models. A website showcasing 500 different artistic styles of rabbits generated by the SDXL model is mentioned, highlighting the diversity of styles that can be explored. The speaker encourages viewers to use such resources to familiarize themselves with various artistic styles, which can be beneficial in understanding the capabilities of the models. The paragraph concludes with a teaser for future content, promising to share more about the efficient use of SDXL and other practical tips related to AI and image generation. The speaker also invites viewers to support and follow for more insights into the AI field.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion是一种深度学习模型,用于生成图像和艺术作品。在视频中,它被提及作为插件脚本的主要应用平台,用于生成丰富图形和艺术创作。


插件脚本是一种软件扩展,可以为现有的程序或应用添加新功能或改进现有功能。在这个视频中,插件脚本用于帮助用户在Stable Diffusion平台上更高效地生成图像。




图像提示词是用于指导图像生成模型创建特定图像的文本描述。在视频中,通过插件脚本生成的图像提示词用于告诉Stable Diffusion模型用户想要创建的图像类型和风格。


工作流协助是指通过工具或系统优化和简化任务执行过程,以提高效率和生产力。在视频中,工作流协助是指插件脚本帮助用户快速生成图像提示词并将其应用于Stable Diffusion模型。




图像风格指的是图像所呈现的艺术特征和视觉表现形式。在视频中,用户可以通过插件脚本选择不同的图像风格,如雕塑、街头艺术等,来指导Stable Diffusion模型生成具有特定风格的图像。






SDXL是Stable Diffusion的一个扩展或改进版本,具有更高级的功能和更广泛的风格兼容性。在视频中,SDXL被提及作为未来图像生成模型的发展趋势。


介绍了一个能够批量生成丰富图形的Stable Diffusion插件脚本


插件名为one bottom prom,一键生成题词












