Stock Chart Analysis with GPT4o Omni (Python Tutorial)

Part Time Larry
13 May 202408:40

TLDRIn this Python tutorial, the presenter introduces GPT 40 Omni, a new model by OpenAI that excels in vision and audio understanding. The model is capable of processing text, audio, and images to generate corresponding outputs. The presenter demonstrates its vision capabilities by integrating it with a Python program that interacts with the Interactive Brokers TWS API to fetch stock data. By taking screenshots of stock charts and using GPT 40 Omni, the presenter receives a technical analysis of the chart in real-time, providing insights into price action, support and resistance levels, and indicators. The tutorial also covers how to encode images for analysis and save the analysis in a markdown file. The presenter speculates on the future of programming and technical analysis, suggesting that as AI capabilities like GPT 40 Omni improve, traditional roles may become obsolete.


  • 🚀 OpenAI has released a new model called GPT-4O (Omni), which is particularly adept at understanding and generating text, audio, and images.
  • 📈 GPT-4O is notably better at vision and audio compared to previous models, offering enhanced capabilities for technical analysis of stock charts.
  • 💡 The speaker demonstrates integrating GPT-4O with a Python program that interacts with the Interactive Brokers TWS API to pull stock data and perform analysis.
  • 📱 A desktop application has been mentioned that can analyze the user's screen in real-time, indicating future possibilities for integrated AI analysis tools.
  • 📊 The Python program includes a feature to take screenshots of stock charts, which are then automatically analyzed by GPT-4O for technical insights.
  • 📈 GPT-4O provides a detailed markdown description of the stock chart after each screenshot, offering insights such as price spikes, volume, support and resistance levels, and indicators.
  • 🔍 The analysis by GPT-4O is superior to previous models, as noted by the speaker, who observed a significant improvement in the quality of analysis provided.
  • 📱 The speaker speculates on the future of programming and technical analysis, suggesting that with advancements in AI, these skills may become less necessary.
  • 📝 The Python code for integrating GPT-4O with the stock chart analysis includes functions for encoding images in base64 and sending them to the GPT-4O model for analysis.
  • 📋 The analysis results from GPT-4O are saved as text and can be output to a file, allowing for automated logging of chart analysis without manual effort.
  • 🔑 The use of GPT-4O's vision capabilities requires base64 encoding of images, which is demonstrated in the Python code with a specific function for this purpose.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the new model released by OpenAI?

    -The new model released by OpenAI is called GPT-4O, where 'O' stands for Omni.

  • What capabilities does GPT-4O have that improve upon existing models?

    -GPT-4O is especially better at vision and audio understanding compared to existing models, allowing it to input and generate text, audio, and images.

  • How does the Python program interact with the Interactive Brokers TWS API?

    -The Python program interacts with the Interactive Brokers TWS API to pull data on stocks, display charts, and scan for the most popular stocks for the day.

  • What feature was added to the desktop app to enhance its functionality?

    -An AI feature was added to the desktop app to perform technical analysis on stock charts by simply looking at them.

  • How does the technical analysis feature work in the Python code?

    -The technical analysis feature works by taking a screenshot of the stock chart, saving it to a directory, and then using GPT-4O to analyze the image and provide a markdown description of the chart.

  • What is the process of encoding an image for analysis by GPT-4O?

    -The image is base64 encoded, and this encoded image is passed as part of the message to the GPT-4O model for analysis.

  • How does GPT-4O analyze the charts and what kind of information does it provide?

    -GPT-4O analyzes the charts by looking at the price action, support and resistance levels, and any indicators present on the chart. It provides a detailed description including significant spikes, volume, and trends.

  • What additional feature was demonstrated in the video regarding chart analysis?

    -The video demonstrated the ability to draw trend lines on the chart and have GPT-4O interpret and analyze the chart with the drawn elements in real time.

  • How does GPT-4O handle more complex visualizations like a heat map?

    -GPT-4O can analyze heat maps and describe the details, including individual percentage moves of different symbols, even when the details are small and numerous.

  • What is the potential impact of GPT-4O on the role of technical analysts?

    -The advanced analysis capabilities of GPT-4O may render traditional technical analysts' roles obsolete, as it can provide detailed and sophisticated analysis without human intervention.

  • What future developments are anticipated with GPT-4O?

    -The integration of GPT-4O into desktop applications for real-time analysis and the potential for it to watch and analyze everything on a user's computer screen are among the anticipated future developments.

  • How can the Python code for integrating GPT-4O with a desktop app be shared?

    -The presenter mentioned that they would post the code somewhere, implying it would be made available for others to use and learn from.



🚀 Introduction to GPT-40: Omni-capability AI Model

The video begins with the presenter discussing the recent release of a new AI model called GPT-40 by OpenAI. The 'O' in GPT-40 stands for 'Omni,' indicating its ability to process and generate outputs across text, audio, and images. The model is noted to have significant improvements in vision and audio understanding compared to previous models. The presenter shares their experience of gaining access to GPT-40 and decides to test its vision capabilities using a Python program that interfaces with the Interactive Brokers TWS API. The program is used for stock data analysis and can pull up popular stocks, as demonstrated with Taiwan Semiconductor and GME (GameStop). The presenter also mentions the integration of a screenshot feature to capture and analyze stock charts.


📈 Real-time Technical Analysis with GPT-40 Vision

The presenter dives into the process of using GPT-40 for technical analysis of stock charts. They explain how they have integrated a feature into their desktop application that allows for real-time analysis of stock charts through screenshots. After taking a screenshot of a stock chart, GPT-40 provides a comprehensive markdown description of the chart's analysis, including price action, volume, support and resistance levels, and indicators. The presenter outlines the Python code involved in this process, emphasizing the use of the GPT-40 model for image analysis and the encoding of images in Base64 format for analysis. They also touch on the potential for GPT-40 to interpret drawings on charts in real-time, as demonstrated with an example of a trend line on an AMC chart. The presenter concludes by reflecting on the implications of such advanced AI capabilities, suggesting that traditional roles like technical analysts might become obsolete as AI models like GPT-40 continue to improve.



💡GPT 40 (Omni)

GPT 40, with the 'O' standing for Omni, is a new model released by OpenAI that can process and generate outputs for text, audio, and images. It is particularly noted for its enhanced capabilities in vision and audio understanding compared to previous models. In the context of the video, GPT 40 is used to perform technical analysis on stock charts by analyzing images of these charts.

💡Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is a method used in finance to predict the future price movements of stocks by analyzing statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices and volume. In the video, the speaker uses GPT 40 to perform technical analysis on stock charts, providing insights into price action, support and resistance levels, and other indicators.

💡Interactive Brokers TWS API

The Interactive Brokers TWS (Trader Workstation) API is a software interface that allows developers to interact with Interactive Brokers' trading platform programmatically. In the video, the speaker mentions using this API to pull stock data, which is then visualized in charts within a Python program.

💡Stock Chart

A stock chart is a graphical representation of the trading activity of a particular stock over a certain period of time. It includes information such as the opening and closing prices, high and low for the period, and volume of shares traded. The video script discusses analyzing stock charts, particularly those of companies like Taiwan Semiconductor, AMC, and GME.

💡Screenshot Function

The screenshot function mentioned in the script refers to the ability of the Python program to capture an image of the current stock chart. This image is then saved and used as input for GPT 40 to perform technical analysis, which is a key feature in integrating AI with the trading visualization tool.

💡Base64 Encoding

Base64 encoding is a method used to convert binary data into text format, which can then be easily transmitted over text-based systems like email and web pages. In the context of the video, the speaker encodes images of stock charts into Base64 strings so they can be included in the request to GPT 40 for analysis.

💡OpenAI Client

The OpenAI client is a software interface that allows developers to interact with OpenAI's services, such as requesting the analysis of images or text. In the video, the speaker uses the OpenAI client to send the Base64 encoded image of a stock chart to GPT 40 and receive an analysis in return.

💡Data URL

A data URL is a type of Uniform Resource Locator that allows a file to be embedded within a web page directly, using Base64-encoded data. In the script, the speaker uses a data URL to pass the Base64 encoded image to the GPT 40 model for analysis, instead of a traditional URL pointing to an image hosted on a server.

💡Markdown Description

A markdown description is a text that uses the Markdown formatting syntax to create structured documents that can be converted into HTML. In the video, GPT 40 provides a markdown description of the stock chart analysis, which is then saved and can be used for logging or journaling purposes.

💡Sector Analysis

Sector analysis in finance involves the evaluation of the performance and health of a particular sector within the economy, such as technology or energy. In the script, the speaker discusses using GPT 40 to analyze a heat map for sector analysis, identifying trends and movements in various sectors.

💡Heat Map

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. In the context of the video, the heat map is used to visualize the performance of different sectors or stocks, with GPT 40 able to interpret and describe the heat map's details.


OpenAI has released a new model called GPT-4O, with 'O' standing for Omni, capable of processing text, audio, and images.

GPT-4O is particularly adept at vision and audio understanding, offering improved capabilities over previous models.

The model can generate outputs in audio, text, and image formats in response to input.

A Python program is used to interact with the Interactive Brokers TWS API to pull stock data.

The program can scan and display the most popular stocks for the day, such as AMC and GME.

GPT-4O's vision functionality is tested by analyzing stock charts through a screenshot feature.

Technical analysis of stock charts is provided in a markdown description after taking a screenshot.

The Python code includes a function to take a screenshot and save it to a directory.

GPT-4O is used to analyze the chart from the saved screenshot by calling the 'analyze chart' function.

The analysis includes discussion of price action, support and resistance levels, and indicators present on the chart.

The Python code utilizes the OpenAI client to create a chat completion for the analysis.

Images for analysis need to be base64 encoded to be passed to the GPT-4O model.

The analysis results are returned as a chat completion and can be printed or saved to a file.

GPT-4O can analyze and interpret drawn trend lines on stock charts in real time.

The model provides a superior quality of analysis compared to previous versions, as noted by the user.

GPT-4O can also analyze and describe complex heatmaps, such as sector analysis charts.

The user anticipates further integration of GPT-4O into desktop applications for real-time analysis.

The advancements in GPT-4O's capabilities raise questions about the future relevance of traditional technical analysts.