The Power of Pegasus: Building an AI Paraphrasing Tool from Scratch| @shahzaib_hamid​

Shahzaib Hamid
18 Feb 202319:13

TLDRIn this informative video, the presenter, Shahzaib Hamid, introduces viewers to Pegasus Transformers, a powerful tool for paraphrasing text. The video covers the basics of Pegasus, explaining its use for sentence, paragraph, and even blog-level paraphrasing. It delves into the architecture of the Transformer model and compares it with other models like T5. The tutorial then demonstrates how to implement Pegasus using the Hugging Face Transformers library, including importing the necessary components and utilizing the pipeline for text-to-text generation. The presenter also addresses the challenge of paraphrasing entire paragraphs by breaking them down into sentences using NLTK, a natural language processing library. The video concludes with a practical example of paraphrasing a paragraph about Spider-Man, showcasing the model's ability to generate novel sentences while maintaining the original meaning. The presenter hints at a follow-up video where they will create a web application for easier access to the paraphrasing tool.


  • 📄 The Pegasus model is used for paraphrasing and can generate sentence, paragraph, or even blog/topic-based outputs.
  • 🔍 Pegasus was initially presented for abstractive summarization, which allows for novel results and words.
  • 🤖 Pegasus is a Transformer-based model, similar to other encoder-decoder networks like T5.
  • 📈 Pegasus was compared with other architectures on the basis of ROUGE scores, demonstrating its effectiveness.
  • 🛠️ The hugging face's Transformers library is used to implement Pegasus, requiring the AutoTokenizer and AutoModel for sequence-to-sequence language models.
  • 🔗 The Pegasus tokenizer and model are imported using the 'from transformers' Python code.
  • 🔄 A pipeline is set up for text-to-text generation with Pegasus, ensuring truncation is set to True to handle large sequences.
  • 🕸️ The context for paraphrasing is taken from a Wikipedia article about Spider-Man, formatted as a paragraph.
  • ✍️ Each sentence of the context is paraphrased individually using the NLP pipeline and the nltk library for sentence tokenization.
  • 🔢 The paraphrased sentences are then joined together to reform the paragraph, maintaining the original meaning but with different phrasing.
  • 📝 The process can be further automated by creating a function that takes a paragraph and returns a paraphrased version.
  • 🌐 The final step is to develop a simple web application to use the paraphrasing function, potentially using platforms like Anvil, Streamlit, or Bubble.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to use Pegasus Transformers for paraphrasing text, which can be sentence-based, paragraph-based, or even blog/topic-based.

  • What is Pegasus known for initially?

    -Pegasus was initially known for abstractive summarization, which allows the model to produce novel results and novel words.

  • How does Pegasus differ from extractive summarization?

    -In extractive summarization, the model makes summarization or paraphrasing out of the given text, whereas in abstractive summarization, Pegasus predicts and creates new, novel words.

  • What is the base architecture of Pegasus?

    -The base architecture of Pegasus is the Transformer model, which is a typical encoder-decoder network.

  • Which library is used to implement Pegasus for paraphrasing?

    -The Hugging Face's Transformers library is used to implement Pegasus for paraphrasing.

  • What is the purpose of setting truncation to True in the pipeline?

    -Setting truncation to True ensures that the model can process sequences longer than the default maximum length allowed by Pegasus, allowing it to handle more data for paraphrasing or summarization.

  • How does the video demonstrate the paraphrasing process?

    -The video demonstrates the paraphrasing process by first showing a one-sentence summarization, then using NLTK to tokenize the paragraph into sentences, and finally applying the Pegasus model to paraphrase each sentence individually.

  • What is the issue with the initial one-sentence summarization result?

    -The issue is that the one-sentence summarization does not accurately represent paraphrasing because it condenses an entire paragraph into a single sentence, losing the detail and nuance of the original text.

  • How is the final paraphrased paragraph constructed?

    -The final paraphrased paragraph is constructed by paraphrasing each sentence individually using the Pegasus model, then joining the paraphrased sentences together to form a coherent paragraph.

  • What additional tool is mentioned for further development in the next video?

    -The next video will discuss creating a simple web application, possibly using a framework like Anvil, Streamlit, or Bubble, to utilize the paraphrasing function in a web-based environment.

  • What is the significance of using NLTK for sentence tokenization?

    -NLTK is used for sentence tokenization to accurately divide the text into individual sentences, which is crucial for sentence-based paraphrasing using the Pegasus model.

  • How does the video script contribute to understanding large language models and their applications?

    -The video script provides a practical example of using a large language model, Pegasus, for text paraphrasing. It explains the technical steps involved in implementing the model for different types of text and discusses the potential for creating a web application based on this technology.



📄 Introduction to Pegasus Transformers for Paraphrasing

The video begins with an introduction to Pegasus Transformers, a model initially presented for abstractive summarization in 2020. The speaker explains the difference between extractive and abstractive summarization, noting that Pegasus can generate novel words. The architecture of Pegasus is based on the Transformer model, which is a typical encoder-decoder network. The video then demonstrates how to use the Pegasus model for paraphrasing with the help of the Hugging Face's Transformers library. The process includes importing the tokenizer and model, and using a pre-trained Pegasus model for text-to-text generation tasks.


🔍 Using Pegasus for Text-to-Text Generation

The speaker proceeds to demonstrate the application of the Pegasus model for text-to-text generation. A pipeline is set up using the tokenizer and model imported from the Transformers library. The pipeline is configured with truncation set to True to handle large sequences for paraphrasing or summarization. The speaker then uses Wikipedia content about Spider-Man as an example to show how the Pegasus model can paraphrase a paragraph into a single sentence. However, the speaker points out that for true paraphrasing, each sentence should be paraphrased individually, which leads to the introduction of the NLTK library for sentence tokenization.


🖇️ Sentence Tokenization and Paraphrasing with NLTK

The video continues with the use of the NLTK library for sentence tokenization. The speaker imports the sentence tokenizer from NLTK and applies it to the Wikipedia context to break it into sentences. These sentences are then stored in an array. The speaker then creates a loop to paraphrase each sentence individually using the Pegasus model within the NLP function and appends the results to another array. The process involves iterating over the sentences, applying the paraphrasing model, and collecting the generated text.


🔧 Combining Paraphrased Sentences and Future Applications

After paraphrasing each sentence, the speaker demonstrates how to combine them back into a paragraph using the join command. The speaker then suggests that the paraphrasing process can be encapsulated into a function, which can be used to paraphrase any input paragraph. The video concludes with a teaser for the next part, where the speaker plans to create a simple web application using the paraphrasing function, possibly using a framework like Anvil, streamlit, or Bubble. The speaker encourages viewers to stay tuned for more videos on AI, NLP, and computer vision.



💡Pegasus Transformers

Pegasus Transformers is a machine learning model designed for natural language generation tasks. It is particularly known for its ability to perform abstractive summarization, which involves creating a summary that captures the essence of the original text in a shorter form using novel words and sentences. In the context of the video, Pegasus is used to demonstrate how to paraphrase text at various levels, from sentences to entire paragraphs or blog posts.


Paraphrasing refers to the process of rewording or rephrasing a text or passage while maintaining its original meaning. It is a useful technique for simplifying complex ideas, avoiding plagiarism, or presenting information in a new way. In the video, the author discusses how to use Pegasus for paraphrasing, which can be applied to different types of text to create novel restatements.

💡Abstractive Summarization

Abstractive summarization is a method of summarizing text where the model generates a summary that may not directly quote the original text but captures its underlying meaning using new words and phrases. It is contrasted with extractive summarization, which selects parts of the original text to form the summary. The video mentions that Pegasus was initially developed for abstractive summarization, highlighting its ability to produce novel results.

💡Transformer Architecture

The Transformer architecture is a type of deep learning model that has been pivotal in natural language processing tasks. It consists of an encoder and a decoder and is known for its effectiveness in handling sequential data. Pegasus is based on this architecture, which allows it to process and generate language in a way that understands context and meaning.

💡Hugging Face Library

The Hugging Face Library is a collection of tools and resources that facilitate natural language processing tasks. It includes pre-trained models, tokenizers, and other utilities that can be used to build applications involving language understanding and generation. In the video, the author uses the Hugging Face Library to implement the Pegasus model for paraphrasing.


A tokenizer is a tool that breaks down text into its constituent parts, such as words, phrases, or sentences. It is a crucial component in natural language processing as it prepares text data for analysis by machine learning models. The video script discusses using the tokenizer from the Hugging Face Library to process text for the Pegasus model.

💡Model Fine-tuning

Model fine-tuning is the process of further training a machine learning model on a specific task after it has been pre-trained on a larger, more general dataset. In the context of the video, Pegasus has been fine-tuned for paraphrasing, which means it has been adjusted to perform better on this specific task.


In machine learning and specifically in the context of the Hugging Face Library, a pipeline is a sequence of processing steps applied to input data to produce an output. The video demonstrates using a pipeline for text-to-text generation with Pegasus, which streamlines the process of paraphrasing text.


Truncation in the context of natural language processing refers to the reduction of the length of a sequence to a specified maximum. This is important when dealing with models like Pegasus, which have a maximum token limit. The video mentions setting truncation to true to ensure that longer texts can be processed by the model.

💡NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit)

NLTK is a powerful Python library used for working with human language data. It provides easy-to-use interfaces to over 50 corpora and lexical resources and a suite of text processing libraries for classification, tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, and semantic reasoning. In the video, NLTK is used to tokenize the text into sentences before paraphrasing.

💡Text-to-Text Generation

Text-to-text generation is a natural language processing task where a model generates a new text based on an input text. This can include paraphrasing, translation, or summarization. The video focuses on using the Pegasus model for text-to-text generation, specifically for paraphrasing purposes.


Pegasus Transformers can be used for paraphrasing at various levels, including sentence, paragraph, and blog or topic based.

Pegasus was initially presented for abstractive summarization, allowing for novel results and words.

Abstractive summarization differs from extractive summarization by creating new content rather than extracting from the given text.

Pegasus shares the Transformer decoder-encoder architecture, similar to other large language models like T5.

The Pegasus model is compared with other architectures based on the Rouge score, a metric for evaluating text generation.

The hugging face's Transformers library is utilized to implement the Pegasus model.

For using Pegasus, one needs to import the AutoTokenizer and AutoModel for sequence-to-sequence language models.

The model is fine-tuned specifically for paraphrasing tasks.

Truncation is set to True to handle large sequences for paraphrasing or summarization.

The context for paraphrasing is obtained from a Wikipedia article about Spider-Man.

NLTK is used to tokenize the context into sentences for sentence-level paraphrasing.

A for loop is employed to iterate through each sentence and apply the paraphrasing function.

The results of paraphrasing are appended to an array for further processing.

The paraphrased sentences are joined together to reform the paragraph.

The entire process can be encapsulated into a function for easier reuse and application.

A simple web application can be created using the paraphrasing function for broader accessibility.

The video is part one of a two-part series, with part two focusing on creating a web-based application.

AI Studio provides more videos on artificial intelligence, including NLP and computer vision.