This AI Makes you a PRO Singer !

Website Learners
9 Sept 202306:37

TLDRDiscover how to transform any song into your own voice using a free and user-friendly AI tool. Brian from Learners guides you through the process of training your voice model, uploading a clear voice sample, and then using that model to convert songs. The video demonstrates using 'Shape of You' by Ed Sheeran, showing how to separate vocals from the music using a vocal remover tool and then recombine them with your newly cloned voice. The result is an impressive replication of the song in your own voice, ready to download and share. The tutorial also covers how to reuse the trained voice model for future songs, making it a one-time training process. This innovative method opens up possibilities not just for singing, but also for translating videos into different languages in your own voice.


  • 🎀 There's an AI tool that can clone your voice into a song, making it sound like you sang it.
  • πŸ†“ The tool is completely free and easy to use.
  • πŸ”— Follow a link from the description to access the tool's page.
  • πŸ“ Copy the provided file to Google Drive for easy access.
  • πŸ–₯️ Connect the file to a computer and run it.
  • πŸ“ Train your voice model by uploading a clear sample of your voice.
  • 🎢 Convert your voice recording into a song by following the steps provided.
  • ⏳ Be patient as the process may take some time depending on the sample quality.
  • πŸ“š Download the trained voice model files for future use.
  • 🎡 Upload a song and use the tool to clone it with your own voice.
  • πŸ” Use a vocal remover tool to separate vocals from the music for better results.
  • 🎧 Listen to the AI-generated song to ensure it meets your expectations.
  • πŸ”„ If you want to clone another song, reuse the trained voice model without retraining.
  • πŸ—‚οΈ Compress and upload the voice model files to Google Drive for easy access.
  • πŸ”— Share the link of the voice model files with the tool to use them in future projects.
  • 🌐 The tool can also be used to translate videos into different languages in your own voice.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the AI tool mentioned in the transcript?

    -The AI tool mentioned in the transcript is designed to clone a person's voice and convert any song to sound as if it was sung by the user in their own voice.

  • How can one access the AI tool to clone their voice?

    -The user can access the AI tool by clicking the link provided in the description of the video and following the steps outlined in the transcript.

  • What is the first step in using the AI tool to clone a voice?

    -The first step is to train the voice model by providing a clear sample of the user's voice without any background noise.

  • How long does it take to train the voice model?

    -The time it takes to train the voice model depends on the sample uploaded by the user. It may take some time to complete the process.

  • What is the process for converting a song into the user's own voice?

    -After training the voice model, the user uploads the song they want to clone with their voice. The AI tool then separates the vocals from the music, and the vocals are converted using the trained voice model.

  • What is the 'vocal remover' tool used for?

    -The 'vocal remover' tool is used to separate the vocals from the background music of a song to get better results when converting the song into the user's own voice.

  • How can the user download the converted song in their own voice?

    -After the conversion process is complete, the user can download the song by clicking on the provided download link or using audio editing software or a mobile app to combine the vocals with the music.

  • What should the user do if they want to clone another song with their voice in the future?

    -The user should go back to the AI tool, upload the previously trained voice model, select the new song, and follow the conversion process as before.

  • How can the user share their trained voice model with others?

    -The user can share their trained voice model by uploading it to Google Drive, setting the sharing permissions to allow everyone to view, and then copying and sharing the link.

  • What is the advantage of using a clear and lengthy voice sample for training the voice model?

    -A clear and lengthy voice sample allows the AI model to learn more accurately and provide better results when cloning the user's voice.

  • Is there any additional application for the AI tool mentioned in the transcript?

    -Besides cloning a song in the user's voice, the AI tool can also be used to translate videos into different languages using the user's own voice.

  • What should the user do if they encounter any issues while using the AI tool?

    -The user can refer back to the video or the transcript for troubleshooting steps, or they can seek help from the website Learners for further assistance.



🎀 Voice Cloning with AI: Converting Songs to Your Voice

This paragraph introduces a free and user-friendly AI tool that can clone your voice and apply it to any song. Brian from Learners demonstrates how to use the tool by guiding the audience through the process of uploading a voice sample, training the voice model, and converting a song to sound as if it were sung in the user's own voice. The process involves several steps, including uploading a file to Google Drive, connecting it to a computer, and following a sequence of button clicks to complete the training and conversion. The importance of a clear and lengthy voice recording for better AI learning is emphasized, and the audience is encouraged to be patient during the process.


πŸ”„ Reusing Your Voice Model for New Songs

After training the voice model, the paragraph explains how to reuse it for converting new songs into the user's voice. It details the steps for uploading the trained voice model to Google Drive, sharing it with a public link, and using that link to download the model for future use. The process also involves uploading a new song, separating the vocals from the music using a vocal remover tool, and then using the trained voice model to convert the song's vocals. Finally, the vocals can be combined with the song's music using editing software or a mobile app to create a complete song in the user's voice. The paragraph concludes with a reminder that the voice model does not need to be retrained for each new song.



πŸ’‘Voice Cloning

Voice cloning refers to the process of replicating a person's voice using artificial intelligence. In the video, voice cloning is used to create a singing voice that sounds like the user's own, allowing them to 'sing' songs by converting the original vocals into their voice. This technology is showcased as a way to make anyone sound like a professional singer.

πŸ’‘AI Tool

An AI tool, or artificial intelligence tool, is a software application that uses AI to perform tasks. In this context, the AI tool is used to clone a person's voice and apply it to a song. It's described as being free and easy to use, which makes it accessible for a wide audience interested in creating personalized music.

πŸ’‘Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage service provided by Google where users can upload, access, and share files. In the video, it's used to store the AI voice model and song files, allowing for easy access and manipulation during the voice cloning process.

πŸ’‘Voice Model

A voice model in this context is a digital representation of a person's voice created by the AI tool. It is trained using a sample of the user's voice and is crucial for the voice cloning process. The video demonstrates how to train and use this voice model to convert songs into the user's voice.

πŸ’‘Sample Voice

A sample voice is a recording of an individual's voice that is used to train the AI voice model. The quality of the recording is emphasized as being important for the accuracy of the voice cloning. The video instructs users to provide a clear recording without background noise.

πŸ’‘Vocal Remover

A vocal remover is a tool used to separate the vocal track from the instrumental background of a song. This is necessary for the voice cloning process as the AI needs the vocal track alone to apply the user's voice. The video guides users on how to use a vocal remover tool to achieve this.

πŸ’‘Vocals and Background Music

Vocals refer to the singing part of a song, while background music refers to the instrumental part. The distinction is important in the video because the AI tool requires only the vocals for the voice cloning process. The script provides instructions on how to separate these two components for the best results.


In the context of AI, inference is the process of applying a trained model to new data to make predictions or perform tasks. In the video, inference is the step where the trained voice model is used to convert a song into the user's voice.


Compression in computing is the process of reducing the size of a file or a set of files. In the video, the user is instructed to compress their trained voice model files before uploading them to Google Drive, which simplifies the file transfer and storage process.

πŸ’‘Sharing Link

A sharing link is a URL that allows others to access a specific file or set of files without requiring them to log into a service. In the video, the user is shown how to generate a sharing link for their voice model files on Google Drive, which is then used in the AI tool to access the voice model.

πŸ’‘Song Conversion

Song conversion, as described in the video, is the process of taking a song and applying the user's cloned voice to it, resulting in a new version of the song sung in the user's voice. This is the final step after training the voice model and is the main goal of the voice cloning process.


An AI tool can clone your voice into a song, making it sound like you sang it in your own voice.

The process is completely free and easy to use.

The AI tool allows you to convert any song into your own voice.

The process involves three steps: training your voice model, uploading a sample voice, and converting the audio into a song.

The recording for the voice model should be clear and free of background noise for better results.

After training, you can download the voice model for future use.

The AI model learns from a clear and lengthy recording to provide better results.

The tool can separate vocals from the background music for better conversion results.

A vocal remover tool is used to separate vocals for the conversion process.

The final step involves converting the song's vocals into your own voice and downloading the result.

You can combine the converted vocals with the song's music using editing software or a mobile app.

The trained voice model can be reused for converting other songs into your own voice.

The process does not require retraining of the voice model once it's been created.

The voice model files need to be compressed and uploaded to Google Drive for reuse.

Sharing the Google Drive link with public view access is necessary for the tool to access the voice model.

The AI tool can also be used for translating videos into different languages in your own voice.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the AI tool for voice cloning.

The entire process is demonstrated by Brian from the website Learners.