This New AI Tool is the DREAM for Fiction Authors

The Nerdy Novelist
30 Nov 202318:52

TLDRIn this video, Jason introduces a new AI tool called Novel Crafter, designed specifically for fiction authors to aid in their writing process. He discusses its features like planning, writing, and tinkering with the novel, and the unique Codex which serves as a comprehensive guide for characters, locations, and other story elements. Jason highlights the tool's ability to adapt to the author's style and its cost-effectiveness, making it a promising alternative to other AI writing platforms.


  • 🚀 AI advancements have been rapid, with novel AI tools emerging for authors like Novel Crafter.
  • 📝 Novel Crafter is a tool designed specifically for fiction authors, unlike many other AI writing tools.
  • 🤖 The tool features a customizable planning mode for outlining and plotting novels with various formats.
  • 🎯 It includes a writing mode that allows authors to write scenes one beat at a time, improving AI learning of the author's style.
  • 👥 The Codex feature serves as a comprehensive 'world Bible' for authors to detail characters, locations, and other story elements.
  • 📚 Novel Crafter integrates with AI models like Claude and open-source models, providing options for different writing styles.
  • 💡 The tool's pricing is not finalized but will likely be around $14 for the main tier, with a free beta period.
  • 📈 The cost of generating text is based on API usage, with prices depending on the amount of content created.
  • 📊 The AI learns and adapts to the author's style as they edit and refine the generated content, improving output over time.
  • ✍️ The tool offers functionalities to expand, rephrase, and shorten text, with customizable prompts for different AI models.
  • 🔥 The speaker is closing down their AI Storyteller membership, which offers various resources for authors, with uncertain reopening plans.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of Jason's discussion in the video?

    -The main topic of Jason's discussion is the AI tool called Novel Crafter and how it can be beneficial for fiction authors in their writing process.

  • What issues does Jason mention about using models like Claude or Chat GPT directly for fiction writing?

    -Jason mentions that while using models like Claude or Chat GPT directly can be effective, there are specific use cases where having a tool tailored for fiction authors is more convenient.

  • What are some unique features of Novel Crafter that Jason highlights?

    -Jason highlights features such as the Codex, which allows authors to plan their novel, write the novel, and review their manuscript in various ways, and the ability to switch between different AI models for better results.

  • How does Novel Crafter handle character and story information?

    -Novel Crafter uses a feature called the Codex where authors can input detailed information about characters, locations, objects, and other story elements, allowing the AI to contextually understand and incorporate these details into the writing.

  • What is Jason's opinion on the pricing model for Novel Crafter?

    -Jason believes that the pricing model for Novel Crafter is reasonable, considering the server costs and API usage charges. He mentions that the cost is not expensive for the value it provides, especially as the AI learns the author's style over time.

  • How does Novel Crafter differ from other AI writing tools like PSE sudoite?

    -Novel Crafter differs from tools like PSE sudoite by offering a more tailored experience for fiction authors, with features like the Codex and the ability to write one beat at a time, which mimics the traditional writing flow and allows for better control over the output.

  • What are some of the AI models available in Novel Crafter?

    -Novel Crafter offers a variety of AI models, including Claude, Claude 2, and open-source models like toppy, allowing authors to choose the model that best fits their needs for a particular scene or beat.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Tinker' feature in Novel Crafter?

    -The 'Tinker' feature serves as a private chatbot that authors can use for open-ended review and editing of their work, allowing them to interact with the AI in different ways to refine their writing.

  • How does Jason suggest using Novel Crafter for the best results?

    -Jason suggests using Novel Crafter by writing one beat at a time, editing as needed, and allowing the AI to learn the author's style over time. This iterative process is believed to improve the output and require less editing as the author progresses.

  • What other services and resources does Jason offer for fiction authors?

    -Jason offers an AI Storyteller membership that includes access to his courses, early access to new content, a foundation course on AI, a system for creating a book in a day, and other resources aimed at helping authors enhance their writing process with AI tools.

  • Why is Jason closing down his AI Storyteller membership?

    -Jason is closing down the membership to re-evaluate and improve the offering, ensuring it becomes the best it can be for existing members before considering reopening it to new subscribers.



🤖 Introduction to AI Advancements and Novel Crafter

The speaker, Jason, a self-described nerdy novelist, introduces the topic of rapidly advancing AI and its impact on the writing process. He expresses his interest in a specific tool called Novel Crafter, which he believes could be beneficial for fiction authors. Jason discusses his usual approach of teaching his audience to use AI models directly, but acknowledges the limitations and the need for tools tailored to fiction writing. He mentions the recent update to Claude 2.1 and its effects on the AI writing community, and compares it to PSE sudoite, the primary tool for fiction authors. Jason critiques PSE sudoite's Silicon Valley-centric approach and its founders' lack of deep involvement in the fiction writing community. He suggests that Novel Crafter might be a better fit for authors' needs.


📝 Exploring Novel Crafter's Features and Workflow

Jason delves into the specifics of Novel Crafter, highlighting its features for planning, writing, and tinkering with a novel. He discusses the tool's ability to cater to different writing styles, such as plotters and pancers. The speaker demonstrates how to use the tool in planning mode, where one can outline chapters and customize the layout. He then moves to the writing mode, explaining how the tool allows for the insertion of text and the selection of narrative points of view (POV). Jason also talks about the option to switch between different AI models, such as Claude and Toppy, to suit the content being written. He emphasizes the Tinker feature, which functions as an open-ended chatbot for reviewing and refining the manuscript. Additionally, he mentions the Codex, a comprehensive resource for story elements like characters, locations, and lore.


🌐 Utilizing the Codex and Pricing Model

The speaker continues his discussion on Novel Crafter by focusing on the Codex feature, which serves as a 'world Bible' for the story. He explains how the tool recognizes characters from the Codex and incorporates them into the writing contextually. Jason also addresses the pricing model of Novel Crafter, noting that it is in open Beta and currently free, but will likely follow a subscription model once fully launched. He discusses the server costs for the tool and the API costs associated with generating text using various models. Jason explains that the cost is minimal for the value provided, and the AI learns the author's style over time, requiring less editing as the writing progresses. He concludes by comparing the piece-by-piece writing approach of Novel Crafter to the traditional writing flow of authors.


📚 Final Thoughts on Novel Crafter and AI Storyteller Membership

In the final paragraph, Jason reflects on his overall impression of Novel Crafter, considering it a viable alternative to PSE sudoite, especially for its Codex feature. He plans to use the tool more extensively in the future and believes it better caters to the needs of fiction authors. The speaker also promotes his AI Storyteller membership, which includes various resources and bonuses for authors. He alerts his audience that the membership is closing down and may change in the future, encouraging them to take advantage of the current offer before it ends.



💡AI advancement

The rapid progress in artificial intelligence technology, as mentioned at the beginning of the video, which has led to the development of various AI tools that can aid in different tasks, including writing and authoring. This concept is central to the video's theme, as the speaker discusses specific AI tools designed for authors and their potential impact on the writing process.


A new AI tool introduced in the video, designed specifically for fiction authors to assist in the writing process. It offers features like planning, writing, and tinkering with the novel, as well as a unique codex feature for story bible integration. The tool is highlighted as a potentially more author-friendly alternative to existing AI writing tools.


An AI model mentioned in the video that is used for generating text. Claude is part of the OpenAI API and is known for its ability to generate high-quality prose. The speaker discusses using Claude within the context of NovelCrafter to write specific beats of a story, showcasing how AI models can be utilized in the writing process.


An existing AI tool for fiction authors, which the speaker mentions as the primary competition to NovelCrafter. PseudoPod is described as having a Silicon Valley-centric approach and lacking some features that NovelCrafter offers, such as the codex. The speaker critiques PseudoPod's one-click book generation concept and suggests that NovelCrafter might better align with author needs.


A unique feature of NovelCrafter that serves as a comprehensive database or 'world Bible' for a story, allowing authors to input detailed information about characters, locations, objects, and other elements of their fictional world. This feature is highlighted as a significant advantage of NovelCrafter over other AI writing tools.

💡Writing workflow

The process or sequence of steps that an author follows when writing a novel, which can be influenced by the use of AI tools. The speaker discusses the benefits of writing one beat at a time with NovelCrafter, as it allows the AI to learn the author's style and produce better-tailored output over time.

💡AI writing community

A group of individuals who are interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence and writing, often sharing insights, tips, and tools. The speaker is part of such a community and mentions it as a place where they first learned about NovelCrafter, indicating the importance of community feedback and collaboration in the development and adoption of new tools.

💡Open beta

A testing phase for a new software or tool during which it is made available to the public for free use and feedback. The speaker notes that NovelCrafter is currently in open beta, allowing users to try out its features without cost, though they must join a waiting list to access it.

💡API costs

The expenses associated with using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to access specific services or data, such as AI models for text generation. The speaker discusses the pricing model of NovelCrafter, mentioning that costs are tied to server expenses and API usage fees for accessing models like Claude.

💡Character development

The process of creating and refining characters for a story, which includes defining their traits, backgrounds, and progression throughout the narrative. The speaker highlights the Codex feature in NovelCrafter as a tool for detailed character development, allowing authors to add extensive information about each character and their story arc.

💡Editing and refining

The process of reviewing and improving written work, which is an essential part of the writing process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of editing AI-generated text to shape the output according to the author's style and preferences, noting that this iterative process can lead to better AI learning and a more personalized final product.


AI advancements have been rapidly progressing, impacting various fields including writing and authorship.

Jason, a novelist and AI enthusiast, discusses the use of AI tools in the writing process, specifically for fiction authors.

Novel Crafter is a new tool that has piqued interest due to its unique features tailored for fiction writers.

Novel Crafter offers a feature called Codex, which allows authors to plan, write, and review their novels more efficiently.

The tool supports both plotters and pancers, offering flexibility for different writing approaches.

Novel Crafter is designed to work seamlessly with AI models like Claude and Chat GPT, enhancing the writing experience.

The tool's interface allows for customization and easy navigation through chapters and beats of the story.

Novel Crafter's POV setting ensures that the narrative is consistent with the chosen perspective throughout the writing.

The platform's Tinker feature serves as a private chatbot for authors to interact with and refine their manuscript.

Codex acts as a comprehensive world Bible, allowing authors to add detailed information about characters, locations, and more.

Novel Crafter's pricing model is based on server costs and API usage, with the tool currently in open Beta and free to use.

The AI learns the author's style over time, improving output quality and reducing the need for extensive editing.

Novel Crafter offers options to expand, rephrase, and shorten text, providing a high level of control over the output.

The tool provides a more practical and effective approach to writing compared to previous AI writing tools like PSE sudoite.

Novel Crafter's Codex feature stands out for its ability to incorporate a detailed story Bible, surpassing PSE sudoite's capabilities.

Jason's AI Storyteller membership is closing down, offering a range of resources and tools for authors at a discounted rate before it ends.

The membership provides access to courses, AI foundations, and early access to new content, along with other exclusive bonuses.

Jason is re-evaluating the membership to ensure it provides the best value and experience for authors, with plans to reopen it in the future.